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Mother Fantasy, Son's Downfall


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This went on for several minutes. Michael never spoke during that time, and it didn't seem to him that her mother was interested in hearing him anyway.

After hugging her son and kissing him on both cheeks, she told him to just stay in bed and relax, that she would bring him food later.

And stay in bed he did. In fact, Michael never left his room for an entire week. When his father went to check on him on Monday, Michael mumbled that he was sick. Richard then called his son's school to informed them that Michael would not be going to school that day because he was sick. Richard felt awfully bad for having been so busy the last few months, blaming himself for not being a good father. He stayed a while with his son to make sure he was OK, and after Michael had told him several times that he would be alright, Richard finally left him and went to work.

The second day, however, when Michael refused to get out of his bed, Richard called his office and informed his staff that he had a family emergency and would take the rest of the week off. He kept watched over his beloved son, trying to communicate with him. But at this point, Michael had shut down, and was not answering any questions.

Richard was not the only family member to worry for Michael. Kate basically never left her brother's room from Tuesday morning. After returning home early Monday morning, she had little time before preparing to go to school. This was the final stretch of the session after all. But when she got home that day and learned of her brother's condition, she basically never left his room. Although Richard, her father, insisted that she should go to her classes, that he would stay home and watch over his brother, he didn't insist much, knowing it was a loosing battle. He knew Kate loved her brother very much, and that nothing in the world could stop her from taking care of him, even if it meant starting over an entire year of college. Richard couldn't help but admire his daughter for having such unconditional love for her "little" brother.

All this love and affection seemed to have an effect on Michael, because on the third day, he finally got out of bed. It was only to take a shower, but this was a good sign for Richard and Kate. For Michael, however, it was only to try to get rid of the smell of urine he still had in his nose. He also brushed his teeth for 10 minutes before using mouthwash for another 5, trying to get rid of the taste of the cum and pussy juice of his own mother from his mouth. Unfortunately, what he was trying to get rid of was memories, not smell or taste.

The only person that was not happy with all the love and attention Michael was getting, was Rachel. Not because she didn't want her son to get better, no, her guilt was wearing her down more than ever, and she was blaming herself for her son's condition more and more. But this constant affection and attention never allowed her to talk to her son and make things right. She was afraid Michael would tell what she had done, and that her life, her life as she had always known it, would be over. She just needed a moment to speak to her son and make him understand that the most important thing was to protect and preserve the family.

This opportunity finally came on Saturday morning. After a whole week of attending to Michael, both Richard and Kate had other things to do at the same time. For Richard, it was taking care of a work-related emergency, and for Kate, it was taking a shower. Rachel knew she had a 10 minute window to talk to Michael.

She rushed to his bedroom and immediately started to ask him to promise to never talk about what had happened. That it would destroy their family and would only hurt everyone. That he needed to stop being selfish and start to think about others. She felt so rushed by the time that all the nice things she wanted to say to Michael was left out, and she soon realized it.

Realizing she had yet again made another mistake, she hugged her son and told him, again, how sorry she was. How much she loved him. She even said that whatever he wanted to do, she would support him. If he wanted her to admit to his father and sister what she did and how wrong she was, she would do it. She would do anything to make him right again.

Hearing Kate coming out of the shower, she told her son how much sorry she was, how much she loved him and how much sorry she was for putting him through all of this.

Unfortunately, for the mother and the son, and the entire family, after hearing his mother put so much pressure on him to save the family, Michael's mind shut down again. Michael was trying to see where he had failed, and he never really heard the rest of what her mother said. Once again, his eyes were lost and without light, almost without life. As Michael's brain was slowly processing the situation, Rachel looked at her son's face and his almost lifeless eyes. And she panicked.

The final Chapter begins


When Kate got out of the shower, she dried herself, put the tower around her body, and got out of the bathroom with the intention to go to her bedroom to dress-up, but when she got out of the bathroom, she saw her mother rushing out of her brother's room. She yelled to her mother: "What's wrong mom? Mom? Where are you going? How can you abandon your own son like this? What did you do to him?

Her mom never answered, never even looked back. Kate, feeling the worst, rushed to her brother's room, towel dropping in the process. When she got inside her brother's room, she saw him with ghost eyes again. Crying, naked but not caring, her love for her brother being so strong, she knelt, took her brother's hand in her own and ask:

"Tell me, please, what is wrong with you. I'm your sister, I will always love you and protect you. But please, talk to me little brother!"

As she was crying, she felt her brother squeezed her hand, looked up, crying, and heard here beloved brother say: "Mommy, I would never tell what you did to me, I need you, I love you mommy"


After misspoken to my son, again, and having Kate called me out, I now know my life as it is now over. I must face the truth and finally take responsibility for my decisions, and deal with it.

Maybe my life is with Collin after all. I know I said to Michael that I would never seen him again, but I miss him. I miss the sex, and the last week I had just have proved me I could, no I deserve better.

After leaving the house, Rachel drove for hours, thinking about life, the past and the future. Maybe Michael, Kate and Richard would be better without her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make amend with her son. It seems that every time she talked to him, she only made things worse. Seeing him like that again, almost as if he was already dead, she didn't think she could ever go back.

After thinking about it for several more hours, Rachel decided that she would leave it all behind, all her family. Her son, Michael, her daughter, Kate, and her husband, Richard. Her only way forward was with Collin. This was the best way to move forward, for everybody.

I drove to my lover's house, well his parent's house, and was excited to tell him I was leaving my family to be with him, and only him. I pulled over at my lover's house and was happy to see it was empty. This meant Collin was home alone and would be happy to see me.

I knocked, and after a minute, my Collin answered the door.

"Yeah, what do you sell?" Answered Collin.

"Collin, babe, it's me, I'm leaving my family for you!" I answered.

"Sorry bitch, who are you?" Said Collin.

Wanting to please him, I answered.

"I'm the dickhead's mother, your nasty little MILF"

"Oh yeah, the whore, I no longer need you, get lost, old fucking fart!" said Collin.

"Collin, babe, why are you saying this, don't you love me?" I replied.

"Love you? Why would I love you? I mean, you are a monster in bed, but why would I want you as my girlfriend?" Replied Collin.

"But Collin, I'm abandoning my family for you. I'm abandoning my son for you!" I confessed.

"Good, that's what he deserves. But honestly, I don't know what else I can do to the little dickhead. And what you did to him, it was way beyond anything I could have imagined or hope for. So now, do me a favor and just fuck-off! Or maybe I should have said, piss-off? Get it? Piss!" Answered Collin.

And with a cruel laugh, Collin slammed the door shut.

At that time, I finally understood. Collin was only using me to hurt my son. And my son got hurt a lot, and I played a part in it. A big part. Probably the biggest.

Not knowing what to do, I went back to my car and started to drive around. I decided to go to a shopping mall parking lot just so I could stop and think. How did it come to this?

At first, I betrayed my own son, morally at least, by having sex with his bully.

Having spent most of my life having so many sexual fantasies in my head, but never once having the courage or the guts to make any of them a reality, this taboo situation was just too irresistible for me. And Collin had made it so easy for me, I didn't even have a chance to back down this time. And once I finally had crossed that line, I just decided to keep feeding this sex fantasy I was finally having in real life.

But it had gotten worst. The taboo element of cheating, and with my son's bully, started to feel better and better, and I wanted more. So, every time Collin would get in trouble, I would take his defense, betraying my own son even more in the process. I even made sure my husband couldn't get involve in the situation to ensure it would continue.

Oh Michael, how much must you have suffered because of this? Because of me? Because I was weak and only thinking about me and my sexual needs? I am so sorry.

Then I took pleasure in hearing all the different ways Collin was bullying my son at school. All the humiliation, all the abuses, both psychological and physical. My son got really hurt in the process. Hearing Collin telling me this while we were having sex was providing me pleasure, satisfaction. I would always ask him to stop hurting my son once the sex was over, but I never really meant it.

I even eventually suggested to Collin some things to say to my own son that I knew from being his mother would really hurt him. What mother would do that? And then, when Collin asked me to trick my own son so that we could have sex in front of him, just to further torture him and humiliate him, I accepted without really protesting. I even wanted to do it, even maybe more than Collin himself. That is probably why, when we actually did it, I did so much worse things to my son that was originally planned.

I drugged my own son to deliver him, defenseless, to his tormentor. I helped my secret lover to put him in my car and we drove to his house. We both took my unconscious son to my secret lover's bedroom and put him on a chair. We used strong duct tape to immobilize him and make sure he couldn't go nowhere. We waited for the drug to wear off so my son could wake up, slapping him a few times in the face to make it happen faster, just so he could witness his own mother having sex with his worst enemy, his bully and tormentor.

And then I had the most raw and savage sex with Collin. I did things many women would never do. I did everything, sucking, rimming, anal, anything Collin wanted. All this time, Collin was insulting my son, saying degrading things to him and hurtful things. After a while, I started doing that as well. Saying things that would be hurtful for anybody to ear, but coming from your very own mother, must make it so much more painful and traumatizing for a child.

And it got even worse. Collin decided he wanted to pee on my son. I never really tried to stop him from doing it. I even recorded the whole thing to let my lover re-live the moment whenever he wanted in the future. Then I realized my bladder was pretty full as well, so I decided to pee on my son as well. But having watched so much porn to feed my fantasies, I had a different idea. I pushed my son so he would be on his back, his head would be on the ground, and I opened his mouth and peed right inside of it. I told Michael to swallow, to drink all my pee. When I saw that he did, that he swallowed everything, I just continued, filling his mouth, telling him to swallow, and filling it again. I don't know how many times I filled his mouth, but I know it was many, many times, because when we got home later that night, Michael got sick and all the pee, my pee, he had swallowed came out, and the volume that came out was enormous, scary even.

After feeding my own son all that pee, I went back to Collin and we resume our fuck session, almost forgetting my son at that point. But when Collin came inside of my pussy, filling me up with his cum, I remembered my son. I went back to him and started rubbing my cum-filled pussy on his face, ordering him to "clean-up mommy". When my son started to do exactly that, I was surprised at first, but then just started to enjoy it. No one had ever licked my pussy so well, so good. Cleaning me up completely, Michael continued to eat my pussy. It was so good that he gave me the strongest, the biggest orgasm of my entire life.

But then, when we drove home, I saw him, I saw his face, I saw how he looked. I saw a young man, my sweet 18-year-old boy, completely shattered. I think for me, having spent most of my life having fantasies, I thought once it's over, it's over! Like when after I had masturbated, thinking of different scenarios depending on the fantasy I was currently obsessing over, life resumed without any consequences. I think I was expecting this to happen for my son as well. I thought after I would have explained to him that this was just a fantasy, not really the "real" life, we would both move on, and no harm was done to anyone.

I now realized how stupid and silly this was. What you do in real life have consequences in real life. And when you do things to others, bad things, it has consequences to them as well.

I must face reality. I must stop thinking only about myself, feeling sorry, never satisfy with what I have, always wanting more, or something different. If I wanted to experiment and try different things in my sex life, I had a husband I could have talk to.

My husband. My dear Richard. I was married to a verry attractive man, a very successful man. A man with principles, a man who knows how to stand-up for himself. A man who was a good husband, and the best father. Father of two wonderful children. Kate, who is just like her father in so many ways, and Michael, who is like me in so many ways. My god Michael! Michael who is so much like me, shy and introverted, like I was. I could have spent so much time trying to help him to get out of his shell since I went through the same hardships growing up. Instead, I have spent countless hours in my head, in a fantasy world, living a life that was just a dream.

I must stop dreaming. Now. I must start living, full-time, in the real world, live a real life, my real life. I have such a wonderful life too, probably better than most people have on this earth. Why did I spend so much time in a fictional, fantasy world? It stops now!

With a new perspective, a fresh look at her life, Rachel finally made a good decision. With resolve, she started her car and drove home.

When she arrived home, it was 8:00 o'clock at night. Rachel had been gone for almost half a day. And when she parked her car, she couldn't park in the driveway because it was already full.

Several hours earlier


Seeing her mother fleeing like that, Kate immediately got scared for her brother. Realizing her mother was not going to tell her anything, she rushed into her brother's room, not even realizing the towel she had wrapped around her body after getting out of the shower, fell to the floor. At first, she thought Michael was dead. But after taking his hand in hers, she realized he was still breathing.

Kate desperately started to talk to her brother, trying to break through whatever fog his mind was lost in. When Michael finally answered, Kate felt a cold chill run through her, as Michael said to her ""Mommy, I would never tell what you did to me, I need you, I love you mommy!"

A cascade of various emotions ran through Kate. At first, she was relieved that Michael was talking, then, she was confused about what he had said. Finally, the anger she had felt deep down inside of her towards her mother all week-long came back, stronger than ever before.

Kate couldn't understand why her mother was behaving like she was all week. Her own son was sick, barely eating, speaking, or moving, for an entire week, and yet, she barely went to check on him the entire time. The only reason why Kate never confronted her mother about this was because of the deep, strong looks of worries her mother had. She had never seen her mother like this before, so she assumed it was her way of dealing with her son's mysterious illness. But she was never fully convinced of this, and she always suspected something might have happened involving her.


When Michael's mind fully returned to him, he saw his sister holding his hand, kneeling besides his bed, crying. After a few minutes, coming to his senses, he said to his sister: "Sorry about what I said, I was confused and half-asleep Kate"

Hearing her brother's voice, Kate looked-up at him and asked him "what did you mean by what mom did to you? What happened Michael? You have to tell me."

Troubled by the situation, Michael was torn. He wanted to tell his sister the truth. He had never kept any secrets from her. He wanted to tell her sister the horrible things their mother had done to him. Michael had also figured out that, for months, their mother was having an affair with his classmate that have been bullying him at school.

And if half of the things they said while he was strapped on that chair while they were having sex was true, his own mother was responsible for at least half the things that was done to him by his bully and his friends. And why the school had stop intervening to help him or prevent them. She was protecting him.

But he also loved his mother very much. And she had told him she loved him, that this was all just a mistake, that it would never happen again. Part of him wanted to believe this, needed to believe this. Michael wanted to put everything behind him, forget it and resume a normal life. And had her mother not told him, on several occasions, how it was important for him to not tell his father what had happened, he would have been able to do it. He would have been able to put it behind him, somehow, and move forward.

Truth is, Michael never had any intention to tell his father about this. He loved his mother too much. But he loved his sister maybe just as much, and he wasn't sure he could keep the truth from her. Lying to Kate weighed heavily on him. He wanted to protect his mother but didn't think he could keep the truth from his sister.

So, while trying to reassure his sister that he was fine, he made his decision. The only decision he could make in this situation. The only way out of this nightmare that just wouldn't stop.


Having to deal with work issues was not unusual for Richard. He always hated it, but he did it because it was his responsibility. Richard was working a lot, maybe too much he thought sometimes. But he also wanted to provide the absolute best for his family. Both his children were the absolute center of his universe. He also loved Rachel with all his heart. When he first met her, he was literally stunned by her beauty. She was, and still is in his eyes, the most beautiful woman in the world.

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