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Marriage Transformation Ch. 01

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Young couple learning about sex.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/03/2017
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Elizabeth and Chris got married very young. He was nineteen. She was eighteen. Chris was a very bright student, while Elizabeth was more average. Chris was already in college when they met. Elizabeth was still in high school. They both grew up in rural settings on opposite sides of the school district. They did attend the same high school, but Elizabeth was two years behind Chris. She had repeated fifth grade due to some female problems and failing to make up homework.

It was a pure accident that they started seeing each other. Chris was invited along with some pals to a social event at Elizabeth's church. Chris' family was Methodist while Elizabeth attended a non denominational church with her family. Her church was very conservative and leaned more toward the charismatic displays. Elizabeth and her family were not into speaking in tongues, but they were super strong supporters of the scripture and the literal interpretation.

Chris was the classic late maturing boy who talked big with his friends, but had no contact with any actual females. He was self conscious about not growing hair on his balls until his junior year of high school. He tried to hide himself after gym class and not reveal his pre-pubescent genitals. His cock was teeny tiny and his balls were like marbles. With no hair to hide his junk, he took pains not to be seen naked.

He was still growing after high school, but topped out at 5'-7". By the time he was in college, he had matured considerably, however he still only shaved about once a week and had light hair on his body. He channeled most of his energy into his schoolwork and his part time job. Not coming from a wealthy family, he had to borrow and scrape to stay in college. He told himself that it would all be worth it when he was finished. He was still shy with the girls, but had managed to date a little and get a little kissy-touchy with a couple of them.

When Chris and Elizabeth met, she was equally ready to move past the sexual denial and strict upbringing of her parents. She was made to dress very conservatively with longer skirts and baggy blouses. Her bra was a functional, off the rack plain one and her panties were all granny panties. Her mom would not entertain any thoughts of her dressing more modern. For that reason and others, she was not the most popular girl in school. Other students made fun of her because of her "prairie" wardrobe and her glasses. While mostly shunned at school, she had friends from church. She was actually pretty popular at church, but her church was not in the mainstream, so there were not that many boys to notice.

What went mostly unnoticed was that under her so called prairie wardrobe, Elizabeth was a real knockout. She was short and petite, definitely. 5'-2" and barely 110 lbs. However, she had a beautiful pair of round breasts highlighted by larger areolas and firm nipples. Her tiny waist flared into a wonderful ass. Her measurements were 32C-23-34. She looked at herself in the mirror often and knew that her figure was much better than most of the high school girls who tried to flaunt their charms. She wore no makeup, but got by well because her face was very pretty and her skin was flawless. White, but flawless.

Her hair was a pretty and dark shade of brown, but she kept it long and straight. She could have presented better, but her mom wouldn't let her wash it often enough. She parted it down the middle and looked very plain. In addition, her pubic hair was very bushy and dark with it growing slightly down under her panty line. She did not get to shave her legs until she was fourteen and her mom had to intercede with her dad for even that.

Her father had a sister who had rebelled early from the conservative teachings of their parents and was the family pariah. She went wild in high school and was dating on the sly and fucking whenever she got a chance. She ran off and got married when she got pregnant. The marriage only lasted a year and she was on her own with no child support. Their parents did accept her back and she had to settle down some with a baby and no meaningful employment. Their parents and her brother were always embarrassed in public after the story hit the small community. The short story was that Elizabeth's aunt got a job and began attending junior college until she earned her associate's degree in nursing. Her mother helped with the babysitting and she eventually re-married and settled down.

With that family history, Elizabeth's father thought that allowing a young girl to wear pretty clothing and makeup was a sure ticket to the wild life and premarital sex. He was in control of every aspect of the family and her mom looked to him for all guidance and definitely all decisions. Elizabeth did not like it at all and yearned for the day when she could be on her own. Yet old habits sometimes die hard and she was very naïve about her ingrained teachings.

She had only two close friends from church and only one of them went to school with her. Kathy was very plump and really looked up to Elizabeth. They had lunch together most days and since Kathy was not really popular either, they pretty much stayed to themselves. Kathy's parents were not as strict as were Elizabeth's. She tried to wear better styles, but her weight problems precluded selecting anything very revealing.

Leslie was her other church friend. She was tall, 5'-10" and very skinny. She wore a 32AA cup and barely filled that. She had freckles and long brownish-red hair. Her mom home schooled her and things were very tight and organized. Her parents were definitely more charismatic than Elizabeth's and fully participated in the speaking of tongues. They did not want Leslie to be exposed to the wilds of the devil. Leslie lived on a farm and the girls often rode horses together.

After the church social, Chris decided that Elizabeth might be receptive. Being so shy, he managed to get one of his friends to approach Kathy to drop a line that Chris thought Elizabeth was pretty. This way, if Elizabeth was going to shoot him down, he would not have to suffer the face to face rejection that he dreaded. Eventually the scheming worked around to where Chris felt comfortable approaching Elizabeth and asking her out.

They decided to go to the movies and of course, Chris had to meet her parents and get screened before he was allowed take her out. They were both grilled on where they were going and what movie they were going to see. If the answer was not correct, he assumed that they would have to stay at her house "in the parlor", so to speak. They both assured her parents that they were going to see a Disney movie. They did indeed go to that movie because Elizabeth was afraid to lie to her parents.

It was after about six or seven dates that Chris realized that he was in love with Elizabeth. They had begun slowly, but eventually had worked up to some very tame petting. This was as far as Elizabeth would go. After all, she did not want to go to hell for having sex before marriage.

As they became more intimate, they shared their feelings about their restricted upbringing. Neither one was particularly dedicated to the leanings of their parents. Elizabeth graduated high school in May and they were married in late August. The wedding was low key and inexpensive. The ceremony was in her church and the reception was in the small fellowship hall. Cake, punch and peanuts were served. The couple drove to Memphis for their honeymoon. They stayed in a cheap motel and took in some of the local sights.

Once they had decided to get married, Chris had found a cheap duplex apartment off campus. With the shower gifts and some used furniture, they set up house. Chris bundled morning classes and found a job with flexible hours. He would work 1 pm to nine in a retail outlet. The pay was low and the work boring, but it was some income. Elizabeth set about looking for a job. She was young and did not have much to offer, but she was pretty and had a sweet voice. She interviewed with some businesses and finally found a job as a receptionist in an appliance rent-to-own store.

Her job was to answer the phone and set appointments. The store was run by a husband and wife team, Bill and Maureen. In addition, there was another salesman, Barry who worked alongside Bill. He also worked the later shift until closing at 8:00 pm. Elizabeth worked from noon until closing. Maureen handled the books and doubled as the receptionist until noon. The store used a marketing service to attract new clients. With mass mailings and radio spots, the customers kept coming. Elizabeth was to screen the appointment calls and set up a time. They tried for afternoon and early evening appointments since both Bill and Barry would be there. Most of the clients were in the lower income brackets that could swing credit from their employment status. They were set up on monthly payments they could afford, but which also stretched out long enough for them to have bought two of the items they financed. It is hell to be poor and rely on high interest credit. Also, the store specialized in low quality entertainment sets which would fit nicely into the payment plan.

The store was a bit of a scam, but they did not hold a gun to anyone's head, so it was legal if not quite reputable. Both Bill and Barry were quick talkers and had years of experience explaining to young couples or single guys how they needed to enjoy their entertainment while paying for the necessary refrigerator or whatever. Elizabeth noted that many black couples gravitated to this type of rent to own service. She was supposed to identify the race and religion of the prospective customers if she could. When time came for their appointment, they managed to present the right atmosphere, music and conversation which they thought might put the clients in a mind to buy.

Bill and Maureen gave a distinct air of the very straight up conservative couple. They wore their religion somewhat loosely on their sleeves and seemed to pick and choose who they "witnessed" to. Elizabeth, while comfortable with religious folks, thought that their version of religion was more for sales presentations. After all, good Christian people would never take advantage of poor working people.

As in all businesses, there were many slow hours as well as busy and hectic. During the slow time, Elizabeth got to know her co-workers very well. Bill was a mid-forty guy of average build and looks. He had longer brown hair which he combed back on the sides and presented a bouffant look. Elizabeth noted that he styled his hair similar to many of the charismatic preachers she had seen. Maureen was also mid forties. She was 5'-8" tall and very curvy. She was not particularly fat, just solid. She weighed about 160 lbs, but had a nice figure. She dressed very stylishly and presented herself as well kept. The unavoidable presence of her magnificent breasts made it impossible to ignore her. She wore a 40-H bra and had an abundant matching full ass. She was blessed with a trim waistline, so any man would give her second and third looks. She dyed her hair a dark brown. For that matter, Elizabeth thought that Bill also touched up his brown hair. In the store, Maureen always wore very high heels. She had a commanding physical presence, but was very sweet in her nature.

Barry was probably late thirties and very average in looks. He, like Bill, dressed well with shirt and tie always. They gave the impression of higher management personnel, more than you might expect in a low end appliance outlet. Barry was married and had two kids. His wife, Nina, often brought him dinner or snacks along with his cute children. They had a boy about four and a one year old daughter. Nina was nice, but overweight. The babies had probably had that effect on her and she was probably too busy to diet or work out.

Elizabeth and Chris had sex two or three times a week. Chris, being inexperienced, usually mounted her missionary and fucked until he came inside her. The gynecologist had put her on birth control pills during her pre-marital checkup. They could not afford a pregnancy at this time. Elizabeth had been conditioned to follow the male lead. She neither wanted nor expected any more out of sex at first. After giving up her virginity to Chris, she assumed that this was what married women experienced. While in high school, she had talked about sex with her girlfriends, but neither of them had any experience either.

Chris seemed to accept the traditional male role and had never been taught any different. As far as he was concerned, when he came, sex was over. They went along this way for months. Chris was tired most of the time from working and studying. Elizabeth worked late and by the time she got home, Chris would be getting off also. She accepted that sex was initiated by the male. She would have never thought of going against her own prudish nature if it had not been for the girl talk that eventually got her thinking.

After a few months on the job, Maureen began to slowly suggest that Elizabeth might want to update her wardrobe. While she respected Elizabeth's modesty, she took her under her wing somewhat and began helping her with a little makeup. Maureen even went so far as to buy Elizabeth a skirt. She gave her the gift one Friday evening and insisted that she try it on before she left the office. It struck Elizabeth just above the knee. It looked good on her and Maureen complimented her on her pretty legs. The skirt did look a little high to Elizabeth, but Maureen saw a lot of improvement immediately.

Maureen suggested that she wear the skirt the next Monday. Elizabeth liked the look. The next week she nervously put it on and wore it to work. Maureen was impressed and told her she would take her over to a Payless Shoe store in the little strip mall close by. Later in the afternoon, they walked over to the shoe store and Maureen talked her into buying a pair of medium high heels. Maureen love the improvement and told Elizabeth that she would get her a top that went with the skirt. The next day, Maureen presented her with a simple lightweight scoop neck top. It had a silky texture and complemented the skirt very well.

When Elizabeth tried on the top, Maureen approved. She did however; tell Elizabeth that her bra was too bulky for this top. Elizabeth still wore the utility underwear that she had grown up in. She knew that they could not afford a wardrobe makeover and expressed that concern to Maureen. Maureen understood and told her that she would take her bra shopping and pay. She assured Elizabeth that she was doing a good job for the store and deserved the special attention. After all, Maureen told her, she only had a twelve year old son and really loved to treat her as a daughter that she didn't have.

They went bra shopping. Elizabeth had never been fitted for a bra and wore what her mother bought for her. She never had more than two at a time. When Maureen took her into the little boutique, the sales ladies greeted her like a friend. She instructed them to fit Elizabeth with a nice bra. After some measurements, the ladies began presenting many bras for their consideration. Elizabeth was overwhelmed with the choices and especially the prices. Maureen assured her that the bra was the most important foundation item and that to get good quality; you had to pay for it.

Maureen insisted that she get an underwire with a little lift to accentuate her full C cup breasts. While they tried the bras, Maureen was in the dressing room. She was almost surprised how full Elizabeth's breasts were. She told her so and also complimented her on her pretty areola and nipples. Maureen said, "Shoot, girl, you have been keeping your light under a bushel."

They finally selected two bras. (Well actually Maureen selected two bras for her). One was a deep plunge with some enhancement underneath and at the sides. The other was softer and more breast conforming with just a little padding. Maureen really loved the deep cleavage bra and told Elizabeth to keep that one on the shelf for a special occasion. She would help Elizabeth pick a dress and other tops to go with it. It is important to wear the right bra with the right bust line clothing. The sales ladies were very impressed with the look of each bra compared to what she had worn into the shop. Maureen suggested that Elizabeth wear the softer lacy bra and bag her old one. "As a matter of fact, Elizabeth, you need to burn the old one," Maureen added.

The impact was immediate when Elizabeth wore her new ensemble to work the first day. Bill and Barry could not get over how different she looked in her more chic outfit. They could not keep their eyes off of her all day. Maureen finally said, "Honey, I guess we need to return the clothing so these dirty old men can get some work done. They have been ogling you all day."

Being that Bill and Maureen were both so meticulously dressed, they always had perfect hair also. In the strip center they were in, was a hairdressing shop that they both went to. Their hairdresser was Cindy, late twenties, gorgeous woman with dark brunette hair and a beautiful face. Cindy was always made up perfectly as you might expect for a chic hairdresser. Cindy came into the store regularly while she was on break or lunch to visit Bill and Maureen. Mostly Maureen, but she was comfortable with the guys also. You could say that she seemed very comfortable with both Bill and Barry. They were quite comfortable with her also. Cindy was eye candy wherever she went. She took to Elizabeth quickly and invited her to her shop when she might be ready for a haircut.

After Elizabeth's starting makeover, Maureen talked her into making an appointment with Cindy. When she finally acquiesced, Cindy invited her to sit back and relax while she not only cut, but styled her hair. It was absolutely stunning when Cindy got through. She kept much of the length, but cut it very modern and fashionable. When Elizabeth walked back into the store, Maureen just about had a fit. "Oh my god, Elizabeth, what a change. You look like a different person."

Barry and Bill were also amazed. Maureen asked Elizabeth what Chris would think of his "new" wife. She seemed a little nervous about showing Chris. Maureen asked her why she seemed apprehensive. Elizabeth explained that Chris was already concerned about her new clothes. Some of his concern was having enough money to afford more new items for her, while he also seemed to worry about the changes taking place in her personality. Chris said she seemed more outward and self confident the longer she worked for Bill and Maureen.

Maureen picked up a little undertone of a controlling husband. She had only met Chris a few times and had not really formed an opinion about him. Now she wondered of his concern signaled a little streak of insecurity. Of course, she was right on target. Chris still was shy socially and for that reason, he wanted to be in control of Elizabeth. This seemed to instill confidence in him. The more submissive Elizabeth was, the greater control and therefore more self assuredness. Indeed Maureen made a mental note to be careful pulling Elizabeth very far from Chris' comfort zone. She postulated that after Chris finished college and started making some money, he might become more mature.

As Elizabeth continued to get to know everyone at work and especially as she spent more time with Cindy, she realized that there was a completely new world out there that was so different from her upbringing. Maureen talked casually about sex. Once she told Elizabeth that she had a hysterectomy about three years before. She said that rather than put her in an emotional crisis, she was just the opposite. No longer did she have to worry about birth control. She said that Bill had a very large penis and that after the hysterectomy; she could take him in her vagina more easily. Elizabeth wondered about this. She mentioned it to Cindy, knowing that Cindy and Maureen talked about sex quite a lot. At first Elizabeth was totally embarrassed when they talked in front of her. Now she just listened, but had nothing to add. Cindy said that Bill must have a real donkey cock down there because Maureen was a larger woman and unless she had some other physical restraint; she should be able to accommodate just about any size cock.


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