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Mother Fantasy, Son's Downfall


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"Of course, mom, I'm sorry, oh.... that's not what I meant..."

"Something wrong?" Please just go to sleep

"I don't know, I feel light headed all of a sudden, like the room is spinning or something..."

As Rachel was sitting on her son's bed, she watched, smiling from ear to ear, as her son started to lose conciseness. Soon, Michael fell asleep and fell on the ground, victim of the effect of the drug his mother has just gave him.

- Good night sweetie!

Rachel picked her phone and called her secret lover, her son's bully: "He's ready, come here quick and help me get him in my car. This will be good!".

Michael's worst nightmare begins

When Michael woke up, two hours later, he was sitting on a wooden chair. He was also incapable of moving. Still trying to clear his mind from the fog, he realized he was taped to the chair, his arms taped to his body on both sides.

- Ah, if it isn't dickhead finally waking-up

- Shit Collin, this is too far, even for you, and what have you done with my mom?

- I'm right here sweetie.

Michael watched as his mom walked from behind Collin to go stand next to him, putting her arm around his waist sensually. She was wearing this very provocation and revealing white lingerie.

"Mom? What's going on?" I asked.

"Shut up dickhead. Your mother just got tired of you and finally decided to let you know." Said Collin.

"Now, now, baby, don't be mean. We are just here to show to my son how fun we have together." Said my mother.

"That's right, fun we've been having four 4 long months. Isn't it right Rachel?" Said Collin.

"That's true baby, four long months of the most satisfying sex ever." Said my mom.

"And all the while you helped me bully your stupid dickhead son." Added Collin.

"Collin, stop this." Replied my mom.

"Why? Isn't it true that everything I did to your son, I always tell you while we fuck, giving you the best orgasms? That hearing how I would humiliate and beat-up your son, always pushed you over the edge, giving you squirting orgasms?" Said Collin.

"Collin, stop." Said my mom in an unconvinced voice.

"Say it, say you love it when I tell you how I beat him up, that the more I bully him and tell you about it, the more powerful your orgasms are. Say it Rachel!" Insisted Collin.

"It's true, yes, I admit it" Admitted my own mother.

"Mom?" I squirmed.

"Shut-up dickhead. You're not here to, talk but to watch. And if you think I'm lying, just wait until you see your mom in action."

"Mom?" I asked, agonizing.

"Hush sweetie, it's OK." Silenced my own mother.

Before going to Collin's bed, Rachel walked towards her son and whispered in his ear: "It's ok sweetie, don't worry. This is just sex. Mommy will explain everything later. I still love you, but this is something that I need. Just watched and try to enjoy."

Rachel then kissed her son on the cheek and languorously walked toward her lover's bed.

Michael's nightmare worsens

The next 40 minutes that followed was pure depravity. Michael had no choice but to watch his own mother have the wildest sex with his worst enemy. He watched his mother sucked on his bully's dick, gulping every inch, swallowing is balls, even licking his ass whole. They fucked, in every position imaginable, some Michael haven't even seen in porn before. He saw his mother getting penetrated from every angle possible, being only a mere 2 feet away from the bed. And they were obviously putting a show for him, changing position frequently but always making sure they were showing the best (or worst) to him.

Even if he wanted to close is eyes to try to escape this supreme painful and emotional hell, the continuous taunting of Collin's didn't allow him. Worst, if at first only Collin was talking and his mother was only moaning, soon she started to laugh at Collin's insults directed at him. She eventually started the insults her own son herself, telling degrading things to her own son, her own flesh and blood.

Through this, they occasionally stopped to drink water from bottles that were on one table next to the bed. They were fucking hard, sweating, and obviously needed rehydration. Eventually Collin stopped and said he needed to pee. "Fuck, this gives me an idea". Getting off his bed, Collin grabbed his phone.

"Here, would you film this for me?" Asked Collin.

"What are you gonna do with this, I don't want you to post this on the web Collin!" Answered Rachel.

"No, don't worry dear, this is just for me, for my own personal amusement." Said Collin.

"Promised?" asked Rachel.

"Sure babe!" answered Collin.

"Alright then, this could be fun." Said Rachel, the mother of Michael.

Giggling like a schoolgirl, Rachel took Collin's phone and started filming her son. She saw how sad and desperate he was, but in her current state, this only make her feel more hornier, more excited. "Come on Collin, hope your bladder is full!"

And it was. Collin approached Michael, who couldn't move, even if he was trying his hardest to scramble, to get away, knowing what was coming, which only made Rachel laugh. Being a smaller guy, skinny, and not very strong, he was barely able to make the chair move at all. Hearing his mother's laugh, knowing she was laughing at him, the first hot stream of hot, yellow piss hit him right in the face.

Collin emptied his bladder on Michael, aiming first for his face then moving to his chest. By the end of it, Michael was completely soaked. Although he had his mouth and eyes closed, some pee went inside his nose, and he could taste the salty liquid in his mouth. The worst part about this experience however, by far, was hearing his own mother giggling, then laughing, then encouraging his bully to piss on him. When Collin had emptied his bladder, a part of Michael sanity, and even perhaps his soul, had also left him.

When Michael was sure this humiliation was over, he lowered his head down, completely broken. While his head was down, he heard the worst thing he could have imagined, he heard his own mother say: "My turn".

Michael' nightmare worsens even more

Lifting his head, he saw Collin sitting on his bed, he saw his mother handing him his phone, he saw his mother getting up while looking at him straight in his eyes, with an evil smile on her face. He saw his mother slowly walking towards him, clearly having the best time of her life. Very slowly, as if to maybe make this last for as long as possible, or maybe simply because she was enjoying this so much, Rachel walked towards her own son. Rachel then lifted her right foot, placed it on her son's right shoulder, and putting all her weight on it pushed on her son, making the chair he was trapped on tilt backward and fall to the ground.

Having his arms taped to each side of his body, Michael had no way to protect himself from the fall. His head hit the floor with a loud thud, knocking him out half unconscious. Not realizing it, or just not caring, Rachel then walked towards the head of her son and kneel, putting her knees on both side of his head.

"Make sure you get this, I think you are going to like this." Said Rachel.

Rachel then inserted two, then tree fingers in her soaking pussy, for a short moment, she fingered herself, ensuring her fingers would get covered in her own pussy juice. When Rachel was satisfied that her fingers were sufficiently covered, she used her other hand to grab the chin of her son, and using her pussy juice covered fingers, opened her son's mouth.

In his current mind of semi-consciousness, Michael was like a doll. You could have done anything to him, he would have offered no resistance. To make things even worse, the little part of his mind that was still somewhat conscious, was basically shattered by the event of the last hour.

Rachel, still holding her son's mouth open with her soaked wet fingers, used her other hand to open her vagina and prepared to pee, aiming directly at her son's mouth. A weak jet of hot, yellow piss came out, splashing the face of Michael a little, but most of it ended-up in his mouth. The stream of piss soon became stronger and was filling Michael's mouth quickly. Reaching its full potential capacity, even overflowing a little, Rachel forced herself to stop peeing.

"Come-on sweetie, swallow for mommy." Said Rachel.

Not really aware of what was happening to him but hearing the voice of his mother that he loved so much, and feeling his mouth filled, Michael swallowed everything.

"That's a good boy, want more? Here it comes sweetie." Said Rachel.

Looking up at Collin, who was jerking himself while pointing the phone at them, Rachel told him, for the second time, to "make sure you get all this". Rachel then reopened her son's mouth, and let herself go and the flow of piss started again. Once again, she aimed it directly at her own son's mouth, but this time she stopped herself before she overflowed his mouth.

"Swallow sweetie." Said the voice of a once loving mother.

Again, Michael gulped down another mouthful of his own mother's piss. Reopening her son's month again, Rachel filled it up again.

"Swallow sweetie" said Rachel

This sick and twisted game went on and on. If Collin needed to go when he stopped, then Rachel must have been on the verge of having her bladder burst, because she kept filling her son's mouth with her pee, every time instructing him to swallow everything. This went on for long, several minutes, and Rachel, sadistically, ensure that, aside from the flew droplets that splashed her son's face with the first jet, everything else that came out of her afterward ended up in her son's belly.

When she was done, had Michael been naked, and being so skinny, Rachel could have seen the roundness of his belly, his stomach being completely full of pee. Would she had cared? In her current sex-crazed state, nothing could be less certain.

Rachel then moved back a little, getting on all four, took her son's face in both her hands, looked-up at the phone to make sure Collin was still recording this, looked back down straight in the eyes of her son, and said:

"That's right Michael, you are a toilet now, you fucking dick-head!"

She then violently spat in her son's face.

Michael's nightmare reaches its darkest point

Hearing Collin laughing hard, Rachel felt really good about herself. She got up and said to him: "Oh fuck, that was so fun, please fuck me now Babe, make me cum again".

Rachel then joined her lover on his bed and they resumed their savage, animalistic and raw fuck session. For all the bad things these two had done, one thing they were good at, was fucking. They fucked for another 30 minutes before Collin emptied himself inside Rachel, filling her up with a massive load of cum. For a couple of minutes, they both rolled on their backs to regain their composure, breathing heavily. Michael, who by now had regained his full awareness, could remember now everything her mother had done to him while almost passed out. His mouth tasted like pee and he could feel discomfort in his belly, caused by his stomach being full of his mother's pee. Michael just wanted for this nightmare to end.

Because he could remember everything, he was not surprised when he heard his mother say: "Grab that phone again babe, I just had another idea".

Still being on his back, feeling a lot of pain in his entire body from the position he had been in for so long, Michael felt another part of his sanity, and again perhaps even his soul, leave him. He was now a broken man. Fully aware, but with no will power left. He just awaited for his next torment to start so it could finally be over. Michael knew full well what was coming.

At the same time, Collin grabbed his phone and started recording. Rachel got up from the bed, squeezed her pussy shot, putting her hand to her pussy, keeping Collin's load of cum from leaking out, and quickly walked towards her son. Kneeling again at the head of her son, she placed her knees on both side of his head, just like she did before. Still holding her pussy close, she said to her son:

"Here comes desert sweetie, please, be a good boy and make mommy happy, clean me-up good son."

She then placed her pussy right above her son's face, removed her hand and started grinding her pussy on her son's face. At first, she was just grinding herself on her son's face, allowing the cum to leak out and cover his face. But soon she realized Michael's was actually doing what she had told him. He was actively licking out her pussy. Rachel stopped her movement and placed her cum filled pussy right above her son's mouth. She then let out a loud moan as Michael immediately started licking her pussy, inserting his tongue as deep as he could inside her wet, cum filled cunt, helping the cum to come out. Rachel felt that her son was actually swallowing it. This lasted for several minute, until Rachel finally reached her last, final orgasm of the day. She had such a powerful orgasm that she squirted all over her son, incapable to control her body, trembling and almost passing out. This had been, without a doubt, the strongest orgasm she had felt throughout this experience. And it was one that her own son had given her.

All the time Rachel was reaching what was perhaps the strongest, most powerful orgasm of her entire life, feeling her own son eating her pussy like no man, not his father, her husband, not even Collin, her lover, had ever done before, the one thing she couldn't feel was the tears coming out of her son's eyes. Even though Michael was doing his best effort, giving everything, pushing through pain to please his mother, he felt no joy, no excitement doing so. This was the action of a man pushed way beyond his limits, a man broken, a man with his spirit shattered by his own mother, the person he loved the most in the world. The person he always believed would be there for him, be there to love him, and protect him.

The aftermath


It was Saturday night and Rachel was driving home with her son, Michael, after what was, without a doubt, the most intense, raw and satisfying sex experience of her life. Even after a lifetime of fantasies, she never imagined she could reach this level of sexual pleasure. And the highest point of all was her own son giving her the strongest orgasm of her entire life.

Despite all that, Rachel was not feeling good. What was for her just a sexual fantasy, something she wished all her life she could fulfilled, she never intended to hurt anyone, especially not her own son, who she perhaps loves more than anyone in the world. Rachel had convinced herself that what she planned to do, what she did, which was ten times more than what was planned, wasn't hurting anyone. Even if she knew her son would be the target of her lover, his bully, she convinced herself that she was doing this, in part, for him. Because Collin, her lover, had promised he would stop bullying her son, she convinced herself that this was a win-win situation for everyone.

But now, driving with her sweet boy, her Michael, in this car that was now filling-up with foul odor, smelling of strong urine, sweat and sex, seeing her son in his current state, zombie like, his eyes dead, all tucked to his side of the car, opposite her, trying to stay as far away from her as he could, she had tears scrolling down her face from her eyes.

"It's OK, sweetie, it's over, everything is fine now."

When deciding to go through with this, at least the part that was originally planned, Rachel had convinced herself that she could explain everything to her son afterwards, that everything would be OK. But now, she couldn't come up with any rational explanation for what she had done to her son.

Part of Rachel's mind thought this would be like all the fantasies she had throughout her life. Once the moment is gone, real life takes over and you just move-on. She thought, or convinced herself, that this would be no different. Once this fantasy would be over, normal life would resume, without real consequences. There were never any consequences with her fantasies in the past, why would be any different?

And so, she drove home, mostly in silence. She knew her daughter wouldn't be home for the entire weekend, and she hoped her husband would come home as late as possible, to give her time to think and try to come-up with a plan.

As they arrived home, she got out of the car and waited for Michael to come out as well. Michael wasn't moving, however. So, she walked to his side of the car and opened the door.

"Come on sweetie, let's get you clean-up and just let's go to sleep. I promise, mommy will make it all better tomorrow, mommy will explain everything. I love you so much sweetie. "Said Rachel

Slowly, Michael looked up into his mother's face.


"Yes sweetie, it's me. Everything is fine now; this was just a bad dream. It's all over. I promise, by tomorrow, mommy will always be there for you sweetie, just for you, please get out of the car. Please forgive me sweetie. I love you so much baby!"

Hearing his mother call him "baby" reminded Michael the way she was affectionately calling his bully, Collin, "Babe". The slight ray of brightness, of hope, he momentarily had in his eyes vanished instantly, and Rachel understood it perfectly.

"Please Michael, sweetie, just get out of the car. Your father could get home at any moment, let's just get you clean and go to bed, we will figure it out tomorrow, mommy promise." Said Rachel.

Rachel saw a resigned Michael get out of the car. After taking a few steps however, she saw him struggle to keep his balance. She saw him looking from side to side before quickly walking to the side of the garage. Putting his hand on the side of the wall of the garage, Michael then vomited violently. A strong gush of yellow liquid was violently expulsed from his body. The force was so great that Michael's mouth was forced to open as wide as it physically could. Then a second, similar jet of yellow liquid followed, then a third. When it was done, a total of 5 giant, powerful streams of vomit had come out of Michael's mouth, forming a huge pool of liquid on the driveway's pavement. A Pool, Rachel realized, of her own pee.

Life after the nightmare


After undressing Michael, putting his clothes in the washing machine, and starting a cycle, Rachel helped her son take a shower. Finally, she helped her son to his bed. Rachel then took a shower herself and went to bed. When her husband finally came home, she was still wide awake. Richard, the ever-loving husband he had always been, hugged his wife while she was pretending to sleep, got under the cover, and whispered, "sorry I have to work so much honey, you deserve much better than this" and fell asleep almost immediately. Rachel, however, was never able to sleep that night. All she could do was think about what she had done to her son, and hearing the whispering words of her husband, how stupid and selfish she had been.

The next morning, Sunday morning, Richard stayed in bed until 10 AM. Rachel was up by 6 however. She tried to keep busy, doing different things, but always remaining close to her son's bedroom. When it was 9 AM, she gathered her courage and went inside her son's bedroom to check on him.

"How are you doing this morning sweetie? Are you hungry? Mommy can make you anything you want." Asked Rachel

"Why did you do it mom?" Asked Michael

Rachel, hearing her son asked this, burst into tears instantly. She hugged him and told him:

"I don't know, sweetie, mommy was stupid and selfish. I was unhappy and made a mistake. Can you forgive me? This will never happen again. I promise you. I Love you so much sweetie. The important thing now is to keep our family together, you understand that, right? I promise you I will never see him again. I love you more than anything sweetie. But you can't tell anything to your father. I'm so sorry, I promise I will amend myself to you. I will be the best mother, I swear. Just don't talk and everything will be alright."

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