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Mallorca Ch. 01


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Kaia's back was to Michelle as she stretched her arms above her head. She'd been a college volleyball player, an outside hitter, and was probably in BETTER shape at the age of 33 than she'd been back then. Lithe, sinewy muscles were everywhere on her 6-foot frame, and colorful tattoos dotted her mocha skin from her neck and shoulders to her impossibly muscular ass.

One cheek read "lucky you" in beautiful scripting and the other, "wise child" in clear block lettering, a tribute to the Hawaiian origins of her name. Except for maybe her own, it was her favourite ass in the entire world.

Kaia turned and smiled at Michelle with those brilliant white teeth and struck a sexy pose with her hands on her hips. Her eyes were dark and sharp. Her cheekbones high and prominent like her Hawaiian mother, her thick and sexy lips distinctly African American.

"Tease," giggled Michelle.

"You know it don't have to be like that," Kaia shot back. Michelle couldn't take her eyes off her and Kaia loved it. Her body was something out of a lab and she revelled in the attention it earned her.

You'd think that after that ass, she wouldn't be blessed with perfect 36C tits, chocolate kiss nipples and the most delicious looking pussy; hairless, tattooed and pierced, with JUST enough lips to nibble on. Ridiculous.

She slipped on her bikini and stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her hair. Michelle was jealous of THAT too. Well, more jealous of the courage she had to be so out there with it. The sides and back of her head were all shaved, and she kept it VERY long on top.

Flowing, jet black and lustrous, it looked beautiful no matter how she styled it. Swept all to one side and curled, in a giant bun on top, or its current style, bunched up and tied into a sexy mohawk, gathered loosely instead of punky and spiked.

The suit was a white triangle top and white, blue-striped and side-tied on the bottom. If left both nothing and everything to the imagination and Michelle felt terrible for all the women who wouldn't get to see underneath it for the next two weeks.

"Babe, I'm missing something. I need to get in your bag." Izzy jogged back into the room in her birthday suit, boobs bouncing alluringly. She snuck a look at Michelle and stuck out her tongue, similarly enjoying her friend's leering.

Izzy had massive DD breasts, starting to sag a little at the age of 39, but still gorgeous. Both her nipples were pierced, and flowery pink, green and white tattoos flowed across them, down her torso and around to her back, shoulders and hips.

The tats were about the only physical similarities between the two. Izzy had a boyish but adorable, Ruby Rose-esque face with thin lips, thin nose and bright, brilliant blue eyes. She had a tiny, bejeweled nose ring and an upswept, tousled pink-silver pixie-cut that she changed every couple of months.

Her prominent chest belied a tiny torso and legs. She was 10 inches shorter than her wife and didn't have nearly the ass, but it was cute and firm and looked great in the black g-string suit she'd just slipped on.

"Oh girl, you look amazing," Kaia gushed. She grabbed Izzy, pulled her close and planted one on her. They melted into each other. Izzy's hands found their way inside Kaia's suit and she dug her nails in. Kaia moaned as her tongue danced inside her girl's mouth.

Michelle's pulse raced and she briefly snuck a hand inside her sundress, easing her fingers between the fabric of her g-string and her shaved pussy. They came out soaked. She withdrew them before Kaia and Izzy remembered she was there. "Welllll, that's my cue," she croaked, downing her wine before hopping up. "I'll message you guys in a bit when I'm ready."

"Take...your...time," Izzy managed between kisses. Neither girl opened their eyes or stopped pawing each other.

Michelle raced down the circular bamboo steps to a landing connecting the system of huts on the outskirts of the compound. She hurried past the two that would be occupied by the friends joining them the following morning and finally arrived at her own. On the deck of the next one down the beach, there were 4 women enjoying the sunshine and a drink. They waved welcomingly.

"Hey neighbour," a young Caucasian girl called to her, "come have a drink?" Michelle was eager to get inside but didn't want to start things off on the wrong foot. She glanced up the stairs and sighed. Turning heel, she made her way back down the wooden path.

At the top of the landing of each of the huts was a sort of wide entryway that doubled as a beautiful deck complete with enough seating for a dozen, a full bar, amongst other accoutrements.

The girl that had shouted the invite hopped to her feet and flashed a wide smile. She was very petite, and, Michelle imagined, VERY young. She had small breasts, no bum at all but was strikingly pretty and very warm. Michelle's first impression was, unfairly, "uh oh, a young immature sorority-type" which the younger girl quickly put to rest.

She embraced Michelle and lightly rubbed her back. "I'm Freja and that is my girlfriend Linnea," she started in a soft, adorable Swedish accent.

Linnea stood, came around the table and embraced Michelle as well. She was much the taller of the pair and wasn't quite as fair, but otherwise, very similar. Petite and pretty, though less so than her partner, which was hardly a crime.

"Hey ladies, I'm Michelle."

"So nice to meet you," Linnea said with a laugh. "Our neighbours on the other side also accepted our invite. It's good to know you all can be so easily plied with alcohol." She gestured to the pair sitting at the table and they both smiled. Michelle laughed heartily.

The closest one reached up her hand. As Michelle shook it, she pointed to her partner. "This is my wife Teri and I'm Kerri, please get out your jokes as soon as possible."

"Well I don't get hilarious until drink number three, so you'll have to be patient." Teri stood up, laughed, and continued the round of hugs. Michelle guessed her to be around 30, quite short and carrying some weight, but curvy and sexy to be sure, almost literally an hourglass. She had a golden tan, jet black hair, a round attractive face, and a confident air.

"Hey, I'll get you one, what's your poison?" She strutted over to the bar, her big beautiful bum bouncing tantalizingly. She watched Kerri's eyes following her, no doubt wanting to tug the ties on the sides of her bikini. Kerri was slimmer, with carrot red, perfectly straight hair, freckles everywhere, very cute and seemingly confident and relaxed in her own skin, much like her partner.

"Never mind her, she just wants to get every girl she likes drunk." North American accents on the both of them.

Teri smiled and nodded, not offended in the least. Michelle liked these girls immediately. "Listen, how about a rain check until later today? I literally just got here and have unpacked nothing and feel gross from travel. Is everyone around for the week, or...?"

"Oh, more than that," said Freja, "you're stuck with all of us for two weeks if you're here that long." Michelle could listen to the Swedes talk all day and night.

"We are. I'm solo next door...long story, we'll tell you later. And the next three past me are all couple friends of mine. If you like me, you'll LOVE them."

Teri giggled and Michelle turned to her. "What if we LOVE you?"

Kerri shook her head. "Down tiger." She turned to Michelle. "Don't mind her, I can't take her anywhere. Yes, go do your thing. Here, give me your number so we can text you." Michelle obliged, thanked her new friends, and rushed off again, anxious for a few minutes of privacy.

Each hut was similar, to be sure, but also decorated individually. The parquet, glass, clean angles and extras made Michelle smile, but between Birgit's flirting, K and I's little show, the Swedes gorgeous faces and Teri and Kerri's confidence and sexiness, there was only one thing in her new temporary home she was interested in.

Michelle had constructed some very specific fantastical daydreams about what opportunities this trip might grant her sexually. It was intimidating for someone who'd dreamed of the sexual conquests of women for her whole life without actually getting in on much of the action. But, packing for this trip, she operated as if every woman she was about to meet would grant her every fantasy she wanted.

She'd spread out the treats in three bags. Lube and toy cleaner were with her toiletries. The restraints were at the bottom of her largest bag and numerous toys were tucked and hidden away in various spots. That didn't stop her from having to explain anything to workers at the airport, but a little blushing was a small price to pay to have what she wanted just in case.

Each of her toys had a name and she needed Derek badly. Derek had been a boy she'd seen when she and Robert had briefly split in the summer after her freshman year. Robert never knew he existed, mostly because she loved Robert and was scared to death to call out Derek's name in bed.

His cock was glorious, long and thick with a huge bulbous head that hit every damn spot. What made it extraordinary though, was that it curved up at the end, so when he fucked her in missionary, she came. Hard. Every. Damn. Time. The LELO company called the toy The Wave, but it would always be Derek to her because she was convinced they'd used him as a model.

She found him in her large suitcase, tossed him onto the bed, and tore off her dress. She caught her reflection in one of the many mirrored surfaces of the suite and the huge patch of wetness soaking her underwear made her giggle. She moved to the full-length mirror in the bedroom for a better look. She licked her full lips and watched herself pinch and twist her rock-hard nipples.

Michelle was proud of her 38-year old body, especially given the recent work she'd put in. She'd dropped 15 pounds since she and Robert had split. Her very dark, ebony skin betrayed her Nigerian/South African heritage. Her huge, 38C breasts still sat high up on her chest and those big sensitive nipples loved to be treated roughly.

Her stomach was flat again for the first time since university and it made her wet just thinking about her next lover running (her?) hands over it soon. Her ass was her best feature, full and round and difficult to purchase clothes for. But it was worth it. Every lover she'd ever had couldn't wait to fuck her doggystyle. Her mind went to another toy in her collection. She hoped women would feel the same way about it.

As a child she'd detested her mouth. Kids called her the Cheshire cat or Bass and she'd do anything to avoid smiling. Not anymore. She had a beautiful set of big white teeth and people couldn't get enough of her flashing them. Robert for years had raved about her green bedroom eyes and her hair was jet black and piled on her head in what looked like hundreds of tight ringlets. She loved getting them pulled.

Short and compact, she had a body people wanted to get their hands on. Michelle already suspected she'd met at least one woman who wanted to get their hands on her and even more that she'd beg to do so. Texting tones emanated from her phone and she cursed loudly. "Fuck, Kaia and Izzy are wondering where I am." But no, it was a new number.

"Hey Michelle, this is Teri from next door, just so you've got someone's number over here." Michelle moved to the bed and laid down. Setting aside Teri for the moment, she texted Izzy.

"Hey girls, the next-door neighbours over here occupied my time for a few minutes, I'll be ready soon."

Almost immediately came a reply. "Take your time, we'll be a few." Izzy attached about a million evil smiley emojis, something Michelle typically ignored. This time though...

She set her phone down, reached for Derek and set him to setting 4. It was her favorite, a series of fast, buzzing pulses. She slid it between her legs, positioned the vibrating head directly against her clit and squeezed her thighs together, holding it in place. She whimpered as she reached for her phone again.

"Oh yeah, do tell," she replied to her oldest friend. Meanwhile, she navigated back to Teri.

"Well it's a damn sexy group, thanks for the message." She attached a winky face, set the phone down again and pinched both nipples. Pleasure and juuuust enough pain. Perfection.

The phone buzzed again in no time. Neither Teri nor Izzy but Freja. "Sexy you say? Well the feeling is mutual over here Michelle, we hope to see you and your friends very soon."

"Believe me, they'll be signing my praises for getting them the introduction." More winks.

Teri this time. "I'm your favourite though right? LOL."

Michelle smiled and squeezed her thighs even tighter. She wanted someone between her legs so fucking badly. This was probably a dangerous moment to be texting but she didn't care. "I don't want to offend anyone with rankings, but that tush of yours is no joke." Smiley face, evil smiley face.

"Don't tease us with that." Izzy had texted back.

"Not teasing at all, horny as hell and playing with Derek."

"Pictures or you're lying."

Izzy had tried THAT before too and Michelle always hit her with an LOL. Not this time. She videoed herself from the neck down for about 10 seconds, zoomed in on her pussy to make sure they heard the toy and then brought it up to her face, holding it back far enough so her tits were visible. She was pinching a nipple with her free hand. "Pictures or YOU'RE lying," she said into the camera, winked and smiled.

Breathing deeply, she attached the video to Izzy and hit send.

Two new messages, first Freja. "You're getting Teri all worked up over here, no love for the rest of us?" Winky face.

"My dear, I have plenty of love to spread around." Michelle was having a blast. What a rush. Her pussy ached. She switched the setting to send out constant vibration. She moaned loudly into the empty room.

Teri. "If you wanna see more of it, your place or ours?" Michelle got very tight chesty and even wetter. Did she dare just tell her to come over? She managed some restraint, though barely.

"This a one-on-one thing, or...?" Yikes!

New number texting. "This is Kerri." A bunch of smilies. "This group is like a bunch of middle-schoolers over here, thanks for dropping a Michelle-bomb then taking off."

Michelle's head was swimming now. She clearly had at least 3 women mere feet away that would be more than happy to replace Derek in between her thighs...or so she thought. She had better test that theory. "The group huh? But not YOU?" Winks. "And your girl didn't answer my question."

Izzy. "Gsus Shelley, what's got into you? It's about fucking time!" A few seconds passed then a video came through. It was clearly Kaia sitting on Izzy's face filming down. She could hear Kaia's voice.

"Seats are still available baby." Kaia giggled. It cut off after only a few seconds.

Izzy was right on time with a follow-up. "You get more when we do."

Michelle could feel it coming now. She'd be sending no more texts for the moment. Spreading her legs wide, she grabbed her toy and thrust it deep inside her. "Oh my fuck!" she exclaimed. She adjusted the vibration down, but only slightly. The phone tone went off 3 more times. She kept fucking herself with one hand, but just had to check with the other.

First was Freja. "Well it's unanimous at this table. We're all counting on there being plenty of you to go around." Evil smileys. Michelle edged a little closer and clenched her pussy muscles tightly. She knew from experience how much that would pay off in a minute.

From Kerri's phone, a picture. Clearly of Teri from behind, bent over on a bed nude, her ass sticking straight up in the air. "Holy fuck," Michelle muttered. Even closer.

Finally, from Teri's phone. "This look like anyone wants just one-on-one? " It was Kerri topless, Freja and Linnea were each sucking on one adorably freckled breast. That did it.

Frantically, Michelle called up the video from Izzy, hit play and cranked up the volume. Just before it cuts out Iz obviously sucks HARD on Kaia's clit and you can hear her grunt. "Fuuuuuuck." Michelle played it again...then again. On the fourth viewing, right at that moment, Michelle squeezed those pussy muscles hard one last time as Derek flew in and out of her pussy.

Michelle felt as though she may pass out as the shivers and quakes overtook her. She yanked the toy from her pussy and pushed. Hard. Fluid rushed out of her pussy like a fire hose and reached the mirrored doors across the room from her bed.

Overwhelmed with desire and shock, she kept pushing and pushing as she kept squirting and squirting. This wasn't a first, but the power and volume certainly were. When she could push no more, she drew in a sharp breath and pushed again.

Another powerful stream shot out from between her legs. Finally, a third and final one before she collapsed in a heap, twitching and convulsing and moaning. She weakly rolled over and made it to her feet. Michelle staggered to the bathroom and collected a handful of towels.

She wiped off her legs and hands and stepped back out to survey the damage. The end of the bed appeared as though a flash flood had come through. She spread out 4 large plush towels. She wasn't sure it was enough.

Lightheaded, she managed to collect her phone. Five total messages now. Teri and Izzy's phones both with some form of "where did you go?" She sat on the end of the bed and sent the same response twice.

"You guys worked your magic on me, and I had to take care of business. Thanks for the help. Talk to you in a minute?" She smiled, chest heaving, smiling at the moisture dripping down her clear closet doors.

She rose and started toward the shower. Birgit's face flashed before her eyes and she felt a tingle between her legs. She smiled even wider. "Maybe I'll need to give the shower head a name."

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PixiehoffPixiehoffover 4 years ago
Great start!

That was quite the scene-setter, and there are plenty of directions in which you could take this. I look forward to following them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Looking forward to more

Amazing start to your story. The end was amazing. Can’t wait to see what or should I say who cums next

Slurpy29Slurpy29over 4 years ago

Really erotic hot start. I’m looking forward reading more.

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