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I wasn't at all sure I could do that, but recalled both Adell and the other two women had put on beaver shows the other evening so I said that I could.

"Ok then follow me" she said flicking on her iPod.

Moving very sensuously she slowly undid her blouse and dropped that on the floor.

"Your turn Cat."

I did the same feeling that I did it as good as she had, but she told me I was too quick.

"Every movement, every gesture has to be slow and very distinct she explained" standing very close to me. We were both in trousers and bras. "Try it again taking your bra off."

She clicked the iPod on again and I shimmied round in front of her to a Michael Bubler number. As slowly as I possibly could I unclipped my bra and holding the cups onto my boobs as the girls had at the club I continued my bumping and grinding slow dance. Looking at Lisa I put both of my hands on my boobs and was about to slip the bra off when I had an idea. I squeezed my boobs and pinched my nipples playing with them just as a man would. I ran one hand down my body and slid it lightly across my tummy and rested it on my thigh right alongside my pubic mound. Using my other hand I eased the bra away from my breasts slowly revealing them.

I was becoming aroused and that was increased when Lisa whispered.

"Oh Cat that was great, well done."

As she said that she reached behind her and unclipped her bra and removed it. Her tits hardly moved telling me that they almost certainly had been worked on.

"Thanks Lisa."

"You're very welcome Cat, now the trousers" she said very quietly and quite huskily.

There was a repeat performance of her showing me what do, me doing it, again too fast and then repeating it as she looked on dressed in just her panties and heels.

She clapped this time. "Bravo, that was wonderful" She said moving close to me.

It was a very odd feeling. We were both wearing thongs and heels and nothing else. There was an obvious sexual atmosphere, which became stronger when she asked.

"Would you be up for a two girl strip Cat?"

I gulped. "What's that?"

"You and another girl stripping together, well more stripping each other."

"I don't know I guess so" I replied as I saw her nipples harden.

"It's very popular at private functions."


"Oh yes as is going further than undressing."

"How do you mean?"

"Well offering extras."

"Such as?"

"Oh it varies. Letting the punters touch you or kiss you, play with your boobs that sort of thing. It's where the real money is."

That gave me a buzz. It was becoming more like Belle de Jour.

"Would you be interested Cat?"

"Yes I might well be, what's the money like?"

"Well we pay more when you go to a function like that, say three hundred for a couple of hour session, but it's the tips that really do it."

"What are they like?" I asked as I realised we were standing so close that our nipples were only inches apart and that mine had hardened as much as hers.

"It depends on what you do, but anything from a couple of hundred for a few quick gropes up to a grand or so if you have sex in front of the group."

"Serious stuff then."

"Oh very serious Cat. So now the knickers" she said thickly as she pushed hers down showing that she was completely bald.

I slid mine off and we stood naked looking at each other.

"You really are very beautiful and so sexy" she whispered taking hold of my hand.

"Thank you."

"You are so very welcome Cat" Lisa whispered as she moved her face towards me, presumably in preparation to kiss me. At the same time she ran the tip of her finger around the palm of my hand.

I was tempted, but drew back. I had never gone down that road and didn't think that right now was the time to start. I moved back.

"Sorry luv, I'm not that way."

She smiled and whispered back as she picked up her bra. "Not yet Cat, not yet.


The first gig was back at the bar where I had seen the girls during my induction. I was as nervous as hell, but everything seemed to go well and I got some loud applause and loads of whistles at least as much as the other three girls.

The buzz I got from it far exceeded anything I had imagined. I loved flaunting myself and, seeing the lust in the men's eyes. It gave me a sort of power as I imagined them becoming erect simply from looking at me and, presumably imagining fucking me.

We did three sessions of about ten minutes each so the show lasted about two hours. When I wasn't performing I would chat to the other women as we got ready for our next show. They were very ordinary women. Two others were married and did this for pin money and the other who was single openly said "I do it for kicks." I liked them and we got on well.

They asked me why I had started and I told them truthfully that it was boredom.

In the half hour interval the four of us sat around drinking tea and coffee and I asked about the private functions. They had all been to them and told me they varied from football, rugby and cricket club stag dos, through more upmarket parties such as hedge fund charities to smaller, private dinner parties where they might be just six or eight guys. The level of the girls' participation would broadly have been agreed with Lisa and Carlton beforehand one of the girls said adding "So there would be no hiccups, surprises or unfortunate incidents."

Rather naively I asked what she meant and she replied.

"Darling to fuck or not to fuck is the question they want to know."

I was beginning to see that MILFstrippers was more than I had thought and more similar to Bell de Jour than I imagined.

I did a few more bar gigs to, as Lisa put it when she asked "Any change of heart or mind yet darling? Get used to being naked in front of an audience."

As indeed I was doing; not just getting used to it, but loving it. After getting home from the gigs I felt so horny I simply had to masturbate, sometimes more than once and sometimes with Mike. I could also hardly wait for the next gig.

I began to realise that this whole stripping thing, this flaunting my body to a group of people and this being naked in public was playing so some need I had. I was getting such a kick from seeing the men, and women, staring at me, ogling me and seemingly lusting for me. There must have been a dormant something in me that Richard had started to release or exploit when he took pictures of me and which was now exploding into full maturity with what I was doing.

I desperately wanted to do more, but deep down I was beginning to find the pub scene a little tacky and ordinary. I wanted something out of the ordinary. I wanted something better, something even more exciting. I wanted the private functions.

And Lisa agreed.

"We have to test you first love" she said pecking me on the cheek and slipping her arm round me and resting her hand on my bum.

"Any change of heart yet baby?"

Smiling I replied. "Leave it Lisa, I am dead straight."

"That's as maybe darling, but it's where the real money is."

"What do you mean?"

"Small private functions of around twenty or so pay massive money to have a live lessy show in front of them" she told me.


"Yes easily a grand each, maybe more."

"How much do they pay for sex then?"

"What between one of them and you?"


"If you're lucky a few hundred. You get more if you take on a few guys."

I was beginning to realise even more what I was getting into and surprisingly it excited rather than depressed me. I had come to terms with being naked as the centre of attention when stripping and now I was starting to come to terms with the fact that I would soon have to have some form of sex. To me that wasn't really an issue. The real issue was just how much sex and with whom I would do it.

My relationship with Richard was deteriorating. It seemed that the more I got into the stripping and the more excitement and pleasure I got from that the less I needed anything from him. That was just as well for with the travelling back and forth to New York on top of the massive hours and the constant entertaining he had little or no energy left for anything else. I often wondered whether he had bits on the side, but never asked.

I had pretty much now given up on the marriage. Parting and divorce seemed to be an inevitability and that disturbed me. I hated the idea of the loneliness and getting back on the dating scene. Money, therefore became more important to me and this gave me a means to stash some away.

I did a few club suppers. They were easy and usually there were four of us there, so there was 'safety in numbers.'

Most of the guys got pretty drunk and were out for a good time. So as we stripped they were vulgarly, yet humorously funny and quite entertaining yet appreciative. They wanted to be involved so generally we would get down to our panties on the stage then make a tour of the room in just them and perhaps stockings, either hold ups or with a sussie belt. We would rub our boobs against the back of a few guys heads, sit on the laps of a few, kiss some and let one or two have a feel. Generally the evening would end with all the girls and one or two guys on stage with us undressing them. Sometimes just down to their boxers, but sometimes to nothing. Some would get hard and one of us, not me so far would masturbate him if he wanted that. It was all good fun, but tacky and not something I particularly enjoyed. Nevertheless, I realised, it was what I had to go through if I wanted to 'go further' with MILFstrippers and the more I was with them the more I wanted to go further.


"We really are very pleased with you Cat, you have done so well" Carlton said as he, Lisa and I had lunch at Scotts in Mayfair one Thursday afternoon. I thanked him and they told me that all the feedback they had received from the other girls and the customers was positive and that they would like me to join their private party group.

"What's that?" I asked sucking on the leg of a lobster that I had noticed cost forty pounds.

"Our elite ladies" Carlton explained.

"We have a number of clients who are very wealthy, often famous and always well connected" Lisa when on. "They tend to have private parties or..............." she paused and looked at Carlton who said.

"Go on."

"For whom we arrange parties."

"I see."

"Whichever way, the parties are discrete, exceptionally well catered and are held in only the most prestigious locations usually apartments or luxury houses" she explained.

Carlton took over. "And we supply ladies for the client's pleasure. We have set up a team who man those parties and we would like you to join that team."

Lisa put her hand on mine and smiled. "Yes and we probably want you to join our elite ladies Cat."

I didn't move my hand, but neither did she as I looked at her and our gazes locked. She didn't have to speak, but I knew what she was wordlessly saying. I smiled and nodded as I said quietly. "Maybe not yet has arrived Lisa."

"I do hope so darling" she replied squeezing my hand.

"Now, now girls not in public" Carlton smiled leaning across and pecking me on the cheek. "Congratulations Cat."

"How many in the team and what do you mean probably?" I asked.

"Oh a couple of dozen or so, we have to have rotation."

"I didn't realise there were that many milfs."

"There isn't we use ladies from both MILF and GIRLYstrippers in the elite team."

"Oh I see so that's how they connect. I was wondering about the demand for old wrinklies."

"There is a big demand Cat, it's almost every young guy's dream to fuck an older woman" Carlton explained continuing. "And seeing them undress at the big dos and get even closer at the private functions is the next best thing."

"Or darling" Lisa said quietly. "Even get to fuck one" as she looked deep into my eyes.

"So probably?" I asked.

"Well Cat" Carlton said. "You haven't actually been, as it were, in action yet have you?"

A few days later Lisa rang.

"Ready Cat?"

"For what" I asked worrying that I had forgotten an appointment.

"Your first private. Your first elite outing."

"Sure" I replied sounding more relaxed and confident than I felt.

She explained that it was a group of friends, usually six or seven who had been in the same club at Oxford and held private dinners each quarter. I learned that they were usually held in houses or apartments in London and that they were often really late or all night affairs.

"For some bizarre reason, probably not wanting to give their mates any dirt on them, they only want to touch and watch, see you play with yourselves, but no full sex."

"Ok" I replied strangely feeling a sense of disappointment.

"It's best for your first private Cat."

"Who else will be there?"

"Just Maggie and Cheryl" she told me naming a woman of my age, Maggie and a younger woman Cheryl.

She gave me the rest of the arrangements.

Richard was home when I took the calls, but was going to Frankfurt the night of my engagement so I had no worries about the evening. The agency organised a car to collect me and Cheryl who lived on the way from St Albans to Notting Hill where the get together was being held. We were meeting Maggie at Marylebone Station where she would arrive from her home in Chalfont St Giles. The agency really was very well organised and thought of everything including providing us with alarm bleepers and having the car driver as the girls protector. I never quite found out what we were supposed to do with the bleepers when we were naked, but then as Lisa had explained "We vet the clients very well and we have never had a girl feel the need to use it.

I had not met Cheryl before she got into the car outside her flat in Camden Town. She was a little daunting for not only was she very young, probably barely twenty, but also she was stunning. She had a gorgeous face, shoulder length, blonde hair with extensions, long slim legs poking out from a ridiculously short, black micro skirt and what looked to be a slimly sensational body.

We got to know each other on the journey. She'd been with the agency for nearly two years since she was eighteen and now only did private events. "I'm totally elite" she smiled. I was dying to ask more questions particularly how often she had full sex with the customers, but felt it wiser to hold back.

Maggie was about my age and quite buxom. Probably a little overweight her height, however, helped her carry that off; in all ways she was a big girl. She had long, curly, rather unruly auburn hair, and big features that included huge, green eyes, very voluptuous lips, prominent cheeks bones and a larger than was ideal nose with flared nostrils. Her striking feature was her huge breasts; she was at least a double D. From having worked with her and seen her naked I knew that she had a little paunch, some excess on her hips and bum, but not much a sag with her boobs.

The plan was that Maggie would go first, followed by me and then Cheryl. We would do the typical three by five minute tunes each ending up naked. There would be a break for twenty minutes or so then we would repeat that sequence, but with me on first. This time we would start in our underwear and would finish playing with our boobs and rubbing our pussies a little, but not full masturbation Lisa had stressed. Again the efficiency of the agency impressed me for all the arrangements including the no need to masturbate had been confirmed by email. The third session would include all three of us. Again we would start in our underwear and after removing some of that we would sit on their laps, kiss them and let them play with us. If any of them asked we would masturbate them and let them finger us and rub our clits, before we masturbated ourselves. It was left up to us as to how we would end it, but the email from Lisa did ask 'It would be appreciated by them and expressed in their tip if you let them cum on you.'

My first session went well and was greeted with well-behaved, appreciative and generous applause and remarks. I enjoyed it. There were only five guys there, all probably in their late thirties so I didn't feel too out of place. Cheryl and Maggie also both thought their sessions had gone well and told me they thought that the guys were a good, well-behaved group.

For my second session I wore black hold ups with black patent killer heels. My underwear was a pair of boy shorts, which were very tight accentuating my rather prominent pubic mound and a bra that was cut acutely across my boobs so that almost, but not quite the edges of my areola were displayed. The bra and panties were pink with black lace and grey spots. I had bought the matching pair on a London shopping trip in Agent Provocateur, they had cost a hundred pounds.

I walked into the fairly dimly lit room feeling nervous, but excited for the idea of playing with myself in front of an audience really gave me a buzz. Although some minor touching and stroking was done at the club sessions, we were not allowed to go very far.

The guys had now left the dining table. Three were sitting on a black leather sofa and two were in similar leather chairs facing each other at right angles to the sofa. That left a space between the dining table and the chairs that was clearly where I was to perform. The intimacy of it gave me a charge.

I put the iPod on and began moving to the music, a slow, rhythmic, jazzy number. It was incredible watching the eyes riveted to my body as I swayed and moved, turned and wriggled, gyrated and writhed my body at them. I cupped my breasts, squeezed them and pushed them together. I ran my fingers down my body and just into my panties and I let the shoulder straps of my bra slip down my arms, but I didn't take anything off. The music changed and I turned away from them, I bent over nearly touching my toes and I looked back at them. Straightening up I walked to the sofa. I put my hands and grabbed two of the guy's hands. I pulled them up and indicated to the other to get up as well.

"I don't do floors boys" I said lying on the sofa as two sat and one stood before me.

I again caressed my breasts before sliding my hands down my body, into my panties and right onto my pussy. I was soaked and I wanted to masturbate, but resisted the temptation, just about.

"Take them off Cat" one of them said.

"Take what off?"

"Fucking everything let's see the lot" another croaked.

Smiling I leaned forward so I presented my back to one of them. I looked at him, raised my eyebrows and whispered. "Please."

He got the idea and after a bit of fumbling undid the clasp of my bra. I slowly removed it to sounds of appreciation from them, although they had already seen my C going on D cup tits earlier. I played with them as the music changed to the third number. The closeness of the guys, the intimacy of the situation and the feelings I was giving myself all combined to take me so close to an orgasm. I was very near to cumming when one leaned over and said.

"Can I take them off Cat?"

"Yes, yes please" I croaked now wanting to be naked, wanting them to look at me, wanting to flaunt myself and wanting the five young men to look at my cunt.

As one took hold of my panties and started sliding them down another cupped my breasts and one more kissed me. I felt myself responding and it took all of my resistance not to wrap my arms round his neck and shove my tongue down his throat. My panties got caught on my bum so I lifted up and let the guy pull them off my legs. I was gloriously naked apart from my black, nylon holdups and I felt marvellous.

"Get out the fucking way" a rather plummy voice called out. "Let us at the back see the action too."

The guys moved away a little way leaving me lying on the sofa. Flat on my back with my head against the arm I turned my body a little so they could all see. I raised my knees so that my heels were on the seat of the sofa. Momentarily thinking they might mark the leather and I should move them, was driven from my head as I looked from one face to the other. It was so quiet that their breathing and sighs seemed very loud.

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