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Meet and Greet

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Meet and greet achieves its goal and then some.
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The following chronicles mainly lesbian sex so if it's not to your liking you might want to find something else to read. I apologize for this being in the "mature" category since it does, but since all my narratives entail sexual activity of older or more mature adults, I feel it's appropriate for those interested in such subject matter.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive. Thank you.


During one of my regularly scheduled appointments with my dear friend Lois to have my nails done, she informed me she was planning a special event for Brenda. She wanted to introduce her to her friends at the apartment complex where Brenda recently became a resident so she could meet everyone Lois felt she should. And all at once instead of gradually over time.

"It's sweet of you Lois, when is it scheduled and can I be of any help?"

"This coming Saturday night, and yes I could use some help. But more importantly, you need to be there if you can manage it. Walter too if he's interested."

"Of course I'll help, and yes I'll be there, but you could have given me more notice. As for Walter, it doesn't sound like something he'd be interested in, but I'll be sure to invite him for you."

"I would have notified you sooner, but since I want it to be a surprise, I was afraid you might mention something inadvertently."

"It's probably best you didn't. You know how sisters can be when one is keeping something important from the other. She would have sensed it, and wouldn't have rested until she pried it out of me. So who did you invite?"

"All the 'singles' I've made friends here with. I figured with Brenda being single, she'd most likely develop friendships with them since they tend to be more outgoing than the married couples, or couples living together. Plus the married couples usually keep to themselves, or socialize more so with each other. Who knows, maybe she'll develop a close relationship with some eventually, which is my goal."

"The men or the women?"


A little background is probably necessary relative to the apartment complex where they reside. It's strictly 55 and older with no children allowed, although it's pet friendly. And it's a relatively new complex. "V" shaped with both Brenda and Lois living two doors down from each other on the first floor of one of the two story sections known as the "east wing". Both wings have their own exercise room, recreation center, laundry room and separate as well as a common entrance. Either by design or for convenience sake, they're like two separate communities as there's little to no interaction between people of either wing. Since it's a 55 or older complex, many of the occupants are single. Either through a divorce or the untimely demise of their spouse. Lois as an example, and like Brenda, is divorced, and as a result has relationships with mainly the singles in her wing. Some of which she is more friendly with than others, and includes approximately a dozen split almost evenly between sexes. And except for a few, I haven't met many. The ones I have are all women, of which Lois does their nails.

"So why do you want me to be there?"

"You know how shy Brenda can be at first with people she doesn't know, and I figured she'd be more comfortable with you there. At least until she relaxes. Plus it would be a good chance for a couple of my friends to get to know you better, some who after meeting you asked a lot about you."

"Like who?"

"Like Linda in particular, and even though you two have spent time together in between me doing both your nails, she's been very curious about you lately. When we're alone, she has asked me what seems like a million questions. Even personal ones, which I avoid answering."

"That's interesting. I like Linda, and the few times we've been together she couldn't have been nicer. Very much so. But while I never gave it much thought, I'm guessing she's a lesbian?"

"It seems so after her divorce, at least until the right man comes along. At least it's my impression, but how did you know? Did she mention something?"

"No, but it takes one to know one. And even though I'm not what you would call a lesbian, occasionally I am attracted to another woman."

"That's putting it mildly."

"Look who's talking. Last time I checked you were pretty good at eating pussy. Then again, you're also good at sucking cock from my observation."

"Very funny Lacey, and as for me eating pussy as you put it, you only have yourself to blame. I'd probably still be a heterosexual versus bisexual if it wasn't for you. Not that I'm complaining."

"You seem to have a short memory. If you remember, it all began when your friend Bob was all but drooling over my feet after you pedicured them and asked if I'd let him suck my toes. Being the good sport I am, I did. But before I knew it, you..."

At that point, Lois interrupted me..."Do I really need to hear this again?"

"Not really since I think I made my point. But I do like to see you squirm when I do."

"It does make me squirm, but not for the reason you think. I was always attracted to you and I did get carried away at the time. Not that I regretted it. And I still fondly remember the first time we made love together here in my apartment."

"I do too, and every time thereafter."

After Lois finished with my nails, and we were relaxing on the sofa with a glass of wine waiting for the polish to dry and harden, she asked..."Do you have to rush right home?"

"No I don't, why do you ask? Never mind, I think I know and I'm more than ready when you..." She never let me finish before she scooted next to me and we began kissing. Just as it became pretty intense, and we started undressing each other, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?"

"I don't know...I'm not expecting anyone, but I suppose I better find out."

After we buttoned our blouses, she answered the door. It was Linda. After she saw me..."I'm sorry Lois, I didn't know you had company." But didn't sound very convincing. Then as nice as could be..."And if it isn't Lacey. What a pleasant surprise."

"Hello Linda, and it's nice to see you again. And you look terrific." But she always has.

Linda is an attractive woman in her late 50's. About five foot six in height and around 130 pounds. Long light brown hair, which every time I've seen her has been in a ponytail. Pretty facial features with nice full lips and brown eyes that almost match her hair color. Nice figure with shapely legs and hips, and a tight looking bum, which according to Lois can be attributed to her using the exercise room regularly. Not very big busted, which I'm guessing she's about a 34B or C.

"Thank you...and same here Lacey." She then turned towards Lois..."I'm sorry to bother you two and I can come back later if you'd like."

Knowing Lois would never ask her to, and we'd never get to resume what she interrupted..."No need to Linda, I was just about to leave since the polish on my toes is dry."

I then proceeded to put my peds and sneakers on before gathering up my things. Lois gave me a list of things to do and get for Saturday night and after we hugged and kissed, I headed home.

About an hour after I arrived, Lois called to inform me the reason Linda stopped by was because she saw my SUV in the parking lot. She was disappointed I left, but was thrilled when she learned I'd be there for Brenda's event.

During dinner, I informed Walter about the "meet and greet" Lois planned for Brenda, and asked if he wanted to go.

"That's nice of Lois, and a great idea. It'll help Brenda get to meet her neighbors more quickly, but as much as I'd like to see Lois and Brenda, I think I'll pass."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. Most likely I'll get bored and end up bugging you to go home. And earlier than you'd like since there's nothing you enjoy more than socializing. Especially with people you're meeting for the first time."

"You're probably right, and with that being the case I think it's best I stay with Brenda for the night. Otherwise I won't be able to enjoy myself. In spite of it not being very far, you know what a lousy driver I am after a few glasses of wine."

"It'll be fine with me, but don't do anything I wouldn't do. But if you do, make sure you share all the salacious details with me the next day."

"It's not that kind of an affair, so don't get your hopes up."

It's almost non-existent for either of us to ever engage in sex with anyone when the other isn't involved in some way, or with people we are already intimate with. But when it does, it's usually me, and with another woman. Because of our open marriage, and with his understanding about me being bisexual, I always share it with him. And not casually over the dinner table. Nothing he likes more is for me to be beating his man meat, or me masturbating him with my feet, as I describe in detail what took place. And when it comes time for him to ejaculate, there's nothing he enjoys more than shooting his load all over me. The best part is, it usually arouses him so much, he can get another erection in short order, and maintain it for what seems like forever. Needless to say, it usually results in some great sex.


Saturday rolled around quickly. Once assured I did everything on Lois's to do list, including making two large platters of antipasto salad, I took a leisurely shower. After fixing my hair and applying my make-up, it came time to decide what to wear. Since Lois stressed "dressy-casual", I opted for a pair of Anne Taylor pleated ankle length culottes and a simple cuffed long sleeve off-white satin blouse. Shoes were a pair of black open toe strappy four inch heels, which nicely displayed my pretty feet. For undergarments, I had to mix it up with a sheer white demi-bra and black thong. A black thong because the culottes were black, and I didn't want any visible panty lines since they were very snug fitting. As for the bra, I would have preferred not to wear one since there's nothing I like better than the feel of satin rubbing against my nipples, but thought better of it. For jewelry, I kept it simple with a modest diamond tennis bracelet in white gold to match my diamond stud earrings, which I wear 24/7 since they're a twenty-fifth wedding anniversary gift from Walter.

Once I checked myself in the mirror, and Walter gave me his seal of approval by feeling my ass, he helped me load the SUV with the salad and assorted wines Lois asked me to buy to help share the expense, along with a couple of warming trays. Plus an overnight bag, which was stuffed full since like any ex-girl scout, I wanted to be prepared for anything unexpected.

As asked, I arrived about an hour early to help finish setting things up. When I did, the caterers were in the process of delivering the rest of the food, which we arranged buffet style along with the two platters of antipasto. As soon as we finished, Lois changed from her slippers into a pair of five inch black heels. Being short as she is at five foot two they were perfect along with a snug fitting knee length black leather skirt and ultra sheer black hosiery. From the waist down, she looked terrific. Not that the rest of her didn't with a long sleeve thin white velour pullover top that had a deep plunging v-neck, and revealed a lot more cleavage than I was.

"As good as you look Lois, I'm going to have a hard time keeping my hands off you. And I'm sure a few of your guests will too."

"Thank you for the compliment Lacey, and you look very appetizing yourself. But I think you need to undo a couple buttons on your blouse." Of which she proceeded to do. "There, that looks much better. With your lovely breasts, you need to learn to show them off more. And who knows, maybe after everyone leaves we can pick-up where we left off the other day since I've been horny ever since."

"Now there's a thought, which reminds me, where's Bob? I thought for sure he'd be here and I wore these shoes especially for him."

"He wanted to be. You know how fond he is of you and Brenda, and both your lovely feet. He'd crawl over broken glass at the slightest chance to suck either of your toes. Unfortunately, due to an early commitment tomorrow he couldn't stay overnight and would have had to deal with a long late night drive back to Indy. But since you did wear them for him, let me take a picture with my cell phone to let him know what he's missing."

She did by getting down on her knees for a low level view as I posed my feet with them crossed and one heel raised. After she got what she felt was the perfect picture, she sent it with a short message.

"What did you text along with the photo?"

"So sad you couldn't make it! And signed it...Lacey's ten little piggies."

"You're mean, and he'll be..."

I never finished as the doorbell rang. It was her invited friends, who arrived en masse at the designated time. Lois tried to introduce me to those I hadn't met, but between us getting everyone drinks, the doorbell rang again before she could. It was Brenda.

When Lois opened the door she made it a point to stand behind it so Brenda couldn't see her. All she saw was a dozen or so people staring at her, none of which she knew. As for me, I was in the background out of her line of sight. She looked bewildered at first and then at the number on the door thinking she had the wrong apartment, which is when Lois made an appearance from behind it.

As soon as she saw her..."Thank God Lois, I thought for sure I was at the wrong apartment."

After I came around front to greet her with a big warm hug and kiss..."Lacey, what are you doing here?"

Before I could answer, Lois did..."Surprise Brenda. I arranged a little get-together for you with all my closest friends in the east wing so they could meet you, and you them. What better way to meet everyone at once, and to welcome you to our friendly little community."

Brenda then noticed how everyone was dressed and looked down at herself..."I wish you told me so I could have dressed more appropriately. I feel out of place."

Even though she was "under-dressed" compared to the rest of us, she looked terrific in snug fitting black denim jeans, and an equally form fitting pink Banana Republic v-neck sweatshirt with matching pink Chuck Taylor shoreline sneakers. And as always, her hair and make-up were done to perfection. In spite of her casual attire, she was still the best looking woman in the room.

Lois then announced to everyone..."Before the sterno runs out of fuel, and the food gets cold, it's time for everyone to have something to eat. While you are, I'll be sure to introduce Brenda to everyone individually. Plus those of you who didn't get to meet Lacey yet, now would be a good time to introduce yourself."

Once I had a small plate of food I looked around the living room and spotted Linda standing alone by the sliding glass door, which opens to a small private patio each ground floor apartment has. When I reached her..."With it being so hectic earlier, I didn't get a chance to tell you how stunning you look."

And she did in a one piece sleeveless red jumpsuit with a bib style front and a pearl embellished collar around the neck. The back was wide open and plunged to just above her sacral crest, and the pant legs were long and flowing with a slight flare. In spite of not being able to wear a bra, her breasts exhibited very little sag. And without a bra, her nipples were visibly tenting the thin material. As for her shoes, I couldn't see them because of the long pant legs, but they were open toe since I did get a glimpse of her pretty toes when she shifted her feet. And it was the first time I saw her without a ponytail. Her hair was parted in the middle and beautifully framed her face the way it flowed down to her shoulders. And it was silky as could be without a single split end where it was cut perfectly straight at the shoulders. So silky, I could only imagine what her pubic hair would be like. Plus without it being in a ponytail, I had a better appreciation for the color, which was similar to coffee ice cream. Very unique, but most likely not natural. Not that it mattered. I'm sure she colored it to a certain degree like most of us her age since I didn't see a single gray hair."

Thank you Lacey. I'm truly pleased you think so and you look pretty nice yourself. And I'm so glad we're alone together since I was hoping to talk to you."

"About as alone as we'll ever be considering we're in a room full of people. And while no one seems to be paying us much attention, there are the two gentlemen on the opposite side of the room behind you who keep looking at us. Unfortunately I can't remember their names. Old age thing."

"Same problem with me at times, but without looking, I'm guessing it's John and Peter. Does one have a neatly trimmed mustache and the other is clean shaven with a dimpled chin?"

"You got it, and while I'm guessing, you must know them both well."

"I wouldn't put it that way, and if you don't mind me being blunt, it's common knowledge they're the two biggest cunt hounds in the east wing."

After I laughed..."That is putting it bluntly. So I take it, it's best to avoid them."

"I'll leave it up to you since they're both very nice otherwise. But if they sense there's even the slightest possibility, they'll try every way they can to get into your pants. Married or not."

I couldn't help but laugh again..."So I take it they've tried everything in their respective arsenals to get in yours?"

"And then some. But after a failed marriage with my husband of nearly thirty years who left me for another woman, and a contentious divorce, the last thing I'm interested in is any kind of relationship with another man. At least for now, even for sexual gratification."

In spite of being surprised by her last remark, I was enjoying her candor about things, and while I didn't see a need to change the subject I thought she might..."If you want, we can change the subject if it's getting too personal?"

"No need to Lacey. After what Lois told me about you, and the few times we've talked, I feel comfortable conversing freely with you."

"With that being the case, why don't we step outside onto the patio so we can have more privacy. If not, it's probably best we have this conversation another time. Otherwise someone might over hear us. It's up to you."

After pondering my suggestion, she opened the sliding glass door and said..."After you Lacey." Once I ditched my plate, and we were sitting on the patio next to each other on a two-person glider she asked..."Now where were we?"

"You were telling me after your ex-husband left you, you were through with men, even for sexual gratification. So it begs the question, what do you do for it? Or have you just given up on sex for now? And I can understand if you rather not answer."

"I don't mind at all, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned anything. Obviously there is always self gratification, which I'm pretty good at since my ex in spite of being well endowed wasn't very good at bringing me to a climax. Sex, especially in the latter years of the marriage, was pretty mundane. Unrewarding would be a good way to put it, and I can't think of the last time I had an orgasm with him. He was only concerned with his own personal satisfaction versus it being mutual. As a result, I masturbated often."

"If it's any consolation, in spite of a very satisfying sex life, I still masturbate occasionally since I enjoy pleasuring myself."

"I appreciate you telling me that, but when it's the only way to have an orgasm, it can be frustrating."

"I appreciate it can be, especially if you have no other outlet since you swore off men."

"Initially I didn't since the last thing I worried about after the divorce was sex, or the lack of. Gradually that changed, but I couldn't deal with the thought of a relationship with another man so I experimented with every way possible to bring myself to an orgasm. I could open my own sex shop with all the different toys I bought, and could easily write write a primer on self gratification. But after a while, pleasuring myself wasn't cutting it. And for some reason while I was, I found myself fantasizing about having sex with another woman more than anything else. Which I hope doesn't make you uncomfortable since I know some people don't take kindly to the thought of having sex with the same gender."

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