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Member 1523

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John and Midj enjoy swinging at Coral's Playground.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/28/2023
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This is a sequel to 'Member One' so you might want to read that one first, but it probably doesn't matter. Again, this is a work of fiction, with all sexual situations involving consenting adults.

Member 1523

Living in a small town can be ideal. You feel safer, knowing every one of your neighbors. Other people watch your kids and report to you on their activities, both good and bad. We talk about each other too, like an extended family. That makes it hard for us to have a normal swinger's lifestyle. We have to travel to Memphis if we want to find new bedroom friends. You see, in a small town, you can quickly become known as 'sexual deviants' and that tag is hung on every member of your household, including those that do not deserve it.

So Midj and I like to go to a certain nightclub for our monthly date. Jen and Jay's is where all of the Memphis swingers go. They have someone playing cover songs from 8 to closing on most nights, but it only stays busy on Friday and Saturday nights. The swingers fill the place on Fridays, but they make their matches in an hour or so, and head home or to a hotel for some friendly sharing games. Usually we pair up with one male/female couple, but we have strayed a few times into larger groups, including one time when Midj was the only woman being loved.

I often fantasize about that night. We made a connection with a couple that looked near our age, but she let us know at JJ's that she would only be watching, and helping to keep her wet, and by 'her' she meant my wife, Midj.

The indicators were there for me. I know when my woman is excited and wants to do something new. I could see her nostrils flare. I'm sure it's a natural reaction that her body makes when she is aroused or afraid, but my wife was not afraid. I knew that I was going to have to share her and I was going to get to watch.

For me, it's all about the joy of watching her as she goes through the stages of sexual bliss. I remember when I could take her through all of those stages, every night, every time. But we are only human.

We decided that sharing would be okay. It would not cause a rift between us, as long as we were together while both of us were finding our joy in the arms of another.

The Ramada had a suite with two king size beds, and the clerk did not bat an eye when the four of us took room keycards. I'm sure that they get many of the same people on Friday nights. We had booked the room over a week ago.

I didn't even get a chance to help strip Midj. Krystal took the back side of her, while Rodger took the front. I was still taking my socks off, when they lay her naked on the closest bed. Krystal went straight into my wife's snatch, while her husband stripped alongside me.

We have been doing this for a while, and I have seen some cross action with Midj and the other women, but I don't ever deal with the other guy. Not even kissing. Call me homophobic if you must, and a hypocrite too, but a cock likes what a cock likes.

I let Midj enjoy her first orgasms before I got my hard cock near her mouth. Rodger had his cock covered, and he moved into position, in preparation of fucking my wife.

I leaned in, as his cock invaded my turf. Midj took me fast. I was still dry, so her thick lipstick brought her forward progress to a halt with only half of me inside. She had to stop and lick all around. Rodger was already plunging. Moisture was not a problem for him.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wander as Midj gave me her best head. I could tell that she was in that place. Bliss. Rodger pounded into her and gave her another climax, while she stared up at me. Her tongue and lips were making love to me, but she was being serviced by another.

It was my turn, soon enough, as Rodger pumped his own bliss into my woman. I had not cum yet, so I moved to the foot of the bed to enter Midj.

"Sorry John, but I get a turn between every cock."

Krystal pushed me to the other bed, and went in to again enjoy my woman.

My cock did not go soft. I needed to watch, but I couldn't even touch my cock, for fear that it would explode.

She may be the 36 year old mother of 3 that I have fucked many times, but I was not here to masturbate. I waited and watched. Midge orgasmed again, while watching Rodger put another condom on his pecker.

I nearly had to push Krystal out of my way, and I wasn't respectful of her needs, as I pushed into my wife's hot, wet vag. She knew it was me, but only because she was sucking on the other cock.

Was she ever that animated with me? I wondered. Then I was in heaven, convulsively emptying myself into my soul mate.

I was slow getting out of the way, but Krystal was texting so she didn't rush me. I was limp, but I was still watching, as Krystal moved back into position.

"I hope you don't mind, but I invited another couple," Krystal informed me, then dove into Midj's palace without hearing my opinion.

When Rodger finally filled his condom and got out of my way, I moved in behind Midj, to spoon with my woman and hold her and kiss her, while she was being tongued by Krystal.

Krystal was in her 40's, but in good shape, with only a little sag to her tits. I would have been happy to put one in her, on a normal date, but she was off limits. It was nice to see her nakedness though, while she lapped at my wife's clit and plunged her fingers into her muff.

I noticed how wet the bed cover was getting under Midj's cute bum. Then there was a knock at the door. Rodger just stood there, but I figured that it would be the couple that Krystal had messaged, so I let her decide what to do.

Of course she went straight to the door, and pulled it wide, without so much as a peek through the spy hole.

Two men stood there.

"Hey y'all, this is Michele and Michele," Krystal introduced the new arrivals. "This is Midj and John, and of course you know Rodg and me."

Krystal hurried to explain.

"These guys consider themselves gay, John," Krystal continued as they nodded in agreement. "They get off, watching each other fucking a woman."

I did not say a thing. It was Midj's call. As for me, I was loving it, and my stiff cock must have inspired her to continue.

They wore condoms, of course and they made love to each other, while one would push his cock into Midj's party pussy. They would smooch with each other and pull on the loose cock, and moan into each other's faces.

Midj continued to suck on me or Rodger as the two men took their turns, with Krystal giving tongue and adding lubricant as needed.

We didn't get out of the Ramada until 4 in the morning, but my mom had the kids at her house in Forrest City, so we could sleep in and enjoy morning sex. We were too sore for penetration, so we just spooned until the front door flew open and the kids came in, making so much of a ruckus that we had time to remember that we were safely in our own bed, and normal life had returned.

It was a month later, on the night of another swinger's date, when Midj brought up the idea of buying a membership at Coral's Playground in Las Vegas. We had discussed our marathon night of sex, and it was decided that it was something that we would save for special occasions, 3 or 4 times a year. It was agreed that there was too much risk of discovery if we continued with multiple couples.

It was still a good night, enjoying a great time with a couple that we had shared our bodies with on multiple occasions. I found myself looking at Midj whenever my partner allowed me. I didn't want her to think that I wasn't into her, as I pumped my meat into her taco, but I watched my wife as she came again on the dick of another man.

When our last child was in full time school, Midj had returned to life as an accountant, so making it to Partner brought us more than enough money to make the commitment to a club membership even if we would only use it once per season. They were building another Playground outside of Paris, and talks were going on with a Munich group, but Memphis would never be in the picture. Not in our lifetime anyway.

They had pre-sold 1000 memberships before the spade hit the dirt, then raised the fee to 30k for a single. We bought a couples membership, number 1523, for $45k. It was a lot of money, but the facility offered guilt free pleasure. Their high tech building had retinal tracking, which allowed them to know where every guest was at any moment. The entire resort was naked, with the exception of face masks, and even then, they were restricted to close clinging silk hoods, that would not enable you to hide a camera. The membership did not pay for the trip, it only guaranteed you a place. It was not going to be cheap, but I was sure that it would be worth it. My cock was hard for a long time after the last date night, giving Midj her run of sexual bliss almost every night. I loved it too.

By the time we felt comfortable in our bank account to actually start our adventure, it was June. Coral's Playground had been operating for 5 months, and they had just raised Membership again, reminding me of how lucky I was to find such a smart and gorgeous woman. Tax season was well behind us, so all of the partners were taking their time off at Midj's firm. I did home renovations, and my nephew would continue with the basement renew that we were doing. Vegas was calling.

We were told to leave our phones and cameras in the room safe. If they were found they would be taken, and searched or destroyed. If you had taken pictures of anyone other than your party, your membership would be revoked, and you would be evicted. Our television had been left on, and it showed a live video feed from all over the resort. The beach, the stage, the nightclub, the hot tubs, even the Turkish Bath. All of the faces were blurred, even the people with masks. The normal literature around the desk offered video of your own adventure, with no clouding of the faces, all for a modest fee, just like a modern amusement park. It was not a service that we would use, but it was tempting.

We decided to make love when we found the beach volleyball feed. Midj sat back on my cock while I played with her tits and we both watched the game. We had no idea who won, but I felt like a winner.

We had tickets to see Sin and Tim, and then we would go where the night took us. We decided to save ourselves a few pounds and skip lunch. The Beach would be our afternoon indulgence.

There was nothing to bring with us. They offer sunscreen at all three of the bars around the beach, and the towels are there to lay on or to dry ourselves, but they did not let you leave with a towel.

There was a list of do's and don'ts, including the obvious safety measures of no diving or running, but there was also a rule against public sex. There were tents for the sex, and you could choose a peep one or a private one. It was easy to tell them apart. The peep tents had people all around them, looking in through slits, at the fornicating sinners.

We decided on a small, two person lounge chair, with an umbrella. Our drinks were charged automatically to our room account, but we asked for extra large juice cups, with only an ounce of vodka. We wanted to keep our electrolytes high, but we wanted to keep our senses clear.

I must have dozed off, cause I suddenly realized that Midj was not laying next to me. I didn't see her with a quick look about, so I headed over to the three tents that had people peeking into them. There she was, looking inside, while masturbating. Two men and a woman were standing there watching her, while her focus was totally on the activity in the tent.

I came up behind her, dropped to my knees in the sand, and worked my face past her hand and into her pussy. She barely looked down to see who it was. She returned her attention to the tent, and sixty seconds later she was moaning out with passion. She looked a bit embarrassed when she pulled away from the tent and saw the people smiling at her.

"We better head upstairs for a shower before dinner," she exclaimed as she took my hand and pulled me to my feet. She kissed my sticky lips.

"Who have you been sucking off?" She made fun of me.

We were not alone in the elevator for our hurried rush back to the room. The two couples were naked of course, but my cock was aiming for the roof. The women kept looking over at my dick, while the men kept looking up.

We hit the sheets hot, but ten minutes later I was spent, and Midj wanted more. I finger fucked her hard, up into her G spot, until she was shrieking and squirting. I probably could have ridden her again, but I wanted to save some energy and cum for later.

The room clock chimed to warn us a half hour before we had to leave, but we were already out of the shower, and all we had to grab was the masks that we had chosen. Mine was a black silk one with silver trim around the eyes, nose and mouth. Midj wore a white one with red around the holes.

It did not take long to prepare, so we went downstairs to watch people until it was time. Their internal Nightclub ap. said that they were serving on time, but I let them know we were at hand, and they replied with a come as soon as you please.

We were there for the early show, and we got to see most of the other club members coming in for the performance. Everyone had to be a full member to come to a sex show. Half of the people did not bother with a mask, but I did not recognize any of them from porn flicks or movies. We had drinks and ordered appetizers as everyone found their places. All of the booths were a soft faux leather, while the tables were glass, and had no table cloth to interfere with the view into everyone's lap. Some booths fit four guests while others, like ours, only fit two. There were 40 or 50 tables in the auditorium-sized room, with a central stage and 4 smaller stages at intervals around the room.

Midj started stroking my thigh as we scanned the room for potential fuck mates.

"There's a nice looking couple at our 2 o'clock," Midj mentioned and pointed with her chin.

They both wore masks like ours, and the hair on his chest was not gray. She was looking over and she winked, then rotated her tongue around the opening in her pink skull mask.

There was a trumpet blare, then other musical instruments accompanied lights at the stage to get our attention. Then we could see two heads rising out of the floor, obviously on an elevating platform. It was the now famous Sin and Tim. They were as naked as everyone else, and they wore no masks.

A God and his Goddess. Perfect bodies with no implants or enhancements. Not even makeup!

When the lift was 2 feet above the stage it stopped and they broke their embrace and turned their backs to each other, spreading their arms out like a welcome embrace with their admirers.

"Welcome everyone!" Sin called out.

"Thanks for coming out tonight," Tim continued with wide smiles from both.

"Who has a fantasy that they want to live out tonight?" Tim boomed through his small microphone that looped around one ear.

"Who wants to suck Tim's cock?" Sin declared devilishly, while falling to one knee at his groin.

Hands went up around the room, even some of the guys. Then Sin leaned in and gave Tim's cock a big kiss. The room erupted with whoops and applause.

"If you have a sexy fantasy that we can help you with, just call over one of our helpers, and they will get your request to us, but first..." Sin trailed off.

"First off we have a request that we received last week," Tim announced.

"Could we have Members 1523 come up to the main stage please?"

The lights went out, and a spotlight came on over our booth.

Midj jumped up and started dancing.

"Yes!" she declared, like a million dollar lottery winner.

The jig she did made her tits bounce delightfully and the audience cried out with approval. I stood up, but I was a bit anxious, so little Johnny was sadly laying on my thigh. Midj took my hand and practically dragged me to the stage.

I knew what her fantasy was, but I didn't expect them to choose us from the dozens of requests that they must get before every show.

"Ladies and Germs," Tim loudly declared. "The Challenge is out there for 10 men to fuck the Missus, while the lovely Sin teases the Mister."

The room went bonkers for the idea, and men's hands were being waved all around.

"Every man that wants to participate should stand, and the computer will randomly choose the ten." Sin announced.

A small spotlight was soon shining on over 20 men, standing while everyone checked them out. Some were big, some were small, but they were mostly at full staff. The computer turned all of the spotlights off, then they came back on blinking, but this time there was only 10.

The side monitors showed the participants, by Member number. It was not numerical in order.

"If 932 could come to the stage, while the next member takes the 'on deck' circle over here," Tim indicated a spot next to a narrow bench, where Midj was just laying back.

Tim took a step closer to Midj, laying back on the bench with her head over the end, looking at us upside down. She reached out and grabbed the MC's large cock and pulled him towards her mouth. He took more steps, as needed, until he slipped the fat head into a condom and pulled it down over his meat while Midj took him into her maw.

It was all happening fast. One of the helpers made sure of 932's condom and he pressed right into Midj's wet pussy. Her breasts puffed out like she had been inflated, but it was just her arching her back. I knew that her brain would be frying with orgasms. My eyes were glued to her.

This Member wore no mask, unless you counted the smile plastered on his face. He was pumping away into my wife, with sweat running down his face and onto his blonde haired chest. Tim smiled as only his head fit comfortably in Midj's mouth, but her tongue was sneaking out all around it, and her hands were jacking him into her lips at a steady pace.

Sin came over to me with soft handcuffs. I sat there, next to the 'Mister On Deck' guy, while she secured my wrists behind me, then she attached straps around my thighs and waist so that I could not move.

The first fucker burst his nut, while the crowd roared with approval. I looked around and people were touching their partners genitals beneath the glass tables of most of the booths. Member 932 finished, pulled out and leaned in to give a kiss to Midj's vagina, bringing an 'awe' from the group closest to us. Mister on deck jumped up, ready to mount. The leakage down my sweetheart's leg had to be from Midj's orgasms, but it helped the second guy to slip all of the way in, and he held it there, pulsing into her deepest recesses for at least a full minute.

Sin took the moment to jump up onto the wide arms of my prison chair. She had a large white vibrator and she pushed it against her sex, right above my face. I couldn't help but look into her gaping pussy as she pleasured herself, while watching her man and another, making love to my girl. I couldn't be HARDER. The blood was pounding in my cock, and I couldn't even touch it.

Cock three finished with more grunting.

As four pressed in, Tim pulled out of her mouth and he pulled off his condom, shooting big wads of cum onto Midj's masked face and chest. Her tongue came out involuntarily.

"Do any ladies want a taste?" Tim bellowed.

There was a rush to the stage, but some of them went to Midj and licked cum from her mask and breasts. Three women got positions around the wet dick, but he only allowed a brief lick and he turned so that others could get some cream.

One of them squeezed my cock, but Sin growled at her like a wolf bitch, and she sheepishly moved away, to get her lick of Tim's schlong.

Dick Seven came alongside me to wait his turn. He stared, with me at Sin's beautiful womanhood. She had an orgasm from the vibrator, and soon there was cum dripping on me. She didn't squirt, but it was still great to watch. I would remember this 'punishment' for a very long long time.


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