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All Comments on 'Marriage Divorce Life Ch. 02'

by Cagivagurl

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BlackJackSteeleBlackJackSteelealmost 4 years ago

I'm still enjoying the ride so I've awarded another five stars.

I like your writing style. You have the ability to get my dander up.

I just hope Tom eventually realises that Shelby is wrong in the head and is never going to give up on her open marriage or sharing ideas and tosses her to the kerb. She's cheated on him once -- for six months -- then lived with her lover exclusively for another month. She'll do it again. The bitch has no intention of giving up Paul.

Tom is showing himself to be a wimp. Please don't turn him into a willing participant in her schemes -- a cuckold.

trianetrianealmost 4 years ago

I can't believe how entitled and manipulative she is. Where does she get off being INDIGNANT about his needs? He's been straight with her from the start while she's been petulant, and childish. While I hope he'll show the same dedication to protecting his anonymity, especially to her, the trajectory of the story implies that's unlikely...

The absolute worst wd/b if she discovers his work and only THEN gives up Paul for good. 😝🙄

darthnader19darthnader19almost 4 years ago

Amazing as always.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

Interesting read. Though very predictable. I good you don't change his view on sharing etc. It's kind pig a let down he's giving her another chance if she didn't know after 20years how he would react she obviously was a stupid woman. It was a disappointing story really letting her walk all over him like that

Baldy74Baldy74almost 4 years ago

My ratings going down for this one. You pull him up, make him happy and content and then turn him into a pathetic weak man with no spine. We only have one chance at life, there are millions of other woman who could love and be faithful to him. But no he wants to get back together with sometime who lies and treats him like crap as long as she's happy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

So far it's a nice tale, a touch rough on a romantics heartstrings but I'm enjoying it.

mordbrandmordbrandalmost 4 years ago

I like your writing in general, but you torture your male protagonists in almost everything you write. Here we have another one who can't seem to grow a spine and simply cut this cancer out of his life. This is a one for me and, honestly, it doesn't even belong in romance at this stage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Wrong fucking category.

This crap belongs on Loving Wives.

Don't post this in Romance, it has nothing to do with Romance.

And it is utter crap, the husband is a wimpy cuckold. FFS.

heathrowinneoheathrowinneoalmost 4 years ago

great story and love your work. wondering where you will take us with Shell and Tom?

TeggeTeggealmost 4 years ago

Great read!, I love it! She reminds me of Linda in George Andersons " February Sucks" but Tom is so forgiving and wrapped around her finger. Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I was hoping they would not get back together. Put this crap in loving wives for those ok with cheaters winning. Cheating is not romance...ever...

ArmyBikerArmyBikeralmost 4 years ago

Was going so well then he turns into an idiot and let's her back in then is actually stupid enough to believe her. Predictable but good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Not as good as chapter 1 You have turned Tom into Forrest Gump

This author likes to rile up her readers with improbable stories. How did Tom become a bestselling author before his uncontested was final? If Shelby wanted to save her marriage, why didn't she even reach out to Tom after she came back from her 30 day fuckfest with Paul? If they were seen as a perfect couple, why didn't their adult children get involved?

Shelby read the story of their failed marriage in Tom's book and didn't learn a damn thing. She spent 20 years with him and didn't recognize his own potential. She told Tom to work on his car while she explored her relationship with Paul. Now she just pops back into Tom's life and tries to take over. She admits that she wants to have her cake and eat it. If she really wanted Tom back and shared that information with Rebecca Tom's editor, why wouldn't Rebecca tell Tom what is going on with her.

What really is going on with Shelby and Paul? Is she lying to Paul about Tom? Is she now a swinger? We know nothing about what she is doing because it is written from Tom's POV and he is as clueless as Forrest Gump.

I look forward to reading more and hope Tom resists getting trapped by Shelby if she isn't going to be honest with him. 4 stars

reasonable man

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago

Interesting story and very well written but this really isn't for me. She went away with her lover for a month to audition him to see if she likes him better than her husband. Her husband divorced her for it. Now she's back trying get her husband back but she still wants her lover occasionally. Not no but HELL NO!!

HeelGuy9800HeelGuy9800almost 4 years ago

I agree with Triane, she is manipulative and entitled. I wouldn’t trust her as soon as she walked out the door. I usually like RAAC stories but this women has a long way to go to earn his trust. She keeps on talking about an open marriage so you know she is ok with it which shows you where her morals are. He has to grow a spine and lay down the law or send her down the road.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Lost me when I'm he started seeing her again

Tom is basically a cuck. Pretty good story and writing but the guy has no balls.

JayDiverJayDiveralmost 4 years ago

Essential error.

Your writing is fine and easy to read and follow. The error in this story is in the characters. Your female character is an egocentric, manipulative, entitled, B. I. T. C. H. And she doesn't change from start to finish. Her only remorse is in not being able to have things exactly her way. In the first chapter and most of this one your main male character is kind of meh. Then in the last page he turned into a limp waffle. The message in this story seems to be, if your female do as you want then lie, manipulate, justify, explain, manipulate, manipulate. Keep pushing, you just might get what you want. I didn't vote for the first chapter, I couldn't decide between a three or four. This one turned into a two. Characters need to have something people can identify with, neither of these do.

EgregiousEgregiousalmost 4 years ago

The author has told a compelling LW story, perhaps with a bit of truth thrown in, for good measure. I'm looking forward to the next chapter as the story could go in many directions. Shelly is aging getting close to menopause feel old unappreciated she wants to feel young again. A fling with a younger man is her way of doing it. With the children left home, Paul becomes a bigger child for her to mother. And later fucks without consideration to the history of ups and downs of 20 years of marriage. Paul soaks up all her attention like the spoilt child he is. In my opinion, he is using her editing, inspiration and of course, sex for all he can get before she drys up. It's only a matter of time before he drops her for someone more his age. I reckon she realises this and is setting her ex-husband up as a backstop. From across the ditch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Please don't

I really enjoyed Part 1 and was sadly disappointed in Part 2. I have evil visions of 'Tom' turning into what he has despised all along a 'cuckold'. He now has a new marketable skill, which will infuriate his ex-wife and may even bring shame on his second biggest antagonist (Bill). I say second biggest because his first biggest is his wife. She clearly has made NO attempts to change her ways or life. Tom will be a fool to believe her crap and take her back. A pussy is a pussy is a pussy. But that's it sounds like with Shellby.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

You write selfish manipulative women well. I dealt with one20 years ago, the bullshit and the lies. Then the justification and the twisting of reality. I forgave and stayed for the kids. All she did was get better at lying. She is gone, I have our youngest son and 20 wasted years. Don't let this happen to our character. He doesn't deserve it, nobody does

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Dear God, please no. *

Don’t let him go back to this selfish, manipulative bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
who's the writer?

If this Paul can only write shit if she's not holding his hand, why couldn't she write it herself and take the credit for it instead of deferring to Paul

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Why the fuck is this shit in Romance?????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Unfortunately it looks like Shelby will never understand that her attitude is wrong from Tom's perspective. She really needs counselling for their relationship to get back to where it was before she cheated on Tom. She' like an addict in denial of their addiction she needs a catalyst for her to wake up to the fact that Tom is not prepared to share her.

A number of commentators have said that this should be in the loving wives category but I think it's in the right place. The story isn't so much about cheating and divorce it's more about whether love can conquer all.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1almost 4 years ago

Every time he looked at her he would see cheating and then wanting to keep on with the guy. There is no getting by that. A betrayal after twenty years is not something you get over.

She tells him she will not stop seeing him. So now he accepts he is number two to her. She has had no repercussions to her behavior. For some unknown reason he does not tell his kids what happened. Affairs die in the daylight. His kids have a right to know who their mother is. Their reaction of as long as your happy mom and dad is absurd. Kids do not react that way. I might read third part just to see what happens but this, so far is silly.

beanburner69beanburner69almost 4 years ago

Good thing this is just a story because it's BS

Bebop3Bebop3almost 4 years ago

This is a ridiculous story. It's as if the writer has heard of men but never actually met one.


There is no way any of this would occur with any man who has a semblance of dignity or testosterone. And if the children are that sanguine about their mother betraying their father like that than they are emotionally bereft.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatalmost 4 years ago
Good story...But

I can see this like a freight train coming at me. He's gonna bend and take her back. I hate these kind of endings. He should have moved 2000 miles away.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Shelby& Paul are both pieces of shit. Elminate both of them. Case solved!

mattenwmattenwalmost 4 years ago

Shame, now you've turned a good story into a cheap cuckold story. -1*

According to a study by the renowned Bertalsman Foundation, 98% of all partnerships that have tried sharing swinging swaping cuckolding break within two years. Most common reason: jealousy and / or a partner falls in love again! Why do some authors always describe the two% and not the reality of the 98%?

Rocky62Rocky62almost 4 years ago

Well at least make her a bit of a sex slave, tie her up and spank that ass

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
BEBOP3 GOT IT RIGHT.................................................

Our hero is just not believable as a man. The cheating slut tells him she's still screwing her boyfriend and he lets her get past his door, go to dinner with her and build a friendly relationship with him. No way someone with a proper amount of testosterone coursing through his system stands for that shit. That's the kind of thing that turns love to intense hatred. I can see the writer is working up to the faggot cuckold husband taking the slut back. The only question is after he catches her fucking her boyfriend again will he finally grow a spine and walk away or just drop to his knees and start sucking the guys balls.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
A pattern

This is a pattern with this author.

The husband shows a modicum of spine, leaves his adulterous wife, only to fold later on down the line and take her back.

nixroxnixroxover 3 years ago

this was a good story right up to the point where he got back together with his ex-wife - it was in line for a 5 star rating. However, now that it has turned into a RAAC, it has deteriorated down to a 1 star. Sorry, I hate RAAC unless there is some extreme reason that justifies the turn about. The silly wife still has not grasped how stupid her actions were and how much they hurt her ex-husband. If she had really grasped the depth of her treacherous cheating, she would have been up front and told him BEFORE she cheated on him - not 6 months later. Plus there is the stupidity she displayed about how he should just accept her one month living with the scumbag cheater lover - no way - she was lucky he did not just kill the scumbag outright.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You're hands down the worst writer on this site. But at least its free.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Would you please do your readers the courtesy of at least proofreading your work?! Either you are the laziest writer here, you are marginally literate, or you are another snobbish writer that expects the reader to simply overlook the dozens of mistakes. ex: "implicit" when you meant "explicit"... or it's possible you don't know the difference.

racfguyracfguyover 3 years ago
We had such a wonderful marriage and we were so in love. All my friends were jealous of me. They all adored you, still do really. Everybody thinks I'm a fool."

Shelby is such a fool, and of course a cheating cunt. She still can't understand why Tom threw her out. Sad.

Hoping that Tom finally is able to explain to Shelby why what she did is unacceptable. He needs kick her completely out of his life.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 3 years ago

and still wishy-washy

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Couldn't even finish this chapter. Stop making the men so pathetic stories. Seriously all I could feel was anger while reading the first half. How he could act so pathetic and calm when talking to her for the first time after they split and how evil she was to just wash over her actions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

won't finish the story... not worth my time! (could see it from 1st chapter, just had to be sure (masochist, maybe))

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 3 years ago

Why can't he just move on and try to replace her. I get they had a long marriage but their morals are not in sync. Hope he at least gets his own lover to even the score

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please stop this Cuckold ramblings.

Males are not now nor will they ever reconcile with a fucking dirty cheating skanky slut that thinks the sun shines out of there arse.

This 6 page monstrosity could be boiled down to a 3 page 5 star story How many fucking times are we going to read " Please Tom the possibilities ".

1 star because we can’t give a 0

Reader2021Reader2021over 3 years ago

I HATE the direction, but I am ‘sucked in’ ….. 5*

Apparently STD’s are no longer an issue.

Sorry to be a ‘Male of the species’, I would harm Paul.

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Ok, it's one weird post-marriage relationship they seem to have, with the husband readily giggling around the woman who valued him so little that she wouldn't even consider giving up her side piece to get him back. Even if you take that away, Shelby is such a blah character, entirely self-involved and unwilling to escape the orbit of her own massive ego. Their conversations are just rehashes of the same ones they had in the first chapter, which makes the whole thing an exercise in tedium.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 3 years ago

Shelby played the field to see if Paul would be better than Tom, and decided to keep Tom -- for the time being.

This is a re-read for me, and so (SPOILER ALERT) I know that things get worse before ultimate reconciliation. But, as I noted after part 1, Shelby is nothing more than a cruel, selfish and lacking any moral refinement, and author demonstrates here that Shelby is going back to Tom because he is her current best option, and not because she is genuinely sorry about what she did or that she has changed into a good person. This is why the ultimate reconciliation is so unsatisfying -- Shelby does not have anything good in her. I still see nothing in Shelby (other than sex appeal) that could rationalize Tom's unfortunate infatuation with her and his continued forgiveness for her craven betrayals.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

you author, must have strong contempt for men. All you do is emasculate your male MC, every. single. time. I can't stand this, I'm out. I wonder if you are reflected in the despicable female characters you write?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Couldn't even finish this crap. Pissed me off so much, how pathetic you kept making him and when she said she wanted him back but wouldn't give up her lover, he still shows no bloody anger. Horrible story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Tom is portrayed as a weak person. Someone that behaves like Shelby should not have received any considerations as friends with benefits. I will continue to the end being as it is a slow day and there is nothing on the TV

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 3 years ago

Certainly an emotional roller coaster. One of those rides where your stomach turns upside down. And when you are done you are left trying to decide if you liked it or not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Some of your "critics" get stuck on macho shit and porn. Don't pay them any mind. I'm sure that you do not do that anyway. Although this story isn`t Dostoevsky, it is quite well organized with a good sense of necessary tension between the characters. It is necessary for food fiction to have strongly presented characters. I'm glad they show strengths and weaknesses that must excite and at the same time get the readers pissed off. I continue to turn the pages to determine whether or not the narrative will agree with my prediction. The story also suggests an autobiographical twinge. I look forward to the conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Here we have moral outpourings worthy of not very bright middle school girls: "Mum, I'm not judging, but the woman in this story carried on a long running affair with another man behind her husband's back.... She behaved abysmally."

Selwyn interjected quickly, "Mum we aren't criticising, or blaming, all we want is for you to be happy."

The rest of the story is absurd.

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 3 years ago
Delusional bitch

and I am fearful that he will fall for it again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This male character is a dumb shit.

This female character is a delusional cunt.

They don't belong together. But knowing this author. They'll end up reconciling.

What a load of horse shit. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Jesus are ALL your male characters indecisive wimps????? I mean I like your writing but the male leads? Not so much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


other2other1other2other1almost 3 years ago

As always great writing, I can see Tom’s place in my head. But Sheldby’s disrespect is so out there. She wants Tom back but sleeps with Paul, She has no idea how poo that is. And the whole Open Marriage thing is a shame. She was already sleeping with Paul for six months before it came out, thats not an open marriage as it hasn’t started on equal footing. She is selfish and in all honesty she comes across as a very ugly person. Tom was wrong to let her be a friend with benefits as she has shown absolutely no remorse. Sure she said she has said she is sorry but she is not giving up anything.

In a reconciliation of any type, there needs to be both remorse from the cheater and forgives from the cheated, but more than that, the cheater needs to make amends, in this case she is making no amends and is treating Tom like a doormat. I hope in the next part he throws her out and exposes her for the selfish woman that she is. He needs to stand up and take hold of his destiny, and if it moves towards reconciliation let it be on his terms, not hers…

Thanks for writing, you have me all churned up and emotional right now!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The writing is good, but the actions don't work. How does Shelby know where he is the first time she drives down with the kids? She dances around getting rid of Paul so why does he allow her to stay? As a matter of fact, why let her even stay for dinner when she's obviously manufacturing a way to see him? She wants an open marriage and he wants monogamy. They are definitely NOT a match.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

This as the makings of a wimp story.I hope he doesn't take the conniving bitch back,as she will hurt him again.

other2other1other2other1over 2 years ago

This is my second time reading this series, The story is really good, the pace well thought out and the timing works with length of this series.

I don’t mind this is about reconciliation, but what gets me is Shelby’s selfishness and Tom telling us about his rage, but neither of them every really deal with it. I don’t know that Shelby ever truly regrets her affair, I don’t know that she ever gets the disrespect that she gave to Tom.

As I said I have read this series before, and I did enjoy it, I even get the process of reconciliation that we are being taken though. But, its a hard read, well for me it is, even if I enjoy it :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The MC is just too pathetic to even sympathise with. Been there, done that, and I never looked at my ex as worthy of my time, let alone have feelings of fondness. She is a selfish slut and he's a sad wimp. Couldn't read after the 1st page.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Is it impossible for this author that two people to have a clean break after they divorce instead of having a sordid relationship. Every time he has to have them bonking again in some twisted way usually against the the person who did bot commit the adultery moral ethics. This author is one twisted sick puppy. If this is what happens in there real life I hope I would never get involved with them.

Pjam1968Pjam1968over 2 years ago

What a disappointment the way this chapter turn

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Its good to see that your M/C hasn't altered or morphed into a man somewhere between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

He is still a brainless spineless gutless embarrassment to all males.

He makes me ashamed to be called a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Cringo31Cringo31over 2 years ago

Well that went to shit. Won’t be reading any further.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

2 of the 3 pages of this chapter was simply a rehash of Chapter 1. This author constantly bludgeons her readers with repetitive dialogue. It’s unfortunate because she is a good writer.

Cracker270Cracker270over 2 years ago

Enjoyed it. You did a great job of describing the painful dynamics of the recently divorced

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not great at all. This author always tends to lean towards the female letting them go off and be selfish sluts whilst making the husband miserable and feeling all the pain. As a female this is a horrible representation of our gender.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

Shelby is going to make a solemn oath? Didn't she do that when she said her wedding vows?

Until she finally understands why Tom doesn't trust her there's no way anything between them is going to work.

Would really like to see Tom continue dating and keep Shelby at arms length.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why do I feel like I read this story about 12+ years ago on this site. In it, the husband moved out to a farm house (I thought), in the USA, and the "Paul" guy was a manic depressive (who lived in NYC), who needed Shelly to "prop" him up and help him write his novel. They got back together again, only for her to leave and help Paul get his other 2 books written to fulfill his contract for the money he was advanced. In the mean time Tom finished his 2nd book, and started a 3rd as a continuation of his 2nd book. While working on his 3rd book Shelly has another "writers workshop in Tom's home, and has a young lady stay there working on her own book, while Shelly is helping Paul on his. Around the time Tom finishes his 4th book,Shelly finally figures out that Tom is the mysterious writer, and tries to cut off Paul, Paul then falls into a depression, and Shelly tries to help him out of it. Later on in that story, Paul jumps out a 10 story window and commits suicide since he can't have Shelly full time. Then her and Tom get back together with her "helping" him write another book.

Note: I've only read the first 2 chapters of this story, and don't know how it ends, which is why I'm reading it.

So far I have to give it a 4.5, as his wife seems to take Tom for granted, and only values herself and other literary people in high regard. The back and forth between the people in this story seems "wooden" and almost "robotic", as they don't really seem to have any real conversations (a flow issue). The repeated back and forth of chapter 1 seems to have settled down for now, and I'll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Seriously delusional drivel.

No way a man like Tom even entertains the idea of letting her move in with him.

I can see him fucking the stupid slut. He's described as an attractive character in the story. He could be dating actively. Bedding Bedding few women. And if the ex wanted a good fuck? OK. But when we are done you are headed home. No spending the night. No snuggles. No romantic dates.

Just "hey let's grab dinner and then fuck for a few hours."

If rhe ex wife whore couldn't live with that? So the fuck what? She's a world class delusional slut moron of a character as described anyway.

She wants an open relationship? I'd give her one. Just I'd never fuck her skanky hole without a condom ever again.

Stupid cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can not believe that Tom would accept her back. She is a cheater and will never change. He is a very weak character Wimp

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good lord! 9,000 words without advancing the story at all until the last sentence?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

God what a stupid bitch.

How does a writer as talented as this just write so many stupid, selfish and clueless women characters over and over and over?

Listen stupid. He packed your shit. Sold rhe house out from under you. Served you with divorce papers and moved out once before over you cheating and fucking Paul before. What the hell makes you think k he's gonna put uo with it now? You want an open marriage? Find some other schlub who'll accept sloppy seconds from your nasty cooch and move on.

WoodencavWoodencavover 1 year ago

Great storey, so well written. To the naysayers below, treat it as a storey, it’s nothing else, if you don’t like it don’t read it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's so terribly obvious what is going to happen that it makes me want to just stop reading. There is no reason why he would take her back, having an ad-hoc friends with benefits relationship is one thing but making a commitment when all the evidence points the opposite way is just plain suicide. It also makes no sense that Shalby would want to do this, she has nothing to gain and everything to lose. It's almost as if the writer is setting the scene for the finale, without realising that it all feels contrived.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There is no way that someone that is used to spending his days writing would think that it's possible to cohabit without the other person discovering their passion, or for that matter discovering the award. It just isn't going to happen, the house is too small and limited compared to the flat in the city and Shelby has a job in the city. It's a no win situation that neither would be interested in making permanent when all the benefits exist without the moving in to a squalid cramped hovel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This woman is just a slut with extra steps.

tsgtcapttsgtcaptover 1 year ago

Again, good, well written, ... remains to be seen, thanks.

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaover 1 year ago

Delusional woman. And they are not only in fictional stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I agree she is dilutional. However, he is stupid, moth to a flame. He should server all ties with her because she will bring him into her world. He needs to be a 'wall' to her. She will not change from wanting an open relationship and she will ensnare him by going on a bout it. I feel the author is playing with their readers and its making me exasperated to continue reading this car crash. I am not sorry to say tat if people like this then they are shallow people.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The MC has lost the thread, nothing has changed, she's even more bold with her BS. She's getting her way, she has both of them and he just rolls onto his belly like a placated puppy?

theVikingSailortheVikingSailor12 months ago

Your writing is very good. But I think Shell is too demanding, selfish, and manipulative. That's fine. Some people are that way. But I'm not sure that a man who is like Tom is depicted--strong, intelligent, reasonable, balanced--would take the crap she dishes out and hang with her as much as he has. I'm not a burn-the-bitcher, but I think he's taken too much. She's had more than enough chances to come correct (as the homies would say). I think he should cut her off permanently. Will he do it? We're about to find out.

Schwanze1Schwanze112 months ago

Well written engaging story about a marriage with two pussies and one guy hanging around the edge.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196912 months ago

The reconciliation is tough to stomach in this story. :( the ex-wife is stubborn and refuses to accept or acknowledge the ex-husband's pain and discomfort.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

not only no but HELL NO HELL NO HELL NO

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy03511 months ago

Your male characters are all written as if they were immature women. None ever seem to be able to live without the woman that is emasculating them publicly.

NallusNallus11 months ago

Too many missed opportunities to throw her lack of respect, herself independent decisions when she's calling him on not being mature enough, and she has not acted at all in that manner, nor according to her wedding vows.

She is not trustable.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

"Tom why the divorce? Why couldn't you wait one measly month so we could talk?"

====> what a delusional woman. She wanted that month expecting that she might want Paul and leave Tom after 20 years. When he gave her the ultimatum, she made light of it and he filed for divorce when she left for the workshop. She realized she couldn't live with Paul, but still wants him in her life, but her husband divorced her. What a surprise. Especially since she told him why she needed the month. "Measly" my a$$. She is a head case. And btw the divorce rate for open marriages is over 92$. That is open marriage of any type. Including poly or swapping, and then the garbage she is proposing. I know it is a plot element near and dear to the author's heart but the statistics don't lie. Anecdotes about "friends" making it work means jack all. Wait five years.

At least the daughters were sensible about the character in his book. Shelby did behave abysmally. Like many LWs written by Cagivagurl, Shelby thinks an apology is all she needs to fix things. And this wasn't a sincere one given her conditions to keep seeing Paul as part of an open marriage. Can you say nutjob? Head case? Too many bays in the belfry?

AceAureliaAceAurelia7 months ago

Why stay married? She’d get half of his profits …Just stay FWB, why bring in the liability of marriage? Any rational man would keep her for sex and companionship; however, she’s proven she can’t be trusted ..

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

gross. if a man pulled this crap this story would have a negative rating.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

While I’m in favor of love, Shelby is acting horribly. The fact that she admitted that she needed a month to consider whether she would leave her husband is a bit cruel. People do make mistakes. But this is very harsh. We have a sensitive and kind character and his wife just won’t love him. It’s sometimes hard to read things like this. I am in favor of forgiveness, but she is very blithe to sensitive subjects. I do not believe your critics when they make spurious accusations, but this story makes it hard to defend you.

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