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Morina & the Switching Spell Ch. 10

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The new communications officer at Ashford Airfield.
9.4k words

Part 10 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Morina and the Switching Spell Ch. 10

Chapter 10: The new communications officer at Ashford Airfield.


22 May 1944, Monday, around 0430.

John pressed his erection firmly against my mons and I pressed back against him, enjoying the feel of his cock against my clit.

"I want you," he whispered in his deep, masculine voice, his lips nearly touching my own.

"I want you, too," I whispered back, moving my lips closer to his. I looked deep into his baby blue eyes. That fiery look of lust hungering back at me underscored the sexual yearning he felt for me.

Our lips met and I slipped my tongue past his parted lips and into his warm mouth. As we kissed, he pressed his manhood between my waiting entrance. He found it wet and slippery as my body betrayed my true feeling for him. I felt vulnerable to his advance, but at the same time, I didn't care. I wanted to feel him inside me, stretching me on that long, fat cock of his.

"Morina," he whispered longingly, pressing against my opening.

"I want this. I want to feel you inside me," I responded with equal desire.

He smiled lasciviously and pushed forward, opening me up and reaching that secret place. My body lit up with pleasure.

"Ohhh, John!" I moaned.

"Oh, Morina!" he replied, with a higher pitch in his voice.

"John?" I called as he started to fade away.

I heard giggling.

"Oh Morina, my love! How can I fuck thee? Let me count the ways," a woman's voice said, snickering.

"Mandy, stop it. That's mean," Agatha said with a suppressed giggle.

I opened my eyes. It was still dark, but I could make out the gray shapes of two women standing close by. Underneath the quilt, I had one hand lightly squeezing my breast while the other hand found its way under my panties with a finger inside my wet pussy.

"Wha!" I cried, startled.

My body jerked itself awake as I quickly removed my hands and pulled the quilt tight beneath my chin. With my fingers outside the quilt, the telltale aroma from my moist finger betrayed my arousal.

"Smells like someone's been enjoying herself. Looks like John went all the way!" Amanda said, laughing.

"Mandy, please!" Agatha tried to scold her, but she was laughing too hard to be effective.

"If you two are finished having fun at my expense, I'd like to get dressed now," I said in an annoyed voice.

"We're sorry, Morina. We didn't mean to embarrass you. It's just that you started talking in your sleep and . . . well . . . it sounded like some pretty juicy stuff," Agatha explained.

"I'm sorry too -- sorry that we didn't wait to wake you up until after you got yourself off that is," Amanda said, giggling again.

The gray shapes quickly converged.

"Amanda!" Agatha scolded.

"Ow! What did you do that for?" Amanda asked.

I heard the floor creak and the sound of footstep moving across the room.

"That's for being rude to Morina," Agatha replied, her voice coming from the other side of the flat.

Suddenly, the room was flooded with light. Amanda was standing close to the sofa, topless and holding her right breast in her hand and appeared to be in some pain. Agatha was standing next to the lamp. She was also topless.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She tweaked my nipple. Shit, that hurt," Amanda said.

"If you think I'm going to kiss it and make it better, you can forget it," Agatha said, angrily.

Amanda looked over at me.

"Don't look at me. You were the one making fun of me," I reminded her.

"Alright, I'm sorry," she said, sincerely.

"Thank you. But I'm still not going to kiss it," I said, smiling.

"I wasn't asking—" Amanda began.

"I'm going to take a shower. Morina, you can go after me, just make sure that Mandy doesn't eat the scones while I'm gone," Agatha said.

She had donned her bathrobe and had a towel, soap and washcloth in her hands and was out the door.

I looked at Amanda, who was rubbing her sore breast.

"She doesn't seem to trust you much, does she?" I asked.

"That doesn't bother me. She gets like that when she's on her period. She actually trusts me a lot, but she may have been right about those scones, though," Amanda replied.

After my shower, the three of us dug into the scones I had brought back from Ayresdon Manor. I've had eaten scones before from a bakery in Boston. But these were undoubtedly better than anything I ate in Boston. They were firm enough to hold the marmalade, yet light and flakey.

"Oh my god, these scones are so good!" Amanda exclaimed.

"Better than sex?" Agatha asked, jokingly.

"That depends. Are we talking sex with myself, or did you have a specific person in mind?" Amanda asked, spreading more marmalade on the remainder of her scone.

"Is she serious?" I asked Agatha.

"Mandy is always serious when it comes to sex," Agatha explained.

"Do you remember that well-hung guy from Cornwall I slept with? These scones are better than that," Amanda asserted.

"I remember that. That poor guy, I still think that was because you got him too excited. Don't forget, it was his first time. What about the sex we had with Morina?" Agatha asked.

"That was so much better than scones!" Amanda said, eyeing me lasciviously.

"No comparison," Agatha agreed, smiling at me.

"If this is how you two behave on your periods, I can't wait for this week to be over," I remarked.

"Don't worry, Morina. They're usually over in less than a week, thanks to the period potion," Agatha said with a mouthful of scone.

After the scones were gone, I left with Agatha to pick up dispatches from Allied Headquarters in London before heading south to Ashford Airfield. As usual, I waited in the car while Agatha went inside. Still tired from yesterday, I must have fallen asleep while I waited because the next thing I knew, Agatha was starting the engine in a panic.

"Morina, wake up! Ashford Airfield's been attacked!" she blurted.

"Attacked? How? Is my brother all right?" I asked.

"The only thing I know is that the Nazis bombed the airfield. We don't yet know how many people died or who died, but it happened sometime during the night," she said.

It was still dark as we "raced" through the streets of London, both of us anxious to get to Ashford as fast as we could. It was still pre-dawn, and with the London blackout in effect, there were no streetlights on, and headlights could not be used to illuminate the roads. Witchcraft night vision could only see a limited distance ahead, so Agatha "raced through the streets of London" at less than 10 miles an hour.

Neither of us spoke much during the hour and a half drive, not knowing what to expect once we got there. The sun was up by the time we passed through the gates and checkpoints at the airfield. Other than a lot of people milling about, we didn't see any difference at first.

Once we got out of the car and headed towards headquarters, we saw the large bomb crater just off the airfield close to the communications tent and conning tower.

"Good morning, Miss Brewster. Ah, Miss Spellman, am I happy to see you!" Colonel Drummond called out when we entered the tent.

He continued his conversation with the general staff. Agatha handed him the dispatches and he scanned through them until he came to the envelop marked "top priority." He retreated to a private corner to read it while Agatha and I asked the nearest staff members about last night.

"The Jerries dropped a single bomb at 12:35 last night. Fortunately, it missed the main runway, the conning tower, and the planes. It damaged the communications tent, and killed thirty volunteer reservists and auxiliary staff, including two communications officers," Lois explained to us.

"We're supposed to do a bombing operation today, but we're waiting to hear from headquarters if the operation is still on," a nearby lieutenant added.

"It's on! Alert the squadrons! Lefftenant Fisher and Miss Spellman, I need to see the both of you at once!" Colonel Drummond called out from his desk.

"Miss Spellman, I never expected you to be called into service so soon, but we're now down two communications officers and we need you to man the radio for the bombing mission today once we get the radio working again. Lefftenant Fisher here will escort you to the communications tent and show you how to work the equipment and manage the various call signs," he said quickly.

"Yes sir," Lieutenant Fisher replied.

"Yes sir," I echoed.

"It looks like you're jumping in with both feet and under fire, Miss Spellman. I hope you're up to the task," he said.

"I'll do my best, sir," I replied.

I followed the lieutenant out of the tent. I shot a glance at Agatha as I was leaving, and she nodded to me.

"Oh Miss Brewster, I'm going to need you to run these reports back to headquarters," I heard Colonel Drummond say as I left the tent.

Lieutenant Fisher led me towards the bomb crater. The area was still being cleaned up and the stench of dead bodies lingered in the air. There were a couple of dump trucks and a bulldozer standing by to fill in the crater.

The lieutenant skirted around the crater towards a nearby tent. There was a large rip in the side of the canvas facing the crater and there were two Army engineers working on the large piece of electronic equipment at the center of the tent. The radio was obviously damaged as a result of the bomb blast, most likely from shrapnel or debris thrown up by the blast.

"Are you guys almost finished? I need to show our new communications operator how to use the radio," Lieutenant Fisher told the engineers.

"I don't know what radio you think you'll be using. This thing is too badly damaged to be of any use anytime soon. We're going to need new parts, but that could take a couple of days at the earliest," one of the engineers responded.

He nodded his head towards the rudimentary telephone switchboard next to the damaged radio. The switchboard was on the side of the radio furthest away from the tent damage.

"We need that radio. The Colonel wants us to run a mission within the hour," Lieutenant Fisher implored.

"Well, unless the Colonel can pull spare parts out of his arse, he's not going to use this thing," the engineer said.

"Maybe I can help. I've had some training with radios with my work with the WASPs," I offered.

"Listen, girly, this is a complex piece of equipment. I don't know what you've been trained on, but these vacuum tubes are fragile and once they're cracked, you can't tape them back together. So why don't you stick to cooking and housecleaning," the second engineer sneered.

"That's enough out of the both of you. I want you two to report what you know to the Colonel. Miss Spellman and I will wait here until you get back and tell us what he says," the Lieutenant demanded.

"But Lefftenant—" the first engineer began.

"That's an order, O'Brien!" Lieutenant Fisher said, sharply.

"Yes sir!" the two engineers, replied, meekly.

After they left, Lieutenant Fisher and I looked over the radio equipment. There were quite few vacuum tubes cracked and broken along with several severed wires.

"This will never work in time for today's operation," he said, shaking his head.

"Lieutenant, if you don't mind, I'd like to see what I can do with this. In the meantime, would you see if you can get someone to repair the tent? If this equipment gets wet from rain, we'd have to replace the whole thing," I suggested.

"Look, Miss Spellman, if those guys can't fix this thing, I don't see what you're going to be able to do," he replied, sternly.

"Then we won't be worse off it I try, would we?" I asked patiently.

"Fine! Knock yourself out, Missy. I'll see about getting the tent repaired," he sighed as he left.

After he left, I checked to make sure no one could see me through the gap in the tent wall before pulling out my wand. I pointed it at the radio.

"Bene Repartum!"

The broken sections of wire moved like thin snakes and fused themselves together while the cracked glass on the vacuum tubes repaired themselves with a hissing sound, restoring the airless vacuum inside. Even the broken casing on the radio mended itself. The whole apparatus looked as good as new. I turned the power on to warm the radio up and prepare it for use. But I needed one more spell.


The outside casing took on the same broken appearance as before, showing what looked like bare tubes, some of which were cracked. There was an added spark or two that appeared to emanate from inside the radio. In short, the radio appeared to be damaged but was able to work as good as new.

When I heard voices approaching, I sat at the controls and spoke into the microphone.

"Testing, testing, this is ALG Ashford 4-1-7. Can you hear me?"

"Come in ALG Ashford 4-1-7, this is Kingsnorth. Who is this? You're not Baker," the voice on the radio called out.

The voices outside were closer and I could distinguish the voice of one of the engineers, the one Lieutenant Fisher called O'Brien.

"Colonel, I'm telling you just like I told that stupid tart you sent with the Lefftenant here. That radio is beyond repair. It can't be fixed, not without replacement parts."

"Lefftenant Fisher, you left her alone in there?" I heard the Colonel's voice say.

"I repeat, this is Kingsnorth. Your signal is loud and clear Ashford 4-1-7. Who is this calling. You sound like a woman," the voice on the radio said.

"This is ALG Ashford 4-1-7 testing our equipment. This is Morina Spellman. Our radio was damaged in the attack last night and I'm checking to see if it's still operational," I replied into the microphone.

"Well Mr. O'Brien, if Miss Spellman is a 'stupid tart', then just what does that make you?" Colonel Drummond roared.

I turned around and the Colonel was standing inside the tent along with the two engineers and Lieutenant Fisher.

"Oh, excuse me, sir!" I said as I got up and stood at attention.

"At ease, Miss Spellman. It appears that you may have saved this airfield's operations for today and possibly for the week," Colonel Drummond said, smiling.

"Come in Ashford 4-1-7, this is Kingsnorth. I repeat, this is Kingsnorth. Where is Baker?" the voice over the radio asked.

The Colonel strode to the radio and picked up the microphone.

"This is Colonel Drummond at Ashford. Baker is dead. The woman's voice you heard was my new communications officer, Miss Morina Spellman. Our radio was damaged by a Nazi bomb last night and Miss Spellman repaired it and is testing the repair. How is our signal?"

"Loud and clear, Colonel. It's as if you were in the next room," the voice said.

"Thank you. Ashford out," he said, and switched off the radio.

He turned and looked at the three men standing near the entrance of the tent, Lieutenant Fisher and the two engineers. Standing about 10-inches taller than me, he looked down and smiled before turning back to the engineers.

"I believe you two owe Miss Spellman an apology," he said sternly.

"Sorry Miss," / "I'm sorry for what I said," they answered.

"What do you have to say for yourselves? Some engineers you two are. You spent over two hours trying to fix this radio and a mere woman did it in fifteen minutes!" the Colonel scolded.

The "mere woman" remark annoyed me a bit, but after two years in the WASP program, I was used to it. In fact, at this point, I'd come to expect it.

"Excuse me, Colonel, but I wouldn't be too hard on them. When I was in WASP training camp back in Texas, the only radios we had to work with were Army rejects and defective equipment. We learned how to cannibalize some parts and repurpose others. It turns out there's a lot of redundancy in this radio and I was able to use the parts that weren't broken," I explained.

It was a massive lie, but I didn't want the engineers to be resentful of me. Besides, I couldn't very well tell them I fixed the radio with magic.

"If you say so, Miss Spellman. You may have saved these two from disciplinary action," he said to me before turning back to the two engineers, "In that case, I want you two to repair or replace this tent before it starts raining again."

"Yes sir!" they chorused.

"Start immediately. Dismissed," he commanded, "Now Lefftenant Fisher, if you will assist Miss Spellman, we can begin take off procedures for today's mission."

That was the start of my first day as communications officer at Ashford. The rest of the morning and the entire afternoon was one of the busiest days of my life. Lieutenant Fisher brought out several code and call signal manuals for me to memorize in addition to keeping several duplicate log books and service manuals. I also had to track the various activities of the pilots in the air as they called in and reported details of their operations. Late in the afternoon, when the planes were returning to the airfield, I was responsible in assisting the control tower in coordinating the order of landing based upon fuel consumption, pilot injury and fatigue, and precedence of rank.

Lt. Fisher helped me with the various codes and technical language in addition to relaying messages to the Army corporal manning the switchboard, keeping the Colonel, the conning tower, the MPs, and various ground crews updated with pertinent information.

"Tomorrow you may have to do this alone, even though this is a two- or three-person operation. I'll put in a word with the Colonel to try and find you another radio operator to help you," Lieutenant Fisher said.

"Thank you for your help, Lieutenant. I couldn't have done it without you," I replied before he left. With the mission over and all the planes back, the corporal at the switchboard left with him.

After the day's activity, it was now quiet. I had worked through lunch, and it was now 1830, 6:30 PM civilian time. The tent had been repaired. I was alone and not sure what to do. I didn't want to leave the radio, in case a call came in, but I needed a break to eat and visit the latrine.

"Knock, knock!" a familiar voice called from outside the tent.

"Come in, Agatha!" I called. I was happy to hear a friendly voice, but I couldn't hide the weariness I felt.

"After I dropped off the Colonel's report, I went back to the flat and I brought you your things, including your quilt. I left the tea dress and the gold gown back at the flat, but I can bring those two if you want them," she said.

"Thank you. My bag will be sufficient," I replied.

"I brought you something else, too," she said quietly and reached into a second bag and brought out a large jar filled with an amber-pink liquid.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Contraception potion. It was Amanda's idea. I telephoned her from London Headquarters to tell her what happened, and she thought it would be a good idea if you had this, being around all these men and such," she said with a smile and a wink.

"Take it back with you. If I start that sort of thing around here, they're going to think I'm some kind of whore. This job is tough enough without that kind of pressure."

"I'm with you on that, but I think you should keep it here as a precaution. I hope you'll never need it," she commented.

"I guess it makes sense when you put it that way. Hopefully D-Day will be soon, and I'll rejoin the WASPs."

"Have you eaten anything? Where do you sleep?" Agatha asked, looking around.

"I have no idea. I've been here since you left this morning, working without a break. I could use a trip to the latrine right now."

"You poor thing! Let me talk to the Colonel. I'll be right back."

Shortly after she left, I heard another familiar voice outside the tent.


"Lee! Come on in!" I said excitedly.

"I heard you over the radio today. You were terrific!" he said as he gave me a hug.

"Thank you, there's a lot to learn. I hope I can do a good job," I replied.

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