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Monstrous Ranch Ch. 05

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Slime girl hypnosis is easy to resist. Unless you want it.
7.7k words

Part 7 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/09/2017
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Senya's eyes were lost in green. His cries were muffled by the plush lips on his. His cock was bathed in pleasure. His ears were full of soft, happy whispers from all along him. And the moans from his lamia pet—or was she his lamia owner? He could no longer tell the difference. She probably could, though.

His mind was obedient. Because he was a good pet.

Tricin pulled back from the kiss and smiled at him. The lamia's coils continued to hold him tight, as her pussy, still locked around his cock, continued to gently milk him towards orgasm. It felt like she had been thus milking him for hours, and he still hadn't come. He didn't mind, though. This soft, steady pleasure was enough to totally drain him of cares. He could no longer remember what it meant that she was edging like this. He could no longer make out what the fairies were whispering in his ear. All he knew was her gaze, her voice, and her tight, warm embrace.

"I love you," she cooed. "And you love me, don't you?"

"Mm-hm," he said, lost in her gorgeous green gaze.

She smirked. "I think I'm starting to wake up a little," she breathed, giving his nose some tender little forked-tongue licks. "Mm. I'm gonna make you cumso hard. I'm gonna eat up all your yummy-nummy cum, Master. Do you want that?"


"Is that what you want, Master?" She batted her eyelashes at him. "Do you want to be my sweet little obedient Master and fill me with all your tasty cum, all your silly little thoughts for safekeeping? I'll keep such—" She kissed him on the nose. "—good—" She kissed him under the chin. "—care of them. Of you." She kissed him on the lips, drowning him again in lust.

"Mm-hm!" he moaned, thrusting into her. She was starting to move faster again. She was starting to bounce in his lap. He could feel his orgasm nearing—rising—

"Tricin, you are a bad girl."

Immediately, Tricin stiffened. She stared at Senya with wide eyes and trembled around him. Senya realized she was cumming, but it was a strange orgasm, one that seemed to be utterly overwhelming her. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she released him with a cry. The coils fell away limply.

He could only whimper. His cock twitched pathetically, longing for its final release. But his Mistress was occupied spasming on the ground like a kitten on catnip. Her eyes were closed at last. "Oooh..."

Senya looked up, eyelids drooping. A lithe, attractive woman with bushy sideburns and very furry feet stood over him, standing alongside a tall, fit man with blond hair. Bobbin and Jerrod, he realized after a moment.

Bobbin crossed her arms. "Bad girl," she repeated. Senya watched as Tricin whimpered, continuing to writhe.

"W-what—" Senya started as Jerrod grasped him by the shoulder and, with one hand, lifted him to his feet. The stockman grinned at him.

"Nothin' to be ashamed of, sir," he said, tipping a wide-brimmed straw hat—not unlike the ones the scarecrows wore, come to think of it. "Tricin's a tricky one. She's even got the drop on Bobbin in the past."

Senya heard Tricin mumble something through her hazy pleasure. It sounded suspiciously like, "B'not so easy, though."

Jerrod turned to Bobbin as Senya leaned on his arm, still blinking away the strange suggestions—and willing his needy erection to vanish. "Reckon she needs 'correction'?"

"No, that only works on a few." Bobbin grimaced. "Chalk it up to most of these safeguards being placed by Senya's family. Catgirls get 'corrected' because that's how Senya's great-great-great-uncle thought it was hot for his 'pet pussy' to get 'bred'."

"Isn't that also just how catgirls kinda work, though?"

"Well... sorta." Bobbin shrugged. She looked askance at Senya. "You alright, Master? I'm sorry I had to leave you like that. I meant to let you make an honest stab at resisting her, but I didn't mean to leave you vulnerable."

Senya rubbed his forehead. Something felt very off, but he couldn't put his finger on it just yet. "Um... she was, uh... her fairies..."

"She's a bad girl," Bobbin said, scowling, and Senya heard Tricin start moaning again. "I told her not to try that. Don't worry; those suggestions they placed will only work with her. She didn't make you vulnerable to anyone else." She chuckled. "She's a possessive one, our lamia. Still, well-behaved on average."

Senya looked over at the wriggling lamia. She was currently masturbating with her own tail, a blissful look on her face. She was drooling a little, and the fairies had begun to cover her, delighted.

"Are they—"

He was interrupted as a fairy fluttered by him. She paused, giggling. "We only get to play with Mistress once in a big while!" She zoomed off to join the swarm.

"Is that really a punishment?" he asked, biting his lip.

"Fairies are teases," Bobbin said flatly. "She's going to have trouble with them for a while. Hurts productivity, but, well... seriously, are you alright?"

Senya turned back to them. "Are you?"

He'd just noticed that the pair looked oddly scuffed up. Jerrod had some scratches on his forehead, and his arm was bandaged. Bobbin's hair was... slightly disheveled.

They exchanged looks.

"Crows," Bobbin said.

"We handled 'em," Jerrod said. "Well, the cat and the scarecrow are cleaning up, but we figured we should get back to the tour. It's gettin' late, and if it takes much longer, we may have to split the—"

"Wait, what?" Senya looked up, finally recognizing what was out of order. It was dark. It hadn't been dark before. How close was it to dusk? "But I was—how did it—"

"Time flies," Bobbin said drily. "Especially with Tricin. She loves making her prey sleepy and dreamy. Makes them easier to... condition." The house fey seemed to squirm a little, and there was a look in her eye that suggested she knew this from experience.

"Right." Senya swallowed. "So, about that... that fruit Brigitte made me eat. And her... conditioning."

"The conditioning will only apply to her," Brigitte repeated. "Which is problematic, yes, but we're going to address it soon enough."

Senya gave a nervous laugh. "And the... the fruit?"

"We'll be heading to the cranberry fields next," Bobbin said, turning away. "Look, I'm sorry, but we need to hurry. I want to be done with the tour before nightfall, and we still have multiple stops to make."

Senya shifted uneasily, hurrying after. He looked at Jerrod, and whispered, "Is she just not going to tell me about the fruit?"

"She's gonna," Jerrod whispered back. "She's got a way to things. But trust me, she's not out to screw you over. There's just... a way things hafta be done around here."

To Senya, that was little comfort. As they left the grapevines, he glanced back once more.

The lamia lay in the midst of hundreds of moaning fairies. She was screaming and giggling. They were tickling her mercilessly, and she was helpless to stop it.

For a moment, her eyes opened and locked on his. Senya's footsteps faltered.

Then one of the fairies must have sucked on her clit or something, because her eyes screwed shut again as she gave a lusty scream.

Senya hurried after the others.


The cranberry fields were essentially a vast, dark bog. The mud was deep, thick, and extremely smooth, and Senya, Bobbin and Jerrod were reduced to wading as they proceeded through. He wasn't sure if this was normal, or if it was just a trait of this particular bog. The shrubs grew all around, covered with bright red berries.

"Is this it?" he asked. The fields covered a few acres, and certainly weren't small, but he'd been worried about some sort of magical creature—everything else on Ambrosia Ranch had possessed fairly distinctive guardians or features. So far, all he'd seen was mud. And they'd been walking for a while.

"Not exactly," Bobbin said. Next to her, Jerrod gave a nasty laugh. "We're just trying to get to the center first."

"Why?" Senya studied the bushes, trying to remember what he knew about cranberry farms. He'd heard that they were flooded for harvest seasons, but this place seemed to be a perpetual marsh. "Is there something special about the berries? Are they, I don't know, poisonous? Magicked to mind control someone?"

"Not really." Jerrod shrugged. "Way I understand it, berry dryads are hard to come by."

"Right." Bobbin nodded. "They don't tend to do anything to merit being locked up, y'see. Fruit dryads are usually quite sweet and kind." She paused and pulled a face. "Except blackberry dryads."

"Okay. I wasn't asking about dryads, but... hey!" As they rounded a row, Senya spotted a large octagonal platform in the distance, and his legs cried out with relief. It was unbelievably exhausting slogging through this sea of mud. He didn't even have his shoes, for some reason; his feet squelched deep, deep down with every step he took. "Is that the center?"

"Yes," Bobbin said. "It's where they put the harvest for us to collect. Inconvenient, but we all know why they put it there. And we should probably get there before we..."

Bobbin froze mid-stride. She giggled, and her eye gave a slight twitch. "Oh, naughty girls," she murmured. "Is that you, Suds?"

There came a bubbling from beneath the peat. Senya stared at the bubbles, both confused and worried.

Then he gave a start as he felt it, too: A little tickle on his soles. "What was—"

He looked at Jerrod and Bobbin, who were both disrobing. His jaw dropped in amazement. "What are you two doing?"

Bobbin flashed him a grin and a wink. "The girls get lonely."

"What?" Senya cast about, searching for some sort of clue. He knew this had to be some sort of teasing fey, but what kind? And how worried did he need to be? "Who are you—"

He froze. There was a crimson shape emerging from the mud at his feet.

At first, he couldn't tell what it was. It rather looked like two orbs of red jelatin. They jiggled, and his cheeks heated up as he realized what it was he was ogling.

It was a butt.

Before his eyes, it seemed to wiggle a little.

"They're teasing you," Bobbin said, sounding amused. "You should just go ahead and touch it. Get the prank over with."

Senya stared at her, bewildered. But he found himself reaching down. His fingers touched the red slime. It felt smooth and firm, but it gave when he applied any kind of pressure.

The butt shook and quivered, and he suddenly felt a strange pull. Abruptly, his entire hand—almost up to the elbow—was sucked inside. He staggered slightly. Giggles came from all around him.

He looked around. As he did so, the form he had just inadvertently entered began to rise.

Senya found himself staring at two beautiful, bright red women. They each had long flowing 'hair', just a bit brighter than their translucent skin, as well as big eyes, incredibly lush lips, and melon-sized breasts that seemed to shake with every little wiggle of their hips.

For now, the pair had only emerged up to their waists. One of them had her back to him; she was the one his hand was currently stuck inside. She twisted around, giggling. "Ooh," she whispered, "am I eating your hand? So sorry, Mister!"

He felt a strange sucking sensation on his hand, like a thousand lips were kissing and licking along every inch of skin. With a loud pop, his hand was ejected.

In unison, the pair rose up from the muck.

They weren't... physical. They were made totally of slime. It was only mildly translucent, but Senya could tell that it was all they were made of. They stood on either side of him, beaming.

"Good morning, Sluk and Slik," Bobbin said, grinning. "This is Senya. He's our new Master."

The slime girls' eyes widened. They stared at Senya with a look that could only be described as worship.

"A new Master!" Sluk—or was it Slik?—breathed. "Finally! It's been sooo long! And he's been a good prisoner, hasn't he?"

"He has indeed." Bobbin chuckled. "Go easy on him."

"Ooh..." Slik—or was it Sluk—ran her hands over her strange form, caressing her prodigious curves. Her hips were wide, in a waspish hourglass figure. Her proportions were insane. "We can be... so easy. The boys always say so!"

"And the girls, too!" the other added, giggling. "But mostly the boys."

"We love boys," the first one gushed. "And they love us!"

They both entered giggling fits. Senya squirmed. He wasn't sure her liked how they were talking around him. Like he was a piece of meat.

"I know they do," Bobbin said. Senya looked at her and saw that she had a big smile on her face. She was totally naked, now. "But c'mere, Slik. I haven't given you a taste in a while. Just help me out real quick?"

Slik's eyes widened with delight. Senya watched as she glided over the surface of the mud to Bobbin. Bobbin calmly handed over the garments, and Slik took them and glided off towards the center. "Be right back!" she sang to the Hob, blowing a kiss behind her.

"Um..." Senya swallowed. "I don't know if..."

Jerrod let out a crude laugh. Senya looked over, and saw that a pair of green beauties had risen up around him. Jerrod had given one his own clothes and was seizing the other in his arms. She giggled, eyelashes fluttering with delight.

"They're just slime girls," Bobbin said smoothly, watching as Slik glided back towards her. "They handle the bog for us. Sweet things. Not too bright."

"Aw." Before him, Sluk pouted. "So mean, Bobbie."

"Oh, don't worry, Sluk. Your Master likes his bimbos."

"Ooh, really?" Sluk's sad expression instantly vanished, and she beamed at Senya. She cooed at him, as though addressing a child, "Is that true? Do we likes us bimbos?"

"But..." Senya felt confused. He looked at Bobbin, then at Sluk, feeling strangely lost.

"Just relax," the slime girl cooed. "I'm super easy. Aren't I?" She reached up and bounced her breasts together for emphasis. It was as though his eyes were glued to them.

"C'mere, Slik," he heard Bobbin say. "O-oh fuck. Don't worry, Senya. They don't h-have mind control or poison r anything. They're just... just... eagemmf!"

The rest of her words were lost in a slick embrace, but Senya didn't look up. He was too busy staring at the bouncing tits in front of him. They were so perfect. So... shiny. He could positively see his reflection in him.

Sluk seemed to have noticed something in his eyes, because she kept bouncing the breasts together. "Ooh. Do you like my boobies?"

"Y-yeah..." he rasped. "But, uh... I dunno if I should... if I want to, I mean." He realized he was drooling. He swallowed and looked back up, meeting her crimson eyes.

She beamed at him and leaned close. She bounced the breasts again, and he felt his eyes slip back down to them. "Then why're you naked for me?" she purred. "And... hard for me..." He felt her hand graze over his erect member. The little kisses came again, now on his cock head. His knees buckled a little as he moaned with pleasure.

"I-I am?" he heard himself say. "But..."

Oh. He was naked.

Why was he—

She moved closer, and he felt himself meet her, allowing her to wrap her arms around him. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and he felt the little kisses cover his front torso, tickling his nipples and lovingly nibbling his neck. He stared down, eyes wide. He couldn't even begin to think about any of this being a bad thing. He was lost in her jiggling tits.

"You're being so sweet!" she cooed in his ear. "You like my boobies, don't you?"


"Aw." She gave a loving little kiss on his forehead. The sensation was like six tongues running across his face. "You're such a darling! You wanna give me lots and lots of cum, huh?"

"Yeah..." That sounded nice. Give her lots of cum. Cum inside her. It'd feel so good.

He felt something wet and soft pressing against his cock. He moaned as the sensual kisses covered the very tip. His cock throbbed.

"Why..." he tried to find the words, but everything in his head was so quiet, and his cock was so loud. He felt himself trying to press inside, but she kept him at bay. Teased him. "Why'm I so..."

"Horny?" she suggested. "Naked? Ooh, I dunno. I'm like this all the time." Her hands caressed the small of his back, and he felt himself reflexively thrust again, but again she evaded him with a sly laugh. Her breasts continued to captivate him. "Maybe if you look even closer at my cute boobies, you'll understand?"

Senya blinked. He leaned down more. Tried to understand.

His lips were touching her breasts now. She tasted sweet. Like tangerines, or oranges and cream. He stared into her bouncy, jiggly breasts... and saw his reflection.

Saw his eyes.

Even in the red tint of her flesh, there were unmistakably bright pink hearts dancing in his pupils. Senya's heart gave a lurch. "Wha—"

Sluk's hands wrapped around the back of his head and unceremoniously shoved him into her tits.

Senya let out a startled moan as he felt her jello-like body encompass him. His head seemed to sink into her cleavage, and he tasted the orange cream again. He could feel her moans of pleasure. The strange wet kisses covered his face, as though he had a thousand lovers suckling every piece of his body. They kissed his worries away in mere milliseconds.

He mindlessly tried to thrust, but still she leaned out of reach, giggling.

"Silly thing," she cooed, and he felt her wet hands stroking his hair affectionately. "You ate a tasty wittle prisoner fruit, didn't you?" For a moment, her pussy moved towards his cock, and he whimpered as the sucking little touches graced his tip again. "Didn't you?"

"Mm-hm!" he managed. His whole mind was sinking into her body. His whole mind felt as strong as jelly right now. He was being smothered, and he didn't care.

"I thought so!" she purred. He felt her hands run over the small of his back again. "Those yummy little fruits make you so tasty and ripe for me! My sisters and I love the prisoner fruits!"

"Mm?" Through the haze of lust and pleasure, something about all of that sounded disturbing to Senya. He didn't like how she kept talking about him like something she was going to... eat. What did that mean?

And despite his worry, he knew his cock was still struggling to enter her, and she seemed utterly delighted by every futile attempt.

"They make you horny," she cooed, and he felt her thigh graze his cock. He gasped, inhaling more of her sweetness. He knew he should be thinking about what she was saying, but...

"And silly," she husked, and she ran her thigh over his cock again. The tiny little kisses were unbearable, and they were all concentrated on one small part of his body. His whole mind was melting into pudding.

"And make it so, so hard..." she breathed, giving his asscheek a squeeze, "to remember to wear wrappers."

He blinked.Wait, wh—

Sluk's legs wrapped around his thighs, and she impaled herself on his shaft.

Senya's cock was instantly bathed in... love. Wet, squishy, slick, gooey love. His eyes widened, and he moaned into her breasts. They jiggled all around him, filling his ears with slimy sounds that only partially muffled the sounds of her own screams.

The slime girl's cunt seemed designed to perfectly milk him, kissing and sucking and licking along every centimeter of skin. She didn't buck, or bounce. She didn't have to. She just clutched him to her bosom, screaming, as her pussy savored every portion of his hard member.

"Oh! Oh! Feed me!" Her screams filled his mind, filled him with lust, with purpose, with need. "Give me all your cum! Shoot it all up in me! Feed me! Feed me, Master!"

He came explosively with a smothered cry. Bliss filled him, and he trembled and shook, momentarily overwhelmed. At the same time, he felt her whole body shudder around him. A strange sort of spell seemed to come over her, and her pussy started sucking with a voracious passion. Sucking up every last droplet of cum.

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