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Mothers and Daughters Ch. 31


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She whispered into Vickie's ear merely:

"I don't know if you noticed but there is a Comfort Inn across the street from the mall."

As the atmosphere had produced an ambience of sensuous pleasure, Vickie had fallen into a sexual spell. She was enjoying the experience of finding herself in a dream like euphoric state. Vera's suddenly uttered unmistakable invitation for sex jolted Vickie back to reality. Since Vera's remark was on the surface somewhat cryptic, Vickie wished to reply in kind, if only to match Vera's apparent sophistication and nonchalance.

So she said:

"Yes I saw it when we pulled into this mall. Why don't I spring for the room; it will be my treat."

Ever the frugal one Vera acquiesced:

"OK then! Let me finish up with Isabel and we can walk to the motel. There is no point in moving the Bentley."

To this Vickie merely agreed:


As both women were highly successful professionals they were quite adept at compartmentalizing. When the dance ended, they changed from being visibly intimate and enamored of each other to affect a demeanor of aloofness and detachment similar to their comportment when they entered the dance studio/hall.

Vera then said to Isabel:

"Isabel, I am an accountant, and although I live in Chicago, I do have a branch office here in Dallas. I think you are the most competent dance instructor especially of the tango I've ever met. I think with proper financing and some business innovations I have in mind you should have no trouble becoming successful. I've got your business card and here is mine. I will be in touch with you shortly with a business proposal which I hope will be to your liking."

Sensing that her ship miraculously was coming in, Isabel could only utter:

"Oh thank you Ms Starikovich. Thank you! Thank you!"

"Vera please just call me Vera, I think we shall become friends. I will be in touch and thank you for your wonderful lesson."

Vera and Vickie then left, and walked at a steady pace. They exuded confidence in their gait as they exited Isabel's premises. They walked in a sensual unmistakable feminine mode: their rear ends subtly wiggling to the sway of their hips. Although their progress was sexually alluring enough to automatically induce erections to any red blooded male witness; still their walking proceeded in a high class style that would negate any prudish objections suggesting a lack of decorum.

They traversed the parking lot to the sidewalk, and reached the main adjacent intersection to cross the street. They trooped majestically and self assuredly along the sidewalk to the entrance of the motel and found the lobby to book a room. Vera and Vickie's journey produced a jaw dropping sight indeed! It was not that they marched or walked briskly, but instead progressed relentlessly with a deliberate bounce in their step, which prompted wonder on the part of anyone who saw them. In addition passers-by noticing them could not help but be intrigued by their pulchritude complemented by their evening attire. All in all it was a spectacle not usually seen during daylight at an ordinary commercial area setting.

If the lobby staff had any qualms about processing the registration of a room for two women appearing in semi-formal clothes, and possessing no luggage they betrayed no such trepidation in their action. They were trained in the credo of their business: 'a customer who has the wherewithal to pay for a room is a customer to be welcomed.' As a result the registration was briskly concluded and Vera and Vickie found themselves in their room without any undue delay.

Once in the room the women abandoned their public neutral professional demeanor and wordlessly started undressing. Once naked, unceremoniously leaving their newly purchased clothes on the floor where they had been dropped, Vera and Vickie climbed upon the bed. Lying side by side they started kissing. They kissed earnestly and with passion. Considering their spontaneity in commencing their sexual activity, it was surprising that their kissing wasn't frantic. Instead the kissing was conducted at a slow measured pace that allowed for each of their passion to unfold like petals off a blooming flower.

Vickie was in uncharted waters as simple long drawn kissing had not ever been a major factor in her previous sexual experience. Certainly kissing was almost always an integral part of foreplay but such activity had never engaged her mind to savor the simple pleasure available. Thus she was pleasantly surprised at how intensely erotic kissing Vera proved to be. Then again she reasoned in her mind, that considering how attracted she was drawn to Vera by merely dancing with her it should not be that surprising to find the simple kissing so pleasurable. At this point her sentient mind shut down obeying an intuitive command that she should just enjoy and not continue to analyze her feelings.

For her part, Vera was deliberately prolonging the kissing as she was in no hurry to achieve an orgasm. During that second dance she could sense that Vickie would be a very satisfactory lover. She did not know how she knew this but she believed it to be as true as if someone had reported it backed by factual evidence. In her view, with few exceptions, most of the lovers of her sexual experience subjected her to abysmally poor quality of love making. That being the case she did not want to short change herself but take full of advantage of the opportunity of superior sex with Vickie.

As the kissing intensified, the passion of each woman intensified. Soon both of them were groaning and moaning from their throats and their bodies started shivering. Both actions were involuntary; an instinctive reaction from the fiery lust coursing throughout their blood stream. Finally the women resorted to mutual masturbation as an automatic progression from their kissing.

They each had one arm wrapped around their partner's body to secure the side by side embrace. With the hands of the other arm, they joined the fingers together to form a spear. With such manual spear they invaded each other's vagina. Mutual masturbation was by definition different than self masturbation, but to achieve sexual satisfaction the same technique principles apply. To this end each woman progressed in the tempo of their manual manipulation, but while maintaining their lips locked.

Their mutual actions inevitably led to mutual simultaneously occurring orgasms. Their orgasms were so intense that they squirted against each other. They finally ended their kissing to allow for orgasmic induced screaming. When they finished screaming, they held on to each other tightly as they started hyperventilating. Finally they calmed down and started breathing fairly normally, but still held on to each other enjoying the experience of their afterglow. They had not yet exchanged a word since entering the room; but still they managed to commence a second sexual clinch.

Almost as if obeying telepathic communication, they separated their bodies to allow Vera to lie flat on her back. Vickie then sprawled on top of her to commence a sixty-nine oral love making. As each woman had not washed and cleaned their genitalia, a pungent odor emanating from that source was the inevitable result; being pregnant, Vera's odor was most powerful. Such smells though was not a deterrent to the enjoyment of their mutual cunnilingus as a burning passion had completely taken hold of each woman's mind. In reality each woman reveled in the sexual scent of each other.

In addition to the odor, each woman's vagina was soaked from the female juices produced from the previous manual manipulation. Each woman delighted in slurping up the genital moisture; the taste of it was mind blowing. To augment the pleasures of the tongue action each woman fisted the other's rectum. Each woman's resultant orgasms were exquisite in its ecstasy; although this time the women were not compelled to scream. Instead they were subject to merely enduring forceful hyperventilation being the only vocal reaction from their climaxes. This time they separated immediately after the completion of their sex act and ended up lying side by side as they experienced the afterglow.

Vickie was the first to snap into reality. She had been mulling over the fact that her instincts while dancing with Vera at Isabel's premises were spot on. In addition to determining to start an affair with Johnny Whitaker, she desired Vera to be in her future sex life as well. There was something about making love to Vera that was a delightful experience she did not wish to deny herself.

Accordingly she uttered the first spoken words in the room:

"Vera that was awesome and I want more of it. It is unfortunate that I live in Atlanta while you live in Chicago as it makes an affair problematic. I believe, though that we can still get together occasionally as our busy schedules may permit. I would like that and I would be satisfied with that."

For her part, Vera was shocked at how much she had enjoyed this tryst with Vickie. The intensity of her pleasure was not something she had expected when she had acquiesced in having sex with Vickie. In the past few weeks she was getting used to the idea that Lajos Kiraly was not Mr. Right after all. In addition she suspected that Natasha was not interested in continuing their incestuous relationship, at least not on a regular basis, if Lajos truly remained out of the picture.

Thus Vickie's proposal was most welcome, and so Vera replied:

"Yes I would like that as well. I'm sure we can work something out to satisfy our needs."

Having gained satisfaction on that point, Vickie decided to settle another matter as she said:

"Great! Incidentally, I get the impression that you have in mind to provide capital and invest in Isabel's business with the view of forming a profitable venture. I would like to go halves with you on this. I obviously will have some spare cash to play with and I would like to make Isabel a success as well."

Vera was surprised at Vickie's interest since backing Isabel was a spur of the moment inspiration on her own part. She had no objection of course and she welcomed the spread of her own risk.

So she responded:

"OK Vickie. Not that I couldn't swing it by myself, still your participation will make it easier on me. Besides, our joint venture will make it easier to schedule further mutual meetings."

Having concluded satisfactorily these two issues, Vickie then suggested:

"I guess we ought to get back to the mansion. I think my mother needs our presence to soften the pain of keeping vigil over my father's last moments."

Vera merely replied:


Thereupon the women dressed and got back into the Bentley parked in the shopping mall lot. As they both resided in St Clair's mansion for the next twelve days until Vickie had to return to Atlanta; the women had lots of sex to consolidate their newly tentative sexual relationship.

After Vera and Vickie had left the mansion, Kristina had returned to John's bedroom to be with him. When Vera and Vickie returned, they took turns in spelling Kristina in her vigil. John St. Clair had very few lucid moments thereafter and he died just before noon the next day that Tuesday.

Kristina managed the funeral arrangements with customary efficiency; having cancelled the orgy at TLR for the upcoming weekend, she was able to concentrate on the funeral. The dignified funeral took place the ensuing Saturday and was well attended. The prominence of John William St. Clair ensured attendance by the cream of Texas society. Both Presidents Bush as well as current Governor Rick Perry were indeed amongst the mourners. St. Clair had been a strong friend and important supporter in Texas for the Bushes in their presidential campaigns. As for Gov Perry, St. Clair had been a powerful ally throughout the latter's Texas legislative career.

Kristina was a little apprehensive of the Governor's attendance. She was not absolutely sure but she had a vague recollection that the Governor had been a client when she operated her bordello, Capital Delights in Austin. He might even have been one of the many men Kristina had sex with during the time she became pregnant with Vickie, and thus might be the biological sire. To his credit, Kristina was certain that even if the Governor had been a client, he never frequented her establishment after he married. In any case, when they greeted each other at the funeral, to Kristina's relief, Gov Perry did not display any sign that he recognized her.

Kristina had no trepidation in greeting and meeting the former Presidents. Neither Presidents George H W or George W were on the scene in Austin during the period she operated her brothel so she was certain they had no knowledge of her. And of course her current position as a sex club proprietor was a safe secret, of which only members active in the swingers community had knowledge. Thus Kristina was safely pleased to meet the former Presidents and accept their condolences. The 43rd President graciously acknowledged John St Clair's importance in the Party. He expressed gratitude for John's fund raising efforts in his campaigns for Governor of Texas and subsequently for President of the United States.

As a result of DeGurse's sympathetic reporting of St. Clair's last days and the extraordinary transactions on the day before his death, all the attending mourners were predisposed to like Kristina. In that regard there were unmistakable intimations that social invitations would be forthcoming for Kristina after the conclusion of a suitable period of mourning. Kristina could only be grateful for the kindness. She wryly observed in her mind that she was about to lose the distinction of being the richest woman in America that was totally unknown to the general public. Although overwhelmingly grieving for the death of John, Kristina's sense of her sad loss was tempered by this new found respectability.

Kristina had cancelled the orgy at TLR; the first cancellation of an orgy in the club's twenty-two year history. Since those out-of-town scheduled attending orgy members had booked flights to Dallas, they opted to attend the funeral and pay their respects, rather than cancel their flights. And every TLR member residing in Texas made a point of attending as well.

A surprise mourner was Jed Baxter. Although he had not attended an orgy since he ended his affair with Vera, and returned to the arms of his wife, he had remained a dues paying member. Jed and Vera conspicuously avoided each other's company during the funeral and subsequent reception at the mansion where refreshments were served for the mourners.

As Kristina noticed the frosty interplay between them, she sidled up to Vera to question her feelings. Kristina knew of the affair and subsequent break-down but did not know the details. Naturally she was curious to be brought up to speed. To Kristina's inquiry, Vera blithely replied:

"Jed ended our affair to return to his wife and so has made his bed. I presume he has happily laid in it. I on the other hand have had other horizons to explore."

Vera was in no mood to elaborate, and so Kristina had no further explanation other than this terse comment.

Vera had on the morning of St. Clair's death, established her presence in her Dallas office. She set up a contact routine with her home office to prevail during her absence from Chicago. When she got the word of St. Clair's death she scheduled a meeting with Karen Schlagel to start the ball rolling in her capacity as executrix of St. Clair's Will.

The lawyer was pleased with Vera's competence as her reputation at the TLR would have suggested her to be a bimbo. Karen assured Vera that the Monday morning meeting sealed the deal of the authenticity of St. Clair's last Will and Testament and thus she could go ahead and manage the estate accordingly. In particular since the bequest to Chloe Hamilton was directed from a definite named source, Vera had the green light to contact Chloe and inform her of her good fortune. Actually it was preferable in the routine of the estate work that this bequest be dealt with as quickly as possible to lessen inheritance tax liability.

Vera obtained Chloe's contact number from Kristina, and the ensuing telephone conversation a few days after the death went as follows:


"Chloe Hamilton?"


"This is Vera Starikovich. I'm an accountant from Chicago..."

Chloe interrupted:

"Vera Starikovich? Vera Starikovich of the Texas Love Ranch fame?"

"Well yes I am a member...."

Chloe interrupted again:

"I've heard of you. You joined the TLR about two years after I did and apparently you've become a rival to my supposed supremacy as the sex goddess of the club. I've been intrigued to meet you but our paths never seemed to have crossed."

Vera replied:

"Yes well, I've heard of you too and I also have been curious to meet you. And we may meet soon although that is not why I called."


"You are aware of John William St. Clair the co-owner of the Texas Love Ranch?"

Knowing that Vera was a member of the TLR, and thus a player in her own mode, Chloe had no trepidation in being sexually explicit in their conversation. So she answered:

"Of course. He's a dear. Did you know I fucked him at the very first orgy I went to? He told me it was his first sex in fifteen years. It got his mo-jo going again since he participated in the Messalina Challenge, the contest at my special wedding reception at the TLR to determine which woman would become our third in my honeymoon with Randy. And I've heard he acquitted himself quite satisfactorily."

Vera replied:

"Yes, I just learned about this incident from Kristina and Vickie Vargas, and I think that explains what I going to tell you."

Chloe merely again uttered:


"John St. Clair died this past Tuesday morning about 11 AM Dallas time."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. He was a good guy, but he was pretty old so I guess it's not that unexpected."

Vera replied smugly as she detected condescension by Chloe' observation:

"Yes but believe it or not he had sex on the day before his death as he consummated his brand new marriage."

Chloe shrewdly replied:

"I had heard from my in-laws who are up-to-date of the goings on in the TLR community that his wife had died last fall. I suppose he married Kristina Vargas then. I understand that they been an item this past seven years or so. But wow! I'm impressed he was able to get it on the day before he died of old age. I presume he died naturally and not by accident."

"Yes he died as a result of cancer of the heart. However his libido did not desert him even at the very end."

"Wow that is awesome. When my time comes, I would also want to be fucking right up to my last breath."

The conversation was getting a little uncomfortable by that last observation, so Vera replied in a lighter tone:

"Yes well not only did John St. Clair marry Kristina Vargas and consummate the marriage but he also executed his Last Will and Testament. The Will named me as the executrix of his estate as I've been his accountant for the last few years. Now this is what will interest you the most Chloe; he bequeathed you 100 Kilo gold bars worth around an estimated five million dollars."

Chloe gasped:

"You're shitting me?"

"No really Chloe. I was present at his bedside when he allowed a video presentation to be made where he outlined the provisions of his Will. He ordered the video so as to provide solid evidence that he was of sound mind and capable of giving instructions freely made without any influence or coercion from anyone."

Chloe mischievously opined:

"Well I would think that the fact he could still fuck and presumably satisfy his new bride would be proof enough. But I suppose the fact he might have fucked Kristina the day before his death is a subject of gossip and therefore is not solid evidence of his mental capability."

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