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Mom, Should I Fuck Grannie? Pt. 01

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GILF seduces grandson with unexpected consequences.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/21/2024
Created 10/02/2023
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Mom, Should I Fuck Grannie?

Well, this is going to be interesting. A male strip club. Sitting in the parking lot killing time. Waiting, waiting, waiting... paid by the hour, I can sit here all night but it is frustrating. I hate taking my clients money.

I wonder if Lincoln is in bed by now. Doubt it, Dad is a night person. It is a school night but anything goes with my ex. Lincoln needs to finish his senior year with good grades. He needs his sleep.

As an admitted adrenaline junkie I am hoping for real action. Few and far between in these type of gigs.

The clock struck midnight. I need more coffee, my thermos empty. Come on, come on, Cinderella its midnight! What the fuck has she been doing for two hours besides stuffing George Washingtons inside a strippers thong?

They might have backrooms. That will not help me out. I am not going to prowl around in there, knocking on doors and taking pictures.

Twelve thirty. I was sinking into a 'oh woe is me' mindset. No action. I miss homicide. Twenty fucking years working my way up to homicide detective. Under the guidance of my partner, I learned the ropes and got good, real good. The rush of figuring out the puzzle and nailing the murderer was unmatched.

I missed all aspects of the investigation. Murder scene investigation, the interviews of the wits, the autopsies of the victims, building the murder book, occasional violence. Loved it all.

The problem was the amount of time I put into the job. After a romantic start to our relationship, followed by marriage, I ratcheted down my investment of time in work. Larry and I brought Lincoln into the marriage, his third marriage. Then I made detective. From that point forward, I could only deliver the minimum necessary time for Larry and Lincoln.

Poof! In two years, Larry filed. Of course I won custody. He was good at divorce, but not good enough. He had a very limited court defined time with Lincoln, not quiet a possession order. Larry told me Lincoln asked for it. OK, whatever.

Then my career crashed, not my doing.

A party for my detective partner. She saved the life of a vic during a bust of a suspect. Truly took a bullet like a Secret Service agent.

I liked dressing up for occasions like this. Something 180 degrees from my detective garb of a blouse with a high neckline, slacks and a blazer to cover my weapon. Tonight all black. Short skirt, hose, heels, plunging neckline blouse. My long black hair falling next to the cleavage. Shocking difference for my co-workers.

Elegant setting in the top floor of a luxury hotel. Lots of drinks, just appetizers, no meal - come on Captain Cheapskate. I never liked him, too political, not enough cop.

I have always been good working the crowd, flitting from one engaging conversation group to another. I excused myself. The ladies room was way off from the ballroom crowd. Down a deserted hall, around a corner.

I sensed someone following me. The mens room in close proximity so I didn't even look back.

Someone grabbed me hard from behind. It was a professional grip, I couldn't move.

'Ava, you have been teasing me all night with your slutty dress. You shouldn't do that to your Captain. You made me hard. You need to take care of your Captain.'

He grabbed a breast to squeeze it. He pulled up my skirt and drilled his hand inside my hose and panties.

'Tell me you want my cock Ava.'

'Oh Captain, oh yes,' I said it so he would drop his grip. He did.

I turned and ran past him without saying a word.

I left the party.

Three months later he was acquitted of sexual harassment by a favorable judge up for re-election that needed the Captain's support.

He claimed I came onto to him. Captain friendly witnesses testifying about my 'slutty' look. A horny divorcee working the room, looking for a sex partner.

I was fired.

Onto a private detective career. Primarily, documenting cheating husbands and wives, Sometimes following around a divorced parent not complying with the divorce decree. I was good at all of it. I invested in quality still and video cameras.

Catching a cheating spouse in the act was exciting to me, but devastating for the spouse who hired me. They were now faced with the truth. I felt sad for them. I was just doing my job.

Usually, the tears flowed onto the printed pictures. I consoled them as best I could. it was a job for me, their life for them.

Finally, here she comes, barely walking, that drunk. Someone came up behind her. I couldn't hear what he said to her. She turned and tried to run to him, stumbling forward, he caught her, preventing a face plant on the cement.

Draping her arms around his neck, she started kissing him. He pulled her in close by grabbing her ass cheeks.

She dropped down to kneel in front of him, pulling his zipper down. She pulled his cock out immediately taking it in her mouth.

Wow, this is great, Shooting pictures rapid fire, capturing the whole scene.

He leaned forward placing his hands behind her head, pulling her mouth deeper on his cock. His face was now illuminated from the parking lot light.

Well isn't this even more interesting. He looks like the Captain. I zoomed in to his face. Damn! It is him!

Face fucking my client's wife in a parking lot. How stupid.

With his help, she went balls deep on him. He held her in place for a long time. Finally she pushed off him.

He helped her up and started walking. She struggled to get her key fob out, he reached into her tiny purse, unlocked the car and helped her into the passenger seat.

I am so glad they are taking her car with my tracker on it. I launched the app as he drove them away. I didn't see his red Corvette in the parking lot, nor his police vehicle, a black Suburban. Maybe she picked him up at home or somewhere. Or he drove another car that I didn't recognize? Or someone dropped him off.

If he came alone, was it a planned meeting place? Or did he come for the strippers?

Anyway, I could see they were heading to her home. Her husband, my client, was out of town all week. But... he allowed me to put hidden cameras and microphones throughout the home all WiFi enabled.

My client insisted on two cameras in all the bedrooms. Didn't need the second in my opinion but he insisted. His money.

I drove at a safe distance behind them. I stopped three homes away from the client's home. I launched the monitoring app on my iPad Pro. I turned on the recording for all cameras beyond the two hour default.

He parked in the garage. He helped her out, not much improvement in her walk.

I picked them up on the hall camera watching them head to the master bedroom.

You know, I like the two views available to me in the bedroom now. One across the room focused on the bed. The other right above the bed.

He stripped for her after placing his gun on the bed table. Kind of surprised at his body, a better build than I expected. Quite a sizable cock, already hard.

Hmmm. A little tingle rolled through me. Been a long time since a good fucking.

She tried to take her clothes off to no avail. The Captain ripped open her blouse, no bra to contend with. Took a while to pull down her skin tight jeans, but no panties. Maybe she lost them along the way tonight.

When she saw his large erection, she woke from her drunken reverie. She scooted to the edge of the and immediately took him into her drooling mouth.

He picked up from where they left off in the parking lot. She deep throated him immediately. Once again he held her in place.

'Yes Ava, suck your Captain's cock. Just like that. Stay on me Ava. Get ready for a big load.'

Her name is Julie! Is he fantasizing it is me? She didn't notice the name confusion,

She broke free of his deep throat hold on her. Her hand placed on the bottom of his shaft to steady him as she moved rapidly up and down, saliva pouring out of her mouth.

'That's it Ava, keep going you slutty bitch. Make your Captain cum.'

He pulled out of her hand and mouth. He stroked the head one more time. Directing his cock all over her face, he painted her with his cum. So much cum, streams going everywhere, dripping down to her breasts, then to the floor.

She took control licking him clean, forcing out any cum lingering inside of it.

'Ava that was good. Do you want to suck on by gun barrel now.'

Julie said, 'Yes, yes that would be exciting! Then you can put it in my wet pussy.'

Weird! What's wrong with her? Maybe they have done that before.

Surprisingly, he donned evidence gloves from his pants pocket. He wiped the handle and barrel clean with his back toward her. Sliding onto the bed, he laid flat with his head on the pillows.

'Get on top of me Ava. Ride me you cock loving bitch.'

Julie mounted him, guiding him in. She moved up and down, back and forth on his erect manhood.

The Captain handed her the gun, guiding it into her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the barrel.

'Take it deeper Ava,' pushing it further in, the trigger guard resting on her chin..

'Do you want to pull the trigger Ava?'

Julie nodded yes.

'Ok, let me make sure the safety is on.'

I didn't have the best view from the back or from above. Julie was leaning in over him. I believe he was checking the safety.

Grabbing the gun from him, she inserted it deep in her mouth, her thumbs on the trigger.

'Go ahead Ava, it's safe. Pull the trigger you bitch.'

I could see her nod. It seemed like the scene slowed down. She applied pressure on the trigger.

Bam! The gun discharged, the back of her skull blown out. She dropped like a rag doll onto his chest, the gun falling to floor and discharging again when it hit.

His cock still inside her. He stroked her blood soaked hair as she laid on his chest.

'I am sorry Ava, I should have done this after you filed your harassment suit. I have to keep punishing you for that crime. Others will suffer because of you. I know you wanted my cock that night. You ran away. Too bad. You are to blame for all this.'

What the fuck did I just see? It can't be! He shot her! Ava? He is fucking crazy. I will nail his ass on this one.

I called 911 reporting shots fired, they will send police and an ambulance. I hung up quickly.

After cleaning all the cum off of her face, he laid her back on the bed, putting her in a position similar to cowgirl. The gun in her mouth. He put his clothes on quickly and exited the house. His red Corvette pulled up. I couldn't see who was driving. I thought about following them, then dismissing the idea instead to wait for the police and EMS. Jesus, I am glad I have video of it. No need to chase him.


The Captain was released on a $2 million bond for the murder of Mom's client. Mom believed the judge rallied his friends to put up the 10%.

She said it was chilling when the Captain told her at the arraignment, 'You are next Ava. You should have taken my cock when you had a chance. Now you will have to take the gun barrel instead.'

Mom moved us immediately to our vacation home in Vail. Grannie lived there at the moment.

Vail is so different then LA. At first it was shocking. The air smelled clean, the skies were blue most of the time, no smog, no earthquakes, mudslides or forest fires.

Mom enrolled me in the local high school to finish out my senior year. I made a lot friends fast. Al became my best friend.

We mostly talked sports and girls. There were some real good looking students. Al hooked me up with one very attractive cheerleader. We started dating but she said no sex. Which was fine with me, I am still a virgin.

I talked about that with Al. He laughed.

'Maybe you should hook up with your grandmother.'


'Your grandmother. We call her a GILF. She has a reputation. She loves sex with young guys.'

'What the hell is a GILF?'

'Grandmother I'd Like to Fuck.'

'Have you...?'

'Naw, but Larry did, He spent the weekend with her. He was so worn out he took off Monday. Said his dick and balls were too sore.'

My grandmother? Hard to believe.

When I returned home from hanging with Al, Grannie greeted me at the door with a hug and a kiss on the lips. She stepped back. Her white halter top, two separate pieces of cloth offset to the outside of each breast. The fringe of the areola peeking out from the cloth. Her blue jean cut off shorts with frazzled white strings giving the illusion the shorts were longer than they were. The metal button unsnapped, the zipper pulled down half way, each side pulled back. Her pierced belly button and a small tattoo in cursive letters 'Arrived! Enjoy!' surrounded by arrows pointing down to her pussy.

'Lincoln, have I ever told you how handsome you are? I bet you have to beat off the girls with a stick.'

'No, not really Grannie.'

'Is there anyone? Even just one?'

'Yes, I am dating a cheerleader.'

'Cheerleader! Yes! When I was one, I put out for anyone and everyone including your Mom's father. Sometimes while wearing my uniform. I loved sex, still do.'

She gave me a sly smile like 'you are next'.

'Does she put out for you? Or at least give you a blowjob?'

'Grannie! Really?'

'Just a question, you don't have to answer,' she said dejectedly.

I guess it won't hurt to talk to her about it.

'No, nothing. She is a devout Catholic. That's OK though, I am still a virgin, I wouldn't know what to do anyway.'

'A virgin! Well I will have to do something about that.'

Her statement was kind of scary. Grannie had Mom when she was 18, Mom followed in her foot steps and had me at 18. Three divorces on Grannie's resume. All caused by being caught having sex with someone younger than her current husband.

She patted me on my ass, turned and walked into the kitchen. The tight shorts clung to the crack in her nicely rounded ass. I could see the back of her halter top, The two string ties dangling down behind her neck and middle of her back.

Suddenly, I was looking at Grannie in a whole new light. Two tugs on the ties and she would be topless.

She had just turned 54 but her body was superb. Large breasts that were not sagging, a thin waist, shapely legs and that beautiful ass. The tingling in my balls surprised me.

Could I lose my virginity to my grandmother? That was a disgusting thought... I think.


Mom had to flyback to LA Thursday night for a Friday hearing on the Captain's murder case.

She said he is trying to get the charges dropped! He claimed Mom entrapped him, that the shooting was accidental, it was the victims idea to put the gun in her mouth. She pulled the trigger.

He had to clean up and leave as he was worried the whole scene would be misconstrued.

The judge would also hear the arguments that the video was inadmissible as it would be too prejudicial for the jury to see.

Mom was disgusted with the whole thing. Clearly he had planned the whole encounter with her client's wife and was trying to skate.

She planned to meet with her LA detective friend Renee on Saturday and Sunday. Renee works Open Unsolved cases with her partner. This murder was not his first Mom said. Renee might be a help tying other cases to the Captain.

Grannie and I drove Mom to the airport. Hugs and kisses and Mom was off to the terminal.

Grannie asked me to drive back.

'Sure, I have never driven a BMW, thanks Grannie.'

I started the engine.

I instinctively kissed her on the cheek, something I always did after she did something nice for me. But now, I looked at it a different way..

'Come on Lincoln, you can do better than that. Come on now.'

She was motioning to move in closer to her.

'Lincoln, make your Grannie happy.'

I shifted a little to the right, slightly closer to her.

She was not happy with that. Grannie unzipped my pants, slipped her hand inside by briefs and pulled out my penis. Just like that!

She climbed on top of me. She pulled the strings on her halter top, dropping it to the console. Her huge breasts inches from my mouth. The nipples pierced with rings. She placed my hands on both breasts.

She began erotically kissing me. Lips locked on mine, tongue deep in my mouth. Sucking on my top lip, slipping her tongue all around mine. She sucked hard on my tongue, I could feel the tugging on it.

She clasped my cock and started stroking it. I was getting hard, getting lost in the passionate kissing and handjob. Then I came to my senses.

I broke her lip lock on me.

'Grannie, you need to stop.'

'Lincoln! You have a hard on for your Grannie. Come on, let me give you a blowjob. Right here. Let's start the weekend off!'

'Please get off of me Grannie. Please.'

'Stop teasing me Lincoln. We have all weekend to teach you about sex. Who better than your vastly experienced horny grandmother?'

'Can you kiss my breasts at least? Suck on the nipples? Just for a little bit. I am so turned on by you.'

'No, get off of me. Please!'

She retreated to her seat. The profile view of her breasts was stimulating. Stick to your guns. It is your grandmother, you can't have sex with her no matter how much you are tempted to do so.

'Thank you Grannie.'

'No kiss? I did something nice for you.'

'You are fucking unbelievable.' I said.

I backed out of the spot. A muscular looking, kind of intimidating security guard was heading our way, waving at me to stop. What does he want? I powered down the window.

'Yes sir?'

'Son, we have cameras. It looked like you and your...'

He looked in and saw topless Grannie. She turned toward him for a full frontal view and said, 'Grandmother.'

His eyes went wide-opened, his mouth dropped open. Then he composed himself.

'... grandmother shouldn't have sex in this garage. Cameras all around. I saw her on top of you. Glad you stopped.'

'Thank you sir, it will not happen again.'

Grannie spoke up, 'Thank you sir. I owe you one. How and when can I repay my debt to you?'

She leaned forward over the console, her breasts hanging down in a tantalizing way. He was thinking. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card.

'Please hand this to your... grandmother.'

Grannie looked at the card.

'Thank you Marquis. I will send you my contact info. Take a picture that you can use for my phone contact. '

He took out his phone. Grannie leaned in against the console, breasts hanging down, this time, she put three fingers deep into her mouth.

Marquis walked away staring at his phone almost walking into a parked car.

Grannie is such a slut. I felt a twinge of jealousy though thinking she would have sex with Marquis and not me this weekend. I am so confused.


I do believe that I need to throttle back on Lincoln. I thought he would be easy like my other incest conquests. My second marriage I had a long affair with my stepson. I taught him oral sex, he was so good at it, I actually preferred it to any kind of intercourse. He was a little small like his Dad.

Third marriage. The twins stepsons. I started with one, then graduated to a full blown threesome. So many interesting combinations. Double penetration, taking one from behind while sucking the cock of the other, riding one while blowing the other - hard to keep in rhythm but we eventually mastered it. I missed their twin cocks.

'Lincoln, I am so sorry. I thought you needed to learn. I assumed incorrectly. I will stop my advances. Do you forgive me?'

He thought for a moment.

'Yes, Grannie, I forgive you. You have to know, I do find you attractive and sexy. In different circumstance, different relationship, I would like to learn from you.'

'Grannie, I love you.'

'Lincoln, I love you too. Can I hug you? I will be a good girl, just a hug.'

He nodded. It was a grandmother grandson hug, maybe a little thrusting of my naked breasts.

I put on my halter top.

'Lincoln, lets head home. I will cook a nice dinner for you. Let's forget about all my unforgivable behavior.'

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