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Mother Fantasy, Son's Downfall

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A women/mother have many fantasies, untile one become real.
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A mother's Fantasy Gone Wrong

Mother's thoughts

That's it, I just made my decision. I just called my lover to tell him that I agreed to his request. Collin has been my lover for the last 4 months. He also happens to be my son's bully. His request? He wants to have sex with me and forces Michael, my son, to watch us.

There is no turning back now, not this time. Somehow, it feels like I'm betraying my own son. But we won't hurt him, and I know after this, Collin will stop harassing Michael. I will finally get to fulfill a fantasy of mine, and no one will get hurt. It is a win-win situation, really.

Of course, this means that I have to reveal my secret affair to my son, an affair with his tormentor, no less. But I always had a special bond, a close relationship with my son. I am certain I will be able to explain the situation to him later. It is a risk, as maybe he can tell that I'd been cheating on his father, Richard, and his sister, Kate, but I am willing to take it. And the chances of him not telling on me is pretty good after all.

My family


My name is Rachel. I am a 42-year-old married woman. I married Richard 20 years ago, after we met in college. Richard was my first real boyfriend, and the only man I ever slept with.

I am 5 feet and 7 inches tall, with long brown hair and brown eyes. I still have pretty firm breasts, a B-cup size, and I exercise regularly, so I'm in pretty good shape overall. I consider myself pretty, and I've been told by many people, including my husband, of course, that I am very attractive.

​With Richard, we have two wonderful children. Kate, the oldest at 19, is in college, and Michael, the youngest. He is an 18-year-old sweet kid who is about to finish high school.

Like her dad, Kate has blond hair and blue eyes. She is even taller than me, at 5 feet 10 inches, she could potentially be a model. Also, like her father, she is a very outgoing person, makes friends easily, and is very popular. She loves her brother very much and she's very protective of her little brother. I say "little" brother because that's what she calls him, even though they are just one year apart. You would think she said that to tease him, but in fact it's a mark of affection, and Michael loves it very much. They are very close and have a very deep and loving connection.

Like me, Michael has brown hair and brown eyes. He is a little shorter than me, at about 5 feet and 5 and a half inches. He is also very skinny, even if he eats his fair share of food around here. Also, like me, Michael is very shy and has trouble making friends. He is also a little awkward with people, another characteristic I'm afraid he also gets from me.

Wanting something more, something different

You may think that I'm describing a perfect family, and I really am. I have nothing to complain about. I love my daughter and son very much, and I'm still happy to be married to Richard. I would never want to leave him. So why am I cheating on him, with my son's bully on top of it?

You see, ever since I was a teenager, I have had lots of fantasies, sexual fantasies, to be precise. But because I couldn't talk to people easily, I didn't have many opportunities to experience much in life. When I met Richard, it was different. He was a take-charge kind of guy and I just let him lead and finally, I lost my virginity to him. To this day, he is the only man I have ever known. Well, him and now Collin, of course.

After dating Richard for a year, he proposed to me, to my surprise, and I was happy to say yes. Another year later and Kate was born, followed by Michael another year later. At first, everything was great, and I had plenty of things to occupy my mind. But as the kids got older, my fantasies returned. And with the internet to feed it, my imagination began to create more and more extreme fantasies, more taboo, more everything.

The Fantasies

Oh, it started innocently enough, I think. Being a stay-at-home mother of two, I began fantasizing about a stranger entering our home and having sex with me while the kids were at school. I began to obsess with this fantasy. Every day, I would go to my bedroom, lie fully naked on my bed and masturbate to the thought of being taken passionately by a man I didn't even know the name.

Then, after a while, the passionate sex became a little rougher and harder. It became even violent, to the point that it was no longer a man entering my house to make love to me, but to rape me. Every day, I would masturbate in my bedroom, fantasizing that I was being raped. I even bought sex toys, dildos to be exact, to help me play-out my fantasies.

The more it went on, the more degrading the actions would be done to me by my aggressor. I began to fantasize about being taken in my ass. And so, a second dildo, smaller, a little, entered my life (secretly of course, as I never shared with anyone any of my thoughts), and I began to use it to simulate anal sex. Now that I had two dildos, my imagination brought a second man into this scenario. Now two men would enter my house during the day, when I was all alone, and would violently rape me.

After a few months of playing a certain fantasy in my head every way I could imagine, I was always moved to other fantasies. At one point, I imagined I was secretly a prostitute at night. Imagining that after my family went to bed and was asleep, I was secretly getting out to walk the streets, looking for clients. Sometimes I would mix old fantasies with new ones, like getting raped while being a prostitute walking the streets.

I have to say, I have a pretty wild and inventive imagination, because I can find so many variations to my fantasies to just change them enough to keep them interesting and exciting for me. Like the prostitute who walks the street, she would eventually become a high-end escort. Or someone working at a masseuse parlor, providing happy endings to an ever-growing clientele.

But always, I would move on and find new fantasies that would make me wish my life was different. But I never had the courage to act on any of them.

Over time, maybe in part fueled by the internet and an almost endless source of inspiration, and in part by the fact that I was definitely sexually frustrated, I kept having more and more extreme fantasies. For a time, I was this biker chick who found a bar with a glory hole, and I would spend all my nights emptying numerous bikers. Later, I was a porn actress, specializing in gangbangs. No one in the business could compare to me and my insatiable appetite. There were never enough men to satisfy me. And so on.

Two years ago, I began to fantasize about swallowing cum after I discovered on the web this site that specialized in bukkakes. It was based in Europe and these women would suck large quantities of men before receiving all their loads in their mouths, saving multiple loads, and swallowing huge mouthfuls, over and over again. In some scenes, the girl would even hold a bowl under her chin to collect the cum that would miss her mouth, and would drink the contents of the bowl at the end. In other scenes, another girl would be standing right behind the girl collecting the cum and help feed her by scooping and pushing the cum that would land on her face inside her mouth with her fingers.

I became very obsessed with those scenes, rewatching them over and over again. I wished that I could be one of the girls getting served all that cum. Since this was a real porn site and not just some scenarios that only existed in my head, I started to research it. Like I said, it was based in Europe, and women from all around the world would go to their studio to participate in those bukkakes.

This was not the first time I would actually research a fantasy of mine. When I was fantasizing that I was an escort, I did the same thing. Of course, I never acted on it. But that time, the bukkake fantasy, I almost went through with it.

Because our family always takes a vacation during the summer, Richard proposed that we visit the very country where the bukkake studios were located. Of course, Richard had no idea about that fact, but I took the opportunity to contact them. Giving them a fake name, I told them I was a late 30s, attractive MILF and would love to star in one of their bukkake. After gathering all the information, like how they selected their sperm donor, answering all the health issue-related questions, and so forth, I went as far as booking a day with them, so that they could interview me and even test me by doing a small bukkake session.

Everything was set-up. I even came-up with a good excuse to ditch my family for one afternoon to go to my meeting. As the day of our vacation was getting closer, I became more and more excited. Just a few days before our departure for Europe, I couldn't even sleep. I was so excited that even my husband noticed, but I was able to brush it off and blame it to the stress of organizing the trip. Finally, the big day came, everything was ready, all I had to do is execute my plan. But at the very last minute, I chickened out. In shame, I had to call them to informed them that I couldn't make it. I was so sad and disappointed with myself; I couldn't even enjoy our family vacation. I even fell in a semi-depression when we got home.

For a few months, I didn't have any fantasies at all. Now that I had proven to myself that I would never have the courage to do anything in my life, I felt there was no point in fantasizing about anything at all anymore. And so, for months, I just went through my days, doing whatever I had to, but finding no joy in my life at all.

Eventually, I started to feel better, and my mood improved, and my sexual fantasies returned.

When I first met Collin, my son's bully, just 4 months ago, I was hooked on the cuckolding fantasy. This scenario is where a married woman cheats on her husband as he watches. There were a few different stages to that fantasy.

At first, I guess the fantasy was more of the "Hot Wife" type, as my husband would bring me a man to have sex with me while he watched, enjoying the show. Then it was more a cheating act, where it was me that would take my secret lover while my husband would watch and enjoy the show.

The final stage of this fantasy was me bringing my lover to have sex with him while we forced my husband to watch us. In this version, the husband does not enjoy the experience at all. Sometimes, I would imagine tying my husband to a chair so that he couldn't leave. In other situations, I would be taken by more than one lover, and they would beat-up my husband and, at my command, force him to lick me clean after receiving a generous cream pie from them, and so on.

Now, I have to specify that in no way do I wish to hurt my husband, or do I have any resentment towards him. This is purely a fantasy that I have. In fact, in this fantasy, you could even argue that this is not really my husband at all. In these cuckold scenarios I play in my head, the husband is weak and whines and asks why I do this to him. I can assure you, if I were to ever cheat on Richard, my husband, and he would catch us, I feel sorry for the guy I would have an affair with, or even me. My husband is not a violent person at all. I am not implying that, but he is no push-over either. What I'm saying is he would not just stay there and take the abuse, or enjoy the "show".

The Bully

Which brings us to me and Collin, my son's bully, and also my secret lover. At the beginning of the school year, his final high school year, we started to notice something different in Michael. Being an introvert, it was hard to make him talk, but eventually, Kate (his older, protective sister) was able to break his barrier and we found out that he was being bullied at school by one of his classmates.

Richard, my husband, immediately took action. Meeting with the principal, he made it clear that he would hold him personally responsible if they couldn't figure a way to make this stop. And they did, for a time.

Things got better but, eventually, the bullying started again. When the principal called our home to set a meeting with us to prevent things from escalating, I had to deal with it myself, as my husband was away at the time on a business trip for his work. So, I went to my son's school and had a meeting with the principal, my son, Collin and his parents.

The meeting went well. Collin's parents apologized to my son and myself. Collin had to do the same, and everything seemed under control. But I felt something with this Collin boy, something powerful, animalistic, sexy, attractive.

Collin is 19 years old. He doubled a year and had to do it again, which is why he is older than my son. He is also taller and more physically developed than Michael. Even if he is only 19 years old, he looks like a man in his mid 20's.

A week after the meeting, I bumped into him by pure coincidence at the supermarket. Recognizing me, he came to me and we started talking. After we talked for a good five minutes, he invited me for a cup of coffee, and I agreed.

I was attracted to him and this was the first time I was actually willing to do something a little bit taboo in real life. I am ashamed of what I did. I know a good mother would not have done what I did, but after sharing a coffee and a very nice conversation, he invited me to his place, letting me know his parents were both out at the time, and I accepted.

Yes, we slept together. Like I said, I'm ashamed of it, but it was also the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. I guess he made me feel more alive than I felt in so many years.

The betrayal begins

And so, I started a secret affair with Collin. At first, he didn't bother my son anymore, as he was watched closely. But eventually he slipped and got into a fight with Michael. Again, I had to take care of it because Richard, my husband, was away. When I met the principal, I assured him that this was under control. I even took Collin's side, telling the principle that Michael had provoked him, which I knew wasn't true. But I also knew that if I had let Collin get punished for this, he would then take his frustration on my son. I was protecting him in the best way I could.

Before leaving, I told the principal to only call me if anything should happen again between my son and Collin. That my husband was in a stressful period with his work and that I would take care of it. I know it was a lie, but knowing Richard and his temper, he would just have made things worse for everybody.

The following weeks, Collin and I kept seeing each other in secret. We would have sex in many different places. Whenever he was alone at home, he would text me and invite me over. When that was not possible, we had our special Motel room I would rent for us to meet. Whenever I knew I had the house to myself, I would invite him over. We would then have sex in my family's house, a few times on my own bed, but almost every time in Michael's room, on his bed. For some reason, this seemed to please Collin the most. And I have to admit that the taboo that this represented also excited me a lot.

Four 4 months, this was my life. To the rest of the world, I was still the same Rachel. Happy wife, mother of two. And I really was happy, because secretly, I was also Rachel, a cheating whore. I was having the most satisfying sex of my life. With Collin, we did everything; role-playing, vaginal sex, anal sex, cum swallowing, even piss play. One time we did it on Michael's bed, the pissing games, and because of unfortunate circumstances, I didn't have the time to change his sheets before he slept in it

This was a truly happy period in my life. I thought I finally had it all, a very satisfying sex life, where I could live my fantasies with my secret lover, and a normal family life. Unfortunately, things were not as good for my sweet boy, Michael, as Collin continued to bully him, intimidate him, humiliate him and even beat him. Even after I had asked him to stop and leave Michael alone, he would always continue. Every time I would think about all the things Collin was doing to my sweet boy, my heart failed a little, and I would feel guilty.

Because of this, I had to continually make the peace at school for my son and my poor Collin. I also had to be sure that Richard stayed out of it and uninvolved, which was starting to cause frictions and problems for me.

And so, after we had sex, I would ask my baby Collin to stop bullying my son. But always, the next time we talked, he would described in detail, while he was fucking me, all the new and inventive ways he had humiliated and physically abused my son. For some reason, hearing him tell me those stories always excited me and pushed me over the edge, but once the sex was over, I would always ask him to stop doing it. To make sure he had kept his word and stopped hurting my son, I would always ask him to tell me in our next meeting how his dealings with my son went.

Finally, that's when Collin made his request. He promised he would stop bullying my son if I agreed to have sex with him and forced my son to watch it. I knew this would hurt my son, but the idea also excited me. Remember that at the time, I was in my cuckolding phase, so it probably played a part in me agreeing to it.

Wheels are in motion

I was mixing the drug in a glass of lemonade, my son's favorite drink. With the quantities I had put in it, I knew the effect would be fast. And with the glass of juice in my hand, I went up to my son's room.

It was a Saturday afternoon. My daughter Kate was spending the weekend at her friend's house and Richard was busy at his office and wouldn't return until late that night. The timing was perfect:

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Hey mom, nothing, just playing some game on my computer" said My son, Michael.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend? Here I brought you lemonade." I said

"Thanks mom. Nothing specific. Just must redo this stupid assignment because stupid Collin deleted it before I could print in at school" My son said.

"Language Michael, that's no way of speaking about people" I couldn't hep but replied.

"Yeah, yeah. You know, sometimes mom, I feel you are defending him" said my son.

"I just want what's best for you sweetie, now drink your lemonade." I said, hoping to end the feelings that was building up in me.

As I sat on my son's bed, I watched him empty the entire glass in one go. I just sat there, waiting for the effect, smiling.

After seeing my son drink the poisoned glass of juice, I just sat there, smiling, and waiting. "What are you doing mom?" asked Michael.

"Nothing son, I just want to spend some time with you if it's OK. I feel we haven't bonded much lately; don't you think?" I replied.

"I know, I think that too. I'm sorry mom, it's my fault. I've been stressed out over the Collin situation. I wonder why dad doesn't help me like he did at the beginning of the school year. What does he say when you two talks about it?" said my unwilling to go to sleep son.

"He is very sorry and worries for you, of course, like all of us. But sometimes, parents can't fix everything, even though we want too." I said without thinking too much of it.

"I know. Maybe I should talk to him, maybe he could give me advice, you know? Said my son.

"Aren't you talking with me now? Don't you think I'm good enough to give you good advice too?" I was panicking, could this drug take effect soon! I don't want anyone involve in this, just help me, for once, go to sleep, please!

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