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Melissa's Visit


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Melissa clearly looked uncomfortable. She still didn't understand, and Leigh could see that she was losing her. She decided not to hold back and to just go all out.

"What I want is for you to spend the night with John and I. I want you to watch what we do to each other and to let us..." she paused and looked deep in Melissa's eyes, knowing this was the moment when she had to sell her. "To let us...do it to you."

There was silence. She and Melissa just stared at each other for a few moments. Then, as if a switch flipped in her mind, Melissa smiled. "That sounds...amazing." Then, just as quickly, another switch flipped. "But, are you...are you sure? Doesn't that make you feel kind of..."

Leigh cut her off. "No, definitely not. This is not the first time we've done this. John and I are happy and we love each other and this won't mess things up for us at all. Trust me. This is about you." Ok, so there was that lie again. But repeating the same lie doesn't count as another lie, does it?

Before Melissa had a chance to reconsider, Leigh had stood up from the table and taken her by the hand. They walked down the hall and into the bedroom, where John was waiting. He had showered, and he was in shorts and a t-shirt. Melissa smiled awkwardly and Leigh squeezed her hand.

"It's going to be fine, honey. Better than fine." Melissa looked at her and then at John and then back at her. "Sit down on the bed." Melissa did as she was told.

Leigh walked over to John and took him by the hand. He stood up and walked her backwards against the wall. Holder her hands, he raised his arm above her head. He kissed her, softly at first, then more passionately. Leigh moaned. She almost forgot that Melissa was even there.

His lips felt so soft and warm, yet powerful and passionate. He put her arms together over her head and held them at the wrists with one hand, while his other hand moved down her left arm, over to her cheek. He held her face tenderly while he kissed her, pushing his hips against hers, sliding his leg in-between hers. She rubbed her pelvis against his thigh, slowly grinding her pussy against him. Even through four layers of fabric, his body electrified hers. His hand moved down from her face, over her neck, her shoulders, and just as his fingers brushed over her breasts, his tongue shot into her mouth, sliding along hers. She moaned again, louder this time, and suddenly she was reminded that Melissa was still there.

She stopped him, gently pushing back against him with her body and lips. He stopped and backed away. She licked her lips and walked past him, over to Melissa. "Your turn," she said, taking her hand and walking her to where she had just stood.

Melissa faced John, not sure what to do. She smiled that same awkward smile as she had when she first entered the room. He stepped forward.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her.

Seriously? At this point, you're going to risk her saying no?! Leigh thought. She knew why he was doing it, and a part of her was glad he did. She certainly wasn't going to ask at this point. But still, she didn't breathe until she saw Melissa slowly, almost imperceptibly, nod her head and softly say "yes".

John stepped forward and took Melissa's hands, just as he had hers. She breathed in sharply when his skin first touched hers and he hesitated. Just do it, Leigh thought. As if he'd heard her thoughts, John leaned in and gently, softly, kissed Melissa. Leigh saw Melissa's shoulders fall when their lips touched, and that jolt of jealousy ran through her again. That part of her mind shouted Stop this! He's yours, not hers! But she ignored it. Of course he was hers; he knew it, she knew it, Melissa knew it. There was no chance anything that would happen tonight would change that. If anything, he would be even more hers than before.

Melissa's moan shook Leigh back into the moment. John's hands were moving up her arms to her shoulders, touching her bare skin over her collarbone. He cupped her cheeks and Melissa's face tightened in pleasure. Leigh knew that feeling, she'd felt it may times, but she smiled to herself, knowing that what she felt was nothing compared to what she felt when John kissed her like that. No, she reminded herself, Melissa will never be kissed the way John kisses me. No woman is ever kissed the way he kisses me.

John stepped back, as they'd planned, and Leigh stepped forward. Melissa stiffened. She'd not planned on this part.

Leigh smiled at her. "No, no. You're not kissing me." Melissa relaxed. "Not yet." Melissa awkwardly laughed and Leigh winked. "But it's time we get you out of those pajamas."

Melissa let out her breath and nodded. Leigh reached out and lifted her shirt. Melissa lifted her arms up and, with both hands, Leigh lifted the shirt over Melissa's head, exposing her breasts. They were smaller than her own, but perky and they looked soft but firm. Her nipples were small and already hart. Leigh stepped back and John took her place. He put his hands on Melissa's hips and slowly, softy slid them upwards. He cupped her breasts in his hands and smiled at her. He kissed her again while he gently massaged her breasts. Melissa was moaning almost continuously now, and Leigh could feel her own nipples getting hard. Her pussy felt warm and she wanted to shove Melissa out of the way and take her place. She wanted those hands on her breasts, those lips on her lips. But she waited and she knew it would come soon.

John stepped back and looked at Leigh, who nodded at him and smiled. He reached down and touched the waistband of Melissa's pajama pants. He slid his finger along the inside of the band and smiled at her. Melissa's eyes were closed, and Leigh could see her face twitch as his finger slid closest to her pussy. He slowly pulled the pajama pants down, revealing a pair of simple white panties. Melissa's pants fell around her ankles and she shifted uncomfortably. John put his hand on her cheek and kissed her softly.

"Relax," he said. She did. Leigh didn't understand how he did it, but he had that power over women. He didn't take her panties off, instead he turned to Leigh and nodded. She stepped forward and took Melissa's hand. Melissa looked at her with a face that said Thank you, I am so grateful and Leigh smiled at her. She led Melissa forward and John took her place on the wall.

Leigh turned and she and Melissa stood in front of John. She reached forward and lifted his shirt off his chest. Shekissed him gently. He kissed her back passionately, in a way that surprised her. When she pulled back, he looked at her intensely. His eyes said Thank you, I am so grateful and Leigh smiled at him. She leaned in and whispered "You're welcome" and kissed his cheek.

She got down on her knees in front of him. She turned up and looked at Melissa, who hesitated and then did the same. Leigh took Melissa's hand and squeezed it. She whispered in Melissa's ear "you won't regret this" and kissed her on the check. Melissa seemed taken aback, but Leigh didn't hold back. She leaned in and kissed her again, this time on the lips. Melissa didn't kiss her back at first, and Leigh was worried she'd gone too far. But then, suddenly, Melissa's lips parted and the kiss turned passionate. Leigh was taken aback, but she embraced it. She faintly heard John moan, but she didn't pay attention, she just kissed Melissa. It was clear that Melissa was releasing pent-up energy, perhaps from John not kissing her hard enough, perhaps from never having kissed another woman, Leigh didn't know or care, it felt amazing.

Suddenly she realized that John's hand was on the back of her head. She broke her kiss and looked up at him. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She turned to Melissa, whose eyes were still closed and a smile crossed her lips.

When Melissa opened her eyes, Leigh's hands were on John's belt. "Shall we?" she asked? Melissa smiled back and nodded.

They both looked up at John as Leigh undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. They pulled down his pants, and he stepped out of them carefully. Melissa and Leigh looked at one another as Leigh took Melissa's hand and moved it up to John's boxer's waistband.

Melissa looked at John as she pulled them down slowly. As she did, his cock slid out and, when Melissa looked down, there it was in front of her; not quite fully hard, but its full dimensions were clear nonetheless. Leigh watched her eyes get wide and her mouth open slowly. Leigh laughed and Melissa turned to her. "I know," she whispered to Melissa. Melissa's whispered "you are so lucky." Leigh smiled wider and whispered "tonight, so are you."

She reached up and slid her hands along John's thighs, cupping his balls. She turned to Melissa and, looking at the pretty girl next to her, she slid John's cock into her mouth. He moaned and Melissa smiled.

Leigh slid his cock out of her mouth and turned to Melissa. "Your turn," she said. Melissa hesitated and Leigh touched her hand. "Do you trust me?" Melissa nodded and smiled.

She took a deep breath, reached out and took John's cock in her hands. His body twitched when she touched him, but she didn't stop. She leaned forward and her lips parted around his cock. He moaned and his muscles relaxed as she slid further down until half of it was in her mouth. Then she moaned and began sliding her head back and forth. Leigh smiled and began softly stroking her hair and back. With her other hand, Leigh stroked and massaged Melissa's breasts.

"Holy shit, this is amazing," John said, looking down at the two girls below him. Leigh looked up and smiled, but Melissa was too focused on the cock in her mouth, she didn't want to stop. Leigh laughed and slid herself underneath and began sucking his balls. His head leaned back and he moaned loudly, overwhelmed with pleasure.

Leigh felt that ecstasy, the electricity of these two passionate girls pleasuring him, running through his skin. No, this wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, but this was special and she knew it. It was special for her, too. She was going to enjoy this...


Everyone has those moments in their life where they get something they always wanted and it turns out not to be what they'd hoped for. A new toy on Christmas that seems cheap in your hands and doesn't work the way it should, a pair of jeans that don't fit right. For some men, that's what happens at a threesome; the awkwardness and logistical challenges overwhelm you and the problems outweigh the rewards. But that's not what was happening this time. As John stood with his back against the wall, one hand on the back of Melissa's head and the other on Leigh's, his cock rock hard and sliding in and out of Melissa's eager mouth, his head tilted back, his mouth open in ecstasy, he was getting exactly what he had dreamed it would be. Melissa was sucking his dick like a pro, or at least an amateur with a lot of energy. Years of pent-up sexual frustration were pouring out of her, and with each thrust came a corresponding moan. It was divine.

John looked down to see Leigh smiling up at him. He could barely catch his breath enough to say something, so Leigh did it for him. "Woah, hon," she said to Melissa, gently placing her hand on Melissa's thigh. "It's not going anywhere, take it easy. This isn't a race."

Melissa leaned back and wiped the saliva off her chin and lips. "Sorry," she said. "I just got a little into it, you know?"

Leigh laughed. "Oh yes, I know." She shifted slightly right and reached up, taking John's cock in her hands. "But you have to remember; this isn't just about you. There's a guy on the other end of this cock, and speed and force are not the key elements to a good blowjob for him."

Leigh leaned forward and took John's balls in her mouth, still holding his cock and gently stroking it. Her eyes were locked on his. He moaned.

"Woah," Melissa said. "That's hot."

John moaned louder as Leigh flicked her tongue back and forth over his balls, still tightly held between her lips. Damn she's good at that, he thought. He looked down at the girls and managed to softly say "she's right. You have to... you have to... there's more to it than just, you know. Sucking it."

Leigh let his balls fall out of her mouth. "Wow, he's eloquent when she's getting blown, isn't he?" she said with a smile to Melissa.

Melissa laughed and said "he can only think with one head at a time, and you're keeping the important one occupied! Lemme try."

Leigh shifted back and Melissa bent down further. She took his cock in her hand and slid her tongue over his balls. Woah! he thought, and his whole body twitched. "Yes, definitely. Like that," he stammered.

"See what I mean?" Leigh said. "You can get a whole lot of power over a guy by what you do with your hands and your mouth."

Melissa smiled at them and continued to lick and stroke, her eyes closed. She moaned softly.

John leaned his head back and let his mind empty. The sensations, the sounds, the energy in Melissa's hands were lulling him into an erotic coma. He felt a soft warmth on the head of his cock. But the same warmth was still on his balls. Confused, he opened his eyes and looks down to see Leigh softly sucking on the head of his cock while Melissa continued to play with his balls. Holy shit, he thought. This is incredible. It was like his whole lower body was being enveloped in a soft, wet, sexy embrace. Flashes of pleasure mixed with lulls of relaxation.

His muscles began to tense. There was a limit to the amount of passive sexuality his body could take. He needed to take control, to thrust and to conquer and to own. His hands pushed Melissa away, softly but forcefully. She sat back and Leigh took more of his cock into her mouth. He put his hands on the back of her head, slid his fingers in her hair, and began to move her head in rhythm with his hips.

He vague heard Melissa moan, but it barely registered on his radar screen. He and Leigh moved in time, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth like he was fucking her. They both moaned and he felt like he was about ready to come. But no, it wasn't the time yet for that. Hold it in, he thought. Think about something else, anything else. But when he looked down, he saw not only Leigh's head bobbing up and down, her hair flying, her tits bouncing, her moans vibrating through his cock with every thrust, but also Melissa's face, mouth open, in awe of Leigh's skill, power and sexiness, her own tits begging for his hands, his lips, her soft skin glowing, her breathing heavy with erotic tension. He could see that both of them were begging for him, and it almost made him blow his load right then.

So he reached down and stopped Leigh's. She looked up at him pouting, wanting more, needing more. "Wait," he said. "We have a long ways to go before we get there."

She gave a forced smile and looked over at Melissa. It was her turn to wipe the saliva off her face. "I believe it's your turn," she said softly to Melissa, taking her hand and raising them both up. John took Melissa's other hand and led her to the bed.


Melissa felt like she was in the middle of an out of body experience. She was being led by the hand, by a naked man and his fiancee, herself half naked, to a bed, surely about to cross lines she had never crossed before. She should have felt embarrassed, she should have wanted to slow down, she should have turned and ran. But she didn't. She wanted more, she wanted to feel the kind of pleasure she'd just seen on John's and Leigh's faces, she wanted that passion and that ecstasy. And she knew that she was about to get it.

She laid down on the bed. Leigh laid down next to her, more leaning against the pillows, stroking her hair and smiling. "Just relax," she told Melissa. Clearly, her face didn't show how relaxed she was. Wait, Melissa suddenly thought. I'm not relaxed. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm anxious. I want to get these panties off and I want to feel him against me, to feel his tongue on my pussy. Woah, she again startled herself.

"Wait," Melissa said. She had just realized that while she lay there in only her panties, and John was completely naked, Leigh remained fully clothed. Melissa looked into her eyes and asked, "what about you?"

Leigh gave her a wry smile. "Do you want me to take this off?" she asked somewhat sarcastically. "I hadn't pegged you as someone who was interested in another woman's body."

Melissa didn't know what to say to that. Ever since she'd met Leigh, there was more than just a sense of competitiveness that all beautiful women feel towards each other. Yes, she'd wanted John for herself for years, but she knew that wasn't going anywhere. But still, here was this other woman who was hotter than her, smarter than her, better for him than her. There was a light burning in her stomach, especially that first time she'd seen Leigh in a swimsuit. Melissa had always considered herself a straight woman, but she was able to appreciate female sexiness when she saw it, and Leigh had it. She would have been lying if she said there wasn't a part of her that wanted to see what was under that swimsuit.

"Well, ummm," Melissa stammered. "It seems only fair." She paused. "I'll feel more comfortable if we're all...exposed together."

Leigh and John both smiled at that. Melissa knew that would work, and it did. John lifted himself up off the bed and crawled to Leigh. Melissa couldn't take her eyes off his cock, dangling between his legs, swaying as he moved. Damn, she thought again. Damn.

"Do you want to help me?" he asked her, flashing a winning smile and winking at her. Melissa lifted herself up and joined him kneeling in front of Leigh, who was also kneeling on the bed, beaming. John took Melissa's hands and placed them on Leigh's thighs, under her dress. This was the first time she'd ever touched a woman like that. Leigh's skin was soft and warm, and Melissa could feel the heat coming from between her legs. This is the closest I've been to another woman's pussy since...well, you know.

John had also taken her dress hem and began lifting it up. Melissa could see that Leigh was wearing a really sexy pair of black lace panties and she felt silly about her own white cotton pair. That's not really fair, she thought. Leigh knew this was going to happen. I didn't. Or did I? I had to think it was a possibility. I wanted it, I know, but...Leigh's dress was now at her shoulders, and Melissa could see her breasts swelling over a matching black lace bra. Wow, Melissa thought, jealousy swelling up in her. I can't compete with these...

When they had lifted Leigh's dress over her head, Leigh smiled at them. John kissed her softly and Melissa felt that jealousy swell up in her. She wanted to be kissed like that. Sure, John's kiss earlier had been good, and she'd had plenty of other good kisses. But she could see that there was more than just a good kiss when these two were involved. There was a passion and a love that she'd never seen before, let alone personally experienced. But that's what Leigh had promised her: getting to see it. Not necessarily getting to experience it. And this was certainly better than nothing.


As the two kissed, silently, naturally, John's hands slid along Leigh's sides and then around her back. Melissa watched his arms twist and knew he'd unclasped her bra. Practice makes perfect, she thought. No man she'd ever had could do it that fast.

John and Leigh broke their kiss and stared deeply into each other's eyes. Melissa felt like an outsider, an interloper, like she shouldn't be there. But the two looked at her and she felt welcome again. John took her hand and raised it up slowly. Her arm felt heavy as he lifted it up towards Leigh's breasts. Her bra hung loosely on her shoulders. Melissa bit her lip. This was a line she was about to cross. She was ready.

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