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Morning Coffee

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Having coffee and exposing myself leads to a new friend.
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Fiction based loosely on some real experiences in my life.


It was one of those cool, not yet cold, fall mornings, a dash of frost on the grass, not the first though, 'Pretty' I thought, as I walked along the covered walkway from the house to the detached 3 stall garage and through the side door. I stood by the car door and unlocked it. As I opened the door, I felt a little wetness dribble down the inside of my thigh. I get so turned on sometimes, no actually most of the time, thinking about the nakedness between my legs. I hate wearing panties, no bra either. Besides if I did, I couldn't tease people with peeks of my pussy or nipple could I? Now I'm off for my morning fix of exposing myself, something I do most every morning. I can't help myself.

I love my car, what they call a triple black Corvette; black body, black convertible top, and black interior. Always surprised at how many women drive Corvettes. Both a chick and a guy magnet. I think the car matches my life and personality - bold, hard, rough, and fast. I slip my crutches behind the seat, lower my bottom onto the seat, slide my single leg over the high threshold, and put my foot on the floor as I wiggle around a bit getting comfortable.

Crutches? Single leg? I can hear you asking 'what the hell?' Maybe now is a good time to describe myself. I'm in my early 30's; long brown hair with some wave, a few inches past my shoulders, today pulled back in a pony tail; clear fair skin still with some of summer's tan; tall, about 5'9"; slim, about 110, up and down a few pounds; small breasted, ohhh my ... love small breasts; great ass, at least that's what people say and I happen to agree, a little partial to my ass. Te He. 'What about the leg?' Okay, okay. A few years ago my left leg was amputated, cut off, whatever, why is a whole other story, leaving about 4 or 5 inches of thigh, or stump as I prefer to say; probably a fast way to lose 15 pounds but not for everyone; very little scaring, just a faint line across the end these days. The shape is similar to my right thigh at the same place. Not at all ugly, at least to me. Oh yes, don't feel sorry for me because I have one leg either, there isn't anything I want to do that I can't, and I'm very, some would say ferociously, independent.

I start the garage door opening. Key in the ignition, twist, and the engine roars to life. I like the sound of the exhaust as it idles, nice deep tones, throaty, as it echoes off the opening door. I press the throttle a few quick times. Varoom. Varoom. My heart races and pounds a little harder for a moment until the engine slows down. Love it when someone blips my 'throttle'. I chuckle to myself at the thought and touch my clit for a moment. The morning sunlight floods the garage now that the door is open, a gently cool breeze blows through my open window. The leather against my bare ass is cold at first, but it doesn't take long for things to warm up. Sure the seat warmer works well in this car, but looking down at my hairless pussy, thanks to electrolysis it now is permanently that way; the evenly trimmed labia, great plastic surgery, so much neater; and my stump, the steam starts to rise from the collar of my nylon ski jacket. Rather be a little too cool, than too hot you know. Well now you do. I run my finger through my labia and scrape some of the accumulating juices free, then suck my finger. "Hmmmm" I say loud enough to be heard over the sound of the car.

I press the throttle briefly again as my window rolls up and then drive away. The sun is out, feels warm through the windows, probably too cool to put the top down. Oh there have been some fun times with the top down, blouse unbuttoned, wind against my nipples, my very hard nipples. Oh fuck me, just thinking about it leaves a thick blob of juice at my pussy opening. Can't waste that. I scoop a finger load up and swallow it. "Damn that's good." I say out loud.

Driving into the parking lot of the combination Barnes & Noble / Starbucks and I see lots of people sitting out in the sun, still a few empty tables. Saturday mornings always seem bring out more people than during the week. Ten degrees warmer already according to the thermometer in the car, handy feature, going to be a nice day. Sure am ready for some Java. Park the car in the handicapped spot and get out. Very since it's so wide, no one bangs my car and I can get the overly large, at least it always feels that way, door open all the way. If anyone had been standing there, they would have had a lovely show. Impossible to get out of this car without a really big flash of crotch, at least when I get out, my my. Oh well, I know I'll be able to flash a few people soon enough.

Standing next to the car, I smooth my blouse and skirt making a little show by pausing briefly as my hands cross my breasts and again across my hips. As I close the door, I look around and notice a few people watching me, that always happens, rare to see a woman with one leg get out of a Vette you know. They all seem to go back to what they were doing. Crutches under my arms, toasted English muffin in a lunch bag in one hand along with the newspaper dangling in the plastic bag the 'paper boy' puts it in, quaint phrase, I gracefully, worked very hard over time to make it look like I'm almost floating, make my way to an empty table in the sun and put my things down. Surveying the crowd to see if I can spot anyone who I want to show off too as I walk to the window and back, I return soon with a large coffee.

There's a woman at a nearby table, clear line of sight between us, from me to her is mostly facing away from the other tables, perfect for what I want to do and will let me be a bit bolder. I look at her closer and see she's nice looking, maybe my age, maybe a few years older, still very lovely, oh my yes, long hair, body much like mine. Her hand rests in her lap almost like she is touching herself, can't quite tell if she really is. Hope she'll play, never know, might just piss her off, maybe she won't even look.

Of course I could sit down first, then lay my crutches on the ground, but if I do it the other way around my short skirt will ride up my bare leg and show off my 'charms'. I turn around, my back is now towards her. I know, I think, she is watching me, take a quick peek, she's not really looking at her newspaper, maybe, trying hard to not let anyone know, specially me, that she is watching me, probably by now with her mouth open a little, I hope, take another quick peek, yes she does, just wait baby.

I've perfected this next move over time. With my leg remaining straight, I bend way over more than I need too, almost putting one hand on the pavement as I lay both crutches flat, one on top of the other, with the other hand, then stand up, turn around, and sit on the chair facing her, adjusting my skirt for maximum 'exposure' as I do. I look at her, the hand is pressed even harder between her legs than before, almost wrapped around her mound. She's playing along. Wow! Rare. Unexpected. She smiles as she looks up at me. I return the smile and run my tongue across my lips for emphasis.

I look around to see who else is looking, no one seems to have noticed except her, at least no one seems to be looking right now. As I take my first sip of coffee and a bite of my muffin, I spread my thighs a little more so she probably can see my labia. I take another bite and spread my legs a little more, my stump peeks out from under my skirt a little, and I rest my hand on the end of it. I watch her, my eyes burning a hole in her face so she knows I'm doing this for her, my hand slowly disappears under my skirt as I take another sip of coffee. I move around just enough so my hips are closer to the edge of the chair, my skirt rides up a little more. I know from lots of practice in front of a mirror that she can now clearly see both my naked crotch and that I'm touching it, though probably not just how wet I am. Sure enough, her hand slides under her skirt, her tongue leaves her lips wet as it slides across them, oh such nice kissable lips, she nibbles a finger tip. I'm in lust already. We play the same game for several minutes, maybe more. Feels like hours. Feels like just seconds. I lose all sense of time. The more I look at her, ... oh hell yes, ... I want her so badly. I take my hand from under my skirt, stick my index finger tip in my mouth and suck the full length a few times, then I hold it up and wave it as if to say 'come over'. She takes the bait. Foreplay over.

Standing in front of me, I see for the first time how lovely, tall like me, delicious, she truly is. Placing her still full, maybe a few sips taken, coffee cup on my table; she moves a chair close so she will block the view of lower body from everyone but her; then sits with her legs parted and hands pressing the fabric of her skirt flat against the chair between them. No one can see what she is doing except me. She pulls her skirt up just enough for me to see she has no panties on. No hair, bald like mine. She's covered in cum, probably her cum, yes I'm sure of that, don't know why though. Looks like she'd been having orgasms for several hours or days. No not hours or days, just very moist. 'Sloppy 50'ths.' I giggle to myself. I smile as I lift my skirt the same amount for her to see for the first time up close. Nothing has been or is said. We look beneath each others skirts, the chemistry between us building. We are here for the same thing, want the same thing, two strangers exposing themselves to each other. Will there be more? Usually not. Already I know I'd like this time to be different, to be more. Will she? Things begin to boil, still silent, just looking at each other, the face then crotch and back to the face, our breathing becoming a bit ragged as we delay the inevitable, longer and longer, then unable to wait any longer, our first touch as we run a finger tip slowly through each other's soft, moist, no wet, no sopping wet, pussy lips, catching the clit for just a second once then again, just long enough each time to make the other gasp, before putting our finger our own mouth.

"You taste great" we say at the same time.

"Haven't seen you before. I'm Mary Beth. People just call me Beth. Sure I'd have remembered you."

"Just moved from the other side of town. I'm Peggy." She leans closer, very close. "Love to show off and flash myself. Pussy mostly, occasionally just a breast." She sits up straight again.

"Wow! Really? I knew I wasn't the only one, but it's been a long time since I had the good fortune to talk to a like minded woman. You know ... usually just anonymously exposing myself ... never getting to know the other person, sometimes a woman, sometimes a man. It was fun doing to you."

"One leg ...?"

"Yeah. It's nice. Some guys seem to like to see it more than my pussy. Don't get me wrong, they like to see that too."

"A twofer." She giggled.

Her hand rested on my still exposed stump for a moment as if to give me a chance to let her know if it was okay or not. She moved her hand, cupped it over the end and rubbed it.

"Soft" she whispered, almost afraid to say something.

"Feels so good, don't stop."

"When you bent over a bit ago, I got so wet, came so hard, thought I might scream, but managed to keep quiet, just barely."

I drove two fingers into her pussy, hoped she wouldn't mind, knew she was wet enough, and pressed hard against what I thought would be where her G spot is. She gasped, I guess I hit the right place, her eyes closed, her mouth opened, nothing came out, then leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. I could feel her tongue pressing. I opened my mouth to let it in and the tips of our tongues rubbed against each other for a moment. She pulled her tongue out and nibbled on my lower lip.

"You kiss good." I whispered.

"You finger fuck real good."

"Love those nasty words, can't get enough of them. I live not far away."

She leaned forward again and kissed me, almost sucking my tongue out of my throat, then stood up. Surprised she could. As I stood, my leg was weak, kind of wobbly. Words were not needed to let me know she was ready, ready for anything. I was too.

A few hours, maybe 6, who was keeping track, of animalistic fucking, wild passion, tender soft cuddling, and way too many orgasms, oh is that possible?, we laid on the bed exhausted.

Her hand rested on my crotch, a finger moving slowly in and out, not trying to make me cum, just touching, rubbing my labia between her fingers some, our faces looking at each other, looking each other's eyes, living in the moment, no sense of the world.

"Never expected that when I left home this morning! You're a great fuck you know? Not that I don't like it slow and prolonged too of course."

"Bet ya haven't been with a one legged person?" Might as well she how she feels about that. Oh please let it be okay.

"No ... I haven't. But I have thought about what it might be like. Don't know why though. Maybe because I've seen a few. Never met any. Felt different when I was eating you and you rubbed it against my face. Different, well more like 'nice' you know?"

"Pretty partial to being this way."

"You like being one legged?"

"I know it sounds strange, but yes I do. Usually don't say it that strongly, often more like 'don't mind'."

Peggy wrapped her hands around my stump, lifted it up, and kissed the end of it. Her fingers kneaded it like a loaf of bread dough as she kissed it all over. Maybe it was just her way of letting me know she like being with me. It didn't matter. It just felt good.

"Thanks for sharing this piece of you with me." She whispered into my ear.

I laid there letting her massage it for a while. Then I pulled her next to me and kissed her.

Looking at her, I whispered "Let's get cleaned up, go to dinner, then walk around the mall. Bet we can find some people to expose ourselves too."

"I'd love to do that. Oh do I love doing that. Can't wait to look for guys staring at your little thigh. Almost sounds evil, sick, twisted. Guess that makes me evil, sick, twisted. Love the little thing. Mind if we stop at my place so I can put on something a bit more revealing? I need something that can compete with you and that hot ass of yours."

"Oh baby! You like that do you?" I slapped my ass with my hand and a loud 'whack' echoed through the room. Kind of surprised me a little how loud it sounded. I did it a second time, more to see what it sounded like this time, just as loud it seemed. "Ohhh" I squealed, almost meaning to squeal "Ouch".

She moved behind me and ran her finger through my cheeks, up and down a few times, then fingering my asshole, all the while kissing my hips. I could feel her finger tip push through to the first knuckle, well a little bit anyway, then she quickly shoved it the rest of the way in.

"Yes!" I screamed. "Hell yes!" It was okay, maybe a little nice, but not my favorite thing, even hurt a little, almost made me crap on her hand, that would have ruined the moment for sure. I was just so very turned on by any and everything she was doing to me today. Her finger worked in and out and then I felt her other hand groping roughly around my crotch, not like most women would, but more like a guy's first grope, the palm pressing hard against my pussy. Now this turned me on for sure! I like it like this sometimes, this seemed to be one of them. "Oh fuck me harder!" More force was applied as she ground her palm against my pussy lips, my clit, all over my crotch. I rode her palm with all I had. "Make me cum you slut!" I screamed. Her finger jerked out of my ass in a blink. What? Had I said something wrong? I looked back and saw her pussy now filled with 4 fingers stretching herself very wide. Her mouth was wide open. Her hips bucked up and down against her hand and fingers. I knew I had said something right. "Don't you dare stop ... jerk me off bitch ... make US cum fucking hard ... oh shit ... yeah like that ... show me how you cum ... oh fuck oh fuck ... yes like that." I kept on chanting and cheering to what she was doing to both of us until we both convulsed and collapsed in an uncontrollable quivering heap, wrapped in each others arms.

As our breathing returned to normal and we started to relax, I said "If we don't stop this, we'll never get to expose ourselves tonight." Then I laughed and giggled.

"Beth ..." she stopped and looked at me, gave me a sloppy wet kiss, looked at me again. "... Beth, you are be so easy to be around, to love."

"Likewise ... likewise my dear. Want to shower with me?"

"Sure ... but we may never make it back out of there though."

"I promise to be good."

We stood outside my large walk-in shower, laid out so no shower curtain or door or threshold was needed, as I turned on the water.

"This is a GREAT shower! I love your whole house. You're a very lucky person."

"Thanks. I'm just lucky to be with you."

I leaned my crutches against the wall and took several small hops into the shower trying to be careful to not slip, been there done that, ouch. Peggy followed and stood behind me, her arms wrapped around me as the warm water streamed over our heads and down our bodies. I just stood there enjoying her hands on me, the water providing lubrication as they slid easily all over me. She fondled my breasts while she ground her crotch against my hips. I twisted my head enough that I could kiss her. I pulled my mouth away. "This is being such a wonderful day."

She filled my mouth with her tongue for a few moments. "Yes it is. A dream come true."

I turned and faced her with a wash cloth and soap. We were about the same height, same size, similar shapes. If I'd filled out an order form, I couldn't have gotten something closer to my dream lover. She was almost like an identical twin sister who enjoyed incest. Well, you get the idea. I kneeled down and washed from her feet up to her face, not spending more time on one part than the other, well maybe more on a few parts you know, just enjoying bathing her. After I finished, she leaned against the wall while I stood in the middle of the shower, my hands on my hips, the cloth in the finger tips of one hand, looking at her, looking for places I'd missed, a few times my stump moved back and forth a little for balance.

"I love they way you balance like that. It's exciting to watch."

We got out of the shower and dried each other off. She gently patted the towel over my stump as she dried it off last, giving it little kisses between pats of the towel. No one else, not that there had been all that many lovers since the loss of my leg that lasted more than a few days, guess I was a little surprised at that, had seemed to enjoy me just having one leg. Peggy was becoming very special very quickly.

I picked out a mid-thigh length skirt made out of a light weight fabric, almost shear, slit up the left side so my stump would peak out, but only when I wanted it to, and a blouse that was mostly just wide straps on the front and completely closed in the back. This was one of my favorite outfits for outings like tonight, one that I'd practiced with many times and knew exactly how to get the most 'exposure' out of. I balanced in front of the mirror, crutches leaning against the dresser, and twisted from side to side as I checked myself out. As my left side faced the mirror, I paused and raised my stump a little. It popped out the slit. "Perfect" I said as I smoothed out my skirt, then looked at Peggy.

"Fuck me babe! ... If there's no one else, I want you!" she growled.

"Just like to tease ... sorry my dance card is filled."

"With me?"

"You slut! Of course!"

"You say the nicest things."

Peggy stood in front of me and shoved her hand up my dress and forced several fingers inside me. After a few strokes, she pulled them out and pushed them in my mouth. "That's what I want to eat tonight bitch! I want your cunt cum all over my mouth and up my nose!" Then she forced a hand inside my blouse and squeezed a nipple, rolling it between her finger tips. "You're mine tonight! Got that bitch?" she said in a deep low voice with a bit of a smile on her face.


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