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Meeting Her Pt. 03: In Bed

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With regular pleasuring, the each lady sees a better life.
17.8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/04/2022
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Lunchtime rendezvous and random encounters in a shower and an office can have a special charm. But to make it a tawdry affair, there has to be regular sessions of adultery despoiling an innocent bed.

In Chapter 1 Nancy has a short visit that begins with a bang.

In Chapter 2, the hired gun visits Isabel's secret hidaway where they use a bed to take their affair to the next level (up or down, depending on viewpoint). The lady is very anxious for more contact, which continues in Chapter 4. Also, some secrets come out about Isabel's first lover.


Chapter 1. Nancy Visits

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thursday night Nancy arrived just before the kickoff of the game, and she was anxious for it. She came through my door in a dress but was naked before the ball was down, I guess she removed her underwear in her office after her last class. As I kissed her nipples in greeting (since mouth-to-mouth kissing was not allowed I had to do something) it was clear to me that she was in an unusual mood. Uncharacteristically, she asked for me to please her first.

I think I have mentioned that I am an accommodating guy.

I got right to it, picking her up and taking her to my bed. When I made contact I found she was really wound up for it.

I did not bother to undress or otherwise expose my desire, I crawled between her legs and started to eat her, working my tongue like a demon on her very juicy snatch. She really up for that, she had been thinking about us and she had been thinking for hours about what she wanted me to do to her, so she was very juicy. My quick direct action, being carried to my bed, was a perfect fit for her mood.

There was no conversation, actions said it all. She got off fast, in less than two minutes after hitting the bed she wrapped her legs around my head and howled as her body arched. When she was done with the fireworks she loosened her legs only a little. It seemed a nice way of telling me she was not planning to stop with one.

Imagine a hungry animal, the look in it's eyes as it is starving, but is closing in on some prey. Nancy was like that, only she wanted to be eaten to exhaustion and then fucked like prey she was the prey, she was hungry for such treatment.

Well, I knew how to feed her what she wanted, I started my tongue working magic again. Damn, she had a pretty smile when she was getting what she wanted.

While she caught her breath after her second climax on my tongue I took a moment to rip off my sweatsuit, then I dove in for act three. She was panting, looking like a hungry tiger, tracking my every move with her eyes, eagerly waiting for me to get her off again. This time I did not stop with one, I went nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes, with her getting off, thrashing and panting and enjoying herself, every 90 to 150 seconds. She was in one of those mood, and healthy enough to enjoy in for a long time... game, set and match. Good thing my tongue was also good for a long match - I talk for a living.

When her energy started to flag and my tongue had was losing feeling, we both decided on a change. I moved up her body, stuck my cock in, and fastened my lips on a nipple. Suck and lash works good on the nips of her tasty chest treats. Now I was wound up and she was ready to enjoy wiggling under me and I moved inside. She adjusted to my motion and joined in the movement, moaning and sighing.

She finally spoke. "You are too wonderful to me. That is perf... YESSSSS! FUCKYESSSSSSS!" She gave the hardest, longest spasm so far, lifting most of my body as her athletic muscles spasmed in release.

That last was her punctuation of my good time as she felt my balls do their "make Nancy happy" thing, filling the empty spot close to her soul, the first of several for the weekend.

I took my time with her after, grabbing lots of little body kisses, which she loved, whispering praise of how wonderful she was as a lover.

When I was done enjoying myself and she was finally exhausted we shared a quick shower, then shared the food I had brought home specifically for tonight. While we were eating she mentioned she was in a good mood because of a tennis match where she beat Isabel. I knew they played on occasion, usually on Wednesdays, and that Isabel usually (90%) won. But they moved the game to early this morning. Maybe Nancy was on her game and Isabel had a rough night. Nancy beat Isabel soundly, by the biggest margin ever, putting her in a good mood all day. Isabel actually hugged Nancy and kissed her cheeks in congratulation, saying she deserved it. I gather Nancy made every move just right so she never had a chance.

She admitted that Isabel was looking a little distracted after, but a win is a win.

In the shower after the game Isabel continued to praise for every aspect of Nancy's game, some of her shots were super accurate. They went out for a special energy drink and a light meal after and both had a great time. Nancy said it was one of those great times that made them great friends.

I did not realize until that moment that the two were serious regulars at tennis, they tried to play once a week and always showered together after, washing each other's back but keeping it a friendship, nothing else.

After supper Nancy noticed my state and asked me to stick my cock into her again, only this time we could take our time and chat. She considered that the greatest luxury in our relationship. Once we were settled she talked about the tennis team. There was a connection she had to confess while my cock was inside her. Usually I did not get off for these, she mainly wanted the connection, not the messy business. I was okay with that.

Nancy confessed that when she had been on the college team, oral sex was considered "morale," and it was usually one-on-one with reciprocation. Some girls took it farther, sneaking into the men's shower and going from guy-to-guy, this was called "cheerleading" but Nancy did not do that. She liked privacy in a motel for "away" games and a dorm room for "home" matches. They used a system for random matches of oral pleasure. Most folks associated with the team did not consider oral with teammates as sex, so it was not considered infidelity. The idea was that less time spent on the mating games and dealing with "normal human needs" during the season meant more time for practice.

Most of the team members were straight, but Nancy and a few others went both ways. It was a powerful memory, Nancy was activated by it to the extent that both her voice and the state of her pussy were affected. I had hardly moved during the conversation, but as the memories came out, while she talked of different encounters, she had to play with herself at the same time. The guys all liked her, she had a lot of expertise with her mouth and the guys were always grateful. But the emotions were more intense talking about females, strong enough that she climaxed on my cock while talking about some of her more intense incidents with her female partners.

The trigger for this especially good memory was a time when Nancy and another woman were in a locker room, in an aisle that was empty, but as they were taking turns eating each other's pussy in a 69, with one laying on the bench and the other straddling above. Both girls were in a good "oh we are so bad" mood. Suddenly girls filled the locker room, changing clothes and chattering away, in the aisles on both sides of them, basketball players on one side and swimmers on the other. Nancy and her friend should have stopped, but they were just too turned on and into each other, so they kept at it without any noise.

When she was done with her fireworks after telling the story she was embarrassed to ask for my tongue, to be gentle and get her off again, but slowly. I was pleased to help. That took about 15 minutes. She kind of lost energy for the evening, and she was lost in her own thoughts while I did as she asked. The rest of our evening was pretty low-key, with plenty of cuddles.

I knew Nancy was 5 years younger than Isabel so they were never on the team together. Still, I wondered what would have happened if they had both met me together that night in July, in the shower after a match.

Thusday evening turned into Friday. In the middle of the night Nancy woke me and coyly asked for more service from my smile, which I was happy to give her. We were still limited to face-to-face fucking or oral sex, but she was more needy that usual. I pleased Nancy's body with my lips and eventually my cock again. This time, after I fucked her for a time, she wanted to finish by taking my cum in her mouth. I was to wait until the last minute, then pull my cock out of her pussy and put it in her mouth. Like before, she was tripping on some memory of her undergrad days. It was strange, no mouth kisses, no snowball or creampie, but she would finished a fuck by sucking me off and then swallowing with a sincere smile.

Nancy slept in my bed all night, cuddling with me more than usual. She was so thin with a light frame that there was a child-like feeling when holding her. Not to say her body was childlike, her nipples were right there, her hips swelled nicely, plus she had a lot of muscle in her shoulders, back and legs. Also, she had a graduate degree and was a top lecturer in the classroom. I guess the whole woman-child thing had me charmed.

When she woke up she helped herself to a salty protein breakfast snack from my balls before we got out of bed. Friday was more relaxed, talking, watching movies (she had never seen "Last Tango..."), and lots of just naked cuddling. We were comfortable holding each other without talking all the time. After the morning BJ there was no more sex for me, the mood had shifted to something more affectionate. She needed to be with somebody who was supportive, good to her without judgement or expectation.

We talked about that. It seemed that I was the only person she had ever stayed with, naked in bed, who did not presume upon her charms simply because she was there and the guy had an urge. She saw my physical response to her presence, clearly I desired her, but I was okay with respecting her wishes. She had not been "testing me," but she confessed that I was the only guy she had ever been with where she could act like that, do those things (fingering herself while my cock was in her), and talk about being with women, without the guy getting upset or making sexual demands. She was very sorry she "bought me off" with the oral finish after she got off from fucking, she said she just didn't want the mess at that time. (Nancy assumed that an oral climax provided a man less pleasure than a vaginal one.) She said it was just another case where I was too good for her.

I hinted that maybe the problem was in her choice of guys. I had said it outright before, I didn't need to do that this time. A hint was enough.

Eventually she explained that, until her tennis with Isabel, she had a rough week with her townie boything, her family (who asked boything questions) and worse, her job. A few faculty and staff were natural bullies who were always making things difficult for her. But somebody had trapped them and the Provost got involved. Nancy discovered she had a friend in Hightower.

This was a big deal because the Provost CAN take a person out of the classroom, dock their pay, and start the process to get them fired for cause, even with tenure.

The work stuff was most disturbing, she was showing up some of the others in the classroom and they did not like it. This week the issue involved a difficult question she answered from a student in class. It seemed that a group of students asked each teacher in the course the same question (LIFO process costing, 2 periods, increase then decrease), it was logical but was not in the book and to most folks it does not make sense, which is why the textbook-for-idiots writers kept it out of the book for the intro students. The question was an ambush to see who knew what they were talking about and who was just going through the motions of reading the skimpy outline provided by the textbook's author.

Nancy, who happened to be the first teacher asked Monday morning, gave the right answer off the top of her head with a shortcut demonstration computation on the spot. The others all flubbed it or tried to dismiss the question, except for the course supervisor who was presented with Nancy's 'off the top of her head' sample facts and gave a different (very wrong) answer. Each response was recorded (cell phones in class only serve the Horned One).

Then the whole thing, unedited, was sent to the Provost Wednesday. He called to ask Dryden who was right. It really is not difficult, but it is not in the book and the others teaching the course were not really cost people. Still, even over the phone there was no question, Dryden backed Nancy's approach.

An edited version of the whole business would be published on the web next week.

Rumors started Wednesday. Nancy's response was too perfect, folks wondered if she had set it up to make them look bad (as if), but that was not Nancy. Naturally suspicion shifted to me, aided by our asshole chairmen who felt the winds shift and thought a shit-storm was coming his way (he was right) and that I was capable of such things (I was). But with my short time on campus I didn't have any contact with sophomores, which was key to the set-up.

Wednesday was especially bad for Nancy, since everybody was talking to everybody else, gathering in their offices, but she was excluded from the conversation and she knew it.

After her last class Thursday she got out of the building and took Isabel's advice from their talk in the shower, to read the hottest erotica she had then bring her pussy to her secret lover's hideout for some good feelings.

It turned out Isabel knew a little bit more about the issue, the Provost summarized the issue for Curtis who, knowing his daughter's friendship with Nancy, shared what was going to happen.

We found out some extra details later. Friday morning the ringleader of this plan revealed himself, he was a nephew of the Provost (different last name). The smart kid did it 100% on his own, but the Provost was glad to have more ammunition for the shit-storm he knew was coming. Now he had a score sheet telling him "naughty" or "nice." There were lots of names under "naughty."

Nancy was the only one teaching Cost on the "nice" side of the list, and she was not even in the department but was borrowed from Management.

The course supervisor was not actually teaching the course, he taught Advanced Cost. However, he had selected the folks who were teaching the course, and when first questioned even he said the wrong thing.

Friday evening at 7 (a very inconvenient time) the Provost called all the cost teachers except Nancy together, even those who were not on campus Fridays. In his office he delivered a public reprimand about their teaching, saying the film would hit the web, and he would fire immediately, for cause, anybody who even thought of reprisals against the students or Nancy. They were on notice. Nancy got an email about it Monday.

This wasn't my doing, but it was actually in line with what I needed, the first step at clearing out the losers.

Nancy's status was something I was fixing, it was in the works but she could not know just yet. When it happened a lot of her former superiors would find things reversed. She could be the new course co-ordinator, if she wanted. At the very least, some staff would not be rehired and faculty would be reassigned. I reassured her that her position was safe, she had powerful allies, and the truth would set people free. As evidence I pointed out that the Provost had not called her in for a talk, so she must have done good and he knew it. Also, Dryden backed her 100%.

Friday evening at 9 Nancy left to do something with her family, she tended to listen when they said it was something important. But it wasn't, the reason they gave was just an excuse to get her home. She stayed until the third time her mother asked about her love life, then she stomped off. Saturday she worked on her upcoming lectures and Sunday morning was some sort of discussion with her worthless local boything about limits and expectations. Before Noon he wanted her pussy "for good luck" on his football bets but the answer was still a hard "no."

For now she was convinced that they might be meant for each other; he was a waste of life but he picked her so she must deserve no better. I got the impression that a lot of what she said to him was ignored, but who am I to judge? They were not exclusive, and in fact he never got her pussy - it is some sort of record for her. Still, she told all her friends about him while I was a deep dark secret, except for the things we did work at work. I felt funny about that, but she insisted.

After Nancy left Friday night I made bacon. These days I only eat it on weekends. Then I got to work, putting about 30 hours of work on various projects. Getting paid the big bucks meant working weekends.

Monday, when the ambush video was posted on the web, all the cost teachers had to eat crow in the classroom, a humiliating experience. It had a "Red Guard" flavor to it, if you know about that Chinese calamity. Nancy, on the other hand, was lauded by the student's video. Word reached the Faculty Senate, where folks who have no idea what LIFO means, much less "process costing" praised her name, diligence, and intelligence, because the internet said so. They were even moved to vote a commendation of Nancy for the record. That was an unexpected bonus that fit with the President's, and my plans for Nancy.

Tuesday the venerable Dean called for changes in the Spring program, which was supposed to be locked down on September 15. No reason was stated, so everybody assumed it was caused by the process costing video. That put every schedule in the college at risk - except Dryden and Me. The Department Chairs objected, but the Dean said the video had reached the Board. Somebody - their cronies - would pay the price.

Then he mentioned that the video could be amended to show the consequences.


Chapter 2. An Affair Requires A Bed

The next Tuesday I had my first regular date with Isabel, at her secret place. It was not where she lived with her husband, but another address. I picked up the food from Zap Shrimp and made my way to Isabel's secret spot in back at 225 Berry.

It struck me as a bit of a mystery that, after five years of marriage, her husband did not know about this place. The location was ideal, within easy walking distance of the entire campus.

I did considered that maybe his ignorance was because this was a borrowed bed. Would that make the affair more or less tawdry? Still, Isabel did not strike me as a "borrowing" woman, more the type with superior options.

I followed the route Isabel suggested. Promptly at five I opened the door next to the bench to find she was waiting for me in the kitchen, wearing a very sunny smile plus a thin light robe that did not really cover much - it was short enough that I could see the inverted "V" formed by her spread nether lips. These were parted, eager, damp and welcoming. Warmed up by light use.

The inverted "V" is the view I appreciate most in a woman, the sight aroused me.

But the bigger difference was her hair, which drew my eyes. She had a shower cap that first time in the dark, and for the office visit her hair was pinned and clipped so it stayed more or less confined to her back, between the shoulder blades. This time her long lively hair was totally unrestrained front and back, creating a Lady Godiva impression. Honestly, her hair was full enough, she did not need the robe.

I was visibly stunned, which did not hurt her attitude.

I said she looked 5 years younger that way, and was incredibly beautiful. Her reaction told me that was exactly the type of thing her husband never said.

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