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MILF Support Ch. 01 - Just Plug It In

Story Info
A young IT support worker goes to the home office a client.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/19/2019
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Kieran pulled to a stop in front of the house and checked the address against the email sent to him twenty minutes ago. At 450. Ten minutes before he was supposed to be done for the day.

He sighed, turned off the car, and beat his head against the steering wheel. 'You need the money,' he muttered to himself. 'You need the money. You need the money.'

Steeling himself against the inevitable, Kieran got his bag from the trunk - signal tester, screw drivers, patch cables, and all the other tools a tech support specialist needed - and trudged up the driveway, towards the neat, little, suburban bungalow.

It was nearly identical to the house from his last call. Bitch. Kieran sighed again and rang the doorbell. Barely a second passed before the door opened.

God, the woman here looked like the last bitch, too. A pretty blonde with a short, stylish bob, wearing the suburban mom uniform of grey yoga pants and a white v-neck tee.

'Hi there, I'm Kieran, from SSP Support? You called about a problem with your box?'

The woman smiled. It was warm, and reached her eyes. 'Hi! Yes, I did. I'm Shelley.' She stuck out her hand. 'Come on in.'

Okay, maybe not like the last bitch, Kieran thought as he followed Shelley into the house and closed the door behind him. Shelley smiled. Shelley introduced herself and treated him like a human being.

And she had a great ass, Kieran thought, letting his gaze linger. Thank God for yoga pants.

The house was a nice, open concept bungalow, with the front door opening into the living room. Towards the back of the house was the kitchen, granite countertops giving off a low level sparkle from the late afternoon sun streaming in through the window above the sink.

'The ticket said you can't connect to the online database?' Kieran asked as Shelley led him into the house.

'Yeah, I thought it was a problem with my internet, but my laptop and phone can still get online. I turned the power to the router on and off anyways, but I can't get the SSP box to connect.'

'Wow, you did half my job already,' Kieran said. 'Most people just tell me, 'It doesn't work! Make it work!'

Shelley laughed, glancing at him over her shoulder. Kieran could only hold her eyes for a second before looking away. She turned down the short hallway and into the first room on the left. Kieran caught a glimpse of what looked like the master bedroom at the end of the hall.

They entered Shelley's home office, which looked like a typical home office - sleek black brown desk that came unassembled in a box with a little hex tool, a filing cabinet in the back corner, a chair in front of the desk and one behind it. The SSP equipment - a small black computer and monitor - sat on the desk amid a small pile of file folders. Beside it was a silver Macbook.

'There it is,' Shelley said, waving her hand.

Kieran didn't start with the machine. Instead he looked at the modem on a small side table in the back of the room. The lights, green and amber, were blinking happily, but he took a closer look anyways.

'What, you don't believe that I already checked that?' Shelley asked.

OK, fuck this bitch, Kieran thought, his hand clenching around the patch cord of the cable modem. This job was going to push him into unpaid overtime territory and he'd already dealt with one pain in the ass woman too many this day.

But you need the money. You need the money. Taking a mental deep breath, Kieran straightened up and turned to face the client.

Shelley was standing with such an obviously aggressive, offended, hands on hips posture, Kieran nearly laughed, the previous thoughts fading away. There was a slight grin on her face, and the eyes were definitely laughing at him.

Hell, if she wanted to play, he would play.

'It's not that I don't believe you, ma'am,' he said, overly polite and cheerful, 'It's just good practice to check things for yourself. Sometimes it's as simple as something not being pushed in far enough.'

Shelley dropped her hands, and sat down on the edge of the desk, yoga pant clad leg dangling. She shuddered. 'Please don't call me ma'am again, Kieran. I may getting up there in age, but I'm not a ma'am yet.' She shuddered again. 'I hope I never am.'

Kieran chuckled and finished checking all the connections at the modem. 'Alright, it looks like the modem is working fine.'

'You're not going to check the WiFi?' Shelley asked with mock outrage.

'I think you've proven yourself trustworthy.'

'I would hope so.' Shelley got off the desk as Kieran took a seat and jiggled the mouse. The screen turned on.

'Have you been having any other troubles recently?'

'Nope.' Shelley took the chair from the other side of the desk and moved it over to sit beside Kieran. 'It was working fine yesterday evening. I tried to finish a couple of things off this morning and it wouldn't update the client file.'

'Hmm.' Kieran opened up the program and pulled up the diagnostic screen. Shelley leaned forward, her breath warm on his arm. He glanced at her.

Shelley blushed. 'Sorry. Am I in your way?'

'No! No...most people don't watch me work.' He thought about the bitch he just finished up with. 'They just tell me to fix it and disappear.'

'But if I learn how to fix it, I won't have to call you again,' Shelley said.

'Don't worry, you can call me any time,' Kieran said without thinking. He'd barely registered what he said before Shelley laughed, a beautiful, musical sound.

'Stop teasing,' she said. 'So, any ideas?'

Kieran scanned the diagnostic report. 'I think so. Looks like the WiFi adapter driver is corrupted. I can fix that for you right now...' He scanned a few more lines. 'It also looks like the BIOS is out of date. Did you get an email or call six, seven months back about an update?'

Shelley blushed. 'Um...No?'

'You're a bad liar, Shelley.' Kieran smiled. 'It's not a major problem, but it's to fix a machine level security issue. I can update that for you as well, if you'd like. It'd be a good idea to backup your system first.'

'It you say so!' Shelley tapped the central drawer of the desk, right above Kieran's lap. 'The back up thingy that came with the rental is in there.'

Kieran pulled out the backup drive as the WiFi driver updated, and connected it to the terminal. 'Most home based users just use the web software. Do you mind if I ask why you're leasing the terminal?'

'Not at all.' Shelley leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms under her breasts. Kieran hadn't noticed before, but in the bright light of the office, he could see she the black bra she was wearing under the thin white shirt. He blinked, and focused back on what Shelley was saying.

'I figured if I used the web based program on the laptop -' she nodded at the MacBook '- I'd just end up trying to work all day. You know, bring it to the coffee shop, convinced I'd finish the bookkeeping for Client A, but end up on Pinterest or Facebook all morning...'

Kieran nodded, seeing her point. 'But with the dedicated box, no internet browser. Just boring accounting software.'

Shelley smiled at him. 'Exactly. I mean, I just keep the books for a few girlfriends who run home businesses and a couple of small businesses in town, so I'm paying way too much for the equipment, but it's mainly to keep me busy and productive. The ex pays me enough to live -' Shelley stopped and covered her eyes. 'Did I just say that? Really? It's, like, the most spoiled divorcee thing I could say!'

The two of them laughed. 'At least you're working,' Kieran reasoned. 'It sounds like you do the have to. The worst are the people who don't do anything with their day -'

Shelley put her hand on top of Kieran's hand and squeezed. 'I have to stop you right there. Talking about the ex reminded me that I need to call my daughters.' She gestured at the picture frame beside the monitor - two pretty teenagers, their mother in miniature. 'They're at their Dad's this week, but there's some school stuff I need to talk to them about.' Shelley patted his knee as she got up. 'But be ready to finish that story when I'm back!'

'...Sure thing.' Kieran pretended to watch the back progress move from 35 to 36 percent, but he made sure to glance up as Shelley left the room.

It really was a fantastic ass. The rest wasn't bad, either.

Shaking his head, Kieran told himself to get real. Based on the picture of her daughters, one of whom looked to be around thirteen, the other sixteen, Shelley was probably forty. She was nearly old enough to be his mom.

Kieran's guts squirmed as the thought forced its way into his brain.

His mom did not look anything like that.

Forcing that thought away, he focused on the more obvious question. Why would a very attractive woman be flirting with a twenty one year old computer geek?

Kieran knew he wasn't bad looking: he played soccer twice a week and was in decent shape, but fell more into the lean runner side of things, rather than the muscled gym bro. He had an average face and his short brown hair was dull...And just kind of lay there.

Finally, things like this didn't happen. None of his friends or co-workers had ever gone on a call, whether it be tech support, to deliver furniture or do landscaping, and had a hot older woman hit on them.

It only seemed like she was flirting. Shelley was just one of those women who talked with a lot of physical contact, and the joking, easy manner she had was just part of her personality.

Armed with this rationalization, Kieran told himself to be a professional. He got the USB stick with the latest driver updates out of his bag and went back to waiting for the back up to finish.

He had just started updating the BIOS when Shelley returned, carrying a glass of water.

'I thought you might be thirsty.' She placed a glass of water on the desk and sat down. She hugged herself and leaned forward to look at the screen. 'How are things going?'

Kieran couldn't help it. His eyes flicked down, and he caught a nice glimpse of SHelley's cleavage. The blood started to rise in his face and he cleared his throat. He grabbed the glass of water and took a gulp.

'It's nearly done. After this you should be good to go.'

'You're definitely providing great service, Kieran,' Shelley said, bumping him with her shoulder. She hesitated, and then continued. 'I hate to ask, but could you take a look at my Macbook, too? It's been sluggish opening up files recently.'

Kieran glanced at the Macbook while Shelley continued, speaking more quickly.

'You don't have to, of course. I know it's not part of your job, and you're here to support the SSP equipment only...'

'No, it's no problem at all,' Kieran said.

'You're so great.' Shelley smiled, put her hand on Kieran's knee and reached across him to grab the Macbook.

Her hand seemed to linger, and Kieran forced himself to look at the screen, at the update progress. The blue bar hit one hundred and Kieran finished up with his work, willing his cock to stay only semi-hard. Meanwhile, Shelley was logging into her computer. 'It's the damnedest thing,' she said, double clicking to open a folder. 'I've been organizing some old photos and it's been taking forever to open the past couple of day. Like..' She clicked on a file. A picture of the Golden Gate opened immediately.

Shelley frowned. 'This wasn't working yesterday. Wait.' She opened another picture, and another. Shots from Fisherman's Wharf and what looked like a vineyard popped open.

'Maybe it was another folder.' Shelley scrolled to another folder and clicked another file.

It was a beach shot, sandy white, with Shelly standing in the middle, striking a pose, margarita in one hand. Her face was alive with laughter, and Kieran couldn't help smiling. It didn't hurt that she was wearing a sexy, bright blue bikini that showed off generous breasts, a flat tummy, and long legs.

'Oh my gosh!' Shelley squeaked. Her face flushed bright red and she slammed the laptop closed. She buried her head in her hands. 'I'm so sorry,' she said, her voice muffled. 'You probably don't want to see an old girl like me in a bikini.'

'Yea...yeah,' Kieran said. 'You don't look great at all, or anything. You looked gross.'

Again, the words, the dry sarcasm that was definitely NOT appropriate with clients, slipped out before he thought.

Luck, however, seemed to be on his side and Shelley laughed, emerging from her hands, face still red. 'That's nice of you to say. Gosh, that was embarrassing.'

'No, embarrassing is when you get drunk and pass out on someone else's towel on the beach.' Kieran pushed back from the desk and smiled at Shelley. 'That's embarrassing.'

Shelley nudged Kieran's chair with her foot, turning it slightly so they were facing each other. 'You're lying!. You're just trying to make me feel better.'

Kieran shook his head. 'I'm dead serious. I went to Mexico last year for spring break and...well, I wasn't on my best behaviour.'

'You and your friends got up to no good?' Shelley teased, crossing her arms and leaning forward, a slight grin on her face.

What was it? What drew the male gaze to that sexy line when two breasts were pressed together? Kieran didn't know the answer, and even if he did, he wouldn't have been able to prevent his eyes from flicking down.

The picture on the laptop had nothing on what was in front of him right now.

Remembering where he was - and that Shelley was RIGHT IN FRONT of him - Kieran forced his gaze back up.

The grin on Shelley's face was sly, almost a smirk. Her eyes twinkled.

The flush was gone from her face. It seemed to have jumped between them and was crawling up the back of Kieran's neck now. He jumped slightly as something brushed up against his calf. It was Shelley's foot. She smiled at him.

'Tell me,' she said, her eyes still twinkling. 'What do a group of college boys get up to in Mexico?'

Kieran watched as one hand cupped the calf of the leg Shelley was touching him with. Who was controlling him? First his words, now his hands? His eyes drifted up to meet Shelley's gaze. The tip of er tongue slipped between her lips, moistening them slightly. The look she gave him was frank and inviting.

Stop asking fucking questions and just keep on doing what you're doing, Kieran told himself. He leaned forward and slid his hand up Shelley's leg, pausing to squeeze at the knee. His other hand went to her hip.

Shelley had leaned forward as well, their faces just inches apart. 'That's not telling me,' she murmured.

'I thought I'd show you instead,' Kieran answered.

'Hmm.' Shelley's hands slid up the inside of his thighs. She tilted her head. 'Smart boy.'

It was a long, slow, exploratory kiss. Their lips met, hesitant at first, then with more authority as they realized how good it felt. Shelley moaned softly as Kieran's hands slipped up from her hips and up her sides. Her lips parted. Her tongue flicked gently against Kieran's lip.

Kieran kissed her harder, her mouth opening up for him, eagerly, so that their tongues could meet.

'Mmm, yes,' Shelley sighed, that music from her laugh present in her voice again. Her hands slid to the bulge in his jeans and gave it an appreciative squeeze. 'Ohh, that's so nice.'

Her tongue stole into Kieran's mouth again, exploring eagerly. Kieran sucked on it gently while his hands found their way under her top, up her flat belly and to the silky softness of her bra. He felt her hard nipples against her palms, covered only by a thin piece of fabric.

Shelley moaned again, and her hands, almost frantic, unbuckled Kieran's belt and undid the button of his jeans. She broke their kiss, the smile on her face shifting from sly to straight out naughty now.

'I was watching you bang your head against your steering wheel,' she said as she unzipped his jeans.

'It's been a tough day,' Kieran said, voice catching in his throat as she freed his cock from his boxers. Her hand, soft and warm, stroked up and down the shaft as she nodded sympathetically.

'I thought so.' Shelley slid out of her chair and onto her knees. 'Hopefully coming to help me makes it worth it.'

Kieran gasped as Shelley took him into her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, flicking the tip gently with her tongue as she slid her mouth down the length of the shaft. Slow at first, and then with more speed, her head bobbed up and down on his cock, stroking in time with her hand.

Groaning, Kieran ran his hand through her hair, gripping the back of her head as he started to meet her mouth with his own thrusts. His cock slid out of Shelley's mouth with a wet pop, and she laughed, running her tongue up and down his shaft. She gave the tip of his dick a long kiss and stood up, running her hands up his lean torso.

'Seems like you want more than just a blowjob, Kieran,' she said, leaning forward so he could stare down her shirt. Her warm breath tickled his cheek and her hand went back to work on his cock, still slick with her saliva.

'I think you want my cock somewhere other than your mouth,' Kieran answered as he cupped Shelley's breasts and gave them a squeeze. She gasped softly.

'Mmmm...you read my mind,' Shelley whispered. 'Come on.' She stood up fully, taking Kieran by the hand.

The pair of them somehow made their way down the hall, Shelley moving backwards as they kissed hungrily, tongues slipping in and out of each other's mouths. Kieran's hands found their way inside Shelley's pants, and he was delighted to find that her ass felt as fantastic as it looked. Meanwhile, Shelley kept working stroking Kieran's hard member, her hand sometimes sliding down to cup and tease his balls. She moaned into his mouth as a hand made its way up her shirt to grip one of her breasts, squeezing with a firm but gentle pressure, teasing the hard nipple.

They stumbled into Shelley's bedroom and fell onto the bed.

'Get your clothes off,' Shelley gasped.

Kieran rolled over and kicked off his pants while tugging the shirt over his head. He was undressed so fast Shelley had barely slid her pants down her hips.

She laughed at him. 'And I thought I was horny.'

'I just want to see you naked,' Kieran grinned.

Shelley gasped as he ripped her pants down. She shimmied out of her shirt and leaned back, arms crossed behind her head. She wiggled her chest at him and winked.

'Well? What do you think?'

Kieran didn't say anything for a moment. That picture, briefly glimpsed on a computer screen, didn't do her justice. The breasts were still firm and full. Hard nipples poked through the thin, lacy black material. His eyes drank in her flat stomach, the inviting hips, and that delicious spot, covered by a simple black thong, where her long legs met. Kieran cupped her mound and rubbed softly. Shelley squirmed against him, legs opening slightly, the heat radiating against his hand.

'You look good enough to taste,' Kieran said as he tugged her panties down.

Shelley groaned as Kieran touched his tongue to her wet slit, teasing her as he slowly licked. He ran his hands up her body, playing with her nipples as he explored the outer folds of her pussy with his tongue.

'That feels so good, Kieran,' Shelley whispered. Her hands fumbled behind her back and suddenly her bra was off. She pressed Kieran hand against one of her breasts and moved her hips so her pussy pressed against Kieran's mouth. 'So good.'

Kieran twisted one of Shelley's nipples and she gasped, and then groaned in pleasure. He licked up and down, never penetrating, and just barely grazing her hard clit. Shelley gasped again, her hips finding the rhythm of his tongue as they moved against each other.

'Don't stop,' Shelley moaned as Kieran paused. 'Don't stop.'

Kieran teased the folds of Shelley's labia until he found the hot, slippery entrance to her pussy. Slowly, Kieran entered Shelley with tongue, licking long and hard.


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