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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion Ch. 17

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Victoria returns, Skylar arrives, Millie increases the fold.
10k words

Part 17 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/21/2015
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Victoria came to Millie and softly touched her cheek, making a tear flow from her eye.

"Sweet Millicent, it's over and my darling girls have ended the possession from Heather. We are free again and our spirits can be in peace."

"I'm so sorry, Victoria. So much hurt and pain has happened to us all because of her."

"Yes, she did cause a great deal of pain and misery, but that is gone now and we are blessed with a peaceful eternity."

"I'm so glad it's over for you all. I know how long it's been for you to be under her control and now as you say, a peaceful eternity. I'm afraid my eternity won't be so peaceful, not after what I've done. I know I'm to be damned for it."

"No, Millicent, you didn't do anything wrong to him. You won't be damned for it, this I know."

"How? How do you know, Victoria? I hid him away in a hole in the ground, so I wouldn't have to explain anything. There was no honour or respect shown to him like there should have been."

"He will be honoured properly in time, dear, not to worry. As will we all."

"I don't understand? How will we be honoured?"

"By my daughter's namesake, Olivia. She will honour the Lancaster's as we should have been. I thought I would be damned for how I had shamed us all. My own baby suffered for it and Jocelyn as well. I had to live that year with the saddest heart I could ever have. I was happy to be released from that life of misery, knowing every day would be held in agony for what I had caused. I was responsible for my own daughter's death and that of her loving friend and all I wanted to do was stop them from making the same mistake I had, because I knew it was Heather possessing them. I couldn't let them suffer the same fate as me."

Victoria wasn't as solid or real looking as Livy and Josie. She was held in a lavender glow, tiny dots of gold sparkling throughout her. She was translucent, but her body was well defined in shape and detail.

"I couldn't tell them why they were doing that and had no other choice but to try and end it. My daughter and Jocelyn have forgiven me and know that I bless their love. I know it is wrong to decide how a heart should love another, for only that heart can know and I had no right to decide for them. I see them now and I wish I had of let them love one another. I see how beautiful their love is. I only wish I had the same love from Heather. It could be so wonderful at times and I loved that, but she abused me in so many ways too. I was left with her mark many a time and had to hide it from everyone. She cared not for my well being, nor my possible shame. She did to me, what her father and brothers had done to her, making me share in it with her. When she died and the marks finally left my body, I felt I could be with Neil and married him. I had Olivia and felt all of it was past. I was with my second child and it was taken from me by her. She came and killed it inside me and later, I found that it was a boy and she would have nothing of it coming from me. I was cursed by her for as long as I lived and I would never be free of her. I never wanted to be with child again and go through what I did before and face the chance of losing another."

"Oh Victoria, I had no idea. Even your diaries never shared any of that. The last was your regret for denying Livy."

"My sweet Livy, I adored her so. I will forever more now. Both of them."

"Mama, I do love you. I'm so happy you accept Josie and I and who were are and want us to be together. I only wish now, that you could have shared such a love as ours and known how wonderful it is."

"I so wished for that, my child. I do love the touch of a woman and would have enjoyed a lifetime of it, if only it were to be."

"Victoria, I understand, I felt that too with Beth."

"I wanted you to feel that with her. I want all women to feel that joy of being together."

"You brought us together?"

"Yes, like all girls and women who came to my house, I tried to show them how wonderful it was."

"But...that means..."

"Yes, I have tried all this time to end Heather from possessing me and spread the joys of loving a woman. Heather used my powers to come back and almost destroyed all that I was creating."

"What is it you're trying to create?"

"A place where all women can love one another. A place where we don't have to hide away from everyone if we want to be together."

"That's why every woman feels like that? You've made us feel like that?"

"Yes, we must enjoy it."

"But what of those who don't want to?"

"All women want to. I read it in their minds and hearts. They dream of another woman and I wish to make that come true."

"Are you saying all women are lesbians, Victoria? I don't quite understand."

"All women love one another. We love who we are. We can be with men, but we need to be with other women more."

Millie sat on the bed with Livy and Josie at either side, feeling the comfort of them with her, as Victoria stood in front of her and caressed her cheeks with her hands.

"Yes, we do need the love of other women, I can see that, but making love together, why do we need to do that?"

"Because we will never know true pleasure until we do. I was with a woman and I was with a man and even though there was cruelty, there was far more pleasure in what I had with Heather, than I did with Neil."

Millie looked at her, then at the two on either side of her, knowing the happiness they shared by being together. She thought of her own experience and how it stayed with her a lifetime, as one of her most memorable times making love. It was hard to deny what Victoria was saying, despite a society that would never see that and agree with it. She knew in her heart the truth of it and saw it in Olivia and Lisa, in Livy and Josie, in Chelsea and anyone else who was touched by the possessing love of another woman. It was a conundrum of the mind to imagine, so she resigned to just accept it in her life and admit to it.

"I understand now. I know what my own heart has felt and I can't deny that. I treasure my moment with Beth and wished it would never have stopped. I agree, I have never felt the same with a man, even my Walter, God rest his soul, couldn't come close to making me feel like Beth did."

Victoria held her arms open to Millie, who rose to join her, then Livy and Josie rose too. They all shared a hug in bonding of the moment, Millie wrapped in supernatural love. What the past had put asunder and darkened the name of Lancaster all this time, was being forgiven and accepted as the past. From that moment forward, all of them would be held in the Sapphic bond of women and be a single focus for that love.

Vic sat with Joe and Bert, drinking the last of the beer, nursing his wounded pride and the pain in his heart. Joe had no idea what to say to either of them, as the vision of lesbian loving weighed heavy on their minds.

"I just don't fucking get it. I don't. Just, why the fuck would she do a thing like that? In our home no less. She's never done anything like that, even remotely and to walk in and see her like that with Chelsea on top of her, I mean, what the fuck?"

"Vic, I can't explain it, but you know and I know it ain't Marlene's doing. It's all that ghost shit doing it. You know what you saw and everything, just like I did, so don't go getting all bent out of shape over it, at least until you know the real reason for it. I'm just saying, Mar could be possessed somehow. She was over there with them and we don't know what happened there. All you said was Mar got some oil on her, you know and that's all you really know. Who says Olivia was telling you everything? You really trust a woman that was almost possessed to be God knows what by Heather and she's going to be straight with you?"

Vic stopped drinking his beer and thought about what Joe was saying.

"So, you think when Bert and I went out and Olivia told me about Mar, she was lying and you think they were turning her into a dyke?"

"Not them, what ever is making them do that."

"I thought Heather was making them do that?"

"She was, but maybe some of her energy is still around or something. Maybe it isn't as over as we thought and we still have something going on we don't know about."

Vic had to reason that out and looked at Bert.

"Bert, any of that make sense to you?"

"Sort of. I mean, when I was with Olivia that night, when we brought them here, she wanted me to stay with her and she snuggled up to me when I laid down. I figured she was back to normal and that's why it fucked me up seeing her and Lisa together again and wondered why, after she seemed interested in me like that."

"So Joe, you really think Mar is batting for the other team because she's possessed? I mean, it makes sense if she is, you know. It's just a bit hard to take, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get you, Vic. I mean, if they are possessed some how, that would explain why Olivia was like that with me, too."

"It's the best I can come up with for an explanation for you. I'm just saying, don't be going and doing something all out of sorts because of it. Let's just figure it out and see what's what. Just don't be, you know, thinking they're all like that and they ain't."

"Yeah, maybe you're right on that, Joe. So how do we go about getting them to stop doing it? I don't want Mar going off and messing with women any more."

"That, I have no idea about. So, let's see what we got and go from there and maybe something makes sense what to do."

With the diffusing of hurt feelings, the guys sat around the fire in the barrel, talking about all they knew about the possessing and what had happened. It was another guys day and night, although this one held a different meaning and purpose for them. Their quiet little town was faced with a crisis from within and no outside help would be coming. It was obvious to them that asking would only lead to ridicule. To even say that a ghost was turning their womenfolk into lesbians was as ludicrous as it came, despite it being the truth. They'd be taken more seriously if they said UFOs had landed, than what they had.

Marlene and the girls finally washed and dressed, sitting eating a brunch at the table. It was hard for her and Chelsea not to be together, so Olivia and Lisa divided them.

"You two are really something. If this wasn't a possession like I know it is, I'd let you two just go at it as much and as long as you want, but Mar, please, stop thinking about it and Chelsea, I don't know what the fuck to say to you any more. I'm so sorry for letting you be with the girls like that, I should have stayed and made sure, but I thought a little privacy might be nicer. I was wrong and I hope you can forgive me."

Chelsea looked at Olivia with a far away look and a smile of far too much happiness.

"Ollie, it's okay. I've never been so happy, how can I be mad at you for that? I love what I'm doing."

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"Of course I do. I'm loving women and I love it. You love it, Lisa loves it and I love it. Do you think Sky will love it too if she tries it?"

Olivia was surprised at the mention of Skylar and hadn't even thought of their friend since all this had happened. She looked at Lisa and gave her a face to show her confusion at the thought.

"Wonder what Sky would say to all of this? Imagine her involved in any of this? She likes things all safe and sound and gets freaked at the thought of going outside her comfort zone."

"I forgot all about her till you just mentioned her. Yeah, she would so freak out big time over this. I'm surprised she hasn't called yet to see how we are."

"Me too. The less she knows, the better."

"Maybe she has, My phone is probably dead by now, I haven't charged it up in a while."

"Mine either."

"Mine is back at the house in my bag, I never even took it out once since I got here, so it's probably dead too."

"Okay, when we get back, I'll charge my phone and touch base with her. Last thing we need is her coming out to know what's going on and getting involved in any of this."

"I agree. Speaking of which, we should get back and get things straightened out there. Any one sees the place and they'll wonder."

"Yeah. Mar, is that okay with you that we leave soon?"

"Any time sweetie, just say the word."

"Can we go now then and get things in order, at least try to look normal through this."

"Let's do it then."

Marlene cleared the table and dishes were quickly washed, dried and put away, as laundry was loaded in the truck. Marlene and Chelsea got in the front, while Olivia and Lisa sat in the back. Marlene headed towards the mansion and Chelsea snuggled in to Marlene and put an arm around her as she drove.

"Uh, Mar, you might not want to look so intimate with Chelsea driving around. No idea who could see you and ask questions."

Marlene looked at Chelsea sadly, knowing Lisa was right. She gave her a quick kiss and they moved apart unwillingly. Chelsea moped the whole way there and wouldn't talk, so the drive became a silent passage of reflection.

Victoria, Livy and Josie ended the reunion when well wishers came to look after Millie. After a final shared connection between them, all three quickly lost shape and form, becoming lavender coloured wisps of mist. Millie watched them leave through the wall and head directly across the fields to the mansion. She watched with a smile on her face, a knowing of something to come that made her happy. The knock didn't phase her from looking, as the door opened and Greta Jensen poked her head in. The gasp she made when she saw her made Millie turn to look at her.

"Oh, good morning Greta, lovely morning, isn't it?"

"Millie, you're, you're glowing."


Millie looked at herself and chuckled.

"Och, don't be silly, it's just the light coming in through the window."

She stepped away from the light as her glow faded and Greta saw the change and relaxed.

"Oh, silly me, you're right. It was just so real looking when you were standing there, that it actually looked like you were glowing."

"Oh Greta, wouldn't it be nice if that was Walter trying to be with me?"

Millie let a little sadness and a tear flow for effect and Greta came and comforted her, sitting on the bed consoling her.

"I do love a good hug, dear, that's nice."

"My pleasure, Millie. I'll sit here and hug you as long as you like."

"You're so sweet Greta. I'm really not much for company, but I do enjoy this and it makes me feel so nice."

"Good, I want you to feel nice. This must be such a terrible ordeal to go through."

"It is, it is. It's the not knowing that hurts so much. I mean, if he's gone, he's gone, but I need to know that he is. I hate to think of the poor soul out there all this time doing God knows what to stay alive."

"Oh Millie, I know. Such a terrible thing to have to imagine. Hang on, let me get this throw blanket around us and make it a bit nicer for you."

Greta wrapped the throw around Millie and had her lay her head on her shoulder. Millie gladly accepted it and snuggled in to enjoy her warmth and comfort. Greta had no idea that Victoria's plan of female loving had begun and she was the first initiate into it.

The mists appeared in the bedroom of the mansion and began regaining a mortal shape, when a car pulled in the driveway and stopped behind the others. The horn blew twice in short beeps, then the door was being knocked on. Victoria, Livy and Josie floated to the window and looked to see who it was. Neither girl recognized her, but that didn't matter. She would soon be enjoying the scent of lavender and the soft caress of feminine arousal.

The young woman knocked again and then turned the handle, pushing the door open.

"Ollie? Lisa? Chelsea? Hello, anyone here?"

She closed the door to go in and never saw the three in the living room watching her pass by. She stood in the hall and looked around at the place and called out again. With no response, she ventured upstairs and went into the bedroom. As she stood there looking at the stripped bed and bare pillows, she figured they were in town doing washing. She never even sensed the three, now fully transformed into real bodies, the glow gone from them. She turned to go back down, then saw the three naked women in front of her and tried to scream.

As she stood in stark terror of the moment, the three surrounded her and began loving on her. It was disarming to be treated so lovingly by them, the terror not there to feel threatened by, more of a confusion as to why and how. There was no chance to ask a question of them, as her mouth was softly kissed, first by one, then the other and then the last, until she had no choice to do anything but start responding to the stimulus she was receiving in abundance.

One by one, buttons and clasps were undone, as a half dozen hands began undressing her. It was impossible to resist what they were doing, the arousal so incredible to feel. In a minute, she was naked and pressed against by three other naked bodies and felt a joining with them.

Marge pulled into the driveway and stopped behind the latest car to arrive.

"Hey, that's Sky's car. I know that piece of shit any where. That's so cool, she got off her ass and came up."

"Not really, Chelsea. It would be better if we weren't in the middle of all this and didn't have to dance around it."

"Well, let's go say hi to her."

They all got out and grabbed a bag of laundry to bring in.

"Sky, we're back."

There was no reply, so Olivia called out again.

"Skylar, are you here?"

Still no response, so they went up to drop the laundry off. Olivia opened the door and dropped the bag immediately. One by one they all did the same and looked at the scene happening on the bed. Skylar was surrounded by the three ghosts, all three arousing her, making her writhe in blissful sensations going through her. The three turned and smiled at them all as they stood looking in shock. It wasn't so much the girls seducing Skylar, it was the other one that looked exactly like Olivia.

Olivia felt like she was staring in a mirror as she looked at the older ghost looking at her, her face glistening with Skylar's juices.

"Olivia, I finally get to meet you at last. Come, join us, all of you."

They looked at her smiling radiantly at them, not a hint of anything threatening to make them feel afraid, but fear raced through each of them instantly, knowing the source of possession was there in front of them. A stalemate of sorts began between them, neither moving to or away. The glowing energy of their lust moved about them and wafted slowly out in trailing wisps.

Before they could react, the trailing wisps reached out further and began surrounding them, caressing them from head to toe, urging them to come forward.

"Come my lovelies, join us and feel the pleasure of being with us."

Olivia held Lisa's hand tightly, both of them fighting the forces pulling at them physically and emotionally to respond. Chelsea was too susceptible to the possessive forces already and left Marlene's side to go to the bed. Olivia tried to stop her, but she pulled free and stood at the end of the bed.

"You are a precious one, aren't you? Come my pretty girl and join us. Disrobe and free your body for pleasure."

Chelsea didn't hesitate to take her clothes off as fast as she could and climbed on the bed. Victoria embraced her kissed her, Chelsea taking to her immediately. Marlene couldn't resist the urging need to be loved and adored, the wisps tantalizing her senses in every way. She was already stripping her top off and releasing her bra by the time she got to the bed.

"Love me too?"

Victoria released Chelsea and bade her to join the others, kissing and engaging sexually, then turned to Marlene and held her hand out to her. Marlene took the glowing hand in hers and shuddered at the energy that went through her.

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