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Master Class


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I placed my pen on the pad, stared at her, and said, "Gabby, yesterday, when I mentioned speaking to Margaret for insight, you said that she was 'taken'. I thought that you meant that she was involved with someone, working with someone else in the program or some such thing, but you really meant that you had your eye on her, right?"

"Was that wrong?" she said with a laugh. "Marc here is your first lesson about intuition. You had all the information laid out in front of you yesterday, but you reached a conclusion that was convenient rather than accurate. Consider the facts: 1) you and I were together almost the entire day, acting very professionally, so I did not have an opportunity to speak to Margaret nor did I have time to speak with anyone other than you, so, therefore, I had no way of knowing about her private life or her involvement with other people in the program; 2) You didn't know anything about me personally nor did you ask if I was attracted to women but you assumed that I would not have a sexual interest in her. You did not perceive me as a predator who would 'take' her; 3) While I may have been interested in her, I had no way of knowing if she would be open to my advances. The only thing that I knew with any certainty was that I would find a way to bring the two of us together and work diligently to exclude other people from interfering until I knew if she would be interested in me. When I said that she was 'taken' I assumed, correctly I might add, that you would rather be working with an attractive man instead of Margaret because of your situation, and you only needed the slightest reason to move away from her, leaving the fly to the spider in a metaphorical sense.

"I am not a person who kisses and tells but this exception was an example between colleagues for teaching purposes. Women intuitively sense their environment, and it gives us an edge. If you plan to write from inside the mind of a female, you must learn to think like a female."

"You amaze me," I confided, "but since you and Margaret are both female, did her intuition allow her to sense your intentions?"

"Of course," she replied, "Margaret had an inkling when I handed her the bourbon but definitely knew when we left together by the way I smiled when we got up from the table, and her eyes acknowledged her desire for me when she looked at me in the lift. Our first kiss inside the door of her room told us both exactly how far we would be willing to go during our first encounter."

I smiled across the table at my teammate and responded, "And since you said that she has a lovely physique I can conclude that you managed to get her naked during "your first encounter." Consequently, it is only fair for me to assume that she did the same to you and I can now imagine the two of you naked in her bed in a passionate embrace that lasted most of the night and involved a lot of sweating."

Gabby laughed out loud and said with mock applause, "Very good, my dear Watson. You are a remarkable pupil."

"I have a good professor," I replied.

We spent the rest of the day working on our respective projects and occasionally chatting for advice and inspiration. It wasn't until late afternoon that the subject of the evening's dinner came up. "Oh, Gabby, Charles asked me to dinner tonight and I said that I would like you, and perhaps Margaret if you like, to join us. How does that sound?"

"Quite nice, really," she said, "It will be fun to see how the two of you got along."

"Great," I said, "I will tell Charles and grab a table for four at 7:30."

Charles had a fresh bottle of bourbon with him and I brought a bottle of Merlot for dinner. Unlike yesterday, no introductions were needed, and the atmosphere was very relaxed. The connection between Margaret and Gabby was obvious and they were at ease with each other while Charles and I had a way to go to catch up. In a way, I wish I could make notes during the evening since there were several instances when either Margaret or Gabby would say something and the other would punctuate the conversation with a simple one-finger touch or a shoulder nudge that spoke a different language or carried a secret meaning, and I would like to understand more of what they were 'not saying' to each other.

When dinner and the wine were finished, Charles said that he promised me a view of the gardens from his terrace, and if the ladies would not mind, he would like to make good on his promise. I made a mental note that my agreement to his plan was a fait accompli and while several days ago I would never have given that lapse a second thought, tonight I felt that he was being presumptuous. Is this the way that women feel when their acquiescence is taken for granted? I looked over at Gabby and saw something in her eyes that seemed to signal her understanding of what I was thinking. Margaret was also looking at Gabby but her eyes were telling a different story and that made me smile.

Arriving at Charles' apartment, I was greeted by a beautiful sight. On the foyer table was a splendid bouquet of white roses that gave a wonderful scent to the room. While Charles closed the door, I remarked in a quiet tone, "Charles, the flowers are magnificent. Where did you get them? Not from the garden I hope."

"No, I had them delivered today. They are for you," he replied.

"Really? They are wonderful. Thank you so much, I love them," I cried. "I am such a lover of fresh flowers that they make me an easy touch. How did you know?"

"A hunch," he said. "I saw the way that you gazed out the garden last night with that wistful look and I felt that you had a connection to nature so what better surprise than flowers?"

I bent down to smell the roses and whispered, "Perfect," before walking up to Charles and wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissing him deeply on the mouth. Charles put his arms around me and held me as he returned my kisses while I moaned in sheer ecstasy. I felt the thick muscles in his arms and chest as he pulled me close, and I felt his hardening erection poking against my stomach. My breathing was getting labored and I found myself panting softly as he continued to kiss my neck and nibble my ear.

"Oh, God, Charles, I feel so hot and weak, I must get out of these clothes and lie down before I pass out. Would you mind helping me? Please." I mumbled.

Charles led me to his bedroom and removed my shirt before having me sit on the bed so he could remove my shoes and slip off my pants. Once I was naked he guided me under the sheets and helped arrange the pillow under my head before he stepped back to remove his clothes as well. I watched as his clothing came off piece by piece exposing a firm athletic body with very little hair. I had felt the power of his arms and chest as he held me before and now I could see the muscles and longed to feel them squeezing me again. His erection was beautiful; straight and hard, a penis with a well-defined head that had a glistening drop of seminal fluid on the tip. I wanted to taste him, feel the head of his stiff cock slide over my tongue and go deep into my throat. I wanted his hands on my head holding me firmly, moving me to his rhythm for as long as it took for him to release his semen into my mouth. I wanted to savor every drop, let his cock drain into my mouth and throat before I swallowed it all. These were my desires, what I longed for, and what I desperately hoped Charles would understand without words being necessary.

I lay on the bed with my head on the pillow as Charles walked over to me. He bent over and before anything else, kissed me tenderly, stoking the fire that I had managed to get under control. He knew what he was doing to me and relished the sound of my breathing and the tiny moans coming from my throat. He then knelt on the bed, straddling my body while he kissed my neck and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The passion was building in me and I wanted to feel his body against mine, feel the power of his arms holding me and the weight of his body holding me to the bed, immobile. Charles kissed my lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth, probing deep as I sucked on it greedily.

I could not keep the desire bottled up inside me any longer. I rolled out from under Charles and pulled back the sheets before I climbed onto him, my body now straddling his, and I kissed him wantonly. I worked my way from his lips to his neck, down over his chest to his left nipple, which I teased with my teeth making him gasp in pleasure.

Satisfied with the effect, I moved down on his stomach, eventually reaching his erect penis. I licked around the head and down the shaft while my fingers gently massaged and squeezed his nipples, and then slowly took his cock into my warm, wet mouth.

By now he was panting and his hands gripped the sides and back of my head, holding my mouth firmly onto his cock. I teased his nipples, sucking on his dick as my lips slid up and down in an ever-quickening rhythm. The sound of his panting alerted me to the obvious even before the pulsing of his penis delivered the abundance of his semen into my mouth. I held him with my lips while his fluid spurted against the back of my throat and worked its way deeper into my body. I felt his body spasm and eventually lay still as his breathing returned to normal. I stretched my legs and allowed myself to be prone on top of him, relaxing my breathing and feeling the beat of his heart against my chest.

I raised my head and looked at Charles' face, perfectly relaxed and calm, his once taut muscles now softened. My needs had been turned into his needs and those were temporarily satisfied. Inside my head, my mind was telling me to roll off his body onto my back while silently willing his calm, relaxed arms to move under my knees to pull them up to my head, and his soft penis to be hard again before being pushed into my anus so that I could be roughly fucked like a bitch. My breathing increased to quiet panting and my heart rate sped up as I imagined the glorious, earth-shattering orgasm that was not to be.

I rolled off Charles and lay quietly on my back for a few minutes before getting up to use the bathroom. After washing my face, I went back to the bed where Charles was laying on the pillow with his eyes open. "Wow, that was fantastic!" he said. "You are really special in bed. I have never had anyone make me cum so hard. Thank you."

Smiling, I replied, "My pleasure. I am glad that you enjoyed it and thank you for the flowers." As I retrieved my clothes and got dressed, I said, "I hate to suck and run but I am tired tonight, and silly me promised to meet Gabby for an early breakfast. See you tomorrow."

Charles got up and met me by the door. "Good night, and thank you again for a great evening," he said.

"I enjoyed it as well," I responded as I walked out and headed to my room.

The next morning found me in the cafeteria earlier than usual, pen and pad in hand. After getting a large coffee and some yogurt and fruit, I settled down to assemble notes from the prior evening, when a familiar voice broke the silence.

"Either you are up very early, or you never made it to your room last night. Which is it?" said Gabby.

"Certainly not the latter," I replied. "How are you and how was your evening?"

"Hot, steamy, sweaty," came the response.

"And you?" I joked.

"Men are so juvenile," she said with a laugh. "If it wasn't for that 'Y' chromosome I could see us becoming friends. We share a similar sense of humor."

"I agree," I replied.

"Okay, what's the problem?" she said seriously.

"Nothing. What makes you think that there is a problem?" I replied.

"Intuition at first. And when a woman says 'nothing' when asked what's wrong, it usually means just the opposite."

"I would love to understand what algorithm paired us as teammates. Whatever it is I am confident that it could put marriage counselors out of business," I responded. "Or maybe it's just that your intuition is so sharply focused."

"The doctor is "In". Tell me what's troubling you," she said.

Taking a large sip of coffee, I started to explain the events of the evening after Charles and I left her and Margaret last night. Gabby listened intently, something that I took note of on a separate page in my mental notebook, and when I finished, she reacted quietly. "I get it," she said. "It's not complicated and it spans the gender gap, and the fact that you are seeing it, feeling it, simply indicates that you are taking the time to open your eyes and look.

"People, male and female, do not like to be taken for granted. Consciously and subconsciously, we look for subtle signs that make us feel special and these are particularly important when they come or are missing from someone we care about. Women like compliments or kind gestures, opening a door or a soft touch for example. Men may appreciate a friendly punch on the shoulder or a grab on the neck, or in your case, someone taking the time to care for you sexually. Don't get me wrong, women appreciate that too but have been conditioned to delayed gratification so our reaction may not have been as quick to reach a flashpoint as what you experienced last night. A woman may have spent the night satisfied by spooning and being held rather than abruptly leaving, but men look for a more blatant and immediate response to most issues. It's genetic."

I studied her for a few minutes and then responded, "So, if I understand you correctly, you believe that my feelings were hurt by the way that Charles treated me last night because I was more open and vulnerable to being hurt, a good thing in a relationship, but my reaction was like a typical male who wanted to simply abandon the area of conflict. I could have taken a more passive role and then been more assertive a little later when Charles would have been more receptive. Diplomacy rather than conflict."

"I think that you're getting it," she replied. "Do you feel enlightened?"

"Actually, I feel foolish for acting impetuously," I said. "In hindsight, I should have stretched out and enjoyed his closeness for a few hours and given him the chance to react in a way that was comfortable to him. I would have gained insight into him and then I would have more information for later decisions."

"I would agree with that approach, so I think the lesson is over for today even if we haven't reached lunchtime yet," she said with a chuckle.

"May I ask how things are going with Margaret?" I said.

"Sure," she replied. "We had a nice evening, and I could not wait to get her back to my room and into bed. When I did, I was overwhelmed by the look of her naked body, the scent of her, and I pushed all the right buttons. The sex was magnificent and her orgasms drained her, leaving her gasping for air, and reducing me to a hot, sweaty, bitch in heat. Unfortunately, she was exhausted so I curled up next to her and we slept in each other's arms until almost dawn. She woke me up and treated me to a tender session of lovemaking that took my breath away, something that I never imagined anyone being able to do to me.

"When you asked how I was this morning and I said, 'hot, steamy, sweaty" it was true. My legs were weak from the passionate lovemaking that followed my feelings of disappointment from earlier that night, and I was hot with a desire that I would have to control all day, not an ideal situation I might add."

I looked into her eyes, and she gave me a warm smile which I returned in kind. We eventually laughed out loud when the humor in the situation could not be ignored.

Charles came over to us in the early afternoon, asking how things were progressing. After a brief chat, he said to me, "You left your flowers on the entry table last night and if you want to pick them up later, why don't you stop by for a drink before dinner? If you have plans already, just tell me a convenient time and I will meet you."

"A pre-dinner drink sounds nice, and I definitely want to bring the flowers back to my room," I replied with a smile, "I was distracted last night and did not mean to leave them. Thank you for reminding me."

"Sure, and I also want to apologize for being rude. I will see you around 6:30 then?" he said.

"Yes, definitely," I replied, "and no apologies are necessary but it is nice that you offered."

Things were different when I saw Charles that evening. He was particularly sweet and attentive, taking time to let me savor the view over the garden while he gently massaged my neck and shoulders, with a light touch and soft kisses. Exactly what I wanted and needed. When I turned to face him he looked into my eyes while holding my shoulders and then kissed me, long and tenderly.

Taking me to his bed, he undressed me and then I undressed him. We embraced, allowing our naked bodies to blend into one another, and I felt his powerful arms hold me close as he softly kissed my neck. The heat of passion increased and I was a trembling bitch when he finally took me. Entering me tenderly, he took his time to go deep inside and then hesitated to allow me to savor the moment as my body stretched and wrapped itself around his stiff penis. His gentle thrusting was deliberate and deep but not rough. As the tempo increased my breathing kept pace and my arms grabbed at him, my nails clawing at his back and our tongues pushing deep into each other's mouth.

I came first, experiencing a powerful orgasm and spasms throughout my body. Charles came in an explosion of semen that went deep into my insides, his hard cock pulsing repeatedly as the hot liquid was forced into me. Charles gasped and I moaned as we held each other while our bodies drained, mixing semen and perspiration. I was shaking as my muscles twitched.

Charles was a considerate lover, his actions and attitude this night made up for my hurt feelings the prior night. We lay together for a long time, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms. When we woke, we made love again and showered before I left to return to my room feeling relaxed and wonderfully satisfied.

I learned a lot in a short period of time and while I have yet to see how any of this would aid in my writing, I felt that there would be a long-term benefit somewhere along the path. Gabby had been an excellent teammate and a wonderful person to hang out with as well. We became good friends, the kind that you share everything with, no holds barred, and this went both ways. The thought-provoking discussions that we had would never have happened with anyone else and I gained a tremendous insight into the complexities of the human brain, particularly those sections not used as often as they should. Men truly have a feminine side and so much more could be achieved if we learned not to deny this fact.

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