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My Daughter's Wedding Night


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You look at me very seriously for a moment and then start to sob soft. "Oh daddy. How did I get into this mess? I can't just walk away at the last minute. Everyone will think I'm a stupid bimbo. I'm going to go through with the wedding, and try to make the marriage work, but I'm not nearly as optimistic now as I was a couple of months ago."

You lie against my shoulder, crying for a few minutes as I run my hands up and down your back. Finally, you raise your head and look at me. "We should get ready and get over to the church. I'm due to become a married woman in less than two hours."

I go upstairs to shave and shower. Three of the bridesmaids show up a few minutes later. They and Jennifer go upstairs to begin applying her make up and dressing her for the wedding. I finish shaving and showering and slide into my tuxedo. I go downstairs and grab a bottle of wine and four glasses and take them up to Jennifer's room. I tap on the door and Wendy opens it. "Oh Mr. Hunter, you look like James bond," she says with a giggle, "We've almost got your daughter ready for the biggest day of her life."

I put the bottle of wine and the glasses down on Jennifer's dresser and open it. I pour the blood red liquid into the glasses and give one to each of the bridesmaids and then walk over to Jennifer and give her a glass. I look at her as she reaches for it. She smiles brightly. "Hi daddy. I'm feeling a little nervous this morning. You'll have to be brave for both of us as you walk me down the isle."

"No problem sweetheart." I say with a smile. "I've never wanted to give you away, but if custom demands it, I'll try to be a good sport and reluctantly hand you over to Jason." I stand back and look at you from head to toe. You're absolutely beautiful, with your long silky hair piled perfectly atop your head. Your beautiful blue eyes sparkle brilliantly and your face glows with the natural beauty that few women can lay claim to. Your crimson bee stinger lips are slightly pouty and beckon to any man within ten yards to be kissed. Your tiny body is as perfectly proportioned as I've ever seen, with round, sensual hips and full shapely breasts.

"You look absolutely beautiful sweetheart." I say in a half whisper.

My words hit you hard and your vulnerability surfaces. You walk into my arms, tears welling up in your eyes. "Oh daddy. You're the greatest dad in the world. You always know just what to say to me when you know I'm feeling nervous." You reach up and put your arms around my neck and press the side of your face against my chest.

I chuckle and kiss the top of your head. "It's my job sweetheart." I whisper, patting your back as I hold you in my arms. "This is a happy day honey. The beginning of a new life, a new adventure."

I look at you affectionately. "I'm going to go over to the church to make sure everything is set honey. I'll see you and the girls over there in a half hour or so."

I give you a kiss on the cheek and head off to the church. When I arrive, Jason is there with his groomsmen. They're standing in a circle, their faces looking a little less animated than they did last night, no doubt the result of too much partying and too little sleep. I walk over to them, "Well gentlemen," I say in a cheerful voice, "Are you ready to get this show on the road? Jennifer and the girls will be here in less than a half hour."

Jason laughs weakly, the residual effects of the night of drinking and watching strippers, dulling his enthusiasm somewhat. "I guess I'm about as ready as any guy can be for a life of babies, house hunting, lawn mowing and redecorating."

"Something to look forward to, depending on your priorities Jason." I remark, a slightly sharp edge in my voice. "Good luck gentlemen." I say enthusiastically as I leave to talk with the minister.

As I make my way to the rectory, I say hi to various early arrival guests, the sort who show up far in advance of the scheduled ceremony time just to be sure they don't miss anything. The minister is in the back of the church, putting on his ceremonial garments. "Hi Tom." I say cheerfully. "Nice day for a wedding. I hope the guys at the country club were able to find someone to take your place in your customary foursome."

I've known Tom for more than 15 years and often sit with him at Community functions. He's a caring guy who takes his job and his commitment to the community very seriously. "Oh hi Phillip." he replies cheerfully. "I hope they didn't find a replacement for me." he replies with a chuckle. "Maybe then they'll appreciate me a little more."

We both laugh and take a seat in Tom's office. We go through the timetable for the ceremony one more time and he asks where you are. Just then, we hear the voices of the girls at the rear entrance. We get up and go to the bridal waiting room. Jennifer and her four bridesmaids are in there. All of them are fussing over Jennifer like worker bees attending the queen bee. She sees the minister and I come in the door. "Hi Reverend Bannister. Hi daddy."she says, a pleasant smile at last illuminating her pretty face.

The minister offers a few words of congratulations and runs through the highlights of the ceremony with the five girls. Everyone is ready, and Tom, like the coach at a big game, says, "Okay then. Let's go do this folks." With that, he disappears through entrance to the congregation room and leaves us to deal with the anxiety of waiting for our entrance cue.

We head downstairs and make our way across the basement floor of the church to the stairs that lead up to the front foyer. I open the large main entrance door to the congregation room, just a crack, and peak through. Tom is standing quietly at the front of the church as the organist plays the songs that Jennifer and Jason have requested. Meanwhile, two ushers are standing on either side of the large doors, ready to open them when we begin our march down the long wide aisle leading to the alter.

I turn and look at Jennifer. "It's almost time sweetheart." I say, smiling encouragingly. I hold my arm out and you take it. We stand there, side by side, waiting for the organist to begin playing "Here Comes the Bride". Moments later, the tune that everybody knows begins playing. The two ushers open the large arched doors and the bridesmaids walk past us, one at a time, and pace slowly up to the marriage platform and take their places. Jennifer and I fall in behind the last bridesmaid and walk slowly, arm in arm, to the front. I stand to the side and Jennifer takes her place beside Jason.

The ceremony goes well, with both Jason and Jennifer appearing to be the the perfect young couple, looking forward to sharing the rest of their lives with each other. In all, the ceremony lasts only about ten or fifteen minutes and ends with Jason and Jennifer walking out of the church beneath a hail of rice and confetti. They get into the back seat of the white convertible and are driven off to the reception by the best man amidst shouts of congratulations and best wishes from the gathered guests.

I find myself standing alone and then feel an arm slide through mine. I turn and see the smiling face of Wendy looking up at me. "I've been waiting for a chance to grab you all day Mr. Hunter." she says in an excited voice.

I chuckle at her tenacity. "Well, I'm all yours Wendy." I remark with a smile. We get into my car and she slides over beside me. "Do I get a kiss from the bride's father?" she asks, only half teasingly. I lean down and kiss her softly, placing my lips gently against hers. She puts her arms around my neck and pulls my lips hard against her own. I realize that she's seriously interested in spending some time with me and pull away, gently, but firmly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hunter." she says apologetically. "I'm a little too impetuous sometimes."

"You are not sweetheart." I reply quickly and leaning down, kiss the side of her pretty face. "I couldn't be more flattered if it were Megan Fox who gave me such a fantastic kiss. My young admirer relaxed immediately and we chatted pleasantly about the ceremony all the rest of the way to the reception center. We walked in, arm in arm, and began walking toward our place at the head table. Jennifer and Jason were already there, surrounded by relatives, friends and assorted well wishers. I smiled at Jennifer as we strode by the assembled guests. She smiled warmly at me and then affixed her gaze on Wendy who was holding my arm possessively. Jennifer had that familiar look of jealousy in her eyes. An unmistakable look that I'd often seen adorning her face while she was growing up.

The dinner was delightful, with everyone enjoying their choice of roast beef or fish. The meal finished with everybody feeling happy and ready for fun, thanks to the free flowing wine at every table. Music began to play and Jennifer and Jason got up and danced the first dance. I walked to the edge of the dance floor, Wendy clinging to my arm, and waited for Jennifer and Jason to complete their dance. When it ended, Jennifer walked over and took my hand. I slid my arm around her waist and we floated easily across the floor, turning in long graceful circles. My beautiful daughter was as light as a floating feather in my arms and moved elegantly across the floor.

Jennifer smiled broadly as we danced smoothly, moving as one, in wide graceful circles. Then, her face became very serious, "Daddy," she asked softly, "Is Wendy trying to work her way into your life? I get the feeling that she's just been waiting for me to get married and move away, so she can move in and start up a relationship with you."

I smiled, knowing my daughter's tendency to be possessive when it came to her relationship with me. "Well, I'm not sure honey, but Wendy is a lovely young woman, so what would it matter? After all honey, you did say you wanted me to get on with my life."

You get a shocked look on your face and blurt out, "Daddy. Wendy is one of my best friends, but I wouldn't want her sleeping with my father and I sure wouldn't want her to become my stepmother."

I laugh softly and smile at you. "I promise that if I start sleeping with Wendy, I'll be very secretive about it honey. I wouldn't want to embarrass you. And if we decide to get married and have little ones, we'll move away from this area to save you the humiliation that would follow if folks suddenly learned that you're the daughter of a cradle robbing, oversexed father."

You look at me curiously for a moment and then realize that I'm teasing you. "Oh daddy. Sometimes you make me feel so pathetic. If you want to spend time with Wendy, I'll understand. I know you have... umm... needs... And Wendy certainly appears ready to satisfy them."

I chuckle and reply, "That's very understanding of you Sweetheart." The song we're dancing to ends and I walk you off the floor. It's immediately swamped with guests who've been waiting for the entertainment to begin.

I'm about to ask you if you want a drink when Wendy comes over and grabs my arm, pulling me onto the dance floor. She's had a few glasses of wine and isn't the least bit shy about letting me know she wants to have some fun. I dance a couple of dances with her and then, kissing her cheek, thank her and go over to the bar. I see Jason standing with a couple of his groomsmen. He's pouring back double scotch and sodas and becoming a little loud. I shake my head, wondering what my baby has gotten herself into, and ask for a glass of soda water. .

I take a look around the banquet hall and then, glancing at my watch, decide to head up to my room and grab a little shut eye. As part of the promotion of their wedding reception service, the hotel provides free rooms to the bride and groom and their parents. Mine is right next door to Jennifer and Jason's and I grab my key card from the front desk and head up to take a nap. The room is quite nice, with a king size bed, a small fridge, a bubble jet bath, a large flat screen tv and a coffee maker. I lie down on the bed and fall asleep almost immediately. I sleep for about 2 hours, waking up at about 11 pm. I get up and take a shower. I pull on a robe and make myself a cup of coffee and settle back to watch the midnight news on the tv.

I glance at my watch when the news and weather is over. It's 1 a.m.. I decide to turn in and head off to the bedroom. I'm just pulling the sheets down when I hear a gentle tapping on the door. I pull my robe back on and open the door. I see my daughter standing there, wearing a robe as well.

"Hi sweetheart." I say. Then realizing that you've been crying, reach for your hand and pull you into the room. "What's wrong baby?" I ask, taking you into my arms.

"Oh daddy. It's so embarrassing. Jason got falling down drunk and now he's passed out in our room. He drank away too much daddy."

"I know honey." I whisper, "I thought that might happen when I saw him at the reception, pouring down double scotches like they were water." You can stay here tonight baby. There's no way you should have to spend your wedding night sleeping beside some snoring drunk. You can have the bed and I'll just sleep here on the sofa. You need the rest a lot more than I do."

I take your hand and lead you to the bedroom. "You can sleep here baby. I was just turning the sheets down when I heard you knocking on the door." You slide your robe off and lay it on the night table. My eyes almost fall out of my head when I see the seductive nighty you're wearing. It's a white see through number that leaves very little to the imagination. Your breasts push alluringly against the top, your large pink nipples visible through the thin film of the material. "Wow, sweetheart," I whisper, "Jason should see what he's missing."

You lie down and I pull the sheets up over you, trying not to stare at your perfect body, so poorly concealed by your wedding night lingerie. I tuck the blanket down around you and kiss you softly. "Goodnight sweetheart," I whisper.

I turn to leave and you quickly say "Wait daddy."

I turn back and smile at you. "What honey?" I whisper.

"Daddy. There's all sorts of room in this bed. There's no need for you to sleep on the sofa. I want you to cuddle me the way you used to when I was little.

I smile and nod my head, "Of course honey. It makes sense. Every bride should spend her wedding night in the arms of a man who loves her." I take off my robe and you see that I'm only wearing a pair of red jockey shorts.

You giggle, "Oh daddy, you have such a flamboyant sense of style."

"Well, I didn't know I was going to be spending the night in bed with the most beautiful, dark haired, blue eyed woman I know honey. I'd have dressed much more appropriately if I'd known" I climb in beside you and lie back onto my pillow. You put your head on my shoulder and slide your arm over my stomach and your leg up over my hip. I feel your full heavy breasts pressing against my chest. I stroke your long dark silky hair softly and lie there, loving the feel of my beautiful daughter's body against mine.

You squeeze me gently and tilt your head so you're looking up at my face. "I'll bet you'd be decked out in the latest fashion men's nightwear from Paris if I were Wendy." You giggle again and I chuckle, pleased that you're taking Jason's foolish behaviour so well.

"Actually honey, based on Wendy's enthusiasm, I don't think I'd be wearing anything if she was in bed with me."

You immediately react with a little hissy fit, when I make the remark. "Daddy. Don't say things like that. You know I get jealous when other girls are interested in you."

I chuckle again. "I know you do honey. You've always gotten jealous when any of your friends become a little too interested in me. The only woman who was allowed to be affectionate or display any interest in me was your mother."

You sigh, knowing I'm fully familiar with your possessiveness when it comes to me. "I can't help it daddy. I've always loved you so much that I just can't stand the thought of another woman getting attention from you. It's silly I know, but I just get upset when other girls are around you, especially if you give them any attention. I'll try to be less jealous daddy... I promise."

"Don't worry about it baby." I say softly, pulling you closer and closing my eyes.

I'm about to doze off when you roll over and raise yourself up on your elbows to look into my face. "Daddy. Do you think I'm as pretty as Wendy?"

I open my eyes and reach out, stroking your soft hair and beautiful cheek. "On your worst day sweetheart, you look twice, no three times, as beautiful as Wendy does on her best day."

"Do you think I'm as sexy as she is daddy?" you ask, a little embarrassed by your own question.

"Honey, you're far sexier than Wendy could ever hope to be. Why are you asking all of these silly questions for sweetheart?" I ask, chuckling at the concerned look on your face.

"Daddy." you say in a quiet voice, looking down at your hands and twisting your fingers around each other nervously. "Do you ever think about me in a... a... sexual way?"

I feel my breath catch in my throat. "Honey, why would you ask me such a thing? I'm your father."

"I know daddy, but I've had sexual thoughts about you for most of my life. They became really pronounced while I was away at college and I constantly thought about telling you each time I came home to visit. But then I'd see you and couldn't work up the nerve to say a word. When mommy died, I used to lie in my bed at night trying to work up the courage to go into your bedroom to make love to you and hold you all night long. But, I never could. Now, on my wedding night, I'm here in bed with you and I still want to make love with you all night long and feel your arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. I just wondered if what I feel is completely one sided and perverted."

I put my arms around you and pull you close, kissing you hard and passionately. I roll over, pressing your back against the pillow and slide the point of my tongue between your lips, touching it lovingly to the tip of your tongue. My hands move to your full firm breasts, squeezing them gently, caressing them softly, my fingertips moving pruriently over the silky globes and rolling your large turgid nipples between my thumb and finger. I undo the front of the nighty as our kiss continues unabated. Your arms are locked around my neck and I feel your hips thrusting gently, pushing your soft warm pussy mound against my thigh. I move my lips to your breasts, kissing their fleshy fullness, feeling your silky sweet skin gliding erotically beneath their libidinous touch. I find your raised pink nipples and pull them into my mouth, sucking them gently and running my tongue over their sensitive tips.

I lift my face and look up into yours. "I love you baby. I've been in love with you as both my daughter and as the most beautiful, sexy woman I've ever known for just as long as you've had those same feelings for me. I never even considered telling you because you're my daughter and I was ashamed of the intensely sexual feelings that I have for you. If you hadn't told me how you felt tonight, I'd have taken my feelings to the grave, unspoken and never acted upon. You reach for me, pulling me closer, pushing your soft warm lips hard against mine.

As the love we feel for each other unfolds, you whisper soflty, "Why was it so hard for us to tell the other how we felt daddy? If only one of us had said something, all of this marriage nonsense never would have happened."

"I know baby. I guess that neither of us could believe that the powerful feelings we had for each other could ever be shared by the other. Finding out that you feel the same love for me that I feel for you is like a dam bursting in my mind. I'm never going to be able to get enough of you now sweetheart. What am I going to do? Am I going to become some old fool bubbling in his soup about lost love?"

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