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Mommy Made Me a Slave for Pussy

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Mom makes me do nasty things for her and other women.
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Mom makes me do naughty things for her and other women

Every character portrayed here is over 18.


"But mom, you said it would be just us on Valentine's Day," pouted the lithe bleach blonde 'bimbette' daughter-sex slave.

'Young Tammy', as she had been renamed by Queen Stepmother, was the product of her daddy's former marriage. Mommy, coincidently also called Tammy, had exiled the girl's father from their well appointed marital abode. Tammy Sr. caught him getting ass fucked by two woolly mammoth Latin daddies. At least he had the good sense to choose to enact his indiscretion with a pair of well hung specimens. Of course, she was first going to enjoy the show, then burst on the scene of infidelity. She summarily booted all three men rather unceremoniously to the curb, naked. Their expensive Armani's were 'sterilized' in the fireplace. Oops!

"What did I say about using THAT term and THAT tone, hmmm?! Besides, I said WE would be together, but not necessarily ALONE together."

"But I thought it would be special just to suck on mummy's tits and eat yummy mommy cunt and ass by myself for a change. Why'd you have to go ahead and ruin it?!" croaked the waifish, yet stacked, young lady of 20, through tiny tears.

"Awe ... does mommy's girl want me all to herself?" mocks the domineering matriarch.

Young Tammy resigns, "Whatever you say, mommy," and bows her head in deference.

"That's my little cunt lapper. I have taught you your servile 'sub-miss-ive' station quite well, naturally. Now be a good slattern and get yourself nice and wet for when mommy gets back home. I won't beat the climate-clairvoyant groundhogs, though," she chuckles to herself and turns around to fetch a leather bomber to wage against the arctic Indiana February.

Youthful Tammy wipes her tears. She does not bother to audibly stifle her sniffle, lest her mother gloat at her daughter's demise. Ex-Mrs. Tammy, without bothering to turn around and be tempted to melt at her slut slave's shock and inevitable whining, bolts determinately out of the front door.

"I'll be back soon enough with a nice present for you to serve and play with.

Young Tammy wonders why mommy gets to pick up the 'date(s)' tonight and not her. She felt slighted at having her privileged task usurped by ma-ma. She had always been the one to get pimped out to do the bait and hook, at the county's only dyke dive.

This lezzie hotspot was well within walking distance of home. The location also had the advantage of being proximate to the local tourist hotel. That allowed the faux naive young miss, and respective catch-of-the-day, to walk off some of their buzz and not have to drive.

Young Tam's nubile demure bubbleheaded-ness was always very effective at ensnaring horny female out-of-towners who were temporarily escaping their otherwise humdrum lives. It was their working vacation, but with all the benefits of engaging in anonymous clandestine ladylove'n. No kids, no office, no dick-wad life-sucking male 'superiors' - coworkers, bosses and husbands, inclusive. Every 'pigeon' had the acumen to take their secrets with them to far beyond the sphere of influence of the local bitch-snitches. The most eager ones were those of the elite corporate class. Corrupting an apparent Sappho virgin via sexual servicing was just what they came here for.

It was torture for the young nymph to be forced to wait and see what morsel mommy will score, 'but, I'll bet It'll be real good and delicious,' she thought to herself, wearing nothing else but a slanted smile. She'll just have to play with herself till then. Mommy's orders! Being that she was completely disrobed she laments, 'sometimes it would be nice to have mommy's permission to fantasize about a man, or better, bunches of men of many colors, poking her holes with genuine huge fat cocks.

Mommy, however, would condemn the entertainment of any such thoughts. Mom's strap-on will just have to do until she can sneak behind her back and fuck men folk with big 'legit' cocks. Maybe they are as big, or bigger, than mommy's 'Rubber Rider.' She could only dream. But before she even had a chance to get down to business, mommy walks into the house laughing with an unseen voice trailing behind her.

"Yeah, I'd also been chained to a lecherous fool with a skinny hairy schlong. It was good while it lasted. Besides, I was given this lovely little thing to keep me happy," she says with an upturned palm that was pointing at the youngin'.

Young Tammy waited patiently for their 'guest' to be revealed. She looked anxiously over mom's shoulder hoping to catch a glimpse at the large shadowy figure transgressing the threshold.

The mirage finally takes shape, and with one look at Yummy Young Tammy the now apparent apparition says, "Don't mind taking advantage of this 'poontang' slut you've been bragging about."

Young Tams quietly gasps at the marvelous sight suddenly bared before her. There, in all her glory was a gorgeous ebony BBBW of impressive dimensions. She easily dwarfed either host in height and bulk. Her eyes were dark brown, matching her perfect satin complexion.

After their 'guest' issues an approving smile at the first sight of Young Tammy, "You weren't kidding 'Miss Tammy-Two-Tone'. This twiggy is going to get real lost in my big black pussy when I sit my 'Grand Canyon' on her face."

"Thank you for the compliment Martha, as in Martha Washington, our first First Lady on Presidents' Day. I had to put some real work into this one. See how she coyly bites and and puts a naughty finger on her clit vacuuming lips. Just like a true babydoll. She's also been blessed with her mother's long tongue. It can get into places you never knew you had! Please, relax yourself on our sofa till I return with some Merlot."

"I'm done drinking, I wanna fuck this nice sweet thing in a bed, then she'll know what a big sister can do."

"I like your directness. Just follow 'Miz Thing' here to the boudoir. Tammy darling, would you please escort our lovely guest to our bedroom and light some scented candles. You know the ones I like," in a tone obviously more of a directive than a request.

Young Tammy complies without hesitation. She exaggerates a wiggle with her pert little tush while leading the way. She peers over her left shoulder to look at the two older women leering at her tight young butt. It gives her a thrill to see them practically drool over her wispy 'pubi-locks' peaking below her lady lumps. She then enters the bedroom and ignites several aromatic waxed flames about the corners of the spacious room, replete with a Callie-King bed.

Both mature women quickly unveil their own au natural beauty. Bits of clothes now litter the floor. Tammy Jr. then turns to face her elders and prowls like a stalking 'bad kitty' upon hands and knees across the mattress, never breaking eye contact. She resists the compulsion to spread eagle, tempting though it may be. She's to be servile, not to be served.

The resident matriarch speaks, "what'ya waitin' for L, do whatever you please to her. I'll be chiming in when necessary. Her pussy juice is still fresh on my tongue and I want to savor the taste for a little while longer."

"Don't you know it, 'sista'!," bellows big L, "I'm getting a piece of that for my own self."

The large luscious lascivious lady drops to the bed on her knees. The mattress sags deeply at each crawling knee that's closing in to Young Tammy. Rolls of adipose can be seen folded on her torso. Her humongous shiny black azz with a mile-long crack makes Tammy Senior spontaneously drip her lust on the shag rug. She'll have missy-the-slut clean it later.

Martha methodically moves to mid-mattress where princess-licks-alot is waiting. She finds Young Tams on all fours with an expectant doe-eyed look on her face. Mart then shimmies within arms reach of her and dispenses a hard slap upon the girl's diminutive derrière. Young Tams chirps in delighted surprise at the heavy hand that's applying 'smackage' to her behind. She lays her head down and her ass up high for more.

Y. Tam's eyes are tightly shut in bliss, joining her agape grinning mouth. Suddenly, she's knocked on her back and opens her eyes in mock shock, still issuing her lustful smile. Martha mounts her elfish white face in reverse. This is not a trivial task, as she must raise and split apart her darkened heavy tree trunks to do so. Her dripping wet pussy meets the girl's face. Mart then peers downward at her bald inward-lipped pussy, leaving only Blondie's long 'coiff' unobscured.

"Make mouth love to my kitty and asshole, girl!," barks L, prompting the desired effect of having herself be tongue-lapped deep inside her gashes, "Yeah, that's good," she issues with a shiver, "lick'em real nice and slow. Uh huh, just like that," Martha has her eyes closed during her divine oral attention.

Senior Tams leans over her and whispers to Martha, "Is that 'lickety kitty' of mine doing a good job, 'cuz if not, I'll be more than happy to twist her titty nubs as punishment," Mart's only response is an exasperation of bliss, "I'll take that as a yes," says Big Tams.

Big Tammy was sure right about that long licker. It's getting all the right spots. Youngin's brushing her smooth hot tongue slowly and gently along Martha's v-slit for a tease. Then comes the curled poke into her ass button, in and out, fast and shallow. Also a tease. Mart mewls from the quick back and forth between the two sensations. 'This girl knows what she's doing. Mama did indeed train her well,' she says to herself. Slit, ass. CLIT, taint. Nose nuzzle in flared wanting pucker. Repeat. This mama is starting to gyrate and sweat from all the tingles and deep euphoric twinges betwixt her legs.

And then there's the sucking of her clit! Martha gasps and smiles at the intense vibration. She bends fully forward into an all-fours position. This affords her greater pleasure, comfort and access. She feels an intense electric pulse of ecstasy reverberating from her nipples to her clitoris. This is her orgasmic tract, and it's becoming wholly lit the more she's subject to oral attention.

"That's right, little girl. Make your mama proud and make me gush my cum all over your little white mug. Don't stop suckin' my lady dick."

Mart rests her head on Young Tam's knees, exposing the breadth of her wide back to the elder Tammy, who says, "awww dang, I can't resist that fine fat fanny any longer. I'm comin' in, girl!," and she mounts on top of the bed behind Martha.

First, older Tammy reaches out and grabs ahold of each of Mart's cheeks. Her pale colored hands are an amusing contrast to the dark mountains she's now kneading. While Martha revels in Young Tammy's tonguing, she feels her butt being pried open by Tams Sr. It feels so good to her to have the warm bedroom air caress her a-hole. Then the elder's tongue finds its mark and lavishes her wrinkled hole with vigor. Between that and her clitty caresses, Martha feels the compulsion to rise to a kneel and maul her own breasts. Then she yanks her nubbies to the sides. The triple sensation is incredible. All she notices are the dueling tongues and muffled mumbles of impending passionate peaks.

"Yeah, girls, I want you fuck me now!," screams Martha.

The ladies quickly detach themselves from Martha and catch their breath. Mart is positioned on her back laying face up with her legs divided in the air and a pillow propping her back upwards. She's bent in two at her shoulders. Mother Tams splits her daughter-dearest's legs to form a scissor, then squats over Martha's belly to hold her legs up and open for facilitating the coupling with her daughter.

Martha justifiably protests, "What you two 'family lezbos' doing to me, some kind of freaky shit, I bet?"

Instead of a verbal answer she feels the naughty nubile's vag crashing upon her from above. Tams Jr. is pile driving her bald puss against the folded stranger's mound. She begins to bump and grind clits with Martha. (The scene is akin to a clit boxing match.) At first the sensation jars Martha, but after a few rubs it's doing wonders to the mixed age and racial lovers. Young Tams is almost frozen in pleasure were it not for her cocoa toned counterpart picking up the slack. The BBBW begins to feel a welling of tingles. It signals her imminent peak. She can barely see through the daze of endorphins that Lil' Tammy's jumping-jacks wrought upon her achy leaky pussy.

It's not enough for the Matriarchal mom to just play third wheel. She shoves her step-daughter away from the trib tussle, "slave! Gang way," she demands of her salacious sidekick. She then straddles between Big Momma's V to take her step-bitch's place in exacting the 'bump and grind.'

Martha ekes out an "ohhh ... do that again and again old white bitch. Make my cunt and clit throb. I'm going to blow pussy juice all over y'all... in... no... time," she struggles to say.

Young Tammy can withstand being relegated as a sideshow no more. She scrambles to her feet and stands flush against her oscillating stepmother. She grabs mommy's hand and shoves the whole of it wrist deep into her slick channel. Mommy forms a fist and pumps it in and out of her stepdaughter to the timing of her leaps against Martha's gushing puss. Then she removes her fist, opens her hand and sticks four fingers into Young Tammy's cunt, simultaneously thumb-rubbing her engorged clitoris violently. Young Tammy comes immediately from pent-up pleasure. It triggers mom's mighty 'O,' causing her copious secretions to spill all over Big Momma's whopper sized tits and face, as well as seeping into her butt crack.

Through warm juice-filled eyes Martha wails, "Give me more of that hot holy water, baby. Gonna come so bad soon. YEAH! Pussy smashing's so good. Someone lick my asshole and fist my hooch."

The honky hosting hotties scramble to assemble Martha on all fours. Youngin' spreads her cheeks, spits on Martha's mass-hole and worms her right fist into Mart's stretching pink wrinkled cavern. Her pumping fist is being held by Marts ring like an 'anal labia.'

Meanwhile, Elder Tams is doing the same to Mart's muff on the floor between Mart's thick thighs, but with the added touch of sucking on her clit. Both hosts pump their buried hands furiously into their "victim of Sappho love."

"Oh shit, bitches, lovin' the fisting DP. Don't you cracka' cunts stop till I blast over you," and Martha drops her head below her shoulders. The manual battering of her holes lets her enjoy the dual friction at war with her 'love lumens'.

The fervent slurping is drowned out by the rising high-pitched orgiastic squeals. The Big Lady presses her face to the mattress. She takes a last and deep inhale and winces her bliss, "k, whities get ready to suck my cum," she huffs.

Forthwith a geyser of lady-cum jets out of Martha's long puffy slit. The innkeepers have their cheeks together and their mouths wide open. They swallow as much nectar as is possible before reopening their mouths. It would be a shame to miss out on any tasty girly-cum. After a seeming eternity of cums, Martha drops her lifeless body onto the hand-sewn quilt, but not before Tammy Sr. slides out of the way. A second later the girls follow suit and join Martha on the soft, but cum saturated mattress.

Ten minutes post peak Martha suggests, "Awesome sauce! You guys have to come back to the hotel with me 'cuz I got some nasty plans for you," the other lusty ladies bob their heads with enthusiasm.

"We'd love to, as long as all the 'townies' have cleared out. But being it's a late night on a Wednesday, slim chance there's any snoops there," hedges Big Tams.

Lil' Tams cuts in, "Yeah, all those stuck up bitches are probably home with their husbands shrimp-dicks buried up their assholes."

The elders chuckle their affirmation, but Mommy Superior still reprimands her inferior, "Language, young slave! We're in mixed company," says warns with a domineering scowl.

Young Tammy puckers her lips in 'em-bare-ass-ment' for being chastised in front of that company, but Martha preemptively interjects, "MIXED! What you mean mixed?! You crackas 'coochie mama's ought to come clean and just say, 'Black Ass company.'

Young Tammy accidentally asserts a "na-na" face towards mom, who retorts with, "I owe you my most monstrous dildo shoved in yer' recalcitrant pie hole for that!"

"Now, now, finger lickin' good misses. Let's all get along," moderates Martha.

Young Tammy, "maybe we can hang in the hotel lounge and kiss each other in front of the shocked cheating married dickheads, and then let'em buy us over-priced drinks, thinking they're gonna' get lucky with us. Top shelf only, of course! Maybe even invite 'em up and make them watch us make out, without permission to themselves."

Big Tammy directs to Tammy Jr, "Honey, you just redeemed yourself with that marvelous suggestion. Let's all lather each other up in our ensuite shower. I'm sure you'll agree, Martha, that it's much roomier than those 'closets with a cold water spout' granted to you in the hotel rooms."

Finishing the conversation, Tammy Superior bellows with a guffaw, "Sounds like a plan to me. After we throw the blue-ball crowd out, it'll be YOUR plan next... let's make us some history in Black History Month," to which the trilogy evokes a collective chuckle.



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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The stereotypical caricaturistic writing of Martha honestly ruined what could have been a great story. I skipped to the main bit and immediately knew the character was meant to be 'ebony' based on the aforementioned stereotypical writing.

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