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My Best Friend's Husband and Me


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As I struggled for breath and tried desperately to stop the bucking, writhing movements of my body so Susie's lips touched mine, so her tongue ran along them and so they opened and surrounded mine. I was too far gone, too aroused and far too far into the ecstasy of this wonderful climax to query it. To wonder at it or to question the fact that our opened mouths were now grinding against each other. So as I, groaning and grunting, sighing and certainly writhing and squirming, rather noisily climaxed, Susie kissed my mouth and held my hands whilst her husband surged his fingers in and out of my pussy and sucked greedily, but so satisfyingly on my breasts.

"Oh Chrissy," Susie breathed as they both held me tightly through those post orgasmic moments that can be so traumatic.

"Chrissy that was fantastic," Harry said slipping his fingers out of me. "Was it good for you?"

Still glowing from the shuddering power of the orgasm I softly said, "Oh yes. Yes it was, it was amazing."

"When did you last have one?" Harry asked his hands idly trailing across my tingling breasts.

"An orgasm or a er, um..."

Smiling and cupping my breast he said. "Fuck, is that the word you are searching for?"

That made me smile. "Yes I guess it is. About four months I think" I replied.

"Oh poor you, that must be awful," Susie whispered her arms still cradling my head as she gently stroked my hair. "That bastard has to lot to pay for."

I smiled, "Oh it's not too bad Sue, you get used to it you know."

"Never," she retorted firmly, "I could never get used to going without sex. Harry and I have it nearly every day, don't we darling?" she said leaning across me and kissing her husband. I watched in close up as their tongues met and as they licked round the other's lips before pressing their mouths together into a deep and very passionate kiss.

It was a quite amazing scene. There was I naked on a bed, my best friend's husband also naked and erect having just made me cum with his hands as she kissed me. Now, as I looked on they were kissing and touching each other very intimately with their legs pressed against my nakedness. Even as all that was registering with me things became even more bizarre for Harry was now reaching down and taking the bottom of Susie's night dress. I watched in amazement, with a little trepidation and I have to say a degree of excitement, as slowly he pulled that up and up until it was bunched around her chest just under her armpits. Almost as if rehearsed they broke their kiss and Susie lifted her arms up straight and with one smooth movement Harry slid it up and off her body. They kissed again and Harry's hand found his wife's breast and he caressed that just a foot or so from my staring eyes.

"You sexy, randy bugger," Susie said smiling and looking down at me. "See Chrissy what I have to put up with, see what a letch he is, I lend him to you and what does he do? Can't keep your hands off can you?" she went on referring back to her husband whose erection she was stroking.

"Sorry darling but you know what I am and what you do to me, don't you?"

"Yes ok, you're forgiven but this is supposed to be for Chrissy not me you stupid bugger, " Susie laughed back as she broke away from Harry and bent her body towards me her face once more coming very close to mine. She placed her hands on my cheeks and, looking deep into my eyes, she whispered.

"I want you and Harry to make love now darling." Her fingers gently caressed my skin as she went on, "I want you to have him Chrissy, I want him to fuck you." We looked into each other's eyes as she said that. My mind was registering the enormity and unconventionality of what we were doing and my body was reacting to the anticipation of what she was offering.

"You still want to don't you darling?" she said very croakily as my eyes took in her small breasts dangling just inches from my own slightly larger and fuller boobs. She put one of her hands on my forehead and running that through my hair as Harry snuggled up alongside me she went on. "You still want to have sex with Harry don't you?"

I felt terrible yet wonderful, guilty yet pleased and slightly demeaned yet excited. It took me a few moments to find my voice and the words.

"Yes Susie, yes please," was the rather lame answer that came out from my mouth as my mind reeled from the confusing situation unfolding before me.

Harry leaned over me squashing my breasts with his hairy chest as his hand joined his wife's running through my hair,

"You have such a stunning body Chrissy," he whispered his lips once more finding my horrendously erect nipple and sucking all of it deep into his mouth. I could feel his hardness pressing against my leg as he slid half on top me. Susie moved away a little as her husband positioned himself on top of me his cock moulding itself into my stomach.

We kissed and again in some ways this seemed an even more outrageous an act than the earlier climax had been. Odd thinking I know but kissing him was so personal, so intimate so loving and so close. It didn't have the sort of dispassionate element that Susie had introduced of 'borrowing her husband' to relieve my sexual frustration. But as his tongue delved in my mouth and as I kissed him back with equal fervour, and as I felt him positioning himself between my thighs that I willingly and totally without inhibitions now, spread for him, such thoughts were cast from my mind. Now, sexual satisfaction and the prospect of the ecstasy of another orgasm that would remove the pangs of frustration that filled me, were my focus and little other considerations were in my mind.

I felt Susie close to me and I looked at her as she again cradled my head in her arms. This time it was her bare skin and her naked breasts that pressed against me as she held me in a tight and loving embrace. And this time that did not feel wrong, in fact it felt so right, just as Harry sliding down a little so that his erection was between my thighs did not feel wrong. In fact, both seemed perfect.

"I'm going to be fucked right now," I thought rather stupidly as he pressed his cock against my thigh and near to my moist and sensitive lips.

"Are you ready, Chrissy?" Susie whispered right in my ear squeezing my hand encouragingly. "Are you ready for Harry to make love to you? Are you ready for him to fuck you Chrissy?"

"Yes Susie, oh yes I am," I breathed as I saw her reach down and take hold of her husband's beautiful erection. Pulling gently on it, she placed the tip right against my blood engorged, totally soaked lips; the side of her hand touched them as well.

"Then Harry," she said quietly as she kissed him on the top of his head. "Why don't you fuck my best friend?"

I then had that absolutely fantastic feeling of a man's length sliding slowly up inside me. That marvellous sensation of being penetrated of being filled and of being, almost, consumed by a man. I grunted and groaned as those familiar, but recently long lost sensations rushed through me. It was so gorgeous to once more have a man inside me and I began to lose all reason and contact with reality. Harry wasn't fucking me, I realised in the normal sense of the way. He wasn't thrusting at me or surging in and out. No, what he was doing was holding himself rigidly still inside me. Why? I have no idea. But it was perfect, just right and so appropriate to what I wanted and needed. I wanted to savour and relish the feel of his hardened flesh inside me and I needed to revel in that sensation. But more so, with Susie cuddling me the situation called for that. The feel of a man inside me as a woman caressed and soothed me. I'd never experienced anything like it before. Anything like having a cock inside me whilst a woman stroked, touched and pressed herself against me. While she stroked my hair, gently rubbed my face and pressed my head against her bare chest. I then felt her leg pressing against me. Pressing against me from my hip to my toes. It was bare and I looked down at her and saw that she'd removed her panties. She'd undressed I realised, presumably in preparation for joining in, for being part of this, part of us, part of me. Was I concerned? Was I outraged or shocked? No not a bit. Somehow and for some reason it seemed absolutely the perfect thing to do.

In such circumstances it wasn't at all surprising, given my extreme frustration and lack of recent sexual involvement that I started to orgasm again. But it wasn't like any climax I'd ever had before. No somehow they took me halfway up the mountainside and found a plateau of feelings and sensations there that they then carried me along without going further towards scaling the peak and reaching the crescendo. I drifted along that plane just beneath climaxing where my entire mind and body are so sensitised, but not totally sated. It was wonderful. It was a state I'd never experienced before, a place I hadn't visited, a journey I'd never taken. But I was now such a willing visitor, such an avid traveller and such a supplicant participant in this amazing adventure that I took to it like a duck takes to water.

As Harry occasionally moved around inside me so my body would shudder with feelings and so low moans would burst from my mouth. As they happened so Susie would whisper to me and stroke my face and hair. As I clearly became more aroused and comfortable so they both became more adventurous. And as they did that so I responded and reciprocated.

In this wonderfully erotic, loving and tender mutual embrace, boundaries became blurred and edges merged together. It was almost as if I lost the clarity to understand where my body ended and where his and hers began. It was as though we were becoming one mass of naked entwined, sexually aroused flesh with no separate entities just one being. We were all connected, me completely to Harry, and Susie and me by our bodies being entwined. My arm had slipped around her and she was cradling my face to her breasts. Harry caressed my breasts as he surged slowly in and out of me holding me back from erupting with a sexual technique the level of which I didn't know existed.

I saw that his hands were not just roaming over my body. He was also caressing, stroking and squeezing his wife's as Susie's fingers trailed down both his and mine. My hands had found the tender, smoothness of her back and unconsciously had stroked it sliding up towards her shoulders and down to where the roundness of her bottom sank into the softness of the bed. His hands found my breasts and squeezed and moulded their pliant, soft and so sensitive flesh. He bent his body so that his mouth could reach my hardened, aching nipples and with a wantonly slurping sound he took them into his mouth the sucking, licking and chewing on the pink tips sending such incredible feelings through me.

Susie's fingers slid down from my chin, slowly but purposefully. With her other hand she turned my face so our eyes met as her fingers went further downwards. As we looked deeply into each other's eyes so they continued moving. Continued on a path to a destination of which we were both now aware. Her eyes looking to mine for a signal I guess. A red light or a green one? A sign from me that implied no or one that said yes. The merest shake of my head or a look in my eyes that indicated my disagreement would, I knew, mean that they would retreat from the start of the swell of my right breast that they were now lightly touching. But the nodding of my head the look of agreement in them or even, I assumed, the closing of them would tell her that her fingers would be welcome guests on that aching mound that so badly cried out for more attention. I smiled, I nodded and slowly closed my eyes. And then those wonderful fingers moved up the slope. They slid onto the higher parts, they moved towards the peak of those mounds. Eyes closed, I felt my friend caress my breasts, fondle them and touch and then squeeze, so deliciously my nipples. I opened my eyes and hers were still looking at me. We looked into each other's eyes as smiles slowly spread over both of our faces.

"Oh Chrissy," she sighed.

"Oh Susi," I whined back still slightly smiling as I felt her cup the fullness of my breast in her hand. I closed my eyes again simply letting the feelings of what she and her husband were creating in me wash over me.

I guess that was the final barrier. The last hurdle to what, maybe, they'd planned, but what I like to think was a spontaneous act of erotic tenderness for that was how I viewed what we doing. It wasn't lesbianism or even bisexuality, it wasn't what some would consider a sexually deviant threesome. It was more, it was much, much more than that. It seemed so natural, normal and perfect: an act of sheer loving indulgence. It was a joining together of three loving friends. It was a trinity of sexual union.

But of course the languid lovemaking couldn't continue for ever. Naturally our responding bodies demanded more, they wanted to go further, push the boundaries out and start the final ascent to the peak of the mountain of orgasm.

Harry held my breast as I watched with fascinated intensity my friend's face moved towards it. As if watching a particularly well made erotic movie I saw her lips open. It was as if he was offering her my breasts, but in this situation of near perfect sexual harmony they were not my breasts. They were our breasts. They were Harry's, Susie's and my breasts. I saw her face descend and I saw my nipple vanish inside her pink lips. I then felt the exquisite sensation of my best friend sucking my nipple at the same time as her husband started to thrust in and out of my cunt with a little more urgency.

Susie moved so that she was bent into an almost foetal position. She had her face on my chest as she now totally unashamedly made oral love to my breasts. As her mouth and teeth and her lips and hands stimulated every nerve end in my breasts and nipples and as her husband's cock did so many things to me so I found that my hand slid further down her body. So I found that touching her bottom became important to me. And so I found that I wanted to touch her and to touch her intimately. The feel of her rounded bottom at first and then the cleft in the middle slightly later was so wonderful. As was the slight pounding in my chest as my fingers touched her. As were her fingers leaving my breast and now, with little hesitation, sliding under me and fumbling between my bottom and bed. As was the desire that she created in me. I realised I wanted her to touch me and that I wanted to touch her.

I moved my bottom a little so that she had more room and then I felt my entire body buck as my long term friend's fingers touched the lips of my vagina that were stretched and opened by her husband's penis. Susie moved her bottom which my hand was caressing. She moved it in a suggestive and inviting way. In a way that opened her up and in a way that clearly indicated what she wanted me to do.

It felt so perfectly natural, so appropriate and so wonderful to be giving pleasure to my friend who was rapidly also becoming my lover.

Almost at the same time as Susie touched the back of the lips of my vagina so mine found the swollen, velvety wetness of hers. My heart pounded as I ran my fingers along them replicating the movements that men had done on mine and which had pleasured me so much in the past.

But it all got too much for us. Harry had been in me now for a long time and understandably he could not wait. Susie had been slowly building up to making love to me and I had had a man in me and a woman caressing me for what seemed an age. And now we really were as one emotionally for we each needed, almost desperately it seemed, to gain the release from the sexual torment that extreme arousal creates.

"Oh fuck me Harry," I couldn't help gasping. "Please fuck me now, I can't wait."

"Yes Harry fuck Chrissy," Susie breathed her fingers slipping just inside my lips.

"Oh god yes, yes," he moaned as he started thrusting harder and harder at me. It was glorious and I started to cum. I started to lose conscious and logical thought as the sensations roaring through my body distorted my mind. I went into that state of such arousal and sexual extremity that I might just as well been unconscious. I lost all sense and meaning and had no idea whatsoever about what I was doing and what I was saying. My body became a receptacle for them to pleasure. My breasts were mounds for them to adore and my cunt became the focus of everything. Of Harry's cock. Of Susie's fingers and of my feelings. I orgasmed very heavily indeed. It wasn't until those feelings subsided a little that I felt the wetness of Susie clamped firmly around my fingers and I then realised they were buried deeply inside her. She was grunting and clasping her thighs around my hand.

"Oh, oh, oh. Oh yes, yes Chrissy, yes," she moaned as her fingers dug deeply into my breast. The three of us were a pile of naked thrusting, convulsing flesh as we all climaxed together. As we had the most mutual of three-way orgasms. As each of us made the other cum so heavily and strongly.

I woke the next morning alone. Almost immediately my eyes opened my mind flicked back to last night. My first thought was had it really happened? Maybe it had been a dream? But I knew that it hadn't been and that indeed last night I had made love to my best friend as her husband had fucked me. Also, I knew that would not be the last time.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Beautiful sexy

Story of great, loving friends

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
So Sensual

You have an amazing talent. I felt like I was there. Please keep writing...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Such an intensely erotic story, amazing writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Your the best

I read your massage virgin story, now this. I can't wait to read all your stories and can't imagine them getting even better. Publish your stories and you'll make a fortune.

SWT3SWT3over 8 years ago

I found myself bucking at the end like I was Harry fucking Christine, just fabulous.

gmann57gmann57almost 9 years ago

Damn that was so hot, I was hard the whole story, More stories please

WatcherRobWatcherRobabout 9 years ago
Spendid job

Your writing is fabulous. You could not do a better job of describing the events. I like the way your mind works.

Dyolf4500Dyolf4500about 9 years ago

Great story by a great author. I'll be reading more of your stories. Loved it and gave it a 5.

erotikoserotikosover 9 years ago

What an absolutely delightful story! My dear Christine, you write so well that you successfully manage that most difficult feat for an author--to make the reader feel like they are actually there, with the characters, as part of the story. Your mechanics are quite good as always, with excellent grammar usage, spelling, punctuation and superb editing. There are similarly themed stories posted here, but I daresay none that compare with your exceptional effort, which merits a five star rating for certain. Do keep up the good work, and write on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

What an absolutely delightful story! My dear Christine, you write so well that you successfully manage that most difficult feat for an author--to make the reader feel like they are actually there, with the characters, as part of the story. Your mechanics are quite good as always, with excellent grammar usage, spelling, punctuation and superb editing. There are similarly themed stories posted here, but I daresay none that compare with your exceptional effort, which mertis a five star rating for certain. Do keep up the good work, and write on!

AnnatartywifeAnnatartywifeover 9 years ago

Very interesting and unusual slant on the theme..Loved reading it x x

Love n hugs


BigPa77BigPa77over 9 years ago

Excellent well written story

playman64playman64over 9 years ago

Very very erotic.

Very sensual.

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 9 years ago

... and the real beauty and uniqueness of this piece is that the author understands, as few Lit writers do, that a large part of the wonder of sex is in the head, and not just nerve-endings in various parts of the body.

Well done lassie - not that you neglect gorgeous descriptions of the sensual joy these nerve-endings produce. A well-deserved five.

litereader54litereader54about 10 years ago

I enjoyed this moving, sensuous tale immensely! Your syntax is a little different than I am used to ("American" is definitely not "English") but I do enjoy reading your work. I also enjoy listening to Brits speak too. Keep up the hot, hot stuff!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
BChristine rocks

Love it..tell us about the wife next time

pontiacwhitepontiacwhiteabout 10 years ago
Beautiful Story - Anon loses by a landslide!

Lovely, yet very hot story about a tender, urgent, sexual moment of help for a friend in need. Forget Anon - they are outnumbered by people that enjoy your well written work.

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