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Modern Family Affair Ch. 08

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Alex gets her ass destroyed like never before.
6.3k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2017
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Disclaimer: I do not own Modern Family and have no association with anyone involved in the show. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


Claire Dunphy felt confident that she had won her latest battle with her oldest daughter Haley. The two of them had been fighting pretty much ever since she gave birth to her, especially when Haley entered her teens. But of all the battles of will, this one was the one that really mattered. It was certainly the one Claire most wanted to win, as it seemed Haley was truly hers now.

Which of course meant both her daughters were hers, as ever since they had secretly got together Alex and Haley had been a package deal. And oh, what a perfect package it was, with one daughter being toned and tight, and the other being voluptuous and juicy, making them the perfect lesbian sex slaves for the perverted mother.

After installing video cameras in the love nest of her daughters Claire was able to watch proof of that every time she came to visit them. Because as much as she loved fucking her daughters Claire truly loved her husband, and could never see herself leaving him. Also while she had wanted both her baby girls to be submissive to her, she hadn't wanted to stop their romantic relationship.

In fact, it warmed her heart to watch the video tape back of not just her daughters having sex with each other, but to see all the little moments of love and tenderness they shared. The kissing, the soft words, and even the way they touched each other when they weren't having sex, was so beautiful and erotic that Claire just couldn't get enough of it.

Which was why she spent hours watching them together in their entirety, only fast forwarding the truly mundane bits, or obviously when they weren't together, when she first got in instead of skipping straight to the sex. If they were lucky, Haley and Alex would be allowed to fuck while they did this, which mostly meant one of them preparing the other's butt hole to be used by Claire as the fuck hole it was always meant to be.

And/or if the footage ever became too much for her Claire would give one of them the privilege of eating her pussy, maybe with the other tonguing her ass at the same time. But mostly Claire kept them like this, kneeling either side of her, both completely naked except for the collars around their necks, and the butt-plugs up their asses while checking to see if they had been good.

She was always expecting to see Haley finally break free of her control, and/or lost herself to her overwhelming lust for Alex's big fat ass, and brutally sodomise her baby sister right in front of the cameras, not caring if her Dom Mom saw it. Or perhaps a tell-tale sign that the footage had been altered, the sneaky Dunphy sisters trying to hide the truth from their mother.

However six months after completely breaking Haley, both of the sisters were continuing to be good, and that meant it was finally time to do something which was a long time coming, and would be the perfect way to celebrate this happy occasion. Hell, Claire was so excited she almost fast forwarded through some of the good stuff, but she just managed to restrain herself in the name of teasing her daughters.

When she was finally finished checking the footage Claire slowly turned off the computer, pushed herself back so she was looking at both her girls then grinned wickedly and widely at them, "Good girls. Mmmmmmmm yessssssssss, that's what I like to see, my bitches behaving themselves in saving their asses for Mommy just like all good daughters should."

"Yes, mmmmmmmm, all daughters should." Alex agreed, buttering up her mother before asking hopefully, "Does that mean that you're going to double butt fuck me Mommy?"

Claire pretended to look thoughtful for a moment, and then smirked, "Maybe."

"Moooooooommmmmmmmm!" Alex snapped, whining like Haley used to when she wasn't getting her way, "You promised!"

"Alex!" Claire snapped back, "I trained you better than that."

"I know, and I'm so sorry Mommy." Alex whimpered, "I just want it so bad."

"Well 'I want', doesn't always get." Claire grumbled as if Alex was still a child, and then when her youngest whimpered pathetically she slowly turned to her eldest, "How about you Haley? Huh? Do you wanna butt fuck your little sister? Huh? You finally want to see those big meaty cheeks of hers jiggle for you again? To gape your total bottom of a girlfriend? To ruin her perfect little fuck hole? Huh? Answer me!"

Haley thought long and hard about her answer, and then while keeping her head lowered in submission softly told her top, "Yes. Oh God yes, Alex's fat ass is heaven and I've missed fucking it so much. You know I have Mommy. Anything else would be a total lie. But only if it pleases my top. That's the most important thing to me. Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh, I wanna please my Dom Mom over anything else, even butt fucking my baby sister, which not so long ago I thought was impossible, but now? Mmmmmmm, now I'm hoping that my Mommy will let me find out what it's like to fuck Alex's ass as a bottom. Which will make Alex the biggest bottom by far."

There was a brief pause, then Claire smirked, "Yes, I like this answer."

As their mother looked at them thoughtfully Haley cautiously added, "I'm happy you liked it."

"Oh shut up and eat ass." Claire ordered, smiling wickedly as she elaborated, "Mmmmmmm yessssssssss, get on the bed Alex, in your natural position, bent over and ready for your ass to be violated. And Haley, mmmmmmmm, you lick her ass hole. Oh yes, tongue your sister's butt hole and get it nice and ready for me to fuck. Oooooooooh fuck yeah, mmmmmmm fuck!"

"Yes Mommy." Haley eagerly replied and obeyed.

"Yes Mommy." Alex eagerly replied and obeyed.

Haley was pretty sure she was always going to salivate when Alex bent over, but especially when she was presenting her big fat ass for her older sister to play with. She was even going to get to fuck it again in front of their Mommy.

Admittedly not in the way that Haley loved most, and still secretly did whenever she had the chance, but it still totally counted. More importantly, it was going to be an extra special occasion, all three women would treasure forever, just the thought of what they were about to do making Haley so hot she thought she could cum on the spot. Especially as she had experienced it herself, and therefore knew exactly what kind of ecstasy her precious Alex was in for.

Luckily Haley didn't embarrass herself like that, and instead just buried her face in the tasty treat in front of her. She didn't even bother removing Alex's butt plug at first, choosing instead to just lick around the already stretched back door.

Admittedly she also just rubbed her face in her little sister's big booty, motor-boating those meaty cheeks like they were Alex's giant tits, something she should probably be embarrassed about, but how could she when it felt so good? Besides, their Dom Mom had done it plenty of times, and it wasn't like she was complaining. Or Alex for that matter. No, her baby sister was chuckling with delight, then gasping, moaning and whimpering as Haley went right back to licking her plug stuffed butt hole.

After a few moments of this Haley reluctantly pulled her face out of Alex's ass, just so she could reach into it, grab the handle of the plug and slowly pulling it out. Not all the way at first, just to the widest as part of the plug, and then pushing it back in. She repeated this process a few times, which was more than enough to prepare this anal slut for a rectum ramming, but Haley didn't want their Mom to point that out, and then Haley wouldn't have the privilege of eating her kid sister's ass.

Which was the same reason she didn't stuff the plug into her own mouth, even though she desperately wanted too, and instead give it to Alex to suck, something the little ass to mouth loving whore that was her little sister clearly loved, given the happy little moans she let out.

For a few long seconds Haley simply admired the sight of her sister tasting her own ass before getting a piece of it herself, by burying her face back in that big booty. This time of course there was nothing in her way, so she shoved her tongue as deep as it could go into Alex's butt, which was pretty far considering how much that plug, and the constant anal pounding, had stretched that allegedly forbidden hole.

Oh yes, she was able to push her tongue deep inside of that fat ass, slide it around the walls and spit deep inside it, making it nice and wet for their Mommy, who thankfully gave Haley plenty of time to give her sister a nice long rim job. Not because Alex needed it, but because both sisters loved it so much.

Claire loved it too. Admittedly it was always better when she was part of the equation, but there was definitely something to be said for watching her two little girls indulge in their perverted desires for each other, especially when Alex's fat ass was involved in the equation, like it was now.

Also, Claire knew just how good Haley could eat ass after pushing her pretty little face in between her own cheeks, her butt hole very jealous of Alex's in that moment. Of course, she was far more eager to butt fuck Alex than get her own butt licked, so eventually she took off her own clothes, grabbed her cock and strapped it onto herself, all without looking away from her daughters.

Then, as she was rubbing lube into her cock Claire ordered, "Haley, finger your sister's butt. Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhh, get it nice and ready for Mommy."

"Yes Mommy." Haley happily replied.

Admittedly that reply didn't come immediately, Haley clearly reluctant to pull her face out of that big booty. Not that Claire blamed her, as she had indulged in the privilege herself, however if Haley waited any longer she would have had to punish her. Although she might do it anyway, just for the fun of it. And it wasn't like she needed the excuse.

Oh yes, Claire could do whatever she wanted, something she would prove very soon. But for now she was happy to watch Haley suck a couple of fingers quickly, and then push two of them straight away into Alex's greedy little butt hole, causing the biggest butt slut and their family to cry out happily. Something she continued doing as her fat ass was roughly finger fucked for the next few minutes, until Claire couldn't wait any longer to butt fuck her daughter.

"Okay Haley, that should be more than enough for this little butt slut. Move aside." Claire ordered, before thinking better of it, "No wait, spread her cheeks. Mmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhhh, spread the big fat ass cheeks of your little sister. Show me that slutty little ass hole you used to love so much, and give it to me as a gift. Oh yes, good girl, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssssssssss!"

"Yes Mommy." Haley quickly replied and obeyed.

This provided Claire with such a beautiful sight that she just had to stare at it for a few long seconds as Haley grabbed hold of Alex's big, meaty cheeks and pull them wide apart, exposing the hole they loved so much. Or more accurately, the holes, Claire loving the fact that one of them was very wet right now, but it wasn't her main focus.

No, she was focused on the ultimate forbidden hole. Namely Alex's butt hole, which after a few long minutes, she pressed the tip of her cock against, and then watched as it effortlessly slid through that anal ring and into her youngest daughter's big booty. Something which would have any normal girl crying out in agony, but not her little anal slut of a daughter. Oh no, Alex cried out in pure pleasure, and continued doing so when that big dick began sliding into her bowels like a hot knife through butter.

Of course Claire gleefully paused after the initial anal penetration, and then again when her cock was fully embedded in her daughter's big butt. However that was more about having all three female family members savouring these precious moments, as opposed to make it easier on Alex, who really didn't need it.

No, Alex Dunphy was being brutally sodomized multiple times a day, just as she should be, given her fat ass was literally made for fucking. Oh yes, Claire had never been more convinced in those wonderful moments that she had unconsciously created the perfect anal slave. Or more accurately two of them, as she definitely had plans for the other one. And just in time, as it seemed Haley's enjoyment was slowly turning to jealousy.

Haley was always jealous to some extent, while watching her Mom and Alex fuck, and she wasn't really involved in the equation. Because sure, spreading those meaty cheeks like this certainly wasn't nothing, as it meant she got the best view in the house, so to speak, but it just couldn't compete with having her pussy licked by Alex while that fat ass was getting the pounding it so richly deserved.

Or better yet, have it been her own slutty little ass getting the pounding it so richly deserved, while she was the one eating Alex's yummy little twat, or butt. Or maybe, just maybe, she could be the one giving that big fat ass the pounding it so richly deserved, maybe while her sister was tonguing their Mommy's holes? Yes, even after all her training, that last one was the thing Haley would've liked the most.

As if sensing that, Claire asked, "So, who wants to taste some booty?"

"Oh, I do, I do!" Haley replied without hesitation, "Please, please pleasssssssseeeeeeeee ,give it to me?"

"I don't know, you were just treated to some." Claire pointed out teasingly, before quickly adding, "Maybe if you beg a little more enthusiastically?"

Taking the not-so-subtle hint Haley began pleading, "Oh please Mommy, mmmmmmmmm, please can I taste some booty? I wanna taste my baby sister's yummy booty all over my Mommy's big dick. Please give it to me? Please? Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gooooooooooooooddddddddddddd, I want it so bad Mommy! Sooooooooooooo bad, mmmmmmmmm, please? Mmmmmmmmm, I want to suck your cock! I wanna suck my Mommy's cock like the good little cock sucker I am! Oh please Mommy, shove your ass flavoured strap-on down my throat, so I can get every drop of Alex's yummy anal juice. Please? Oh please Mommy, mmmmmmmmmmm, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh Mommy!"

That last part was muffled by the cock which was shoved into her mouth. Or more accurately, the strap-on that her own mother was wearing was pulled directly out of her kid sister's ass and pushed into Haley's very willing mouth. And like the proud ATM slut that she was Haley moaned loudly and happily from tasting the deepest part of Alex's rectum on that big dick.

Something which of course she savoured for a few long seconds, before beginning to bob her head up and down that shaft, pushing more and more of it each time into her mouth, and eventually down her throat. Which she would savour if this was the end of the bum fun, but it wasn't, so with practice ease she quickly cleaned that cock, hoping for even more butt cream to come.

Which obviously meant pushing the butt flavoured cock as deep into her throat as it could go, Haley proudly and almost effortlessly showing off her skills. Something she was very proud of herself for, so much so she just couldn't resist smugly smirking around the dick in her mouth, and looking up to her mother.

And while initially she simply raised an eyebrow, it wasn't long before the older woman was smiling too, obviously happy that she had such a well-trained deep throating slut. Or more accurately, two of them. Oh yes Alex and Haley were total whores for their Mommy, something Haley proved for a few minutes by sucking that cock just as easily and thoroughly every time her Mom's swapped fuck holes, and Alex just kneeled there and taking it.

After making Haley go ass to mouth what felt like countless times Claire offered some commentary, then something even better, "Mmmmmmmm, that's a good girl. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, get every drop of your baby sister's butt creeam off of Mommy's big dick. Ooooooooooh yessssssssss, get every single drop! Oh Haley, mmmmmmmm, you're such a good little slut for Mommy, ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh, and your little sister Mmmmmmmm fuck yeah, a real modern family whore, for a real modern family affair. Oh yes, take every inch down your whore throat. Good girl. In fact, you've been so, so good, I think you deserve a reward. Doesn't she deserve a reward Alex?"

"Yes Mommy." Alex moaned dreamily, and without hesitation.

"Yeah, that's what I thought..." Claire grinned, before pulling her cock out of Haley's mouth and ordered, "Haley, go get yourself a strap-on, Mmmmmmmm, it's high time we treat your sister to a double ass fucking."

"Yes Mommy." Haley replied and obeyed easily and quickly.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssss Mommy, mmmmmmm, double stuff me! Ah fuck, double stuff my slutty little ass hole." Alex begged shamelessly in between moans, "Oooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhh, I want two big cocks up my fat ass! Two big hard cocks right up the hole I shit from! Oh please Mommy, big sister, destroy my shit hole! Oh yes, ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeessssssssss, ah fuck, fuck me! Fuck me please, fuck my ass! My big fat ass! Oh fuck yes, pound my slutty little ass hole! Mmmmmmmm, wreck it, wreck me, mmmmmmmm, really ruin my rectum. Oh Mommy, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, Haley, oh God! Oh fuck, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhh, fuck me!"

"Then go sit on your sister's dick you naughty little slut." Claire ordered, pulling her dick out of that fat ass and smacking that ass hard, "Make me proud."

"Yes Mommy, thank you Mommy!" Alex moaned and again happily did as she was told.

By this point Haley was on her back and rubbing lube into her dick, probably more than was needed given that Alex's slutty little ass hole had been abused for years, at least on an hourly basis, and over the last hour had been really stretched out. Proving that point Alex was quick to line herself up with that cock and pushed herself downwards, even crying out with pure pleasure just from the initial anal penetration.

She then continued doing so, as she lowered herself all the way down that dick, and then was given a few long minutes to bounce up and down it, those obscenely big tits of hers jiggling directly in Haley's face. Oh God, this was heaven. One which Haley would never, ever get tired of, no matter how many time she saw it, or her Mommy tried to convince her to be a pure bottom.

"Mmmmmmmm, very good, mmmmmmmmm ooooooooooh fuckkkkkkkkkk yessssssssssss, very good girls." Claire moaned over and over again, briefly lost in the heavenly sight before her, before she refocused, and ordered, "Oh yes, my good girls have been very good, mmmmmmmm, but now it's time for Mommy to join the fun again. Oh yes, spread those cheeks Haley. Mmmmmmmm yesssssssssss, spread your little sister's big fat ass cheeks wide apart so Mommy can get her big dick inside there. Oh yes, ohhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk, let's double fuck this big fat slutty ass! Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh Goooooooooddddddddd yeeeeeeeeeesssssssss, oh fuck!"

"Yes Mommy." Haley eagerly replied and obeyed in between her mother's encouragement.

Claire licked her lips as she admired the sight in front of her, before finally pressing the tip of her strap-on against that already cock stretched ass hole and started slowly pushing forwards, savouring every moment of popping the double anal cherry from her second daughter, after so recently taking it from the first. Oh yes, she been robbed of the chance of taking their anal cherries by each other, but this was almost just as good.

In a way, better because it solidified their submission to her. Which echoed in her mind at Alex's butt hole kept stretching, and stretching, and stretching until finally that whore hole was wide enough for her to slide the head of the dildo inside, officially taking that second daughter's anal virginity.


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