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Mall Peeper

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Mall dressing room - every voyeur's dream.
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Andrea was bored. When was Louise going to tell her she could take her break? It's past three, for fuck's sake. She must have forgot, the stupid cow. I mean, it's not like it's busy here today - only one kid in the whole line of dressing rooms. Come on, Weezie, I gotta get out of here for a little while or I'll go nuts! And I gotta pee, too.

She stretched her legs in front of her and bumped her heels up and down on the floor. It was fun working at the mall at first. The friends she used to hang out with here would come by to visit sometimes, and that was fun. And it was cool getting the employee discount. But it was all starting to get old now. Work is work, especially when it's boring like hanging clothes back up or checking how much stuff girls take into the dressing rooms. Maybe she'll quit, try to get into college again. Whatever.

There he is again. That was another part of the job, keeping the pervs away from the dressing rooms. Geez, they're so obvious! What does he think, he's gonna walk up and peek through the doors, just like that? Like we're not going to notice a horny old guy wandering around a girl's boutique? That was one of the reasons she had to sit here outside the dressing rooms, keep dirty old men like him away. 'Course, it's always possible that he was here checking her out, too. That was one part of the job she didn't mind, teasing the pervs who hung out at the mall. She liked it, in fact, liked it a lot. She knew she had a killer bod and always wore stuff that was sure to give them something to drool over when they jerked off at night thinking about her - tight blouses, short skirts, things like that. She loved to get them hot and bothered and frustrated; it made her laugh to think about it.

"Hey, Andrea, why don't you go for a break now." Finally. Old four-eyes must have cleaned her glasses so she can see the clock. "Try to be back in fifteen, okay?"

"Yeah, right, no prob." Andrea grabbed her bag and left the store, making a bee line for the ladies' loo in the customer service corridor. When she came out and was about to turn back up the corridor, her eye was caught by a movement just up the hall. Someone was going through the building maintenance door. The door closed immediately, but not before she saw who had gone inside. What the fuck? What's he doing there? It was the old guy she'd just seen in her store, she was sure of it. Well, this is interesting - gotta check this out.

She walked to the maintenance door and tried the knob - it was open. Looking around briefly, she opened the door and quietly slipped inside. There was a single light bulb on over the door that illuminated an assortment of mops, pails and shelves of cleaning materials to the left, while on the right another door led to the long storage area that ran along the back walls of the block of stores in wing B of the mall. She went to the door and opened it, quietly closing it behind her. It was dark inside, but in the distance she could make out a dim light at the other end of the space, enough to move without bumping into the clutter of boxes that lined the walls. Taking off her shoes so that her high heels wouldn't click on the concrete floor, she began to make her way stealthily towards the light.

When she had covered about half the distance to the end of the storage area, she saw him. At least she assumed it was the same guy, since there wasn't anyone else here. She quickly moved forward and hid herself behind a large box where she was completely in shadow, and carefully peeked out from around it. Then her lip curled in a smile.

He was kneeling on the floor, with his face pressed up against the wall. His eye was illuminated by a circle of light shining from a small hole in the plasterboard that formed the back wall of one of the mall stores. He was staring hard, his mouth partly open, licking his upper lip and biting the lower one, struggling to control his panting breath. The fly of his pants was open, and his right hand slowly stroked his erect penis, caressing and squeezing it, twisting his fist around the rim of the bulbous, inflamed knob of the glans. The shaft was dark and heavily veined; it had obviously gotten a lot of use.

"Why, you old pervert!" Andrea thought to herself as she watched him masturbate, totally unaware he was being watched. From his location, almost exactly halfway down wing B, she knew that he had to be looking into one of the dressing rooms in her shop. Probably the same redhead who was there when she left, the one with a big-ass pile of stuff to try on. Old perv's gettin' himself off jerking to eighteen-year-old pussy! God, this is just too funny!

As he drew closer to orgasm, the man's face took on an almost worried expression: his brow knitted into a frown and his mouth rounded to an "Oh!" of helplessness. Andrea heard him whispering "Oh God, oh God," as he shifted his position to grasp his balls with his left hand while his right began to stroke rapidly up and down the shaft of his rigid penis, coaxing it towards orgasm, all the while keeping his eye pressed to the hole in the wall. Then he climaxed and his semen shot up in several long spurts, hitting the wall and falling on the floor and back on his hands as he continued to pump and twist his slick cock through the last spasms of pleasure. Finally he sat panting with his back against the wall, his eyes closed as he recovered his breath and his excitement abated. He drew tissues from his shirt pocket and used them to wipe off his hands and his penis, evidently having brought them along for that purpose. Then he got to his feet and zipped up his pants, and was humming and smiling to himself as he passed Andrea where she crouched unnoticed in the shadows. When he passed through the door she got up and put her shoes back on, and slowly followed him out.

"Well, well, what do we do about this?" she thought as she emerged from the maintenance closet into the corridor. "Go tell security? Oh, I don't think so!" Where others might have seen a criminal act and a pervert who needed to be locked up, Andrea saw opportunity.

* * * * *

The next day Andrea kept her eyes opened for yesterday's peeper. She had thought about confronting him right away, but then had decided to wait - it would be fun to play with him a little first. And she knew he'd be back; guys like that could never get enough.

Just before lunch he wandered into the store and pretended to be looking at some beaded necklaces hanging on a peg, but Andrea could tell he was keeping his eye on a cute little brunette in tight jeans who was pulling blouses off a rack to try on. As soon as the girl headed for the dressing rooms, Andrea knew where pervy Pete would be off to. She breezed past Louise - "Gotta pee, Weezie" - and sprinted down the corridor. She positioned herself across the hall from the maintenance entrance and leaned against the wall as if she was waiting for someone.

Not two minutes later the man came hurrying down the hall towards the rest rooms, looking at his feet. He looked like he was heading for the men's room at the end of the corridor, but stopped up short when he saw Andrea, filing her nails as she leaned against the wall. He looked confused, and half turned awkwardly, as if he wasn't sure where he was. Andrea smiled at him sweetly, and continued filing. He stood still for a few seconds, flexing his hands nervously, trying to decide what to do. Andrea laughed to herself. Think of what you're missing, she thought - you just know she's taking off her shirt now, don't you? Think maybe she's not wearing a bra? Maybe she'll take it off anyway to see how she looks in a nice tight t-shirt. Wanna see that? She stole glances at the man's face, and almost burst out laughing at his expression - he looked desperate, cheated, wishing with all his might that she'd leave. But she didn't, and after a minute he turned and hurried back up the corridor, clenching his fists at his sides.

Andrea decided to follow him to see what he'd do next - she was thinking of him as "her peeper." After pausing to stare at posters in the "Victoria's Secret" window, he sat on a bench near where a group of teenage girls were congregated, each with a cell phone pressed to her ear, giggling and preening, oblivious of the man on the bench staring at them, his hand moving imperceptibly in his lap. Andrea chuckled to herself. Missing your young girl fix, are you? Cock feeling deprived?

After about ten minutes the man sighed and got up from the bench. He looked at his watch and wandered away in the direction of the food court. Lunch time, thought Andrea - well, I guess that's one hunger he can do something about!

Andrea went back to the store and stuck her head in to tell Louise she was going to lunch, then continued on down the mall.

"But Andrea, I was just about to..." Louise started to say to the back of her retreating employee. Getting no response, she sighed and returned to work.

Andrea hurried to the food court and was pleased to see her peeper being served at the Burger King counter. He took his meal and sat down, and Andrea smirked when she saw that he had chosen a table that provided him with a view of two girls in short skirts who were sitting two tables away. She fluffed her hair and took a deep breath, then strode briskly to his table and sat down facing him.

"Hi!" she said. "Mind if I sit here?" He stared at her, holding his burger in mid bite, eyes wide in astonishment. "You look like you could use a little cheering up," she said. "Let's chat a bit, okay?" He swallowed and stared at her, speechless. She was amused to see that in spite of his shock his eyes darted between her face and the ample cleavage visible at the scoop neckline of her tight jersey. She leaned towards him, and her lip curled in a slight sneer when his eyes locked onto her breasts. She smiled. "Poor guy," she whispered. "Didn't get to peek and jerk off today, huh?"

His eyes shot open and he lurched from his chair, ready to run. "Security's right over there," Andrea said sharply, indicating two muscular young men in uniform lounging at their station just outside the dining area. "Should I call them?" He froze and sat down slowly, his eyes avoiding her gaze. He had turned pale and his hands were trembling.

"Relax," she said, "I really don't want to have to call them. Like I said, I just want to chat."

He looked up at her briefly then dropped his eyes. "Chat about what?" he said with a trace of defiance.

"Oh, I think you know what," she replied. "About your little secret - except now it's our little secret, isn't it?"

"I ... I don't know what you're talking about," he said, and looked to the side.

"Now listen ... what is your name, anyway?" she said to him. "We haven't been properly introduced!"

"None of your business," he growled.

"That's not very sociable," she pouted. "I'm Andrea. And you - well, I think I'll just call you 'Jack' - short for 'jack off', get it?" He turned red and glared at her. "Now come on," she said. "It's better than 'Jerk', isn't it?" He looked away uncomfortably, muttering to himself.

"Well, now that introductions are out of the way we can get down to our chat!" Andrea said brightly. "But first, why don't you be a gentleman and buy a lady a coke." She held out her hand. He stared at it blankly. "Come on, Jack, I'll get it, just give me the money." He frowned and stared at her, unbelieving. "Listen, Jack," she whispered. "We're already on plan B; you want me to go back to A?" She shot a glance towards the security guards. Reluctantly he reached into his pocket and brought out a rumpled wad of bills. He extracted a dollar and handed it to her. "Thanks!" she said, taking it. "But actually, I think I'll need this, too," she added, quickly snatching a second dollar from his hand. "Inflation, you know?" she said, winking at him. She got up and started towards the Burger King. As she passed him she bent down close to his ear. "Don't think of leaving," she whispered. She looked at the guards. "Those guys are fast - they'd catch you, Jack."

When she returned she sat back down and took a sip from her coke. She sighed. "I needed that, Jack. Thanks."

"I get change from that?" he said sullenly.

"I left a tip," she lied, and took another sip. She was silent for a few moments, looking into his eyes.

"Okay, Jack, let's be clear about how things stand," she said finally. "I know you recognize me, and I know what you've been doing. In fact, I saw you doing it yesterday." He reddened, but didn't say anything. "Broom closet, halfway down the storage area to my boutique. Pretty redhead with big tits, lots of clothes to try on - lot's of stripping down for a pervert to drool over! Sound familiar?" He began to look worried. "Actually," she continued, "you have a nice cock for an old guy. Real nasty and hairy, but nice and big and stiff. You were doing a good job on it, too, all that rubbing and jerking. Bet it felt real good, huh? Twisting and squeezing it while that girl teased it something awful - did you get to see her pussy?"

Her voice had become low and insinuating, and "Jack" was being drawn in as he listened in spite of his embarrassment and fear, his eyes glistening, the tip of his tongue touching his teeth. "I bet that cock was so warm in your hand," she continued, "ohhh, I'd know just how to drive a hard-on like that crazy! I know what guys like."

She smiled, and threw a glance towards girls sitting near by. They were looking at their phones and giggling, and one of them had drawn her leg up onto the chair, so that her panties could be seen under her raised skirt. "But that's what you'd rather have, isn't it? Just imagine her soft hands on your hard prick..." She laughed softly as Jack looked over at the girls; a sheen of sweat was glistening on his brow. "Oh yes, that's what you like," Andrea whispered. "That's what you need, isn't it?" She sat back and sipped her coke, looking at him. He was staring at the girls, up the raised skirt. Andrea prodded his shin under the table. "Isn't it?" she repeated.

He started and looked at her. His face expressed a mixture of panic and pleading. "I ... I don't know," he said weakly.

Andrea grinned at him. "Oh, yes you do," she said, "and so do I." She leaned closer to him and licked her lips. "You need it, sugar, you need it soooo bad! Just think about how it felt to jerk off to that girl - so exciting and frustrating at the same time - you just can't get enough of that feeling, can you?" She grinned at him. "You love it, I can tell."

Jack sat motionless in his chair, his hands tightly grasping the edge of the table in front of him. He had the look of a cornered animal, and his eyes were worried. But he was listening, and he bit his lower lip as Andrea mocked and teased him.

"Actually, Jack," she said, "I really don't want to report you. I don't mind that you get your rocks off like that. In fact, I like thinking about you back there playing with yourself, jacking off over the girls I send into the dressing rooms. You pervs are so kinky, I love thinking about how you guys get yourselves so hot and bothered jerking over what you can't have!" His face took on a look of desperation, of need. "How does it feel to know that a nasty girl like me enjoys seeing how excited and frustrated you are?" She laughed softly at his agony; she was enjoying this immensely. Sipping the last of her drink, she pulled out the straw and flicked her tongue suggestively at its tip, and winked at him.

"Honest, Jack, I don't want to take away your fun. I want you to keep on doing it, really I do." She leaned towards him and looked deeply into his eyes. "I love getting men like you excited, Jack," she whispered, and moistened her lips. "That's my little kick - I enjoy making your addiction worse." He looked at her tensely, anticipation in his eyes.

She sat up and her tone changed, becoming crisper. "But of course I'm sure you realize that seeing what goes on in those dressing rooms is a privilege, Jack - and privileges have to be earned. So far you've been enjoying that privilege for free, abusing it, actually. I really don't think that's fair, do you? So, from now on you'll have to pay some dues to be a member of the Perverts Club."

He looked at her, frowning. "Wh ... what do you mean?" he asked.

"What I mean, Jack, is that from now on if you want to keep teasing your cock peeking at the sexy girls in my store you're going to have to pay me something for it. After all, I'm sort of providing you a service, aren't I? I should get something for my trouble, don't you think?"

He looked at her angrily. "Forget it," he said. "I'm not giving you anything."

"Suit yourself," she said airily. "But forget about hanging around here anymore. The next time I see you in here it's back to plan A." She motioned towards the security guards. "So, I guess it's good bye, then." She stood up to leave.

"Wait!" he said. "Just ... just wait a minute."

Andrea sat back down. "Well?" she said. "I don't have any more time for this. I have to get back to work."

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Well," she said, "I don't think twenty-five dollars would be too much to pay the next time you need to watch unsuspecting girls get undressed, do you?" When he didn't answer she said, "How about it, Jack? Then you can sit back there playing with yourself all day, while I make sure you have plenty of cock-teasing girls to keep you hard."

He put his hands flat on the table and stared at them. "All right," he said softly.

"What did you say?" Andrea asked. "Couldn't hear you, Jack."

"I said all right," he repeated. "I'll give it to you."

"That's good, Jack, that's very good," she said. "You won't be sorry." He began to fumble in a pocket for his money.

"Hold on there, Jack," Andrea said. "I didn't mean today. No, you're not going to do that again today, sugar. Let's see, what's today - Tuesday? Okay, you come back on Saturday, and come see me at the shop. Say, three o'clock?"

"Saturday?" he asked, crestfallen. "But that's..."

"It's only four days," interrupted Andrea. "You can wait that long, can't you? It'll be fun waiting - you and your cock can practice at home, thinking about the girl you watched today." She laughed softly, taunting him. "And remember, if you come here before then, you're screwed. Of course, you're free never to come back, ever - it's up to you."

As she got up to leave she went around the table to whisper in his ear. "But if you do come on Saturday, Jack, I'll have something for you that I promise will drive your cock insane!" She stood and walked a few steps, then turned and pursed her lips in a seductive kiss. "Have a nice day," she said, and sauntered away.

* * * * *

Louise looked relieved when Andrea got back to the boutique. "Thank God you're back, Andrea!" she said. "I really have to take a break - you know?" She took her macramé shoulder bag and hurried out of the shop towards the ladies room. Andrea watched her as she went, wide hips swaying under her long paisley skirt. God, what a fat-ass, she thought to herself. And those clothes she wears, all tie-dye and beads, like she's some hold-over hippie from the sixties. Big-hip hippie - hippy hippie - ha! - that's funny, I'll have to remember that one.

Then her thoughts turned back to "her peeper." I've really got him hooked, oh yes! He'll be back on Saturday for sure, with an aching hard-on, just begging for more. Now I just have to arrange a little surprise for him, something he'll pay anything for, for as long as I want. She grinned to herself - and I think this part will be easy!

* * * * *

Driving home later that day, Andrea called her mother on her cell phone. Andrea had moved into her own apartment some time ago, but she kept in touch with her family.

"Hi, Mom," she said when her mother answered the phone. "Mandy around?"

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