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Marcelle and Charles Ch. 01

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Ch 1- The Confession.
8.2k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/03/2022
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Chapter 1- The Confession

As far as I can remember—dad—was never in the picture. It was always just me, and mom. She birthed me, she nursed me, she bathed me, she fed me, clothed me, provided a home, and took care of me when I was sick. She has always—ALWAYS—been there for me!

My name is Charles. My mother is Marcelle. This is our story.

Where to begin?

I think I will start this story at today.

School had just started up again after the summer break. It is still the middle of summer. Hot as hell most days, but today she had given us a break. It was not quite as hot as usual and there was a nice breeze, not the usual gale force winds that seemed to be an overbearing feature of the area in which we live. Today, I finally mustered up the courage to confess my love for the girl I have secretly pined for all through elementary, middle, and high school.

Madison Fairchild. She was the most beautiful girl in school. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her...


She was standing in the aisle with roughly twenty or thirty other kids, because, as usual, the bus was way overcrowded. Every seat was full leaving the rest to stand in the aisle as Mister Godwin, the bus driver, drove 50 miles an hour down the 25-mile-an-hour downtown residential neighborhoods separating the middle school from the high school.

This was our lot in life every day. Riding with a madman. The bus came to a crossroads. The street we were on was fairly flat, but the crossing street ramped up towards its center to create a slope so that it would shed water when it rained. Mister Godwin didn't even slow down. He hit it at 50 miles an hour. Every kid on the bus went flying!

We all knew well that fabled sense of weightlessness as we flew two feet into the air only to land with a thud back in our seats if we had one. Several of the kids standing in the aisle hit the roof with their heads before they were thrown down to the floor. Madison somehow landed right in my lap!

I was stunned.

She was stunned.

Her cheeks blushed three shades of red.

She was so beautiful, and she was so shy. Red-faced with embarrassment, we pretended she wasn't sitting on my lap for the rest of the trip to the high school. And that was when I fell in love...


"I love you Madison," I said awkwardly as I stood there in front of her during P.E. class. We were beneath an ancient oak tree that looked like it had been here since before my father, the father I never knew, attended this school. Hell, it was probably here well before my grandfather, another man I didn't know, went to the old school house that had once sat not far from where Madison and I stood, "I'm sorry I haven't told you before. You're just so beautiful, and I was intimidated. I didn't think I had a chance with someone as special as you. But, I'm here now and I was hoping that you might—consider—going out with me?"

Madison looked shocked at first, her big blue eyes opening wide, but as I continued her milk-white cheeks colored. Perfect golden hair fell in her eyes, and as usual, she used two fingers to catch it and guide it back behind her ear.

The silence drew out for several awkward seconds as she looked at me, then looked away and down, then back at me. My hopes were already falling as the silence drew out when she finally said, "I'm flattered, Charles. I really—really am. But, you see, I'm not allowed to date. Not while I'm in school. And even then, Richard Connor has already asked if I would go out with him once I graduate. So, I'm sorry Charles, but I have to turn you down."

I stood there beneath that old oak as Madison gave me a consolatory look and then left. My heart was breaking. I felt so embarrassed. I had asked Madison to come aside, away from her friends, in front of almost all of the girls in class. Now, everyone would know before the end of school that I had asked Madison out and been rejected.

I turned towards the class and saw them all doing their own things. Sitting and talking, others were playing football, others were on the basketball courts, while still others were off in a far field playing kickball. I didn't want to be seen, so I turned around, put the tree between me and the class, and sat down.

I didn't really want to finish the school day. I didn't want to see all of my classmates, or hear the whispering I imagined they would do when they heard. So, I got up and faded into the woods surrounding the school. I circled around to the parking lot and then got into the old '49 Plymouth Coupe Deluxe I received as an inheritance from grandpa, mom's father, when I got my license. I started the old in-line 6-cylinder engine, put the car in gear, and left.

I still had three classes left. I would probably hear about it later, but, right now, I don't care!


"Son?!" Marcelle said her voice uncharacteristically high from shock as I suddenly barged in the front door.

I didn't answer. I stomped through the small foyer and immediately turned down the hallway to go to my room. I closed the door firmly, careful not to take out my anger on the door which had done nothing to me.

Our house was a small, simple ranch-style three-bedroom. Mom inherited it from her mom and dad after they passed. My room wasn't very large. Only a 12 by 12-foot room. I threw my pack in its usual corner beside my desk set on the wall that my door swung open towards. Opposite my door was my closet then the room opened up and opposite my desk was my iron frame single bed with a nightstand set beneath the window.

I pressed the buttons to turn on my computer and monitor, and then took a step back and flounced onto my bed. The computer whirred to life but I ignored it and stared up at the ceiling as I thought of Madison.


Marcelle was busy in the kitchen washing her dildo, vibrator, and her vibrating eggs. Her belly still felt warm and tingly from the orgasm she had worked hard to give herself. It was her day off, and on those rare days when Charles was gone and she had the house all to herself, she was able to relax and pamper herself. She bathed her harem of mechanical men.

She gave them all names one evening as a joke, but then, it had stuck, and now that was how she thought of them. The dildo was HAL, the vibrator was Ed, and her vibrating egg she named Marvin. It was a personal joke for her, naming them all after early robots from films she had loved in the eighties.

HAL from Stanley Kubrick's 2001 because that devious dildo knew just how to manipulate her. Ed the vibrator, named after Ed-209 from Robocop, because he just destroys her pussy when she needs it. And Marvin. Poor poor Marvin. He was named after Marvin the Paranoid Android from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy because sometimes she would slip it inside when she felt particularly naughty and go to work. The result was an amazing work day but she was also paranoid the entire time that her co-workers could hear it doing its thing, making her feel good, giving her one climax after another all day long, inside her.

She was smiling at the thought when the front door suddenly opened, scaring the shit out of her so badly that she nearly jumped out of her skin. She dropped Marvin back into the sink and searched frantically for a dish towel to throw over her boys as she called out, "Son?!"

No answer came back, but she did hear him stomp inside, shut the door, and then stomp down the hall to his room and close his door just shy of slamming it. She hissed as she exhaled, and stood there in front of the sink shaking as her heart tried to beat its way out of her chest as adrenaline pumped through her body.

With shaky hands, she picked Marvin up and finished cleaning him. She dried him off and then gathered up her boys and took them back to her room. It was hard enough raising a boy all alone and keeping him respectful, she didn't need him finding her stash of sex toys and thinking her a pervert.

Kids never understood that sort of stuff. That adults needed, well, she needed her pampering. Her alone time. Especially with how oversexed she was. She had to have some sort of release or she was going to explode!

She made her way to her room and secured her boys in their drawer beneath her panties, and then she thought about her son. Looking over at her bedside alarm clock she saw that it was still several hours before school let out. That shocked her. Charles had never skipped classes before. He was the best kid she could have asked for. So, why did he skip school and come home?


I was still laying on my bed when a soft knock came on my door.

"Charles? Son? I'm coming in," Marcelle said softly as she pushed the door open.

She stood there for a moment, assessing me and my room. Other than Madison, mom was perhaps the most beautiful woman I have ever known. It was funny how similar they were while at the same time being so different. Madison's hair was a brilliant golden blonde while moms was a shimmering silver. Mom never discussed it, but her hair had been brown. Sometime before my birth, something happened and her hair went completely silver prematurely. She still looks amazing though.

Madison's eyes are blue while mom's are a dark earthy brown. Madison's skin is milk-white while mom's is olive. Madison has very elfin features in the way her face is shaped. A sharp ski-slope nose that turns up. A sharp square jaw. Pronounced cheekbones a little broader than her jaw. Nicely arched eyebrows. Ears that almost came to little points, like elf ears. And a plump, very kissable, mouth on the verge of being a little too wide and a little too plump.

Mom, on the other hand, had a very square face shape with a nicely cut jawline. Very prominent apple cheekbones. Elegantly arched silver eyebrows. Silver eyelashes that were impossibly long and thick framing big brown eyes. A soft, slightly arcing aquiline nose with the columella turned up making her nose appear dainty and feminine instead of prominent. And then there was mom's mouth. My god, there was no other woman on earth with a mouth as lusciously beautiful as hers. It was ripe and full. Both lips. Top and bottom. Her mouth was wide and seductive and prominent. Though similar in shape and fullness I personally thought they put Angelina Julie's mouth to shame, but then, I'm biased.

From there, Madison had smaller breasts, though from what little I've seen they were perfect Bs. Mom, on the other hand, I had access to her laundry, and so, know for a fact that she is a 36D. She also one summer decided to make herself her own summer dress from a pattern and made me take her measurements. She had a slim, though rectangular-shaped, 26-inch waist which made her an incredible sight from the profile, but from the front, it made her waist seem only a few inches slimmer than her chest. And then there are her hips and ass. And well, fuck! They are broad and shapely, 44 inches of muscle, bone, flawless olive skin, and fat. A perfect mixture to make wide hips, a femininely curvy belly, and a gently arched back that slopes out to large capital-C ass-cheeks that just won't quit.

She is that beautiful. I can't help but see that, and I am her son!

But, as I said, they have similarities too. For one thing, they are both tall women. Well, above average at the least. Mom is 5 feet 9 inches tall, and Madison is 5 feet 11. Being taller means that they're no lightweights either, both of them being 150 pounds even though mom is shorter and thicker and Madison taller and slimmer. Well, actually, that's really the only thing similar about them. I guess it's just something about the way they move that reminds me of one or the other.

"Son, what's wrong?" Marcelle asked in a low soothing voice. The one I know so well, that means she knows I'm hurting and she has come to soothe it and make it all better.

I didn't answer immediately so she continued, "I know something's wrong, son. It's not like you to skip school. So, something must have happened. Talk to me, son. Let mommy take all your pain away."

"I..." I started to say, I almost told her everything, but then thought better of it. It was still raw and I still felt so embarrassed. The last thing I wanted was to humiliate myself in front of my mother as well. So I said, "I'm not ready to talk about it yet."

Marcelle took my denial better than I thought she would. She just nodded her head and then sat on the bed beside me. She looked down at me in that motherly appraising way, from my hair to my face. She spent a lot of time looking at my face for some reason, and always with a sad look of remembrance. Then she moved down to my athletically broad shoulders, chest, arms, and then my abdomen where my hands rested with fingers interlaced.

She placed her hands on mine and felt the slow rhythm of my breathing before she finally looked up and said, "I understand, just promise me that you will tell me what's going on before I go to bed."

"Okay," I replied.

"Okay then," She said, then looked over to the other side of the bed, the open space between me and the wall, and asked, "Do you mind if I lay beside you and cuddle? It's been a while since I've gotten a good cuddle from my boy."

"Sure," I said affably.

Mom is a cuddler. She always has been. We cuddled all the time as I was growing up. Cold winter days and snow days were the best. But even without a weather event, sometimes we cuddled up and watched movies, read books, or listened to them, or sometimes, like now, we just cuddled up and enjoyed each other's company in silence.

Marcelle got up to crawl on top of the bed and I raised my arm so that as she laid down beside me I put my arm and shoulder under her head. She cuddled up, spooning me as I lowered my hand down her back and idly caressed her lower back. She pressed her large plump breasts against my side, tossed her leg across my leg closest to her, and rested her arm and hand on my chest and abdomen.

It was mom's day off so that meant that I could feel her body against mine almost as if she were naked. She wasn't though. Thank god! That would really be weird!

No, instead she wore a black silk nightgown. This one showed a lot of her magnificent cleavage which I tried not to ogle. Tried being the operative word there. I ogled them hard as she squeezed in closer and closer and they seemed to bulge further and further out of her top. I felt guilty naturally. After all, I'm her son! I should not be ogling my mother's breasts. It was not right. It was not healthy. So, I tried to imagine that mom, and her breasts, were Madison.

That made it better!

This nightgown also had a high slit on one side that came up all the way to her waist. This usually wasn't a problem. She didn't usually cuddle me in this nightgown. But this time she was, and the slit was on the side that was up and now completely exposed her entire leg, thigh, and buttock to me with her leg thrown over me as it was!

Mom was in a rare mood today. She didn't usually expose herself like this. And if she did, she always apologized and tried to right her clothes. Not today though.

"Is everything alright with you mom?" I asked, sensing that she was not fine.

"Yeah," She answered, her voice vibrating my chest.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah," She said, "I kind of feel like you, I don't want to talk about it. Not yet."

I tightened my arm around her shoulders and favored her with extra caresses across her lower back that ranged down to her broad hip and across the tops of her lush ass-cheeks before I ran my fingers up her spine.

Mom was by no means slim or willowy. She wasn't petite, and I liked her that way. She was thick and broad, and plump in all the ways a man wants a woman to be. She was the kind of woman I hoped to one day marry. Madison had been very much like that, but of course younger and slimmer though still thick in every way I liked.

So, we lay there snuggled up together all afternoon.


We must have dozed off because I found myself waking up with mom still curled up beside me. Somehow my hand was right in the small of her waist. I looked over groggily to find that my alarm clock read 4:30 pm. Mom and I had slept most of the afternoon away.

Looking down at mom, her beautiful silver hair blocked almost all of the view of her face, but I could hear her slow deep draw of breath. She was still asleep. Below her head her shoulders were hunched, her free arm curled on my chest, pressing her pillowy breasts hard against me but also blocking any view of them. Her free hand clasped my hand while her other hand was in my hair.

"Mom," I whispered as I gave her a very mild shake at her waist.

She moaned softly and then, unbelievably, somehow managed to turn into me more! Her knee came up and her thigh rubbed against my crotch. Which, I found to my horror, was as hard as an old oak root!

"Mom!" I said again, this time with a little more panic at the edges of my voice.

She moaned again but didn't wake up. Man! She was really out of it today!

Then, mom turned her head into the crook of my neck. I could feel her breath on my skin. She snuggled in closer, and started kissing my neck!

My breath caught in my throat. I—I didn't know what to do!

Mom's lips on my skin, they were so incredibly soft. It was like. She was breathing on me. Her lips barely touched. Barely caressed. It felt like she was nibbling. Or, whispering so softly I couldn't hear.

She moved her thigh again and somehow turned her knee in so that her leg was rubbing against my dick.

"Mom!" I squealed, again softly. Part of me wanted her to wake up and stop, part of me loved what was happening, and yet, another part felt so incredibly guilty for enjoying what MY mother was doing to me in her sleep!

The definition of conflicted really didn't feel like it did my feelings justice at the moment.

Her leg rubbed up and down a few times and then, to my surprise, she suddenly moved her thigh down and settled down. She even quit kissing my neck.

I tried to catch my breath and calm down. Mostly calm my dick down by repeating in my head that this was my mother. Strangely, for some reason, it wasn't working. I was so engorged that it was becoming uncomfortable. I had to rearrange my junk. Oh god, please don't let her wake up while I am manhandling my stuff!

I worked my hand out of hers, and I slowly, gently, moved my hand down to my pants and unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped. I was just about to dive in when mom moaned loudly, almost like a feral cat. We had a few of those around the neighborhood along with a crazy cat lady.

Anyway, I froze as soon as she made this moan/purr/growl noise, and prayed again that she does not wake up. She didn't. Instead, she started kissing my neck again. This time more aggressively. Licking. Nibbling. Biting. Sucking. She worked her way up to the corner of my jaw just below my ear and she started sucking!

That was why I was caught so completely off guard when her free hand, the hand I released so that I could rearrange my junk, suddenly snaked its way into my underwear and grabbed my dick!

She grabbed it right at the base. At the moment it was pointing down my pants leg. I'm not one to brag, but, well, I am pretty well endowed. She grabbed me and wrapped her fingers around it like it was the hilt of a sword. She squeezed me hard and my dick responded by throbbing in her hand and expanding. Slowly, she rubbed down my length all the way to the bell flanges of my circumcised, mushroom-shaped head, and then she pulled back up to the base.

Mom kissed and sucked on my neck and jaw as her hand slowly frigged my dick up and frogged. Now, I must say, I might be well hung, but that doesn't change the fact that I am still a virgin. I was already aroused. For one reason or another. And now, I had a woman's hand fucking my dick!

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