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Movie Buffs Ch. 02

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Selena has the ultimate drive-in experience.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/04/2021
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All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez

(MF, Oral, Cons, Exhibition)

by MrMaxLord

Chapter 2: Science Fiction, Double Feature

"It's been WAY too long since I've been to a drive-in," Selena said. There was a genuine excitement in her voice. Throughout the years she'd been in show business, she'd been accustomed, for better or worse, to a certain standard when going to see a movie. It was either a huge star-studded premiere, the focus far more on the pomp and circumstance of the stars and who they were wearing or going to a normal movie theater and being crowded by fans to the point the movie once more takes a distant second to outside influences.

This was not to be the case tonight. When Sam brought the idea up to her she could barely contain the excitement. Selena had nothing but good memories connected to the few times she had gone to one. Just the unique feel. Being outside, the smell of nature mixed with the various unhealthy foods.

THE FOOD! How could she forget that? It was burnt into her mind with far more detail than the movies she had seen. It was so different than the usual movie fare. Sure, there were hot dogs, popcorn, candy and soda...but they also had french fries! And corn dogs! She even remembered one time she had cheese sticks at one. She couldn't wait.

Of course one of the big bonuses was doing the whole thing alongside Sam. Ever since they had decided to take things from friendly to a lot more it just seemed things got nothing but better. That was always the fun of a new relationship, discovering new things about the other. And that was always mixed with the two of them sharing films as well. That was still the center of it all. Cuddling up together and just watching something. Horror, documentary, slapstick comedy...it was all worth it. Even when it was a bad movie. It was something new to take in and enjoy together.

They'd been enjoying a great deal of things together. Films, television, books, even the recipes Selena had been learning on the cooking show she'd just wrapped on. She'd even let him into her house. To her, that was a sign of seriousness. Her home was the one private refuge she knew she had, and Selena had welcomed Sam in there just as happily as she had with her own body. She hadn't regretted it yet.

Selena certainly didn't feel a twinge of regret when she agreed to Sam's drive-in idea. Of course his own excitement for it helped. Selena found it so cute the movies they were to watch didn't matter much. But when he described them to her, she got excited as well.

The films were out of her usual comfort zone, two black and white science fiction films from the fifties. However when she actually looked the movies up, she found nothing but praise for The Day The Earth Stood Still and THEM!. Though from what Selena could pick up from the quick bit of research on the movies, there was no real connection between them aside from the genre they were in and the decade of release.

It didn't matter though. The whole thing just sounded like fun with someone who was quickly becoming her favorite person.

And if Selena could read minds she would have definitely sensed Sam felt the same way. Part of him was still in disbelief that a woman could be as perfect a package as Selena. Her beauty was almost too obvious to mention. It was a given. But she was funny an always ready to have a new experience and seriously more in love with film and music than he could have guessed. She was sharing new films with him now just as he had with her and the glee on her face at the idea was burned into his head from the purity of it.

"What the first thing you're going to get?" asked Sam, his car getting ever closer to promised land of outdoor movie-watching. "The snack bar is pretty stacked."

"A gigantic, and I mean GIGANTIC, slushie," Selena said. "Blue raspberry. And something spicy. Like nachos and cover them in hot sauce."

"What about some Flaming Hot Cheetos?" Sam asked, referring to what he had found to be Selena's absolute favorite snack. Junk food nirvana in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Pass." replied Selena. "Snack bars, if they even have chip stuff, always just has those snack size ones. That won't work for a double feature. Party size or bust."

"Then you're really going to like what I'm smuggling in the trunk."

"Get out!" Selena said, contagious glee in her voice. "Drive-In double features, amazing junk foo, gigantic slushies, Flaming Hot Cheetos and my man. This is the textbook definition of a perfect date night."

"So...I'm your man?"

"Well, I would have thought the past few weeks would have confirmed that," she said, smiling. "But, just to seal the deal and make it official..." Selena leaned over and kissed Sam on the cheek. "You're my man. I'm your woman. Officially."

Selena got a smile out of him, warm and comforting. It was a gesture she volleyed back before placing her hand on his thigh and giving him a gentle, loving squeeze. For a brief moment she thought about how quickly they'd gotten to this point. It would have made Selena take pause if not for the fact they'd known each other for a bit. They were long past the small take phase. They'd been talking about deeper matters far before they began sharing a bed. She knew his birthday and he hers. They talked about their families, growing up, hopes for the future, and the obvious thing that had brought them together, movies.

Watching films was still their thing. Sure, they'd gone out to dinner, stayed in for dinner, done all the normal date stuff. But still, it always went back around to getting on the couch and watching something together. Sharing something new with each other or retreating into a comfortable classic they both loved. It didn't always end in bed. Most of the time, it just ended with them snuggling tight together on the couch, enjoying the time together.

Despite it being a very different environment from the comfort of either of their homes, Selena knew they were most likely going to fall into the same pattern of snuggles, hugs and kisses. Just with an AMAZING snack selection. All under the stars. Or at least with the stars viewable through the windshield.

There was a bit of a nervous rumble in Selena's stomach when the car pulled up to the ticket booth. For some reason Selena was certain they'd check the trunk and see the contraband Sam was smuggling in. No such thing happened and relief washed over her.

Once they got in and started making their way to a free spot, Sam looked at her for a brief moment. "Okay, you're going to have to trust me on this."

"On what?" she asked.

"Our parking spot. There's...there's a unique place. No one really knows about it."

"Really?" Selena said, her intrigue obvious. It was a short trek via car up a hill to a row of empty spaces, of which Sam chose dead center. "Nice and secluded...I think I can see where this is going..."

"It's all on the up and up," he assured, his eyes going to her face to see a knowing smile being worn on it. "Well, mostly."

"Yeah, I'll bet." The couple exited the car and made a much longer trek down to the snack bar. Upon walking in, Selena saw the wide array of snack offered felt, right in that moment her eyes got bigger than her stomach and the selection of food they walked away with showed it. The slushie so gigantic free refills came with the deal, cheese sticks, gigantic soft pretzels with nacho cheese, popcorn, and french fries. It was a smorgasbord of junk and Selena couldn't wait to dig in.

Paying was quick affair, as were the few selfies Selena stopped to take with fans both behind and in front of the counter who asked. At first the whole thing seemed odd to Sam, despite knowing he was getting involved with a celebrity, but at this point he was used to it. He even found it endearing. Selena rarely said no and was never anything but the genuinely nice person she always was.

With the food situation all taken care of, the quick journey uphill to the car began. Once they had gotten back, Selena headed to the front seats, but was paused by Sam.

"Hold on and check this out," he said. They placed the food on the roof of the car and Selena stood back while Sam opened the back seat of the car.

The car itself was rather sizable, especially in the back seat area. She'd been with Sam on a grocery run once and was shocked at just how much food he was able to put in the backseat area. Not squeeze, but put in comfortably. Then with a couple quick movements the back seat area got even larger as both of the front seats collapsed forward.

"Makeshift foot stool and tables," he said. "For the food."

"Are you sure this isn't just some elaborate plan to get me in the backseat of your car?" Selena jokingly asked.

"Well, not that elaborate," he said, a smile and slight blush on his face.

"Well, at least you're honest. I like honesty." With the car now perfectly set up, they got comfortable, setting the car up perfectly. The food was placed right on the flat back of the folded over front seats of the car, the gigantic slushie in the cup holder and the radio on and picking up the drive-in audio.

As Sam and Selena settled in the backseat of the car, he had one more surprise for her.

"If you feel like going for something different than the all-natural flavor of blue raspberry," he said, going for a sectioned of cushion in between himself and Selena. He pulled it down, showing off an opening. "Have some cold Cokes in there. Pretty easy to grab. But if you want to go for the Cheetos you'll still need to open the trunk."

"Very nice." Selena replied. "I think I'll hold off on that until the intermission though."

With the snack schedule taken care of, the pair settled in, just as cozy and comfy as they would be at one of their homes. And just as with those movie viewings, they fell into familiar, wonderful habits. When the first film, THEM!, began the night truly began.

He held Selena's hand, her head was on his shoulder. She'd whisper compliments for the film as it went on. Gasp at certain parts.

"This is really good at building up tension," Selena said of the film. "The catatonic girl, mysterious footprints...that weird noise...it's so well done."

"Wait till you see the actual creatures," he said. "For the time, they're really impressive. Shot perfectly too."

"Can't wait," she said, kissing his cheek before bringing her drink's straw to her lips. She drank down the ice cold slush, the rush of cold making her feel amazing on a warm summer night. Then her hand released his and began to rest on his thigh. From there, things just got cozier.

Selena couldn't explain exactly what it was in the moment that was getting to her. It certainly wasn't the film. It was enjoyable. She loved it when a movie she had never seen before, especially older ones, got her attention. And while it did, her desire for Sam began to be a little distracting.

Maybe it was the new location. It did check off some things that did get her going. Selena wasn't a car girl by any means. She couldn't really tell a Ferrari from a Corvette without being told and she didn't know the engines inside and out. But she did find something about having sex in a car. It was just...there. A little bit of a kink. Being so enamored by who she was with she just had to have them on the spot. Sam had unknowingly added to this when he opened his car's sun roof just before the movie began. Selena also had a thing about sex outdoors and that open sunroof gave that desire just enough of a tease to get her started. Now, it was time to get Sam started.

She brought he lips to his neck, kissing him softly and getting a quick lick in before her lips moved up just in the slightest. While her mouth began a trail of sweet kisses on his neck to his lips, Selena's hands moved inwards on Sam's thigh, grasping his cock through his jeans.

"What are you up to?" Sam asked. Selena's first answer was planting a kiss on his lips. That would be enough, but Selena decided to give him a more verbal follow up.

"A little bit of fun," she said. Her hand hand moved to his zipper, clasping it between her fingers and pulling it down. "Isn't this the classic drive-in experience? Start to watch the movie...but you don't quite get to finish it...if you're lucky enough. Spoiler alert...I think we're both in luck tonight."

Sam groaned. It was both an answer to Selena's last sentence and to the sensation of her hand grasping his cock and fishing it from his fly. Selena had to more kisses to be placed above the equator, one on the lips and another on the chin, the last one having the parting touch of a love bite.

Selena shifted a bit in her seat as she leaned over his crotch. She was already turned on, otherwise she wouldn't be getting in position to give Sam a blowjob in the backseat of his car. But feeling his cock grow in her hand as she jacked him, the sensation of it hardening was soaking her.

Selena's mouth was now hovering over Sam's cock. He ran his hands through her hair before pulling it back, out of the way of her mouth. It was a small barrier, but Selena was ready to show her appreciation.

"Oh Sel," Sam moaned. He looked down on her through squinting eyes. She sucked on the head, her cheeks billowing as she sucked on the head. He began to squirm just a bit as Selena began to get her tongue heavily into the mix. Swirling on the tip down the rest of the mushroom tip. Selena was sensually ravaging that bundle of nerves.

Sam was totally hers and Selena just kept pressing that fact. His moans of approval were gasoline, making the passion blaze as she ventured down further on him then back up.

The feeling of his hand roaming her body was also wildly encouraging to Selena. Sam had switched hands, allowing himself to move his hand down her back to her ass and slide it under her jeans and underwear, all while the other held her brown locks back.

The feeling of his palm again her apple bottom gave Selena a little thrill. And that thrill grew when she began to feel his fingers tease the crack of her ass. They never went in, not completely at least. Just deep enough to tease.

The little thrill grew once more when Sam's fingers began to get up close and personal with her slick cunt. He knew just where to have his fingers dance, it was almost like he was on auto pilot. His brain was certainly being scrambled by the oral skill Selena was putting on display, but he retained enough sense of self to want to give his girl a little bit of payback.

The payback was reciprocal however. The added attention to her pussy felt wonderful to Selena, but it also just sparked her. Sparked her mouth to work harder lewdly slurping on his dick. But her mind had also been sparked. If Sam turned the heat up on her she was going t do it to him.

Before she could think too hard, her eyes landed on her ice cold blue raspberry slushie. She was going to turn up the heat by bringing it down to zero.

Selena momentarily let Sam's rod slip from her mouth as she maneuvered to grab her intensely cold drink. She took a big gulp, one just short of instant brain freeze. She let the sweet slush rest n her mouth, coating it with both the icy temperature as well as the blue coloring of the drink.

Selena swallowed the gulp, then returned her mouth to Sam's rock hard prick. And the moment her mouth returned, Sam had an immediate reaction to the sub-zero suckjob.

"OooOoooOOO Selena!" Sam gasped. "Ho-ho-hoooooly shit...oh wow...fucking wow that's so hot..."

"Glad to see you're enjoying the slushie too babe," Selena said. She used this moment of oral freedom to the extend her blue-stained and lick his pole from base to tip. "The only thing I could really need is something nice and hot to follow it up with. Think you could help?"

"Mmmmfuck...I think...oh fuck...that can be arranged."

"Good." Selena moved her lips to his, kissing his lips and breaking it with a sensual lick. Selena went back to her drink again, one more big but safe gulp an then it was back to her glorious work. Her cold but fluid tongue sending sickles of cold heat through him, her mouth milking his cock for his own hot cream to flood her mouth. It was a rollercoaster, and one of the fun ones. It wasn't just up and down but loops and splashing waters and everything in between designed to make him say her name over and over. It was almost a mantra, and every chant brought hi closer to nirvana.

Selena couldn't wait to get him him there. He was throbbing and pulsing in her mouth, almost in rhythm with his cries of "Selena!". She was giving him it all, lips and tongue, skilled and delicate fingers, soft touches and high pressure all leading up to one hot shot.

"Oh...fuck...oh Sel baby I'm cumming!"

That was the call she was waiting for. She braced herself for that eruption. In moments she felt the flood begin, Sam filling her mouth with his hot white ooze. Selena gulped it all down, moaning as the war fluid slid down her throat. Not a drop left her mouth, her lips having formed a tight seal on his cock. And it was a seal she wouldn't break. Even after he'd given what had to be the last drop her was capable of at the moment, she continued to suck him, making him writhing in a 80/20 mix of pleasure and pain. Not even pain so much as a total overload of pleasure.

Selena refused to let him go soft, her mouth only leaving his dick when he was once more rock hard. With that accomplished, she finally lifted her head, and showed her mouth off. Empty with a pink tongue stained with blue.

"Well, I think I'm do for my free refill," Selena said, winking at a blown away Sam. "I'm going to go grab that." She looked at the screen, the word "intermission" being projected upon it. "How about while I'm gone you think of something we could do to kill time during intermission?"

Selena stepped out of the car and walked down towards the snack bar for her refill. Sam exited the car as well. He still felt a bit of the orgasmic high Selena's mouth had blessed him with. He was pacing, but not nervously. He already had a good idea of what he wanted. The only question he had was if it was something Selena would want. They'd have time too. He'd been to this drive-in before. They used a real film projector. It wouldn't be as instantaneous a turnover as digital projectors were.

Selena on the other hand had no such thoughts in her mind. No indecisiveness. If Sam could read her mind he'd know he didn't need any kind of plot. They were very, very much on the same wavelength.

Even as she stood in line for her refill, Selena couldn't help but think on it. Despite being more than ready for it, she was still a little surprised it had crossed her mind. Reflecting on what she had just done in the car she was even more surprised.

It wasn't like she had never done anything like that in a car. But with that many people around? It was something new. And that something new felt amazing. She knew what was going to come and hoped that Sam had something on his mind in the same arena. If not? Selena was confident she could steer things in that direction. They'd been so compatible so far, she knew it wouldn't take much.

Soon, after a few more fan encounters she got her refill and made her way back up to the car. It was then she really did notice how alone they were that high up. There were only a few cars in the row in front of them, and they were both pretty far away. In the row Sam had parked in, they were the only ones. Maybe he had been planning this. Just the thought was revving Selena's engine.

Selena finally made it back to the car. She sipped from her frozen drink and winked at Sam, who was leaning against the car. That was a good sign in her mind.

"So, quick little question before the big one," Selena said. She placed her drink on the roof of the car then leaned against it right next to Sam. "Do you have a copy of Them! At your place?"


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