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My Girlfriend's Sister Pt. 01

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How I became attracted to my Girlfriend's sister.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/07/2019
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So it's a typical lazy day off weekday for me. I'm in an old t-shirt and mesh gym shorts playing some video games. It's a scorching summer day out and I want absolutely nothing to do with it, and I have been addicted to this game for days so my butt will be glued to the floor for the remainder of the day in my happy place. Every hour seems to pass faster than the last until I am inevitably interrupted by my girlfriend and the other denizens of the house later in the day.

Her parents were nice enough to let me live in their home after my family moved to another state. My Dad got a new job out of state and my horny young adult mind couldn't bear leaving my girlfriend hundreds of miles away while I moved on with my life, so naturally I worked things out to accommodate my priorities. However, her parents weren't complete morons. I was stuffed in a small room opposite a short hallway from her room. It was just big enough to fit a queen sized air bed and some of my personal belongings. There was one window overlooking a street of the small circular neighborhood so I could have a decent amount of sunlight in my small cell. The house was a decent sized split level home. Her parents slept on the mid level on the opposite side of the house so there was a decent sound barrier in case of any late night escapades, but I was not that bold to attempt a "heist" while the guards were close by.

I hear the creaking of the outer metal screen front door as it creakily swings open and slams back into place with an ungraceful clang. The door to the room is closed, but I can still hear someone as they walk in the front door. Three different female voices echo from downstairs and one male voice. I recognize one of the voices, Kirstin's younger sister Olivia, or Liv. She's three years younger than I am, fresh out of high school. She's always been pretty social so a couple friends in tow with her wasn't abnormal. Living here for so long I've gotten to know the family quite well. Luckily for me, they all retreat downstairs instead of her room.

After an hour or so I get hungry and head down to the kitchen for a snack. Unfortunately, there's not much choice after the vultures picked the pantry clean but I manage to scrounge up something. I head upstairs with snacks in hand when I hear giggling coming from the room downstairs. I assumed they caught a glimpse of me rushing back upstairs in a silly fashion so I stopped on my way up to see what they were talking about. Admittedly, I find my girlfriend's sister kind of cute, but in a sisterly way. At first I couldn't stand her - then again what teenager is easy to get along with - but now I've taken a liking to her so to hear her making fun of me would definitely turn me off to her.

"Ha ha, you're not going to do that to him Liv!" says one of her friends in a mocking way.

They weren't talking about me were they?!

"Yeah, you wouldn't dare..". This time it was a guy's voice. I still wasn't sure if they meant me or not so I stayed just around the corner where they couldn't see me to continue eavesdropping.

"Hmph, oh you wanna bet?! I'll seriously do it." Liv said. Her two girl friends kept egging her on further. I could hear the cockiness in Liv's voice. Whatever she was going to do it didn't seem like there was any going back. At this point, I didn't think they were talking about me anymore since her friends hardly even knew who I was. Yet, curiosity got the best of me so I continued my sleuthing. I peeked around the corner and say her friends moving towards the guy. He looked anxious and his eyes widened as if he was afraid. One grabbed hold of his arms and the other girl grabbed his legs. He struggles initially, but they eventually pinned him down on his back.

"No, that's fucking disgusting! Don't! Please! Get off me!" Shouted the kid. The poor guy was helpless while they held him. I had no idea what Liv had planned for him, but he was not trying to stick around that's for sure. The girls looked so thrilled to have him under their control. I always knew high school girls were mean but this was on another level.

"Hurry Liv! Do it! We've got him" shouted one of the girls. She walked over to him and taunted him before she was going to do whatever she had planned.

"I told you not to talk shit! Now sit still!". Liv was now standing in between the two girls facing his legs. She had a sinister smirk on her face as she positioned herself. She looked back at him again just to see his terrified face.



Yes, I heard that right. Liv was going to sit right on this kid's face. Even I was in disbelief. I've never seen her act like this before. I was almost jealous of him. I mean, what straight guy wouldn't want a girl's pussy on his face? Then it hit me. The way she was facing his legs meant that she didn't intend to put her pussy on him. Yup, she was in the perfect position to put her ass square on his face.

Well, lucky for him she's still got pants on...

Almost as soon as I finished that thought she pulled down her leggings. They were thin black leggings so they didn't leave much to the imagination. On top of that, Liv had a very sizeable ass. The leggings clung to every curve of her cheeks and even formed a nice wedgie to form out her whole butt. In fact, her butt was bigger than her older sister's. Kirstin was always making snide comments about how Liv flaunts it around the house and out in public. She would never admit it to me, but I knew she was jealous. I've also shamelessly took a peek as she walked by. Of course, this wasn't sexual, but only out of pure curiosity. I always find myself looking at butts as I walk by - yes even men even though I'm not attracted.

Liv wiggled her butt while she stood over the poor kid to add to his humiliation. He tried to thrash but he was held firmly in place by her two "henchwomen". She was wearing a muted pink thong. Her ass cheeks swallowed it up so I could only imagine how his face would care against it. I looked on and cringed at what happened next.

She gave her ass a light slap and then lowered herself onto his upturned face (courtesy of the girl over his head holding it in place).

"Hahahahaha eat that nerd! I hope that smells nice!" Liv laughed hysterically. The guy groaned and mildly thrashed as she shook her ass side to side on his face. She would occasionally lift it up to insult him more, only to plop it right back down on him. He looked winded as his struggles calmed down. She began to rub and grind her butt harder on his face, this time up and down to make sure she got him good. His face was indeed swallowed by her thick butt cheeks as I guessed. The look on her face was pure bliss as she caused him to inhale her ass up close. Her butt had a tight grip on his face, so much so that his nose, lips, and cheeks were moved and stretched up and down with the grinding of her butt.

This continued on for about a minute before she finally let him up. Any longer and it would've gotten uncomfortable for me to watch. Her friends were bursting with laughter as he emerged from her ass with a deep inward breath. His face was beet red from being deprived of air for so long.

"How was that?! Have you had enough of my ass? Or are you going to keep talking shit?"

"Fuck...*deep breath*" snapped the kid.

Oh fuck...

"Wow, really dude? You're just a glutton for punishment aren't you? Fine, have it your way. I've got something for you. Keep holding him guys!"

The girls complied hesitantly. They seemed a little more uncomfortable with the situation, but it seemed like Liv was queen bee, so to speak, so they complied with nervous chuckles. The guy was pretty weak from the humiliation and out if breath so he didn't put up much fight. The whole situation riled Liv's sadistic side that I didn't even know existed. Meanwhile, I kept peeking in and out from the corner to avoid being spotted.

Liv giggled for a couple seconds before she hooked her fingers under her pink thong. Her panties had a faint dark spot from the moistness of his breath. She wiggled her hips side to side as she slid her thong down the length of her leg down to her ankles. All three looked on in disbelief as she exposed her bare ass. Her friend holding down his arms turned her head since it was staring her right in the face. I couldn't believe my eyes. It felt bad to just sit and watch him get humiliated like this, but I was pretty uncomfortable. I saw more of Liv then I ever needed to see. It was almost as if it was so shocking that it was hard to turn away. I'm sure if they saw me watching then Liv would be so embarrassed.

"Oh my god Liv! You're not...Tell me you're not..."

Her friend holding his legs said.

"Haha, just hold him tight!" said Liv.

She quickly lowered her bare ass down to his face for another round of humiliation. His face was even deeper in her ass than the previous bout. "I hope you enjoy smelling like my ass, bitch!" She rubbed her entire ass crack over the surface of his face to thoroughly mark him. He sputtered as her asshole smeared over his lips and nose. His groans became louder as she started to smother him. She spread her ass cheeks so that her asshole was essentially kissing his face with sweaty, stinky lips. The plumpness of her butt forming an smelly seal over his breathing holes. "Kiss my ass! Now!" she demanded. Even if he wanted to refuse, he couldn't utter the words under her butt. "Kiss it or else..." She was cutely perched on his face awaiting a kiss on her butthole, but he kept her waiting too long. "Hmph, fine then. You asked for this!"

Liv lifted her ass from the grip it had on his face and squinted in concentration. She aimed her butthole to the center of his face and a grin formed on her face. Her friend holding his arms leaned further away from her butt in anticipation. I knew what was coming next...


She farted directly into his face. Her friends immediately released their grip and backed away from the impending smell. He squinched as the gust of hot, stinky air brushed over his face and up his nose. Liv's panties still around her ankles, she waddled away and burst out with laughter as he coughed and hacked at the smell.

"AHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OH MY GOD! How did that smell huh?! I just farted right in your face!" Liv hollered. "I think you got a good taste of my butt! If I were you I'd feel lucky to smell like my ass". Liv pulled up her panties and slid her leggings back over her half naked ass.

"Ewwww Liv! Haha, did you smell his face? You got him good." Her friend said red with embarrassment. The kid lay on the floor sputtering, coughing, and gagging from the smell. He rolled around on the floor covering his nose but it was too late. The stench had already permeated his nostrils, and it was smeared all over his face so there was no escaping it.

After all the teasing and laughter, he managed to

get himself on his feet and he ran towards the stairs. I quickly hid behind the corner as he ran past and out the door. I started up the stairs while the girls were cracking jokes about what just happened. Seeing Kirstin's sister butt naked ass on some dudes face was too much for me to handle. I wanted to tell Kirstin what I saw but I knew nothing good would come of it. Either she would question me on why I didn't stop it and kept watching, or she would confront her Sister and then my cover would be blown. I decided to keep it under wraps for now. I continued playing video games as if nothing happened. The whole scene still playing in my mind as I sat in the room daydreaming about it.

My girlfriend got home around 8. Keeping my word to myself, I didn't utter a thing about what I saw. Part of me felt bad about keeping such a juicy secret, but I couldn't risk it. I couldn't stop thinking about Liv though. I was partly turned on having witnessed the whole thing. I never felt this way about her before. Images of her naked body flooded my mind even when I tried to forget them. This wasn't right. I shouldn't be sexually attracted to her, but I almost felt spellbound. The way her ass jiggled as she was playfully rubbing it on his face was a tantalizing sight. Was I becoming attracted to her younger sister? Perhaps it was my horny mind getting the better of me. While these thoughts were buzzing in my head as I tried to get to sleep, a knock came from outside my door.

"Hey Salem. What's up?"

It was Olivia. She was wearing a light blue tank top and gray cotton booty shorts that were just barely large enough to cover her butt. Immediately, flashbacks of her despicable facesitting act came roaring into my head, but I had to act normal.

"Oh hey, just trying to sleep. I've got work in the morning."

"Well, I was wondering if you had something you wanted to talk to me about."

Oh shit...

"What do you mean?". My stomach sank and my heart started racing. There's no way she saw me looking. Was I that careless?

"Oh, I'm sure there's something. How long were you home today?"

No way no way no way no way

"All day, why?"

"You didn't hear anything?"

"Nope. I was in the room with the door closed. Why did something happen?"

Liv stared at me for a couple seconds before she answered me back. It was as if she was attempting to break me, but I wouldn't crack unless she brought it up first.

"Salem...I know you know."

"Know what?"

"Okay fine, I'll just tell Kirstin what you saw tod-"

"OKAY! I saw what happened. Happy?" So much for not blowing my cover. Somehow she saw me, and now I was completely at her mercy.

"Heh, I thought I saw you peeking. Well, I assume you enjoyed the show, right? Hehe I'll just leave you alone then. Goodnight!"

Just like that, she closed the door and left. She didn't give me time to ask anything when she left so abruptly. I was left stating at the closed door in confusion. In my mind, I had got off the hook easy, but this was just my first encounter.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It's HOTT. I wish that'd happen to me now!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
5 stars

Nice story; I absolutely love ass worship (including being farted on).

NoblePursuit9NoblePursuit9about 5 years agoAuthor
More soon!

There will definitely be a part 2 (3,4,5 etc.). Thanks for the kudos :)

Part 2 will be more deliberate and a bit more salacious.

Bigal57107Bigal57107about 5 years ago

I am soooooo jealous .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very good

Great start! Looking forward to reading more.

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