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Money Mella Makes Her Mark Ch. 07

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Mella vs Alexa, and the pet-ty aftermath that follows.
17.1k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/13/2023
Created 10/26/2021
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WrestleMania! The Grandest Stage of Them All! The Show of Shows! The Superbowl of Sports Entertainment! The Showcase of the Immortals and this year, in the year of our lord 2016 live from Orlando, Florida, WrestleMania was a different kind of showcase altogether. For Mania 33 was the first of its kind under the newly-drafted Raw and SmackDown Live rosters.

Which was significant for a multitude of reasons, none more pronounced though than the rosters themselves. An influx of brand-new names meant that a good portion of the men and women on either show were experiencing their first WrestleMania. Just the thought could've been humbling, let alone being in a heavily featured match scheduled for the main card. Understandably, many of the newer guys and gals were a bit jittery, none more so than The Wicked Witch of WWE herself, Alexa Bliss.

Lexi was nervous and nobody would dare blame her, but those nerves, they were the last things somebody with as much riding on their match as Little Miss Bliss wanted to be feeling. Not with these kinds of stakes...not with her ass up for grabs.

This was life or death! Bliss couldn't afford another ass fucking, not after that little fiasco at Elimation Chamber. All her hard work trying to be someone better, something better than just the cute little blonde piece of bubble butt fuck meat that had been passed around in NXT couldn't go to waste. The name "Alexa Bliss'' was meant to be up in lights dammit, and the fact that she'd already won a world championship was proof of that! So tonight, her match on the biggest stage was absolutely a must-win.

Lexi needed to get back on track, she deserved it, and a 1-0 record at the show of shows was just the way to do it! Of course, winning her debut match against Carmella, who was also making her Mania premiere, meant that she'd have the perfect prize waiting for her victory celebration, too! That damn Carmella, Alexa wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for that uppity bitch parading her loyal whores around! Too bad they'd be completely useless in their coming encounter.

Ah yes, in mere moments, there'd be no Bellas, no AJ Lee, no Sasha Banks and no what's-her-face, the uhh...the short Latina, whoever she was. Didn't matter! The second her music hit, CFO$ "Spiteful", Mella's fabulous entourage wouldn't be able to save her from the ass kickin' Alexa had been saving. Not with the plan she'd laid out so expertly.

Before long, Alexa's place in Gorilla Position was a little more justified; she was supremely focused, and was ready to go upwards of twenty minutes before call time. Maybe a bit too soon but, eventually, Little Miss Bliss heard a familiarly annoying New York accent from down an adjacent hallway. As the accent grew closer, it became a little more than just familiar, and Lexi could tell that it didn't belong to just anyone. It belonged to her WrestleMania opponent.

"Lexi! Lexi!" Carmella screeched as her stunning figure and beautiful face came into view, The Princess of Staten Island such a spectacular sight for sore eyes that even her biggest of adversaries had to concede just how money she really was. Her voice though? Like nails on a chalkboard for those in opposition of Fabulous Mella.

"What do you want? I'm trying to stay focused over here..." Alexa groaned, trying to redirect her anger with a few short, measured breaths.

"Aw c'mon, Lex, aren't you happy to see me?" Mella asked before quickly answering her own rhetorical question. "Oh, my mistake! Of course you're not. Seeing me means that your time as a top is comin' to an end. Sorry, Lex but, don't you worry, I'll take great care of your little butthole when you're mine." And just like that, Alexa's short temper got the better of her.

"Ooh is that so? You're gonna be so upset when you're the one who...uh...when I do the same thing to you that...that you said- look, you're no fucking match for me, okay? You're not breaking me, I'll be breaking you," Alexa attempted to argue, but stumbled over her words. The sudden sound of Carmella's theme hitting over the loudspeaker definitely didn't help her confidence.

With a devilish grin, Mella exclaimed, "Uh, hold that thought, Lex, it's showtime!" And with a little wave of her fingers, Carmella was gone.

The crowd on the other side showed their appreciation for New York's greatest export, yet another reason for Alexa to frown. The reaction was understandable, Mella had been quite the underrated talent since joining the WWE, as evidenced by her status as the final pick in WWE's brand extension draft. She'd scratched and clawed but for Alexa, that reaction from the Orlando crowd was absolutely stomach churning.

Mella hadn't done what she'd done! She wasn't a champion like Bliss, she didn't know what it was like to have her name on the marquee. She wasn't a headliner and, before long, it was time for Little Miss Bliss to find out if the city home to Lexi's favorite amusement park would be as gracious to her as they were to her opponent. As the final tunes of "Fabulous" ran their course, Alexa stepped towards the curtain.

Just a few brief moments of silence before the iconic opening sting of Alexa's theme. Everybody knew it, just as they should and yet, the crowd wasn't quite as appreciative of her excellence. After all the heinous deeds Alexa had enacted at the top of the card, hitting her music was a recipe for crow heat, a chorus of boos accompanied her walk through the curtain and into the arena.

Admittedly, the reaction was louder than Mella's, which a very powerful man had told her was more important than positive or negative. But honestly, Alexa wasn't bothered with it or, at least she was trying not to be. She needed to stay focused on winning her first match at WrestleMania, something she'd look back on and remember forever.

Bliss was all business during her walkout and, once the bell had rung, she carried that seriousness with her. No shenanigans, no funny business...right up until the match started to get out of hand.

Look, Alexa's in ring skill was promising, and her cheerleading background made her quite the athlete. But when it came down to the science of moves and holds, there remained a lot for her to learn and it showed. Move for move, tit-for-tat, Mella was proving herself to be the better wrestler, despite Alexa's status as a former world champion.

That's when Bliss dipped her hand into the metaphorical bag of tricks she always kept at her side. Eye pokes, dirty pins, the fucky double-jointed arm deal, the whole nine yards. There were so many heel shenanigans at play that prime Triple H would've had a tear in his eye were he in attendance. But even still, they only gave her the upper hand momentarily, and Carmella always fought her way back into the driver's seat. One big super kick later, and it was obvious: Money Mella had just slammed her foot on the gas pedal, leaving Alexa to take yet another page out of The Game's heel play book.

"Mickie!" She called out into the corner cam as she attempted to recover. The call was what Mickie had been waiting for, her instructions being to watch on a monitor out back and anticipate the signal; as soon as she heard it, she should've been running down to her Mistress's aid. It's what they discussed, and yet, Lexi's call was answered in silence.

Lexi's insurance policy was nowhere to be found, not only Mickie but her other two bitches, Natalya and Liv Morgan, were M.I.A. also. Useless! Nevertheless, that lack of help spelled the end of WWE's Wicked Witch in her quest to claim WrestleMania success. With nobody coming to save the tiny blonde, Mella locked in her Code of Silence submission and, while Alexa did her best to fight out of the hold, she ultimately had no choice but to tap out, much to the enjoyment of the Orlando audience.

The crowd went wild as the bell rang and Mella's theme began to play again. A mere ten minutes, if that, and that "mid-card nothing" had bested the former women's champion; IWC marks were truly at a loss for words. As was Little Miss Bliss, as she grabbed at her neck, hoping to caress away the damage that Carmella's brutal submission had dealt. She couldn't, and to make matters worse, the pain helped pave the way for a realization to set in. She'd lost. Lost bad with her ass on the line and now, it was time to pay up.

Carmella gloated as much as she could but, eventually, the referee helped move her along; lots of matches on the Mania card and whatnot. Bliss was given a bit more time to not only sulk, but lick her wounds as well. Soon enough though, she too was directed towards the back. Poor nameless, royalty-free ref, if only he knew what sending Lexi backstage truly entailed. Though it wasn't his fault and he was only doing his job, the nameless, royalty-free referee was sending Alexa Bliss to her doom.

The long walk to the back gave Alexa a well-needed opportunity to soak in the match result, as well as the controversy surrounding it. That match was hers to win! Maybe not cleanly, but rules were nothing if not designed to be bent, much less broken, and a little outside interference would've been the perfect kryptonite to nullify Carmella and her lethal offense. Alexa could've won and probably should've won, if only her worthless bitches knew how to follow orders properly!

Mickie had been given a strict order, but Alexa had prepared for the likelihood that the dumb, cock-obsessed legend got distracted and therefore, ordered Liv and Nattie to pay close attention just in-case. Mickie was her go-to, her on-screen ally and so, she was option number one. But a plan was in place to ensure that no matter what, the best ending takes place. So why? Why, after all that effort, did all three of them pull a no show?!

Alexa was furious and understandably so. Pretty soon, barring a sudden burst of confidence that propelled her to talking her way out of this situation, she'd be bent over, pulling her sweet, buttery biscuit cheeks apart for Mella. Just the thought was nauseating, let alone taking into account how soon that thought could realistically come to light. Much sooner than even she thought as, before Alexa knew it, she was standing just outside of the women's locker room.

Typically, the locker room doors were so thick and sturdy that despite all the hubbub on the other side, not a sound could be heard. This time was different though...much different. For this time, the same voice that had taunted her just before her match seeped through the top, bottom, and sides of the door, past the hinges and the threshold, right into Alexa's ear drums. That voice, that arrogant, Staten Island twang was mid monologue and for a second, Alexa thought about turning tail and exiting the area. But in light of the consequences of doing so, she decided against it, instead sucking it up and opening the door, humiliation be damned.

Surprisingly, the locker room was relatively empty; it helped that a large chunk of the upper-tier talent were involved in a Raw Women's title match and conveniently, those who weren't were crowding around screens elsewhere just like the fans at home. It was only then, after Alexa took stock of who was present who wasn't, that she realized the severity of the situation at hand.

The women's locker room, usually loud and boisterous, consisted only of Alexa, Carmella and The Bella Twins. Which explained why Mella's annoying rant could be heard from behind the door, but...that still didn't explain where her bitches had gone. Lucky for her, Money Mella was happy to inform her.

"Welcome to hell, Lexi," Mella greeted, struggling to hold back a snicker. "We've been expecting you since uhh...July 19th."

Alexa frowned, "That's...that's the day of the draft?"

"My point exactly, hun. The second you got drafted to SmackDown, your fate was sealed. 'Cause sooner or later, that ass was coming home to Mama Mella! Hahahahaaa!" Her laughter, just a small taste of how ecstatic The Fabulous One truly felt, was closely accompanied by her most faithful and loyal slaves feverishly kissing her totally FABULOUS white-gold Jordans to show appreciation for their Money Mistress.

Alexa, still managing to stay largely unimpressed, rolled her eyes and snarled, "Yeah, yeah, 'I was meant to be a bottom'! Look, I've heard them all before! Can we just-"

"Can we just...what, Lex? Get this over with, is that it? Yeesh, talk about 'heard it all before'."

"No!" Lexi blurted out, childishly backtracking in a weak attempt to make Mella look even slightly "lesser". But lesser than a literal sex goddess is still far more than the mere mortal.

"No, huh?" Mella asked redundantly as she snapped her fingers, triggering Nikki Bella to fetch her cellphone from a nearby locker, The Fabulous Diva flicking through her phone as she asked, "Well then, what can we do? Oh, what can we do? I know!" Once she found what she was looking for, Carmella faced her screen outwards, and on it was something she was sure Lexi would be looking through real soon. Might as well get a head start.

"These are some tattoo concepts I've been considering. Some pretty interesting stuff, Lex! If you want, I can send it to you-wait, scratch that!" Mella cut her own rant off to point out a specific tattoo branding. "I need to call Dean ASAP, 'cause this one is perfect for you!" Mella, always the one to get creative with the cattle-like branding of her slaves, pressed her finger down to enlarge the design. A large peach emoji with her trademark dollar sign in the middle.

"What, is that like, supposed to be my butt or something?" Alexa griped, unenthused. "That's not even clever. I'm not the only one with a fat ass, you know? And besides, I wouldn't waste money on a down payment for that tatt just yet." Alexa's stance was firm and yet, she received nothing but silence in return. Nothing, until Mella and The Bellas burst out laughing.

Alexa gritted her teeth, her first reaction to the trio of models literally mocking her with only laughter. Her patience wore thin very quickly and, before long, Little Miss was "blissfully" stamping her foot on the ground in what could only be described as a grown woman's temper tantrum.

"Ahh sorry, Lex, that was too funny! Yeah, you know I'm gonna break you, right?" Mella's words were said without an ounce of comedic effect; 100% serious.

"No, I don't know that!" Bliss snapped, crossing her arms and snacking on her bottom lip. "And anyways, I shouldn't even be in this situation to begin with! I was gonna win! Mickie was supposed to interfere!"

Mella's eyes widened, and she turned her attention towards Brie. "Ooh, good call, B5! Bonus points for you, even though I prefer you leave the thinking to me in the future." Alexa stood shocked, but that didn't stop Brie from graciously accepting her owner's praise.

"Thanks, Mistress," Brie gleamed, standing up to face the woman of her dreams, eye to eye. And much to her surprise, Mella's arms quickly found there way to her round, fuckable ass, a place all to unfamiliar thanks to Brie's long-term un-fucked status. Carmella aggressively groped Brianna Bella's booty while the younger twin bashfully continued explaining herself. "I-I had a feeling that Alexa might p-pull something funny."

"Yeah you did, Brie. Right on the nose about this sneaky little whore," Mella reiterated with a firm smack to those lycra-cotton legging covered cheeks. Carmella's strong, claw-like grip on her rear end made Brie blush; it had been so long since she'd been groped, and it was a feeling she'd sorely missed. And of course, as any great top would, Mella noticed this.

"Mmm- do you like when I grab your ass like this, bitch? Do you like your Money Mistress cashing in on what's hers?"

Brie lightly nodded her head and softly agreed, "Yes, mistress, I do. Thank you."

"Well...I think there might be more where this came from." Brie's eyes lit up like a vibrant, firework-filled July 4th night sky. But before Carmella could explain any further, Alexa interrupted.

"Um, hello? Would either of you overrated whores care to tell me what you've done with my bitches?!"

Mella's intoxicating grin turned upside down, Brie's following suit as Carmella broke away from B5 to stalk Little Miss Bliss. "You might wanna watch how you talk to your mistress, Lex. Mouthin' off isn't in your best interest."

Alexa scoffed, "1, you're not my mistress and 2, you still haven't answered my question. I wanna know where Mickie, Liv, and Nattie are, and I wanna know right now!" Typically, Mella would've taken the glaring opportunity to slap some manners into Alexa. But, The Wicked Witch's desire to not only know the location of her bitches but that they were safe and sound was something Carmella found admirable. Something that she would ask given the situation, so Mella broke down and answered.

"They're fine, trust me. I left them in the capable hands of my other whores. Brie booked a separate hotel room, and we got Sasha, AJ, and Zelina to keep them there. Mickie, Nattie...that delicious little blonde? They're safe and sound, don't worry." Mella's assurance came with a slick, untrustworthy smile, most likely a ruse to confuse Alexa. She didn't fall for it; instead, she accepted what Mella claimed as truth.

"Okay...I guess you don't have much of a reason to lie to me. That doesn't make it any less fair, you know? I watched Survivor Series! You cheated to beat Sasha when it was ass for ass!" Alexa complained, mostly just stalling for time, delaying the inevitable.

Mella groaned, but before she could respond, Nikki jumped in. "Are you really arguing that the match wasn't fair because we didn't let you cheat? How fucking pathetic are you, Bliss?! You're lucky our Money Mistress is even gonna-" Nikki, the impassioned sub, ever so grateful for the life Carmella afforded her, was silenced by a single finger belonging to her reason for being, pressing itself upon her luscious lips.

"Shh...relax, Nik. It's okay. Alexa's a delusional little butt bitch, she's just trying to rationalize her inferiority," Carmella assured in a soft tone, Nikki's eyes brimming with infatuation as they net Mella's.

"Inferiority? Ha, you're fucking clueless!" Alexa snapped. "You got lucky, that's all."

Mella cleared her throat and asked, "Did Naomi get lucky? No- wait! Don't answer that, it was rhetorical! The answer is- drumroll please....yes, of course she did! She got lucky with you, Lex, and the whole locker room saw it." Alexa stood there stunned, her mouth agape as Carmella continued to pile on. "Just like the whole locker room saw you fail to make a broken whore cum during our little contest. I made your bitch cum, but the only orgasm you caused was your own! Hahahaha!"

Alexa's shock turned to a bitter snarl, one that grew and grew as Mella's speech raged on. "The only clueless one here is you, Lex. You're mine, and the worst part is, you don't even realize it yet. You were mine the second you embarrassed yourself for my amusement by trying to top someone who used to have some self respect. Hell, you were mine the second you opened your mouth and thought it proper to speak casually to me. Some would even say you became my property the night you were conceived. Any way you slice it, you're my pet now, and where I come from, pets aren't part of the family! So, get on your knees!"

The sternness of Carmella's words, as well as the sudden command came out of left field, and Alexa wasn't sure if she should obey. She did, her little body slowly slipping down to a knee...but she didn't like it! From there, once Bliss had ignorantly behaved like a good little bitch, Mella laid out the rest of her plan.

"Good girl! See, you're a natural. Good, obedient're just...missing one thing and I can't put my- oh, wait, I got it! Nicole, get my bag,," Mella snapped her fingers and Nikki was quickly on her way, returning mere moments later from an undisclosed locker with a duffel that Mella rifled through in record time, grabbing her goods and shoving the bag into Nikki's gut with aplomb once she was finished.

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