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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion Ch. 09

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Possession dominates thoughts, girls start digging up clues.
10.9k words

Part 9 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/21/2015
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"What do you mean, you still love cock? Who was here?"

Olivia was still dreamy eyed as she responded.


Lisa looked at Olivia again and went to the window to peek past the curtains. She saw Bert coming back from the truck and took a good look at him. He was tall and well built, his muscular arms showing in his T shirt. She saw his sandy blonde hair tossed in the breeze and he smoothed it back again, looking up at the sky. Lisa saw his pale, blue eyes and then he smiled and knew why Olivia was melting.

She walked back over and leaned back against the door beside her and held her hand in hers.

"I think I love cock still too."

"God, he's so good looking, isn't he?"

"Oh yeah, got my attention immediately. So, now what? We're back to cock and not lovers anymore, or what should we do?"

Olivia held Lisa's hand to her lips and kissed it, looking in her eyes and seeing the worry. She knew herself, the state things were in between them already, making vows and pledging hearts to one another.

"No, I never want what we have to end, ever."

"Good, cause neither do I."

"I'm just so confused right now. I thought I was so into you and pussy and everything and all of a sudden, I'm like, I so want to suck his cock and fuck him badly."

"Yeah, I got that too, so maybe the power over us is done, or, at least for now and that's why we like cock again."

"Maybe. I know Livy was all excited about Sebastian being here and probably followed him everywhere, so she still has feelings for a guy and would probably do a guy if she had the chance."

"Yeah, that's right. So, whatever it is, wants women to be lesbians for some reason and cumming is a part of it too. What kind of spirit or whatever thing it is would want that?"

"Lisa, I have no idea. I mean, if I had to choose which kind of haunting to have, I'd take this over all the scary shit any day."

"Yeah, there's that and really, making out with chicks really is fun. We knew it was probably fun, what with everyone going on about it, but wow, doing it is more awesome than watching or reading about it. More I guess because it's you."

"Awww, I know, baby. I feel the same way. Now that I've done it, I don't want to have to stop, not because of a guy, I mean."

"No. But you know, I wouldn't mind a guy now and then. Just one of those friends with benefits type, you know? Call him up once or twice a month and fuck his brains out and do a dinner or something to make up the friends part."

"You make it sound so cheap."

"It is cheap. Fuck all the dating shit and crap. Both of you just want to have sex and one or the other buys dinner or whatever. Swap a few texts and flirt and when the need arises, send the come and get it message."

"I could never do that."

"Like you could ever do half the shit you just did. Time to open your eyes to the fact sex isn't what it used to be. It's not all romance and flower shit. You wanna fuck? Let's fuck. We'll work the relationship part out later if we have to."

"That is so not what I want."

"Well, let's see how this would play out then with the Hunk outside. Hi, I really want to be in a loving relationship with you, but would you mind if I bring my girlfriend along and two ghosts as well. I like fucking all of them too. Maybe we can have a fun night together, just the five of us."

"Fuck off, Lisa. What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"I just told you. You want to be here with me in this place, with our two love bird sex freaks upstairs, having a normal relationship is out of the question, period. End of story. You want him in any way, you have to give up me and all of this. No way he'll buy any of what we do and certainly not Livy and Josie."


Olivia stood there frustrated with the situation and herself, unsure of what to do or which way to go.

"Come on, let's go up and check in on Chelsea and then go see what the cum sisters are doing."

Olivia laughed and hugged Lisa, finding comfort in her and easing her. She laughed and looked at Lisa with more of a smile.

"They are, aren't they? Totally a good name for them."

"Come, take my hand and let's just enjoy what we are right now and not worry about cock and pussy."

"Yeah, you're right. Okay, lets go see our sleeping beauty and hope she hasn't had any more orgasms while passed out. I don't think her body can take any more."

"Her mind stopped. Almost out of it and she cums like no tomorrow and passes out. I still can't believe how much she cums, influenced or not, that's just awesome."

"Yeah, okay, shhh, let's go in."

Olivia opened the door and peeked around it and saw Chelsea lying peacefully where they left her. She went and checked on her closer and saw she had improved in her appearance and hoped she was coming out of it. She crept back out and closed the door. The sounds from the room the girls were in, were muffled moans coming from both of them. Once again, they paused to prepare themselves for whatever two ghosts could do to each other. Lisa opened the door and it was almost normal looking.

They were kissing passionately, as Josie held the large dildo between her thighs and fucked Livy's ass deeply. Olivia and Lisa came and sat on the bed with them and watched. Josie barely had enough to hold on to with her thighs, while seven inches filled Livy's ass repeatedly.

"Damn, I feel like having my ass fucked right now, don't you?"

"Now that you mention it, no."

Lisa laughed and cuddled her.

"What would you like fucked then?"

"My mouth. I have this incredible desire to taste cum for some reason."

"Really? Cool I can help you out with that. I could go for some face-sitting on you right now. Influence or not, I do love feeling you do that to me."

"Mmmm, okay."

Lisa moved so Olivia could lie down in the space they had and waited until she was ready, then lowered herself down and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Olivia into her pussy hard. Olivia wasn't prepared to be treated so roughly, but soon eagerly feasts on Lisa's lips and succulent flesh.

"Oh yeah, that's my girl, just like that. Get me good and wet. That's it, suck on me and pull on my lips."

Lisa ran her hands down Olivia's body, opening her pants and sliding her hands in them. She rubbed and stroked her pussy, as she enjoyed the lavish attention to her own. The moans filled the hall with feminine lust echoing around, as once again, every female was engaged sexually with the greatest desire to orgasm.

As Livy started going into another orgasm, Lisa started going into her first. Together, their moans and cries rang out in triumph of sexual ecstasy. No one heard the door knock several times and finally open. Bert entered in and looked about and saw no one.

"Hello, Olivia? Olivia?, Ms. Masters?"

He caught the sounds coming from up stairs and went over to the staircase and stood at the bottom. He was about to call up when he heard the moans and cries and paused. He listened for a moment to make sure he knew what it was he was hearing and shook his head and walked back to the door. He looked back up the stairs and heard Lisa crying out to Olivia, telling her to suck the cum from her pussy.

He didn't want to hear any more and walked out and closed the door behind him. He closed the tailgate on his truck hard and got in and started it up. He looked at the house one more time, then put it in gear and spun the tires out of the driveway. Lisa heard the stones clattering against the house and the revving of the engine, as her orgasm subsided and the real world came back into focus.

"What was that?"

Olivia didn't answer, still immersed in sucking on Lisa's pussy and oblivious to what had transpired. She pulled away from a reluctant Olivia and went to the window to see. The dust was still thick in the air and the sight of Bert's truck far down the road was all she caught of it. It struck her as odd that he would do that and wondered why. It didn't take long to think about moments ago and what Bert might have heard. It seemed to make sense that that's what had happened and Lisa smacked her forehead with her palm. Olivia saw her do it and wondered why.

"What's the matter?"

"Uh, I think Bert knows about us."

"What do you mean? Knows about us?"

"Uh, yeah. No other reason a guy would hightail it out of here like that. He had to have heard us or something just now."

As Olivia wiped around her mouth, she became extremely upset.

"Fuck! We just finished saying we need to be careful about having sex and I go ahead and dive right in to suck your pussy. What the fuck is wrong with us?"

"I know, I didn't realize it either. As soon as you said you want me to sit on your face, I couldn't think of anything else."

"This is fucked up, big time. We need to get out of this house and get our heads together on this."

"I think you're right. I can't get my head away from thinking sex with you."


"Really. I just want to cum in your face and suck it out of you."

"Like those two?"

They looked at Livy and Josie in a sixty nine position, faces buried in each others pussy as they drained each other. There didn't seem to be an end to their lust for each other and they wondered how much of their desires were theirs and how much was influenced. Every minute they were real together, they had a non-stop lust for each other and regardless of the time spent apart, they were consumed with sexual pleasure well beyond anything normal. They pulled their clothes on again and closed the door to the two girls covering their faces in cum.

"This is so out of control, Lisa. Even when we say we have to watch ourselves, two minutes later I'm out of my head crazy about your pussy."

"I do love that though. Fuck you turn me on something fierce. You just look at me now and I get wet."

"You think we're turning into Livy and Josie? We'll end up being like them and having non-stop sex?"

"Oh Ollie, no, we won't end up like them. We can't go at it as long as them, even if we wanted to. I have no idea where all their cum comes from, it just keeps going. I'm still surprised at Chelsea and how much she was made to produce and what she's like now. Imagine all of us just lying there getting drained of cum until we pass out? No way to stop whatever from doing it."

"Lisa! Don't say things like that, you're creeping me out. That's a horrible thought."

"What? Lesbian sex slaves tied to the bed and drained by some mysterious force controlling them? Fuck, sounds hot to me. I'd so watch that."

"Well, we're not watching it, we're living it, so don't go there."

"Worse ways to be haunted, is all I'm saying."

"Well, you get tied to the bed then and let something suck the cum out of you until you pass out and go crazy from it."

"Yeah, I'd be a blabbering, giggling idiot or something. Still..."

"Oh fuck, you're such a slut."

"I know, and you love me for it."

"Stop, yes I love you and no, I don't want to be a slut right now."

"Okay, how about later?"

"I don't know. I just want to figure out what's happening to us. Why is this happening and what is it? I have to really stay in control now, or the whole thing is going to turn into shit in a handbag, so snap out of it already."

Lisa had to shake her head a little to get out of her horny mood and took Olivia's hand, leading her downstairs and outside. She kept walking, saying nothing until she felt they were far enough away.

"Olivia Masters, I love you and want to make love to you very much, but don't let me touch you or touch me again. If something is making me want to cum and it's not you, I don't want to do it."

"You had to drag me most of the way across the property to tell me that?"

"Well, I don't know if it can hear us and it could maybe hear me now, but I had to get out. My pussy is fucking soaking right now and I know it's whatever doing it."

"Wow. This is more than chasing down some ghost story. It's like, the house needs an exorcism or something. It's possessed by something, that's for sure. Ever since it was built, it seems to have had control over women."

"We need to go to town and get some history of this place and what was here before the house. If the house is possessed, then something was here before to make it its domain to live in. Livy hasn't had much to say about what it's like being dead, but I say we go in and break them up and have a talk about things so we have a better idea of what her side is like compared to ours. Maybe she knows what it is."

"We're going tomorrow when Chelsea snaps out of it."

"No, we need to go now. I don't want to spend another minute in there, until I have a better idea of what we're up against. Let's go."

Lisa didn't wait for an answer and held Olivia's hand and walked back to the house. Lisa stayed outside, while Olivia went in to get her bag and Lisa's and check in quickly on Chelsea and get another pair of panties for Lisa. The giggles and moans continued coming out of the room with the girls, as she went back down and shut the door. They got in the car and drove off towards town.

The farther they got away, the more at ease they began to feel and soon relaxed to the songs on the radio. Lisa pulled her pants off and stripped her sodden panties off and wiped herself. She made a face as she showed them to Olivia and tossed them in the glove box. She pulled the new ones on and pulled her pants on, doing them up and sighing. Neither said anything, as they were in their own thoughts trying to make sense of it. They made it to town and followed the signs going to the library and town hall. Olivia parked and they went into the old building, looking at the ornate mouldings and woodwork. They went into the library section and asked where the old newspapers were kept. The elderly woman was happy to have something to do and took them to the files in back. She gave them each a pair of white cotton gloves to wear and asked what years they were wanting to look at.

Olivia asked for the years that the girls died and the years before the mansion was built. The woman lost a bit of her smile as she heard the years and opened the drawers with the copies of those times. Olivia took them and they sat at the large table and laid the book in the wooden cradle. They opened the first one to the times of Livy and Josie and began going through the pages for when they passed.

It wasn't until they read the obituaries that they saw something mentioned. Both girls had received little in the way of announcement to the public and nothing was ever reported in the news of the day. Even smaller and lesser news made better press than the suicidal deaths of two young women. It was completely out of context to everything else reported in the paper and they closed it, finding little else about them. It was saddening to know their lives were made unimportant and undeserved of the lack of acknowledgement to them. They opened the book for the next year and went through the headlines and news in each page.

It wasn't long before they came across a front page ablaze with the banner of Victoria Master's accidental death. They read the story of how they found her at the bottom of the stairs and the explanation being she tripped and fell. They spoke of her husband Neil and his life on the Great Lakes and once again, only a small mention that her daughter had died just the year before. They posted a portrait photo she had sat for, as well as a picture of the inside of the mansion. It continued near the back of the paper and they turned each page carefully to get to it. The mansion was shown in full splendour as it was that day and one thing that stood out in the background, were the rich, fields of lavender, rising up the small hill to the single oak tree at the peak. It was a sepia coloured photo, not showing the true colours of it, but it was hand painted and it showed the artist's rendering of how he saw it. Olivia went to the woman and asked her if she could get a photo copy made of the page in colour. She was curious what page she wanted done and looked at the open book.

"Oh, the Master's Mansion, isn't it lovely. Do you like old houses, dear?"

"Yes, I do. I love this one actually, considering it's mine."

"Oh, yours? Oh right, you're the lovely, young lady I've heard about that took it over. Such a pleasure to meet you. What's your name, sweetie, I'm Annabelle."

"Hi Annabelle, I'm Olivia Masters and this is my friend Lisa Hardwicke."

"Nice to meet you dears. Are you looking for photos of the place?"

"Yes. I want to restore it to how it looked back then and this is the first picture I've seen of it. I was hoping I could get a colour copy of it somehow."

"Oh, I think it's too big to put through the machine."

"Would it be okay to use my phone to take a picture of the page? That would still work for me."

"Oh that's fine, fine. Take all you want then, Olivia. When do you think you'll have it done?"

"Oh, it'll be months before it's done, at least to how I want it. I've met so many nice people here already that have helped me."

"Yes, lovely wee town, isn't it?"

"It is. I wish I had of come out here before, it's beautiful out here. How long have you lived here, Annabelle?"

"All my life. Seventy nine years and counting."

"Oh sweet, I hope you have many more to come. So, you must know my place well then, before it all went to ruin."

"I did, I loved going out there on weekends and picking lavender with my friends. It's a shame it's all died out now. It was so beautiful to see. That picture there, it looks something like it did, but to actually see the house amid the fields of lavender, the paint so white and the pale lavender trim made it so pretty. My mother would buy the soap they made she said. It was the best soap to use. She missed it when Victoria Masters died. So sad, such a lovely woman too, my mother said."

"What about the daughter? Olivia."

"Oh, such a tragic loss. I wasn't born then, but my grandmother used to know her and play with her, she said. I was told she died, but no one seemed to know how or why, just so sad a thing to happen to such a young girl."

"I heard she was young too. It's so bad that I don't even know my own family history, that's why I came hear hoping to find out about the place and who everyone was back then."

"I'll see what I can do with history of things, I'm still pretty good upstairs at remembering things. I remember Captain Master as a girl and seeing him come in to town. He was a handsome man, but oh so sad. He couldn't get over losing his family like that. Poor man."

"Yes, That much I knew and then my Uncle Simon had it for a while and then left. After that, it just sat empty."

"I know many people wanted to buy it, but it was never for sale. Captain Masters had said it belongs to his family and it stayed that way. Now you have it."

"Do you know who owned the property before my great-grandfather?"

"Oh, I don't know that dear. That would take a walk across the hall to town records. They would have a record of that, I'm sure."

"Great. So, how well did your grandmother know Olivia, back then? I'd like to know more about her. She seems to be forgotten about somehow. I couldn't find anything but an obituary notice and that said little about it."

"Yes, no one really knows why. Just nothing said. It is a strangeness."

"That it is, Annabelle. You've been so helpful, I can't thank you enough."

"Oh, my pleasure. Sit here all day on my tookus and it's nice to get up and move around doing something."

"You're so great, I'm really happy to meet you, Annabelle."

"You too, dear. Nice meeting you, Olivia, you too, Lisa."

Annabelle shuffled slowly back to the front and sat on the comfortable chair again, as Olivia started taking lots of pictures with her phone camera. She found as many things as she could about the mansion and everything on the Masters that was available. For all their prominence, they weren't that talked about in the papers. Once they'd gone through the four large tomes holding the newspapers, they headed across the hall to the records dept and asked the young woman behind the counter about her place and who owned the land prior to her people. She gave the dates and she rolled her eyes, knowing it meant going into the old files and not looking it up on the computer.

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