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A strong mage is rendered powerless by a mob boss.
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Sean woke up on a bare mattress in a dim room. His hands were cuffed behind his back. A sliver of light broke past the dingy curtain covering the only window. He groaned and turned over, aching and sore. As his eyes adjusted he could see the room was empty besides the mattress he currently occupied, and a man standing guard in front of the door. The man loosely held some sort of semiautomatic gun at the ready. Seeing that he was awake, the man wordlessly knocked on the door behind him three times.

Immediately two more guards came into the room and half-dragged him out. They took him through a maze of corridors. Sean tried to be alert, look for any escape avenue. All three guards had guns, and when he looked more closely at them, the guns had the telltale shimmer of magic on them too.

He was brought into a large office. A stately wooden desk sat in the middle, with two chairs facing it. Sean's blood ran cold. Sitting at the desk was Victor Vahlen, the leader of the infamous gang known for being anti-magic. Sean didn't get to sit on one of the chairs. Instead, the guards escorting him kicked the back of his legs, making him fall forward onto his knees in front of the desk. Two of them stationed themselves on either side of the door, and the third left to stand outside the door.

Victor was typing on a laptop, and didn't even look up for several long minutes. Sean was afraid to move. The man sitting before him was wearing a dark red suit and reading glasses. He had long black hair, and as he worked he would occasionally tuck an errant strand behind his ear. Somehow, this was the man responsible for his friend's death. The man responsible for so many illegal activities in the city, for the deaths of several of the people he'd graduated college with. His friend had refused to pay this man protection money, and a week later he was killed inside when his little potion shop caught fire.

As afraid as he was, Sean sat up straight and set his jaw as he waited.


Victor sighed, sending a final email. It wasn't even noon yet and he was already so tired of dealing with stupid people. One of his dealers had gotten caught, and now the local police would need to be paid off. Again. And he still had the mage to deal with. He looked over to the man, kneeling on the floor in front of his desk. He looked to be in his mid twenties, with blond hair. He pulled up the information they had found about the man. His name was Sean Case, graduated from Plumspire University about three years ago, currently working at the archive translating magical scripts. There was other information on his friends, relatives, past jobs, and more, but Victor closed the laptop. He took off his reading glasses and carefully folded them, setting them on top.

"So, you're the one who killed six of my men and injured another five. You're smaller than I expected."

The mage remained silent. Victor stood up and walked to the front of his desk, leaning against the front and crossing his arms. He towered over the kneeling figure, standing in his personal space. The man stared resolutely at a spot behind him.

"I expect you to respond to me when I speak to you, or I can make this unpleasant experience a lot worse for you," Victor said, "Is that what you want?"

After a long moment, the man responded.


Victor waited, an eyebrow raised.

"No, what?"

"No... sir?" The man guessed. Victor saw his jaw twitch; he was clearly angry. Victor would enjoy messing with him.

"Good boy. Now what exactly were you looking for in my warehouse?"

"...Drugs," was his answer.

"Wrong. A strong magic user like you clearly doesn't use the kind of drugs we sell. They would only limit and degrade your energy. Don't lie to me, what were you looking for?"

"It was drugs.... I was going to sell them for the money-" Victor cut him off with a smack and grabbed his chin, forcing the mage to look up at him.

"I said, don't lie to me," He growled through gritted teeth.

He straightened back up, letting go of the man's chin. Even in the lions den, the mage sat straight, scowling up at him. Victor wanted to wipe that look right off his face. He should be afraid. Begging for mercy. Lifting his leg, he planted a foot in the middle of the man's chest and pushed him roughly down to the floor, enjoying his grunt of surprise. Maybe his day didn't have to be all bad. He could always find time to force a strong mage like this to submit to him... Victor motioned to the guards.

"Take him to the interrogation room." He said, walking out of the office.


Sean was left alone in the room, which looked exactly like he imagined an interrogation room to look. A blank, slightly dingy white room with gross overhead fluorescent lights, a table, and two chairs. There was a large mirror on one wall which he assumed had a viewing room on the other side that he could be monitored from. They had removed the cuffs, and Sean kept flexing his sore wrists. The cuffs has been magic suppressors, and clearly this room was too somehow, because even without the cuffs Sean couldn't seem to mentally grab onto that taut line of magical energy running through him. Not that he had his wand, or staff, or anything to channel it with anyway.

He paced around for a while, working out some of his nervous energy. He had no idea how he was going to make it out of this alive. He had been pretty badly injured during the fight. They had bandaged the worst of his wounds- just enough to keep him from dying, but he was still in bad shape. Pacing probably wasn't helping that, he figured, so he sat down in one of the chairs to examine his wounds.

The worst was the left shoulder, which had been punctured straight through with a bullet. The entry and exit wounds had been stitched closed, but his left arm wasn't very responsive. He unbuttoned his shirt fully to see an abdomen covered in bruises, which he knew were going to look even worse the next day, if he lived to see it. He'd been grazed by a bullet on the right side of his abdomen, but thankfully it hadn't hit anything too important. It had been bandaged by whoever had treated him, so he just gently prodded it with his fingers, hissing in pain as he tried to gauge just how bad it was. They had only worked on it enough to stop any internal bleeding. His legs too were covered in bruises. He vaguely remembered being on the floor, surrounded by kicking legs and pain before he had passed out. His whole body just ached.

Sean buttoned his shirt back up and leaned forward onto the table, resting his head on his arms and closing his eyes. He focused whatever tiny speck of magic he could siphon into regenerating his cells just a bit faster.

He must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew was being woken up by the sound of the door slamming shut. Victor walked in, pulling off his jacket and tossing it over the other chair. Instead of sitting down, the tall man pulled the table away from Sean with one hand, the screech of metal on concrete making him jump. He walked up to him and planted a leather-shoed foot on the chair between Sean's legs, leaning down further into his space with his arms resting on his knee. Sean leaned away, staring up at him defiantly.

"I've had a long day dealing with stupid people," the mob boss began, "So I don't want to hear any more lies out of you. What were you looking for in my warehouse? Who are you working for?"

Sean looked up at the man. He was dressed the same as earlier, but now he was slightly disheveled. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and the white shirt he wore under his jacket was spattered with what Sean was sure were drops of blood. There was something on his cheek, too, like he'd wiped away a drip of blood from there, too. Sean still had no plan, so what the heck might as well try honesty.

"You burned down my friend's shop. With him in it," Sean said, unable to keep the venom out of his voice.

When he didn't elaborate fast enough, Victor said, "And? What, did you think getting killed here would bring him back?"

White rage flashed behind Sean's eyes. How dare this man speak so casually about this? With his expensive suits he went around getting blood on, his stupid smug look. His friend Hunter had worked so hard to get his shop up and running. He had saved every cent he could for years to buy that little storefront. And this man had him killed because he couldn't afford their 'protection fee.' He did his best to swallow his anger for the moment. He was too weak to fight anyone right now anyway, not without access to magic.

"I was looking for- I wanted to find information. I don't know, building schematics, schedules, anything I could use," He forced himself to say.

"Use for....?"

Sean sighed.

"So I could kill you," He answered, truthfully.


Victor wasn't sure why, exactly, but he found Sean's audacity refreshing. He had seemed small, but he was bursting with magical energy. If he hadn't had reinforcements in the area last night, the guy might just have gotten the information he wanted. He almost hated to admit it, but if he had succeeded, there was a distinct possibility that with a good enough plan the mage in front of him might have killed him. In fact, he had already regained a little color in his cheeks. Victor could tell he was slowly healing himself even despite the powerful magic suppressors in the walls of the room.

Victor knew he certainly couldn't let this man out of his sight, but at the same time he... didn't want to kill him. He spent so much time surrounded by weak underlings and pathetic people begging for their lives. Sean was interesting, entertaining. He decided he would keep him, for now. Maybe even break him down and mold him into something useful. Victor stepped out of the room to make a call. He was going to need something a little more powerful to control the mage's magic. When he recovered from his injuries he'd be even more powerful, and Victor wasn't sure the room he was in now or the cuffs together would be able to hold him.


There had been a change in Victor's face before he left the room, Sean thought. He wasn't sure what it was exactly, but he wasn't stupid enough to think that it was anything good. He'd admitted to wanting to kill the man, so he figured when Victor came back in it would be to end him. His pulse raced. He had to think of something, quick. Maybe if he waited by the door and ambushed him right as he walked in, he could make a run for it... He glanced over to the mirrored wall. It was highly likely there were people watching him behind that glass. And he couldn't run very well in his current condition. The chances of any plan working were abysmally low.

Before Sean had too much time to contemplate his mortality, Victor came back in. He closed the door behind him with his foot and started unbuttoning his shirt cuffs before meticulously rolling his sleeves up to his elbows, as he watched Sean across the room. Sean couldn't place the look on his face. Victor stalked over to him and lifted him out of the chair by the front of his shirt. He turned around with him and pushed him back, Sean stumbling until he hit the table and fell back onto it, his legs barely finding footing on the floor. Was this really the end? He hadn't even gotten close to avenging his friend. He knew if he could talk to Hunter now, he'd be disappointed that Sean had tried to get revenge in the first place. Hunter would've wanted Sean to move on and live a happy life, but this was something he thought he needed to do. All his life he'd hated how unfair everything was. How people were able to get away with anything they wanted if they had the money.

Sean closed his eyes, preparing to be strangled to death or something, but instead he felt hands on his chest. Victor's thigh slotted between Sean's legs as he leaned over him, pressing uncomfortably into his groin. The hands roamed all over, making him grunt in pain when they found the wound on his side. A tear leaked out of Sean's tightly closed eyes, either from the pain, the situation, or both. He felt Victor's breath when he leaned in closer and licked the tear off Sean's face as it rolled down toward his ear.

"I'm going to enjoy undoing you," the larger man whispered, nibbling his ear and then moving down his neck.

He deftly started unbuttoning Sean's shirt. Sean just gripped the edge of the table and accepted it, feeling too weak to really fight back. He tried to think about anything other than his current situation, as Victor finished unbuttoning his shirt and started working on his pants. Too soon he pulled them down, leaving them bunched around his ankles. He resumed his position over Sean, his thigh back between his legs, but now all Sean had was the thin fabric of his boxers to protect him. Victor continued mouthing at his neck, then moved to kiss him. When Sean didn't open his mouth, Victor pushed his thumb down on the wound in his side and Sean cried out, the man's other hand holding down his shoulder, preventing him from curling up in pain. He couldn't stop the fresh tears from coming as Victor explored his mouth with his tongue.

Victor started grinding onto Sean's hip, his thigh rubbing against Sean's own dick. All he could hope was that he had lost too much blood and it wouldn't react to the sensation. But thankfully after a moment the weight above him disappeared as Victor stood up and stepped back. A few seconds passed and Sean cautiously opened his eyes, still gripping the edge of the table as he caught his breath. He couldn't see Victor above him. Lifting his head a little, he saw the mob boss sitting down in the chair several feet away. The man looked at him.

He commanded, "Come here."

Sean laid his tired head back down on the table, resigning himself to whatever punishment would come from disobeying. He closed his eyes and continued to catch his breath, but then he felt a hand in his hair as he was yanked away from the table.

"I said: Come. Here," Victor raised his voice, walking backwards as he pulled Sean by the hair.

Sean took two steps before the pants around his ankles tripped him and he fell to his hands and knees. Victor let go of his hair and sat back down in the chair.

"When I tell you to do something, you do it. I'm being generous here by letting you live. If you want to waste that generosity and die, then by all means continue to disobey me. So, what will it be?"

Sean grit his teeth. If he did what Victor said, he would live, and it would probably be less painful than fighting him the whole way. Though the man might just use him first and then kill him anyway. But if he made it through this, maybe he would get a chance to escape.

"I... I want to live," Sean said finally.

"I want to live, what?" Victor asked, pointedly.

"I want to live... sir."

"Then come here," Victor said again, pointing to the floor between his feet.

Sean took a deep breath and crawled awkwardly the last few feet, kneeling between Victor's legs. The man leaned down and caressed his face gently.

"If you're good, you might even enjoy this," He said, looking down into the smaller man's eyes. "But you haven't been listening, and my shoes got a little dirty today. Clean them."

Sean knew how he was meant to clean them, and it took every ounce of his willpower to make himself lean his head down. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what could possibly be on them, though he already had an idea of the sort of mess Victor had gotten into. Before he could comply though, Victor moved both feet away.

"What do you say first?"

Sean racked his brain.

"U-um. Yes sir?"

"Good," Victor replied, moving his feet back in front of Sean's face.

Sean hesitantly stuck his tongue out, tasting the fine leather of Victor's expensive dress shoes. He licked at the shoe, trying not to think about what he was doing. Then, he tasted something metallic and had to turn his head to the side as he retched, certain he had just tasted some poor victim's blood on the shoes. He just barely managed to avoid vomiting. Above him, Victor waited silently as Sean composed himself a little. Victor hadn't told him to stop- he needed to keep going. Just don't think about it, Sean told himself, I just need to survive this. He leaned back to the shoe, trying not to put much thought to what he was doing.

"Good enough. Now the other one," Victor eventually said above him, moving the other shoe in front of his face.

Sean had heard people say they were going to their 'happy place' before, and that's what he tried to do as he licked the criminal's other shoe. Really, he just tried to think of anything else at all. He wondered what they would do at his job tomorrow when he didn't show up. Since he had started there he had never missed work, except to attend his friend's funeral, so maybe they would notice he was really missing.

Finally Victor said, "That's enough," and Sean could stop.

Victor pulled him up towards himself, making Sean shuffle forward on his knees until he was once again kneeling between the larger man's legs. He lifted Sean's chin up and leaned down to kiss him. If he could taste the echo of the metallic blood in Sean's mouth, he didn't seem to care as he held his chin in place with one hand, running his fingers through his hair with the other. Thankfully he also didn't seem to care that Sean didn't kiss him back at all, just opened his mouth to allow him access.


Victor pulled away from the mage, reaching down to unzip his pants and pull out his achingly hard prick. It made him so hard when he'd retched, to know he had made the man lick dried blood off his shoes. Whose blood was that again? Oh right, had to teach that dealer a lesson for getting caught... Sean was a good little listener too, he hadn't even had to remind him to keep going once he got a hold of himself. He watched Sean watch him pull his dick out of his pants with a slightly distant expression. Victor stroked himself a few times, then leaned back.

"Alright, your turn," Victor said.

"Y-yes sir," Sean almost whispered. He lifted his hands and hesitantly wrapped them around his shaft. It felt good to be touched, but it wasn't exactly what Victor had in mind.

"Ah ah ah, use your mouth," He corrected.

Sean's eyes flicked up to his for a second before he lowered his head down, taking the head of his cock into his mouth. Victor groaned at the feeling of the warm, wet heat, as Sean clumsily started trying to suck him off. This was clearly his first time doing it, and Victor let him fumble around for a minute before his hand found the back of the mage's head and started gently pushing him down. He really wanted to just fuck right into his throat, but he didn't want him to throw up all over him so he tried to be patient. Sean tried to take more of his length, his hands braced against Victor's legs and his eyes closed as he tried to open his jaw a little wider. He felt his dick touch the back of Sean's throat, and mercifully let him pull off to cough and sputter.

When he seemed good enough to continue, Victor guided his head back towards his dick, ignoring the man's hands on his thighs trying to push away as he thrust up into his mouth. He was careful, and bumped the back of his throat every few thrusts, letting him pull back a little to gag if he needed to. The gag reflex was making him drool all over Victor's cock, making wet noises as he pushed into the open mouth. After a little while Sean stopped gagging so much and Victor pushed him down a little further, pushing into his throat a little and holding him there for a few seconds. He enjoyed the feeling of Sean's throat convulsing around him as he tried to cough and gag. Every little while he let him off and allowed him to catch his breath a little.

Victor looked down at Sean as he thrust into his mouth. The poor guy was having trouble breathing- his nose was all runny from crying earlier and his eyes were red. He looked like a mess. Not to mention the bruises and bandages... It really turned Victor on to think that this guy could maybe kill him if he was at full health, if his magic wasn't being suppressed. But he'd won and now he got to show him how the world worked. Victor felt himself getting close and started to truly mouthfuck the mage, pushing all the way into his mouth and throat over and over again. He liked the panic in Sean's face as he frantically tried to breathe. He pushed in one last time, burying Sean's nose against him and then shooting straight into his stomach. He sat there for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation of Sean's throat convulsing around him as he desperately tried to push off to breathe.


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