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Margaritas and More

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Two friends get close after a night out.
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AUTHOR'S NOTES: All characters in this story are 18 or older. Comments, constructive criticism and feedback are all welcome and encouraged. I hope you enjoy the story.

"Oh, how was your date the other night? It was your third one right?" Mariya asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "Ugggh."

"That bad? I thought you guys were getting along really well." She asked.

I took a sip of my martini before answering.

"We were, and it started off pretty well but later on it started going downhill."

"Ohhhh." She said "He couldn't get it up?"

I laughed. "No not that. I think. We didn't get that far. I just couldn't with him."

"Ok I HAVE to hear some details. Dish it girl."

"Ok so..."

"Can I get some of this stuff out of your way ladies?" Our waiter, seeming to appear out of nowhere, asked as he gestured towards the assortment of empty martini glasses and plates around our table.

"Yes, thank you so much." Mariya said, flashing him a smile. "And can we get another round?"

"My pleasure." He responded, his face starting to blush while he gathered up the dishes.

I've been friends with Mariya for over a decade and had seen this reaction many times. Mariya was absolutely gorgeous. Her radiant blue eyes and stunning smile were perfectly framed by a head of wavy black hair, accented with purple streaks. Her breasts and butt were perfect, exactly the right proportion of plumpness for her frame and when she walked, her hips swayed in the most alluring way. Even though I'd never been attracted to women, occasionally Mariya's charms even had an effect on me. This poor waiter never stood a chance.

"Ok, you were saying?" Mariya turned her brilliant gaze on me and for a second, I thought that I might blush just like the waiter.

"Oh, yeah. So the date went well. We ate dinner at that new cafe on ninth, had a couple of drinks. I was having a really good time. He was really funny and charming and oh, his eyes!!! Remember I told you about his eyes? That perfect blue gray that lasered into you?"

"Ohhhhh, I love a guy with really nice eyes." Mariya remarked.

The waiter dropped off our next round of martinis and was briefly trapped by Mariya's smile again before heading back to the bar.

"Anyway, I was DEFINITELY getting more and more into him, especially after a couple of drinks." I continued

"Mmm hmmm."

"So afterwards we went out dancing at this Latin club and he was SUCH a good dancer!"

"You better get to the problem quick. My panties are getting wet just listening to this." Mariya said, making the two of us laugh.

"Ok, so we went back to my place, and we were sitting on the couch making out when I suggested we go to the bedroom."


"So we get into the bedroom and he pushes me down onto the bed and starts pulling my pants off. He then starts kissing up my legs right? And I'm like, OK so far so good! And then he starts licking me and, like, two seconds later he's done and flips me over. And now I'm thinking, Ummmmm ok, maybe he's going to finish it up from behind you know? You know how so many guys nowadays are bragging about eating ass?" Mariya nodded in agreement as I continued. "Nope. He just goes right to fingering me and I'm like, 'uh I'm not a Tootsie pop hun, I take more than three licks to finish' but that's it from him. Anyway he put in two fingers right away, which I don't like you know? I want him to kind of ease in, but he's not getting it. So then he starts with the talking, you know what I mean?"

Mariya took a sip of her drink and nodded her head in agreement. This wasn't the first time we'd shared stories about the difficulties of modern dating.

"He's going like 'UHN!! YEAH!!! You like that don't you? You can't wait for me to put my big cock in you can you?' and I wanted to say to him 'Um, there's no cameras rolling, stud. You can leave out the pornhub script.' so then he starts putting ANOTHER finger in me and now I'm starting to forget how hot he was earlier, you know? So I pull his fingers out of me and I guess he took that as me wanting to move to the next step? Cause he started taking off his clothes and pulled out a condom."

"Well at least he did that. Half these guys think they can just go in bareback on the first time like it's the sixties." Mariya said.

"Seriously. Anyway, that was not at all what I had in mind but I think 'ok I can deal with this. Let's get it over with.' and I start to roll over onto my back and he grabs my hips and stops me and says, I shit you not, 'I want you on your hands and knees like the whore you are."

"What?!?! No!!! He didn't!!" Mariya's face was shocked.

"I swear to God!" I said, holding my hand up. "So now I'm completely done, like uh uh, you're not saying that on our first time."

"Like, what was he thinking?"

"I dunno. So as he's climbing up onto the bed I say 'I just have to go to the bathroom real quick' and just BOLT off the bed and into the bathroom, and lock the door when I get in there and I'm just like, ok I'll just wait him out. After a few minutes he asks if everything is ok and I yell out 'ummm I'm not feeling so well, I think it's something I ate earlier' and this guy has the audacity to say 'Do you want to come out here and lay down?'"

Mariya let out a scoffing laugh.

"I know right? Take a hint dude!! So I yell back" I looked around to make sure no one was listening to us. "I'm really feeling sick and I'm worried might shit on you."

Mariya let out a squeal of laughter.

"'I think you should just go.' Girl, let me tell you, I don't think a guy has ever gotten dressed and out of my apartment faster. He was moving so fast I barely heard him yell out 'I'll call you!' when he closed the door. Sooooo, that's that for him I guess."

"God! What is with guys nowadays?" Mariya asked when she finished laughing. "Like what is the deal with every fucking guy thinking he's Ron Jeremy all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, really. It's like their high school sex ed class was just a montage from Pornhub."

"Yeah and that's if they can even get it up."

"God yeah." I said finishing my drink. This was our fifth round of the night and I was definitely feeling the effects.

"It's so much different when you're with a woman." Mariya said.

"Yeah, really!" I agreed, before doing a double take. "Wait what? How would you know?"

"What do you mean? I dated a girl my first year of college." Mariya replied.

"You did?" I asked, shocked

"Yeah. You didn't know that?"

"No! We didn't hang out much our first year of college because I had so many classes upstate. I didn't even know you liked girls!" I said. I was looking at Mariya in a new light. Even though I'd never considered it before, it seemed obvious that she would be bi.

"Yeah, her name was Jane. It was kind of a short fling; we were only together for about six months or so. Very passionate though. She pushed for us to move in together but I wasn't ready to take it to that level. The sex was amazing though." Mariya said.

"Really? Like, better than with a guy?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Not in every way, but in a lot of ways...yeah." She finished her drink before continuing. "Like, you know how kissing a girl is different than kissing a guy?"

I blushed a little. "Uhhh...not really."

Now it was Mariya's turn to look shocked. "Wait, you've never kissed a girl before?"

I shook my head.

"Are you serious? Like, never experimented with a friend? Never got drunk and made out at a party?"

I shook my head again. I was starting to feel a little embarrassed.

"Oh God Suzy, my sweet summer child! You've been missing out!"

Something in her eyes when she said that made my heart flutter a little. I felt my cheeks redden as my blush intensified but somehow held her gaze.

"Hey, you were telling me all about your torrid, sapphic affair. Don't get distracted!"

Mariya smiled again, like the sun coming out from behind a cloud. I felt warmth spreading through me, starting between my legs. It occurred to me that even though I'd never been attracted to a woman before, Mariya seemed to be able to get me excited.

"Ok so.. kissing a girl is sort of the same as kissing a guy but different too. Like, a girl's lips are way softer. They're usually much gentler too, more inviting. Like, guys are almost always so aggressive, which can be nice, but sometimes you want more of a slow burn, you know? And girls like to take their time too. With guys they want to get to the next part which, again, is sometimes exactly what you want, but sometimes you really just want to take your time kissing, you know? Jane used to love kissing. I think she would have spent hours just kissing, and she was a fantastic kisser."

Mariya looked away, a wistful look in her eyes. It gave us both the chance to imagine her and Jane making out. I shifted my legs, suddenly antsy.

"That's just the start of it. Girl's bodies are just softer, more sensual. Like, just feeling her boobs pressed against me was a turn on. And girls take their time. They know what it's like, you know, so they don't rush things the way guys do. And feeling that softness when she goes down on you....mmmmmmmh."

"Wow." I said. I was definitely feeling a tingle in my pussy.

"Yeah." Mariya picked up her glass to take a sip and realized it was empty. She looked up to flag down the waiter but he was already approaching with two more drinks.

"Wow!! You read our minds!" Mariya said, her face beaming.

"Actually these are courtesy of the two gentlemen at the bar." He said pointing.

Two guys were sitting at the end of the bar looking at us, smiling. They raised their glasses and we did the same, flashing our best smiles. Mariya turned back to me.

"Poor guys. I am SO not in the mood tonight." She said through a forced smile.

"God, I know." I replied. "The drinks are good though." I sighed "I guess we have to go talk to them."

A mischievous twinkle sparkled in Mariya's eyes. "Let's give them a thrill." She said, taking my hand and standing up. "Follow my lead."

We made our way to where the guys were sitting. Mariya held my hand the whole way and I felt that fluttery tingle run through me again. What was going on with me?

"Hey, guys thanks for the round." Mariya said.

"Our pleasure." Said the guy closest to me. He had a well trimmed beard and just a little bit too much extra weight, but he had a really nice smile, the kind that would make you laugh along with him.

"Cheers!" His friend said. He was shorter and leaner, with a short fade haircut and a clean shaven jaw. He reminded me of a marine but a little less buff. We all touched glasses and took a sip.

"I'm Chris." The bearded guy said. "This is Jason."

"Nice to meet you." Mariya said, reaching out her hand towards the guys, shaking Jason's. "I'm Mariya."

"Suzy." I said, shaking Chris's hand.

"You guys look fantastic. Do you live nearby?" Chris asked.

"Thank you!" Mariya said doing a little curtsy "My apartment is a couple of blocks away."

"That's cool." Chris replied. "We live in Springfield; just in the city to see our friend's band."

"That's cool. What band?"

"The Bearded Monkeys." Chris said.

"What kind of music?" Mariya asked.

"Metal. Like really hardcore metal." Jason said.

"Are they any good?" I interjected.

"They fuckin' suck!!" Chris said, making us all laugh. "But the drummer is our boy so we came out to support him."

"It's great that you support your friend." Mariya said.

"What are you guys up to tonight?" Jason asked.

"We were just talking about some wedding stuff. We just got engaged a couple of weeks ago." Mariya replied. I shot her a look.

"Oh wow. Lucky guys." Chris said.

Mariya let out a laugh, looking at me. I laughed along with her, even though I had no idea what I was laughing about.

"No, we're engaged to each other!" She said, holding up my hand.

I laughed again seeing the guy's shocked faces. Chris seemed to compose himself first.

"Wow. That's...wow. Congratulations!! That's great!" He said.

"Let's do a shot to celebrate your engagement!" Jason chimed in.

Mariya turned to me, eyebrow raised. "What do you think hon?"

"Ummmmm, well I have off tomorrow so..." my words were cut off by Mariya's lips pressing into mine.

"You're the best hon!" She said after breaking away from our brief (too brief?) kiss.

We ordered our shots and Jason raised his in a toast.

"Here's to a lifetime of happiness for you guys!"

We all cheered and drank our shots. The alcohol hit me almost immediately and pushed me across the border from tipsy into drunk.

"How did you guys meet?" Chris asked.

"In art school." Mariya said without hesitating. "I was taking a figure drawing class and Suze was the model. I just could not take my eyes off of her. After our third class, I asked her out. You're not really supposed to do that, but God, look at her!"

Mariya gestured, her hands waving up and down in front of my body like she was revealing a game show prize. I blushed.

"I can understand." Chris said, eyeing me appreciatively. My blush deepened.

"Anyway," Mariya continued. "It got really passionate, really quickly and I just had to pop the question."

Mariya wrapped her arm around me and pulled me in tight. I thrilled at the feeling of her full breast pressing into my side.

"Are either of you into guys at all?" Jason asked.

"Not anymore!" Mariya said, laughing.

"Mariya is the first girl I've ever kissed." I blurted out. "She kind of changed my life." I looked at her, my heart beating fast.

"Awww, thanks hon!" Mariya kissed me again. This time I was ready and I eagerly returned it, flicking my tongue out to gently run it over her lips. When, her tongue met mine, it took all of my willpower not to moan.

The guys were sitting there, staring.

"You guys are really sweet. I'm so happy for you!" Jason said.

We hung out with the guys for a while longer, talking. Mariya spun fantastic yarns about our life together and our plans for our wedding. Apparently we were getting married on a mountainside, overlooking a national park, then having a reception in the picnic area nearby and spending our honeymoon in Brazil. The guys bought another round. I found myself getting more and more comfortable touching Mariya, at one point pulling her in to sit on my lap as I caressed her thigh and laid my head on her shoulder. I'd never been so intimate with a woman before and the feeling of her smooth skin on my hand was exhilarating. Her silky skin, her soft curves, the sweet smell of her body spray, they were all combining into an overwhelming ambrosia that was making me feel lightheaded, as if I was high. Moony eyed, I looked up at her gorgeous face and grinned. She smiled down at me and I couldn't resist kissing her. The kiss didn't last anywhere near long enough, but I was very aware of the two guys watching us. I wanted her all to myself, with no audience.

"Last call guys. You need anything?" Our waiter asked.

"One more round of shots?" Jason suggested.

"It's been great guys but we really need to get going. Thank you so much for everything." Mariya said, getting up; I made sure to hold onto her hand as we stood.

"Ok, well it was great meeting you. Do you want to exchange numbers so we can hang out again sometime?" Chris asked.

Mariya looked at me. I shrugged. She exchanged numbers with Chris and we all hugged.

"You guys are really cool! Have a great night! Get home safe!" I said as we made our way to the door.

We went outside. The cool night air felt so refreshing. It was one of those perfect spring nights where the temperature cooled after a hot day. Mariya took my arm in hers, pulling me close. Our eyes met, our faces leaned close together. Mariya's penetrating gaze was overwhelming, I either had to look away or spend the rest of my life staring into those enchanting blue pools. I looked down and we both giggled.

"Ready to go, future Mrs. Lavrova?" She asked.

"Lead the way, future Mrs. McMeniman." We both giggled.

We made our way, arm in arm through the silent, empty streets, stealing quick glances at each other before looking away, giggling. The only sounds were the loud clicks of our shoes on the pavement, the echoes of our laughter. It felt as if we were walking into a fairy tale. When I gave Mariya a quick kiss on the cheek, she looked down blushing.

"Do you mind if I hang out here for a bit? I don't know if I'm ok to drive." I said when we got to my car, parked just in front of the door to her apartment.

"Of course!! You can stay the night if you need to. Whatever you want to do, as long as you're safe." Mariya said, her face full of concern.

My heart melted from the way she was looking out for me. I collapsed into her arms, giving her a big hug, then kissing her on the cheek. "You're the best."

Mariya unlocked her front door and led the way up the stairs. I couldn't help but stare at her incredible ass, which was put perfectly on display by her tight, short skirt and the sway of her hips as she climbed the stairs. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled when she caught me staring.

I blushed and giggled again; so did Mariya. She opened the door to her apartment and we made our way inside. Mariya immediately pulled off her high heels and tossed them next to the door, then turned to head towards the kitchen. I went over to the couch and plopped down before reaching down and pulling my own pair of heels off.

"Oh I'm so glad to have those shoes off!!" I groaned.

"What a relief right?" Mariya called out from the kitchen. "I'm making myself a vodka tonic, do you want some?"

"Sure." I said.

"I'm going to put on some music. Do you mind?"

"No, that's fine."

The first notes of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together" came on and I leaned back, relaxing into the couch. "Oh I love this song." I purred.

Mariya handed me my drink and sat down sideways on the couch, facing me, her legs tucked under her. The way she was sitting made her skirt ride up higher, revealing almost all of her legs, only a couple of small inches of fabric concealing the rest of her legs and what was between. My eyes feasted on the sight.

"To my amazing fiancee!" I said, raising my glass. Mariya laughed.

"To MY amazing fiancee!" We clinked our glasses again.

"God what a good night!" Mariya said after taking a drink.

"Yeah. I love hanging out with you! You're always so much fun!" I said. "Are you going to call those guys?"

Mariya sipped her drink. "I dunno. Maybe. I might need a break from men for a while. You're not the only one who's had some bad dates recently." She turned to me, smiling like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. "Besides, who needs a guy when I have you?"

"Awwwwww!!" I said and leaned over to give her a hug.

We pulled away slightly, our faces staying close. I realized that I was staring into my friend's eyes for too long, but couldn't pull myself away. We both giggled again. I floated, drifting away on the music in the ocean of her eyes.

"So I'm the first girl you've ever kissed huh?" Mariya asked.

I nodded, blushing again.

"So what did you think?" She asked.

"Sooooo good!!" I blushed again when I realized I was gushing. Mariya giggled. "It was just like you said, except maybe better. You're an incredible kisser!"

"Awwwwww, thanks."

"I really wanted to keep kissing you but I felt weird with the guys watching. I think if they weren't there I would have just kept kissing you all night long." I said.

"I know what you mean." She said, her face serious. Something shifted between us and my heart started pounding in my chest. When Mariya smiled at me again, my whole body grew hot. She reached out and brushed my hair back from my face. Mariya leaned in until our lips met; my whole body started tingling when I felt her kiss. I reached up and put my hands on the side of her head, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. I was desperate to feel even more of her soft lips.


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