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My Graduate School Romance - Lindsey's Perspective


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Elly reached out and squeezed my hand, "Lindsey, please think about going into rehab? Not for me, but for yourself."

"I'll think about."


I hired a good lawyer and she got me off on a technicality. I decided that if I didn't take money for sex, then I wouldn't be a whore. Now I just considered myself to be a slut, giving away my pussy for free.

About that time, February, Richie quit the band. It wasn't a big loss. The guy was stoned most of the time and his playing wasn't the greatest. Plus, smoking all that grass affected his ability to get it up. I didn't need him for sex. Whenever I got desperate, I'd call up Pete. He always satisfied me. He got so comfortable, he'd even fuck my pussy on my period.

In March, we found Katie. Holy shit! The woman could play. Plus she could harmonize really well. The three of us gals sounded so good together. She was a full blown punk rocker and she brought an edge to everything we did. On stage she bounce around and her boobs seemed to be constantly in motion. The guys really dug it. I never saw her with a guy, or a gal for that matter. She was really focused on her schoolwork and she wasn't going to let anything get in her way.

About this time Keith stopped giving a shit about the band. He'd come and play, but I could tell he was just going through the motions. I'd have him over to the house for a fuck session and ask him about it. He'd shrug it off as nothing to worry about. As much as I loved fucking, I still cared about our music.

I saw my sister and her family again in April and something told me I needed to get out of the whoring business. I decided to start charging again and to save up for the addiction clinic.

Sometime in June Elly dropped her 'no romance' rule on us. When she made the announcement she was looking directly at me. God that pissed me off to no end.

Pete was really flipped out and I told him we weren't being romantic so the rule didn't apply to us. We would just be more discrete. During breaks at gigs, Pete and I had a storeroom we'd visit. I'd just bend over and he'd fuck me from behind. That was a great position for me because he could really get my g-spot from that angle.

Coming as no surprise to me, Keith quit the band in August. I told Elly that we were better off without his lazy ass. We started looking for a replacement and I told Elly that we needed to find someone that knew what the hell they were doing. I think Elly was secretly looking for another woman, but it didn't matter. All we got were some hacks, some metal heads, and some good ole boy country dudes. Nothing that fit with what we were playing.


In early October as we were setting up for a gig, Elly mentioned that she a talked to a guy who had some promise. I held my tongue and decided to wait and see.

At the end of our first set a tall redhead came over and started talking to Elly. She introduced him to us. His name was Sean O'Brien. She went off to talk to him in a corner. I went off and fucked Pete in the storeroom.

When we came back for the second set, Elly had set up Sean with her Telecaster. He seemed to know what he was doing, but I wanted to hear him.

We started playing and initially I didn't hear anything coming out of the amp that sounded like a Telecaster. In hindsight, what he did was quite cool. He waited to see how we played and slowly brought his volume up. He actually gave a shit how we sounded. What a nice change. As he got more comfortable with us, he started adding little fills here and there. I was liking this guy.

The fifth song was supposed to be Tracy Chapman's Talking 'Bout a Revolution. Elly went over and talked to Sean, then handed him her Martin acoustic. The guy had this shit-eating grin on his face like he knew he was going to kick some ass.

He started the opening riff and someone yelled, "Go Sean! Go!"

Suddenly we just clicked. It felt good! It was as if Sean been playing with us for a long time. This guy was a keeper.

When we wrapped up Elly said, "Give it up for our newest band member, Sean O'Brien!"

A cheer went up and Sean was just grinning and being cool. What I found amazing was that he'd never rehearsed with us, yet he didn't make many mistakes. When the gig was over Elly told me to get Sean's contact information and invite him to our rehearsals.

I scribbled down my address and phone number and went over to Sean, "We practice in my garage on Sunday and Monday nights at 7. Do those times work for you?"

"Sure. I have classes on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings so there's no conflict." He wrote down his email on the back of an old business card. "Could you send me your set list? That way I can practice."

Practicing! I like this guy! "Sure. No problem. That's a nice change. We fired our last guitarist because he never practiced. It showed. Well, there were other reasons too."

"Well, I'm a bit of a perfectionist."

Katie put her arm around his waist, "I think this is great. I'm so glad we found you."

Sean smiled, "I'm glad you found me too. If you don't mind me asking, do you make anything from these gigs?"

I said, "Tony pays the band $250 a night. He's the owner. We put twenty-five in a savings account to save for equipment, then split the rest."

"Well, I don't need the money, so you don't need to worry about paying me."

No way! I touched his arm, "We'll be paying you. It's only fair. Elena plans on asking Tony for a raise once we show him what we can do with a real guitarist."

"I wouldn't call myself a real guitarist."

"Well, you certainly aren't fake!" We all laughed.

A commotion broke out across the room. A woman yelled, "Get your hands offa me!"

Sean immediately went over. I saw one guy holding the woman from behind and another groping her tits. Someone yelled, "Fuck off asshole, she's with us!" Then all hell broke loose.

Sean dodged one guy and punched another guy in the jaw. The first guy came back and whacked Sean in the head with a beer mug. He dodged a punch and suddenly Rich was pounding the troublemakers. Just like that it was over. Pete and I hustled over to see if Sean was okay.

The woman who was being groped tried to help Sean with a napkin, "Oh my god. I can't believe this."

Pete looked at the gash, "You're a tough one. Let's get Katie."

Sean said, "Well right now I don't feel so tough."

Pete said, "Trust me Sean. You're tough."

Katie came up with a first aid kit and took charge. She started treating Sean's head. He had a nice gash. Soon there were about five cops there. The troublemakers were handcuffed and were pulled out of the place.

Rich came over, "Hey shipmate, should I call an ambulance?"

The woman who was assaulted said, "I can drive him."

Rich turned to her, "No, you can't. You've had too much."

He's our bandmate. We got this. I said, "I'll take him."

The woman was insistent, "Well, I want to go." Who the fuck are you? "He helped me. He's my friend and I want to make sure he's okay."

Rich stepped in, "Let's get you home safe. Do you have someone to drive you?"

A women with spiky hair came up, "I'll take care of Astrid. I'm her designated driver."

"But I want to go with Sean!"

Astrid! I could see why she was concerned. I said, "We'll take care of him. Give me your number and I'll let you know how it went."


I drove Sean and Katie to Urgent Care. They took him back in a wheelchair and soon Katie had gained access since she was a nurse. I just sat in the waiting room listening to music on my iPod. By the time Sean was released it was past 3 a.m.

As we were getting back into my car Sean asked, "Are you ladies hungry? The least I can do is buy you something to eat."

Katie said, "There's a Denny's a couple of blocks away."

"Perfect. Lindsey?"

"I'll go for that."

We pulled into the Denny's and got a booth. Katie and I sat across from Sean.

The waitress brought us menus and looked at Sean, "What happened to you?"

Katie said, "Sean tried to stop some guys from assaulting a lady over at Smitty's. He got whacked in the head with a beer mug."

Sean laughed, "Is that what it was?"

The waitress asked, "Do any of you want coffee?"

Sean shook his head, "I'll need to sleep when we're done. Water for me. Ladies?"

I said, "Water's good."

Katie said, "Orange juice."

The waitress nodded, "I'll be back to take your order in a few minutes."

Katie said, "Back at the bar Rich called you 'shipmate'."

I finally had a chance to check out Sean. He was quite handsome in a rough and tumble sort of way. I started playing footsie with him.

Sean smiled, "We were both in the Navy. When I showed up tonight he had nothing but good things to say about your band."

I nodded, "Rich is a nice guy. Looks out for us. Makes sure we get to our cars safe and sound after a gig."

Katie asked, "What did you do in the Navy?"

"I was a pilot. I flew these big ugly airplanes called P-3s. Nothing fancy and sexy like in Top Gun."

Katie said, "Yeah, but that's still pretty bad ass. I could never do that."

I asked, "How long were you in for?"

"Twenty-five years."

Katie laughed, "Jeez, you must be old."

I laughed, "I thought the same thing. So first off, you need to know that you are in our band no matter how old you are, but how old are you?"

"I'll be forty-eight next month."

Katie said, "Well, you look good for forty-eight. I would have guessed a lot younger."

The waitress returned and we ordered. Everyone went for something breakfast related. Over the course of the next hour we told Sean about ourselves and in turn we learned about him. When we were done, I drove us back to the tavern. Katie and I both hugged him. This was a quality guy! It was close to 4:30 when I finally got back home. I sent Astrid a text and went to bed.


All the next day I kept thinking about Sean. What kind of person steps in and starts defending someone like that. No way had he known Astrid very well, he's only been here a short time. The man screamed quality. During lunch I went to the ladies' room and rubbed out an orgasm just thinking about him. God I wanted him.

Something about him made me think about settling down like my sister. Imagine being married to a guy like Sean. He oozed sexy. So confident. So HOT! Lindsey you need to fuck him and keep him!

I debated whether or not I should call him, but I chickened out. Instead I went down to the hotel and turned three good tricks. On the way home I calculated that I had enough money and could go to the addiction clinic. Get to know Sean first.


On Sunday evening, I decided I would be on the lookout for Sean. I got a folding chair and sat in my doorway looking for him. I struck pay dirt when he showed up fifteen minutes early.

I went to meet him, "I'm glad you came early. I'll show you the set-up."

I showed him the garage and pulled up one of the doors. "We'll start with it open, but when it gets chilly we usually close it. The neighbors are far enough away that the music doesn't bother them. We usually don't get too loud. You can plug in your amp over here."

Sean set his guitar case down and then plugged the amp in. Bending over, I got a nice view of his ass. So nice. Go for it girl. When he turned around, I was there to put my arms around his neck. He was just a little taller than me. More niceness. I didn't wait and just started kissing him. I felt his hands on my ass. Seduce him. I pressed my body against him. My boobs pressed against his solid chest. You gotta fuck this one.

I spoke into his mouth, "Oh, I like that." I kissed him again. "Just so you know, Elena has a rule that we can't have any romantic relationships in the band."

"What about this?"

I kissed him again, leading with my tongue. I eased off and looked into his eyes. Gorgeous blue. So fuckable. "Ah yes. I'm thinking that this isn't romantic. It is just pure lust on my part. We could also think of it as redheads taking care of one another. Sex does not need to be romantic."


Let him know you are available and willing. I kissed him again, "Just so you know, I am a bit of a nympho. Well, that's what Keith called me and I think he was right. I love sex. I live to give and receive orgasms. For me, the best sex has no commitment. Just pure pleasure."

"Good to know."

Sean's cock was getting hard, "I feel something nice pressing against my puss." I kissed him, "Just so you know I love fucking every way possible. All holes. I'm also an expert at giving head." Was that too much information? I heard a car and let go of him, "Shit. There's a car. Probably Elena. I wouldn't mind continuing this later."

I went over to the door. Sean was setting up his guitar. I said, "It is Elena."

As she approached, Elena looked at me and knew exactly what had been going on. No fooling that girl. For the first time since I met her she was advertising that she was available. Skin tight jeans with her fine ass. Braless in a white t-shirt. Her perfect fucking tits topped by her perfect fucking nipples. Fuck! How could I compete with her! "Lindsey have you been hitting on Sean already?"

"He just got here. I didn't have a chance. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want to."

Elena poked her head in the door, "Sean, it's so good to see you."

Just then Katie and Pete drove up. Elena said, "We need to help Pete with his drums. Just carry them in. He'll set up."

I went to help Katie. I wanted to see what she was wearing. I grabbed her amp and checked her out. Katie's huge tits were floppy around in her t-shirt, nipples screaming to be noticed. Double fuck! I had some nice tits. I better use them.

Katie called out, "Sean, how's your head?'

Sean replied, "Mending nicely."

I ran back in the house and lost my bra. I pulled on my nipples to get them hard. Gotta stay that way. I ran to the bathroom and dabbed some Icy Hot on my nipples. Fuck!

When I came out I saw Pete talking to Sean. He had a shit-eating grin and he was probably telling him how much I liked to fuck. Let's hope!

When we were set up Elena said, "I talked with Tony. His beer sales go through the roof when we play. He's going to increase our pay to $375 a gig. We'll each get seventy bucks a night. He wants us to start an hour earlier though."

She went on to explain to Sean how the gig would work. "I think we need to feature some of you on vocals. I don't think I can sing for six hours a night. Sean can you sing?"


"Good. Lindsey we'll get you more mike time as well. Katie, I know you aren't a fan of leading. Think about pieces you can do well and bring them back tomorrow night. Any questions?"

Then we rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed. Three and a half fucking hours. I hate rehearsing. I know we needed to do it for Sean, but fuck! I could have turned five tricks in that amount of time.

I checked out Sean the whole time. Girl, you gotta fuck Sean. He wouldn't look at us even though there were six nipples standing like little soldiers for his inspection. Katie was pouring sweat and she looked like she was in a wet t-shirt contest. I wanted to get sweaty like that so I closed the garage door.

Pete, on the other hand, was in heaven. He couldn't take his eyes off of us and I noticed a nice bulge in his pants. When Elena finally called it a night, I went over to Sean and explained that everyone left their equipment here overnight.

I saw Elena take Sean aside and so I decided to wait to have a shot at him.

Pete waved at me and I went over, "When can I come over?"

"Tonight. Drive around for about ten minutes and come back."

"Cool. You're so fucking hot Lindsey."

I turned around and Sean was already in his car, pulling out. Fuck!

Like clockwork, Pete showed up and I immediately went to work on that hard, young cock of his. Now that I had him trained, he could fuck all night.

Sometime in the middle of our fuck fest I heard my phone ding. I didn't check it until much later. It was a text from Elly: All three of us need to dress more appropriately. No more going braless to impress Sean.

Oh fuck you Miss Perfect! They're my fucking tits! I can show them off if I want!


At work I tried to think of what songs I could bring to the band, but only came up with two: Avril Lavigne's Complicated and Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Elly would be pissed, but oh well.

Our rehearsal went well. Sean was a great add. The man could sing and play. I loved creating harmonies with Katie and Elly when Sean sang. Gave me shivers. I started thinking that if I went off to rehab, the band wouldn't be left in the lurch.

I saw Sean carrying his gear out to his car and Elly tagged along with him. Fuck! She going to snag him with that perfect body.

Everyone was packed up and Sean came back to the garage one more time. Was he looking for me?

I pulled him back, "Sean, you know I was serious the other night about having sex with you."

"I never thought you weren't."

Lindsey, be seductive. I put my arms around his neck and brought my face up to his, "Why haven't you taken me up on it? No romance. Just pure lust. Just come over and fuck my brains out. How about right now?" I kissed him, probing with my tongue.

Sean looked into my eyes. Such kind eyes. "Well, part of me is trying to respect the intention of Elena's rule."

Damn! A quality guy. "How about the other part of you?"

"It wants to fuck your brains out."

Yes! I kissed him again and he cupped my ass cheeks. Use what you've got girl. I pressed my tits into his chest and ground my hips into his crotch.

"Sean do you need help?" It was Elena.

I nearly jumped out of my skin, "Oh my god don't do that!"

"I didn't see Sean leaving."

What is she up to? "You want to join us for a threesome? I've never eaten pussy, but I bet I could learn to like it. I'll bet yours is luscious. You have amazing boobs. I'd love to suck on your nipples. I'm sure Sean would love two mouths on his cock." I was making myself wet talking like this. It would be cool if she goes for it.

Elena placed her hands on her hips, "You're lucky I like you."

"Elena, it's a stupid rule. We're adults. If we want to fuck our brains out, let us fuck our brains out. Hell, I'll get Sean hard for you and help him fuck you. I'll lick your clit with him fucking you. Think of the orgasm! We would have a blast!" PLEASE!

"Let me think about it. Come on Sean."

"Maybe I'll quit the band so I can fuck Sean."

If she wasn't my closest friend, I would quit. Fuck! I needed to cum. Pete was already gone. I drove over to Wayne's Bar & Grill. I saw Bill, one of my regulars, at the bar.

I walked over and gave him a hug.

He had a broad smile, "Hey Sweet Cheeks."

Sarah was tending bar, "Want anything Lindsey?"

"Just Billy."

Bill whispered in my ear, "Too close to payday. Don't have the cash."

"Tonight's on me."

He called over, "Sarah, please watch my beer. I'll be right back."

Bill and I went out to his old pick-up truck. I laid back on the bench seat and he fucked me to an orgasm. Going home I felt like a piece of meat.


Our new gig time was seven. I'd worn some risqué outfits in the past. Elly couldn't give me shit if I wore one again. I decided to go with my seventies retro look. The tube top showed my nipples to perfection. The hot pants were so tight, my pussy lips were there for all the boys to see. You will get some cock tonight!

I got there about half past six. Sean came out to help carry my shit.

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