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Man meets snake woman, the two of them have fun.
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I was confused. Ten people had gone to the rockpile at the edge of the meadow in the lest year and simply vanished. No trace. No body found. It's like they'd been sucked into a black hole.

I decided the only way to figure it out was to visit the rockpile myself. It was huge -- probably close to one square mile -- with several passages where you could walk under large arch-like structures. In fact, no one had mapped out the entirety of the twisty passages -- some well-lit, others not so well lit -- that led through it.

So, on Friday afternoon, I came home from work (I work from 7 to 3:30, so I was home, showered and changed into my casual clothes by 4:00) and drove over to the meadow. A five minutes' walk brought me to the rockpile. I started slowly wandering through the passages at random.


The voice was coming from a shadowy alcove. I stepped over to it. There was... what appeared to be a cross between a woman and a snake, curled up on a large flat ledge of rock. She had a human face, and aside from her lack of arms and the green skin, her torso was very human and very female. My eyes lingered on her huge, bare breasts. They had to be E-cups, minimum. Moving downwards, her skin became scales at just above what would be waist level, and her lower body had a snake's tail, at least twenty feet long, as it gradually narrowed from her waist downwards.

"Um, hello."

The snake-woman gave me a friendly smile. "Come, sit. I don't get to interact with humans much. My name is Lydia."

Something in her voice settled my nerves a bit. I walked to the ledge and sat down. "My name is Mark."

"When in Rome, Mark, you shoot Roman candles. I am naked. Please take off your clothes."

I removed my shoes, shorts, and T-shirt, leaving me as naked as Lydia.

"You're in good shape," Lydia observed.

I'm five-foot-eight, slim but toned (I do try to work out), with short, straight brown hair and brown eyes. Lydia, of course, was hairless -- snakes don't have hair. She had green eyes. Pretty eyes.

"I'm about to hit 30, so I have to make sure I don't let myself go to pot," I observed.

"I'm eternal," Lydia replied. "Eons old. I look good for my age, don't I?"

I gave her a smile and once again found my eyes drawn to her breasts. "You look good, period," I told her.

Lydia wrapped her tail around me several times. "You seem like a nice young man. And it's obvious you like my chest. Let us go to my resting place."

With that, she slithered through a couple of passages until we reached a circular clearing, open to the sky and well-lit. The vertical walls of rock must have been fifty feet high. The only way anyone could see us is if they stood on the edge and looked straight downwards. Lydia was lying on what appeared to be a soft layer of moss that covered the ground.

"I like to have sex with humans when they come to me," Lydia observed. "Like I said, I don't get a lot of opportunities."

"By the way," I inquired, "do you know anything about the disappearances of the humans around here?"

"Oh, that was me," Lydia explained. "They tried to rush me into sex instead of relaxing and taking it slow. Like I said, I do like sex, but I like it at a gentle pace. They wanted the experience to be over in two minutes."

She opened her mouth very wide. A normal human's mouth couldn't open that wide. Two sharp fangs were prominently displayed.

"That's right," I mused. "Snakes have poisonous fangs."

"Venomous," Lydia corrected. "Poisonous would mean that if you ate the fangs, a toxin in them would make you die. Venomous means that if I bite you, break the skin and inject the venom, you would be dead in seconds."

"And how come no one found any bodies?"

Lydia opened her mouth to her fullest extent and slid my head inside it. Then with one gulp, I felt my entire body slide down into her gullet. If not for her tail securely wrapped around me, I would have been inside her digestive system. She then pulled me out.

"That's a good explanation."

"And then I can easily dispose of their clothes," Lydia added. "Leaving no trace behind. Now, enough talking. I'm sure you've been eager to kiss and caress my beautiful breasts."

"I am indeed eager to do that," I told her.

Lydia lifted me up to her chest, with my head resting against her cleavage. Because she was only holding me by my lower body, my hands were also free. "Please do so, Mark. And take all the time you want. I love having my breasts kissed, sucked and caressed." She then twisted her flexible body (snakes don't have bones) so that her mouth was against my right thigh. "But before we begin..."

Her fangs just barely broke my skin. When she lifted her head up, I saw two very small red dots on my thigh.

"That's my way of marking you," Lydia explained. "I can bite and choose not to inject venom. I'll mark you before every session we have -- it's my way of letting you know I like you and trust you."

"Every session?"

"Trust me, Mark. After you leave, you will want to return. I'll make sure you have a wonderful time."

With that, she adjusted her body so that my head was directly against her chest. I got the idea and stuck my tongue out, trailing it through her cleavage.

"Good boy," she whispered. "There's no hurry."

I placed my hands on her large breasts. They were surprisingly firm. I caressed them as I kissed from her cleavage down to the base of her orbs. Then I began tracing a slow helix on her right breast, moving my tongue in a circular pattern towards her nipple. Lydia made an appreciative noise, so I continued kissing my way upwards. When I reached her nipple, I flickered my tongue over it and then gave it a quick suckle before switching my mouth to her other breast. I did the same slow helix and this time when I reached her nipple I began suckling in earnest.

"Mmmmm," Lydia whispered.

I placed my hand on her other breast and began gently teasing that nipple with my fingertips. Her sinuous body seemed to shiver. I took my time, sucking her nipples alternately and caressing the breast I wasn't suckling with my fingertips. After about ten alternations, Lydia's body shuddered violently.

"Very nice," Lydia murmured. "You made me cum just by sucking my breasts."

I gave the gorgeous snake woman a smile. "Is there anywhere else you'd like me to suck?"

"Nope," Lydia replied. "But I think I'm ready for penetrative sex now."

She used the tip of her tail to brush against my cock, making it fully hard. Then some scales a few inches below her waist shifted, leaving an opening.

"Is that your equivalent of...?"

"A human woman's vagina? Yes, it is." Lydia smiled. "And since you can't get me pregnant -- the genetic material is incompatible -- I would like you to make love to me until you fill me with your cum."

"That I can do, Lydia. It would be my pleasure."

Lydia slid my body to the appropriate place, and I pushed my cock into the opening between her scales. Her internal muscles gripped me gently, and the opening felt warm and wet.

"Once again, take your time. Slow and steady, Mark."

I moved in and out very slowly at first, until I figured out Lydia's preferred pace. Her body gave me clues. I sped up just a bit, and she smiled at me and wrapped several more coils of her tail around my body, holding me comfortably but securely against her.

"May I suck on your breasts some more?" I asked.

"While you keep fucking me? Absolutely."

I dipped my head and caught a nipple in my mouth. I suckled while I continued steadily sliding my cock in and out. Lydia's body shivered powerfully again.

"Good job, Mark. Keep going. I'm curious how many more times you'll make me orgasm."

I kept my rhythm the same. In, out, in, out. Lydia continued to give me gentle squeezes every time I slid in. I wrapped my arms around her and put my hands where her butt would be if she was a human. I continued steadily thrusting, and the part of her my hands were touching seemed to shiver. I groped her as I made steady love to her, and she definitively had another orgasm.

The tip of Lydia's tail began rubbing against my butt as I steadily moved my hips. Then I felt it slip into my rear. She moved it around a little until she hit a spot inside me that made my cock twitch and throb. I forced myself not to speed my hips, but her tail rubbing against the spot was making me very horny. Her internal muscles seemed to be gripping me a little more firmly every time I thrust into her.

"Are you close, Mark?"

"Yes," I panted.

"Fill me up."

I continued thrusting into her. Her tail rubbing that magical spot inside me was driving me wild. I gasped as my cock began spurting. Lydia had her most powerful orgasm yet as I filled her with jets of hot sperm.

When my cock began softening, I pulled out. Lydia slithered a short way to a spot where a small stream was flowing and washed the tip of her tail. Then we returned to the clearing. I noticed the sky was now almost fully dark.

"Close your eyes," Lydia murmured. "You must be tired."

I was. Lydia's body made a very comfortable resting spot, and her breasts made amazing pillows for my head. I drifted off to sleep quickly.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Lydia's long, forked tongue was licking my balls.

"Let me suck your cock, Mark," she whispered. "I want to drink a load of your sperm. Then you can go back to sleep."

"All right." I wasn't about to turn down a blow job.

I couldn't see what Lydia was doing, but I could sure as heck feel it. Her mouth opened wide enough to take both my dick and my balls into it at once. I felt her lips seal around the root of my cock and then her tongue go to work, tracing slow, intricate patters on my rod. Her fangs got into the action, too, as the edges of them scraped delicately along the side of my pole. It was the first time I'd ever had a "fang job", and the feeling was stimulating.

However, it was her tongue that was the primary source of stimulation. Because it was forked, she could lick along my cock and tease my balls simultaneously. I found my balls filling rapidly. She wrapped one part of her tongue around my shaft and slid it up and down, like a movable sex toy. The other part alternated between licking my balls and teasing the head of my pole. I let out a grunt to let Lydia know I was getting close.

Lydia moved her tongue faster, and I reached the point of no return. She thirstily gulped down every drop of my cum. Then she removed her head, leaving my cock exposed. "Thank you, Mark. Rest more now."

When I woke again, Lydia was still holding me, and now the sun was up. The light enabled me to see her beautiful body again.

"Morning, Mark. Do you think there's anything left in your cock?"

"Not much, but I can manage something."

"Good. I want you to fuck my tits and cum on my chest. I haven't seen your cum yet."

She made a good point. Her tongue quickly got my cock hard.

"You look ready." She smiled at me, admiring my stiff rod. "Let us begin."

Lydia adjusted her position to make her torso horizontal. She moved me so that my pole was between her large orbs.

"Thank you, Lydia." I began moving my hips. "This will be fun."

I used my hands to keep her breasts close together. I slid my cock steadily in the tunnel between her sexy jugs.

"That feels good, Mark."

I maintained a steady pace. I had already figured out that Lydia was never in a hurry when it came to sex. I stared into her pretty green eyes for the first time and found myself starting to get hypnotized by them.

I quickly diverted my gaze back to her chest. Every time I slid my cock between her huge breasts, it would disappear into her cleavage. Lydia's body was starting to shiver. I began caressing her breasts instead of just holding them in place. She let out a soft sound of pleasure.

I felt my own climax starting to approach. I continued thrusting into her cleavage. Lydia gave me a smile.

"Let me see your cum."

She orgasmed again. That set me off, and I quickly popped my cock from her cleavage so I could squirt onto her amazing tits. She watched as jets of my hot, sticky, white cum coated her green chest, and she licked her lips.

"I think now your balls are pretty empty."

"I think you're right."

Lydia used her tail to rub my sperm into her skin. Then she kissed me.

"Let's get you dressed. Then I'll show you the way out."

She took me back to where my clothes were, and I put them on. Then she carried me through three passages and pointed to where the passage we were at ended in a "T" junction.

"Go to there, turn right, and go straight. It'll take you directly back to the meadow."

"I assume you want me back here next Friday afternoon?"

"I'd love it."

"If you give me three orgasms every time, I'll come back every Friday."

Lydia kissed me. "You gave me more than three. That's a deal."

I went to the end of the junction, blew Lydia a kiss, turned to the right, and headed back across the meadow and then back home. My weekends were going to be interesting from now on...

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