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Monstrous Ranch Ch. 05


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Slowly, her screams gave way into sighs of simple ecstasy. His own screams had been almost totally swallowed by her breasts. He couldn't breathe, he realized. He was just breathing... her. Was that good for him?

How could anything of her be bad for him? Senya dismissed the silly notion as his cock pulsed inside her.

The orgasm gradually subsided. He felt exhausted, totally limp in her arms. He felt her slowly lift his face out of her breasts, and she smiled down at him. She seemed radiant.

"Thank you, Master!" she gushed, and she started planting kisses all over his face. He could only moan with pleasure, and this seemed to delight her. "Ooh, you love this, don't you?"

"Y... yeah..."

She seemed to stare down at him a moment. Her eyes were as dull and vapid as ever, but at that moment, he felt like even she had to be cleverer than him. He was just totally lost. Totally pleasure-drunk. Her pussy was still kissing along his shaft, and already, he was starting to rise again.

"You know..." she said, beaming at him, "... I love it, too!" She kissed him right on the lips, and he returned the kiss without thinking. It was like being bathed in the greatest kiss of all time. Her tongue-like pseudopod entered his mouth, and he felt it stimulating every nerve in his mouth with more soft little licks.

She broke off the kiss and licked his face happily. "I can give you more!" she squealed. "Ooh, it's been so long—I wanna give you so much more! I can make you cum forever, master!"

He blinked at her, his thoughts moving slower than molasses. "For... ever?"

"Uh-huh!" Her eyes seemed to consume him, gorgeous crimson orbs. He could see the hearts in his eyes reflected back at him, and felt a little dizzy looking at them. "You could just feel like this," she said, and he felt a strange pressure on his cock. He shook with bliss as the kisses seemed to increase in length and passion. "Forever!"

He stared up at her. "But... but I have work to... work to do?"

"Yeah!" She giggled. "But, uh... don't you wanna fuck my boobies?" She pressed her breasts together and looked at him coyly. "I know you like them! Don't you?"

"But... but I..."

"Don't you?" Her smile was positively angelic in its innocence. He felt lost in it. How could sweet Sluk ever steer him wrong? She was so smart! "Don't you like my boobies, Master?"

"But... but..."

"Ooh!" Her eyes lit up. "Do you like my butt better?"


Before he knew it, Sluk had released him. He staggered for purchase. She was now kneeling in the mud, presenting her big, full bubble butt for him. She glanced back over her shoulder at him and batted her eyelashes. "Take a good look! Boobs or butt?"

"Um..." Senya was confounded by this new choice. What had he been objecting to? His mouth felt dry, and tasted vaguely of orange. His head was spinning. His cock was missing her pussy already. He looked down at her pert, perfect ass. He was drooling again. "I..."

Her tits had been magnificent. But... but...

"Aw. Poor Master. It's so hard, isn't it? Don't worry!" She smiled broadly at him, then blew him a kiss. "We can do both!"

"We can?" Senya almost felt the kiss on his cheek, and whimpered, very faintly.

She tittered. "Uh-huh! Just, um... just follow me into the bushes, mm-kay?" She got up, curled a finger at him, and pranced toward the bushes.

Senya hesitated. Now that he was no longer in her embrace, he almost felt like... like he was making some kind of mistake. A part of him told him to turn around. That he needed to look around. Center himself. Work out what was going on.

But he was so horny. And she had promised so much to him. So much pleasure. Boobs... but he... but he... butt... butt or boobs?...

He staggered over to the bushes, his mind going dull again. He just wanted more. He could trust Sluk, couldn't he?

He almost collapsed just as he rounded the corner. Luckily, her breasts were there to catch him. For the second time, his head sank into his cleavage.

"Ooh!" Sluk laughed. "So we choose boobies! Good choice, Master!"

"Mm..." He sighed happily, nestling his face deeper in her breasts, relishing the sensation of thousands of little tongues caressing him.

And before he knew what was happening, she had propped him up against a nearby bush and dropped to her knees. He looked down at her, staring up at him demurely, cupping her goddess-like breasts together with an expression of ultimate arousal.

She slowly brought her breasts around his cock... and squashed them over his cock.

The kisses instantly returned, this time somehow wetter, more bouncy and sensuous. He cried out as she started sliding his cock up and down her cleavage, jiggling them around his length. The sensation was heavenly, but the look in her eyes... it went beyond heaven.

Hell beamed back at him, vapid and clueless. Delighting in his pleasure, even as he felt his wits slowly dribbling out of his member.

He was already close to cumming, but she leaned down and started kissing his head as it poked out of her breasts. She kissed it hungrily, reverently, like it was the tastiest candy she'd ever devoured. And she devoured it, wetly, noisily, moaning and sighing.

He could only hold on for so long with sighs and sounds like that.

He came into her mouth, and her moans hit a new octave. He watched her spasm, her hands speeding up, her breasts seeming to move almost of their own accord as they stretched his orgasm out longer and longer, until he thought he couldn't bear it... and still he kept coming. He watched her guzzle it all down, her lips and cheeks and throat all working.

He couldn't see his white cum in her translucent body, he realized. Where was it going? What was she doing with...

She pulled her lips off his cock with a lewd pop. "You taste so good, Master!" she squeaked, her voice airy and weak. She started to turn around, and he moaned, longing to plunge his cock back within her breasts, back into her mouth. Then he realized what she was doing, and he stood a little straighter.

"Time to finish you off," he heard her whisper.

"Wha'?" he asked, his thoughts fogged and blurred.

"I'm finishing your training, Master!" she sang.

"I..." He blinked. "Wh... but..."

"Yes, Master." She giggled. "Butt." She wiggled hers up in front of him invitingly.

Senya swallowed. He couldn't help himself. He slowly pushed forward, and with a rough moan, he felt his cock plunge into her ass. She was so tight, but so soft and yielding. And the sensations of her slick, sensuous slime on his member...

"T-training?" he managed.

She let out a moan. "Oh, yes, Master! I'm gonna make you nice and horny all the time. It's the best spell I have! The bestest!"

Senya knew something about that sounded wrong, but her hands were grasping his wrists, pulling them over so he'd grab her ass. His fingers sank into her soft, yielding flesh. His whole mind was drowning in pleasure. Smothered in it.

"Feed me, Master," she breathed.

Feed her.

Senya slammed into her. She cried out, and so did he as her butt seemed to almost vibrate around him. "Oh, yes, Master! Fill me up! Fill your slime slut up!" she squealed.

Lust totally took over, and he rammed into her again. She was so tight, he doubted he could pull out even if he wanted to. But why would he ever want to?

"Oh, s-such a good, kind master!" she cried. "So good to Sluk!"

A smile spread across his face as he rammed in and out of her, listening to her lusty moans rise higher and higher. Yes. He was her master. He should fill her. It was so simple, and so right.

She gyrated her ass around him, and his knees shook. He felt himself sinking to his knees in the mud. He was totally trapped. Totally immersed in lust.

He drove into her again, and again, and again. Her ass was always willing to receive him, and every time he rammed into her slickness, her cries got a little higher-pitched, until she was basically squealing as he fucked her with animalistic hunger.

"Fuck me!" she screamed. "Fuck your slut, Master!"

He screamed as the orgasm hit him, and he came. Explosively. The pleasure blasted out of him like a volcano, and he shook, falling against her, wrapping his arms around her. He felt her whole body immerse him, wrap around him, consume him. His whole flesh tingled with kisses as he came, and came, and came.

And she was screaming, too. Screaming and gasping and pleading for more, more, more. And he was happy to oblige. He was happy to cum his brains out, to do whatever she said, to be her Master and hers alone.

His eyes closed as bliss devoured him. As Sluk devoured him.

"Master!" called a distant voice. Senya's eyes screwed tighter, trying to drown the voice out with Sluk's sweet cries. "Master!"

Reluctantly, his eyes opened.

He realized he was suffused in a reddish glow. Sluk was wrapped round him—his entire lower body was immersed within her, as her upper body's arms wrapped around him. She stared at him with a wide, rapturous smile, and he realized her screams and moans were chants in a language he did not know. With every scream and moan, he felt his head buzz, as though something were... pushing into his will. Breaking things down. Like acid dissolving metal.

Bobbin was watching him, he realized. She was being fucked by a pair of red slime girls—one sending pseudopods into her pussy and ass, the other's hands clasped on her breast and kissing her neck. Her face was flushed with arousal, but she watched him with semi-clear eyes. "R-resist!" she called, looking mildly cross. "Master her, dammit!"

He stared at her, barely comprehending. What?

Nearby, Jerrod was slamming his cock into the slime girl's ass, just as Senya had been doing a few seconds ago. He looked over at Bobbin. "Should—ung—should I get in there?"

Senya was being mind-fucked, he realized. She was brainwashing him—making him a slave. He struggled, but she held him fast, now. Sluk only giggled and cooed at his efforts. "Feels nice when you squirm," she whispered in his ear, making him shudder.

"Help!" he cried.

Bobbin wrapped her arms around one of the slime girls and pulled her close, rolling her eyes. "Don't help him, Jerrod."


"Bobbin!" he shouted. "I—I order you to—"

The slime girl's lips mashed against his own. His whole mind went numb.

"You got yourself into this mess," came the curt reply, "and you can get yourself out!

"Mmf!" he tried to protest, but it was clear that Sluk was not going to let him give any orders. Not until the spell was finished, anyway. Who knew what he'd think to order then.

"Remember the conditioning!" Bobbin called. "And—" sSe was cut off as she started kissing one of the slime girls passionately. Her eyebrows waggled at him.

Senya looked at Jerrod, but Jerrod was now lying atop two of the scarlet beauties.

He was on his own.

"You're all mine," he heard Sluk coo, though strangely, she was still kissing him. "All mine! I'm gonna be Master now, and you're gonna be so yummy! Heehee!"


Remember the conditioning.

Something clicked in Senya's mind. As he felt his mind growing fuzzier and fuzzier, he struggled to remember. What made Sluk come? Every time. Every time.

Oh, that was it.

If he wanted to disrupt her spell, he needed to fuck her.

He needed to... to feed her.

He thrust his cock forward. She gave a little gasp against his lips, pausing in her chants. "Ooh! Ooh, yeah, baby—"

No time for doubt. Senya screwed his eyes shut and rammed against her again. His cock throbbed, and her whole body shook like a forest in a hurricane.

Senya bucked and thrashed, trying to remember. Remember the sheepgirls' soft eyes, their suggestive smiles. Remember Brigitte's kisses, her sweet, sweet nectar. Remember Tricin's coils. He thought of submission, of being made to beg, of this slime girl's effortless seduction.

These thoughts made him hornier and hornier. His cock was pulsing. And as he bucked, Sluk was starting to gasp. The chanting was getting disjointed and muddled. Her form was becoming more human again. Her legs wrapped around him, and she embraced him as he fucked her pussy, but something in her eyes was finally registering worry. "Yes—um—wait—"

He did not wait. The lust and mental blocks she'd given him only made it easier. He slammed into her, again and again. She screamed every time. She was building—he was building—

"You—you gotta—" She was barely forming cogent words at this point. "I need to—need—wait, Master, I'm not done—not—not DONE OH FUCK YESSSS!" She screamed at an all-new octave as the orgasm tore through him, filling him with her pleasure. His cum surged into her, and he felt her spell fragmenting, felt his mind clearing.

He bore her down to the ground and fucked her pussy, growling, and she squealed and cooed and wriggled and writhed in his grip, helpless to resist her own lust.

He held the slime girl like that for a while, fucking her to orgasm after orgasm, and she could only scream her lust—until he switched to having her suck him off, anyway. His own mind was little better. Arousal had totally consumed him. But she couldn't cast.

She was fucked stupid, just like him. Only he hadn't needed spells for it.

Finally, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Bobbin smiled drowsily at him. "Enough, Master. We should be moving on."

Stunned, Senya found himself staring down at the slime girl—now a pale pink in hue. She curled up and giggled, licking a bit of cum off his still throbbing cock. "I'm a good girl," she breathed, sinking into the mud. "See you around, Master!"

She vanished from sight.

Senya looked down at himself. He was totally naked, sticky with slime residue, sweaty and fully erect. He felt his face heating up as he looked between Jerrod and the Hob. "I'm naked," he said.

"Observant as ever, Master," Bobbin said slyly.

"That fruit..." Senya found himself growing slightly angry. "That fruit your scarecrows fed me!"

"On my orders. Come, Master." Bobbin beckoned. "I think it's time to head out."


They waded through a shallow river on the way out, washing up. The slime girls delivered Bobbin's and Jerrod's clothes, freshly-washed. Senya, of course, received nothing.

"I'm sorry about it all," Bobbin said, though she didn't seem terribly sorry as she studied Senya's naked body with a smile. "The prisoner fruit is a necessary... a necessary evil."

"You drugged me," Senya said, his tone accusatory. "I've been getting raped here because you drugged me!"

"It's not a drug," the Hob said, her tone turning testy. "The prisoner fruit is not a drug. It's... well, it's multifaceted. But trust me, eating one does not affect your ability to resist mind control."

"It makes you horny, though," Jerrod said, pulling his trousers on. "Just one fruit a day is the best aid in the world. Keeps you virile so you can fuck all day long. Trust me, if you hadn't eaten that fruit earlier, Sluk woulda had your mind for baubles."

"But it makes me... naked!" Senya bit his lip. He felt even more naked now that he knew it. Now that Jerrod and Bobbin were clothed. The worst thing was, he still didn't feel naked. If he stopped thinking about it, even for a moment, he had a sense he'd forget about it all over again. It just wasn't... on his mind.

"It makes it harder to notice that sort of thing," Bobbin conceded. "Again, necessary evil."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a breath. "Look, there's something called orgasm fatigue. Fey are very good at it. If you cum once or twice, and normally wouldn't be able to cum again, the fey... can make you cum." She put a hand to her chest. "Even house fey can do it. And the more artificial orgasms you have, the weaker your mind gets. Eventually, they control all your pleasure. There's no escape from that."

Jerrod nodded. "It's why you need the prisoner fruit. Keeps 'em from taking over your body like that."

"... Okay." Senya gave a grudging nod. "I guess... I guess that makes sense. But hang on—you said slime girls didn't have mind control! She nearly brainwashed me!"

"Yeah. Sorry." Now Bobbin did have the grace to look ashamed. "I really didn't think... look, all fey, even slime dryads, have some hypnotic powers. But their... look, there's no easy way to say this. Slime girl mind control is so weak, I honestly didn't think you'd fall for it."

Senya felt his face heat up again. "Oh."

"And I mean weak." Bobin gestured to Jerrod. "Jerrod, before he got his amulet, was super easy, and even he was able to—"

"Okay, I get it!" Senya snapped. Then the words registered. "Wait, amulet?"

Jerrod grinned and reached under his collar. He pulled out a curious little wickerman hanging from a leather strip around his neck. The wickerman was about the size of a shrew, and bore an uncanny resemblance to Jerrod. "Ambrosia Amulet. Makes me immune to all the mind control powers of the prisoners here."

"Wait, really? Why haven't I gotten one of those yet?"

"Two reasons." Bobbin jabbed him in the chest, catching him off-guard with her aggressiveness. "One, you need to be able to resist these fey even without the amulet. You're gonna be their Master, Senya, and they are gonna do everyhting they can to get that amulet off you. Remember Valina? The fey are clever. They'll find a way. Jerrod's already lost his amulet twice with the sheepgirls."

Jerrod grinned bashfully. "What can I say? There's a lotta them."

"Second." Bobbin jabbed Senya again, causing him to flinch. "The amulet has to be geared toward your mind. These things aren't cheap, and only three mages exist in the area who, combined, have the power to make them. And we won't be able to visit the Thriae tonight."

"Th-Thriae?" Senya gulped. He looked up at the darkening sky.

"Nor the spritelion," Bobbin said, sounding annoyed as she walked off. "Nor the... well, nor the barn. Tomorrow, then. Meantime, we should get back to the cabin."

Senya looked at Jerrod, rubbing his neck. "This farm has Thriae enslaved?" The meadbrewers were legendarily dangerous, and famously vicious. Messing with a single Thriae was a good way to get a whole hive on you, potentially starting a hideous war in the process.

Jerrod laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. "I know you're eager, but tomorrow, Master. We're eatin' wholesomer food tonight."


As they approached the farmhouse, Senya saw the catgirl approaching. Valina's long black hair was currently done up in a ponytail, though as she drew near, she undid the twine and allowed the hair to spill down once more. Her catlike ears were pointed straight up, perky and cheerful. Her hips swayed with every step.

"Evening, Valina," Bobbin called. "All well?"

"Yes, Hob," Valina said curtly, and Senya noticed that she had a bloodied sword behind her back. She handed the sword to the Hob. "Two crows dead. None captured."


"Crows?" Senya asked, swallowing.

Valina looked up at him. Her eyes went half-lidded as she gave him a coy smile. "Hello, Master," she purred, sidling up beside him. Her hand drifted down before he could react, and he again remembered he was naked as her hand caressed his hard cock. "Ooh, Master needs me again! May I...?"

"Off, cat," Bobbin barked, shooing Valina to the back. "He doesn't need any more pussy just yet."

The catgirl sulked and filed into the farmhouse behind them. Senya licked his lips, unable to keep from watching her backside as she walked away from him. She seemed to put an extra little sauce into her movements. He wondered if she knew he was watching.

Judging by the size of his erection, it wasn't exactly a well-kept secret.

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