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My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 07

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Samantha takes boat trip with friends, fun ensues.
18.1k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 07/27/2023
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Sam makes plans for another boat ride with the Tafts, this time with Becky, Bonnie and Bill along. Becky becomes the fourth in the Tafts' bed. This chapter contains oral, anal, lesbian, and group sex, including threesomes. My thanks to JohnnyGalt and Steve150177 for assisting in the editing. ©2023

My Husband Fucked Me Over, Ch 7

Another Boat Ride

It was nice waking up with someone in the morning. Becky still smelled of sex, and it was enough to entice me to more, which we both enjoyed. We were both dressed and decent when I woke Emma up for breakfast, and to get her ready to go to Bonnie's.

Bonnie and I went to the gym and on the way, I told her I'd had a discussion with Becky about Bonnie inquiring about a threesome with me. I'd asked Becky if she might be interested in one with Bill and Bonnie as a possibility.

"I kind of used toys to show her what a threesome might be like, and she said afterwards that she was really tempted to try it. I informed her you were not ready yet, wanting to lose some weight and be sure your marital crisis is over, but it gave her time to figure out if she'd want to, before you asked, and wouldn't come as a complete shock to her."

"I hope it doesn't get weird with her, you know, looking at me and speculating what it would be like having sex with me?"

"I would think it would be more weird for her than you."


"She knows what it's like having sex with a woman. You don't. I think you're going to be looking at her, wondering what she tastes like, and wondering what it will be like watching your husband fuck her. None of that will be a part of what she's thinking about. She's had sex with both men and women before, and fucking Bill won't have the emotional impact for her, that her fucking Bill would have for you."

"God, you're right. Even as you said that, I got this picture in my head of Bill's cock sliding into her, and almost panicked."

"You don't have to do it, you know. I know you're feeling guilty, but the only thing Bill really wants is for you to be faithful to him. He hasn't asked to have sex with someone else to pay you back, has he?"

"No, not at all."

"So, it's more your own guilt making you feel like you need to do this, plus the desire to see what a threesome would be like, more than any desire on his part to get back at you."

"I guess."

"If you want to know what a threesome is like, you can do what I did to Becky last night to demonstrate. I used a fat dildo on her pussy while I licked her clit. Bill could do the same to you."

"You're right. I guess it is mostly me. I just feel so bad that I hurt him like that, and maybe I should be hurt the same way."

"Sounds like a conversation you should have when your marriage is on stronger ground. He may not need it as much as you do, to assuage your own guilt."

"You're probably right."

"I have one other thing to ask you, but it can wait until after we've finished," I said, pulling into the parking lot at the Y. "It's time to feel the burn again. Try to run a little more today, or at least walk very fast. We're doing arms and chest again for your weights. Have you noticed that you have a little more energy every day?"

"You know, I do."

"It's too early for you to drop much weight, as you're replacing fat with heavier muscle, but it's possible your clothes don't seem as tight."


"Keep it up, and you'll be bikini ready in no time."

Another volleyball day for me, and Joe wasn't there. Probably playing basketball again. That was really his game. When I joined Bonnie, she was walking pretty fast, and on an incline, so working it.

I got her attention, threw her a towel and told her to take a five minute rest break before we started the weights.

As we walked to keep our muscles loose, Bonnie said a couple of guys had hit on her.

"What did you do?"

"Showed them my wedding ring and said that I was very married, and my husband was a big guy, and the jealous sort who'd been known to crush the balls of men who hit on his wife."

"This is the sort of stuff you need to report to Bill when you talk to him later. Had a couple of guys approach you and you sent them off with a warning to beware of your husband. You're still working on trust. For all you know, Bill might be having guys hit on you to check on you."

"Would he do that?"

"Until he's sure of you again, he might. He knows you're coming here. Always be above board. It will give him confidence you're playing it straight with him."

"Fuck, now I'm glad I didn't flirt."

"Yeah, you need to curb the flirting, unless you want to be divorced."

After the weights, we showered and changed and went grocery shopping for the weekend.

"What was the other thing you wanted to ask?" Bonnie asked, as I drove to the store.

"The Tafts and I have to lay low a little after the media kerfuffle Ransom set off. We figured that maybe we'd take a boat ride out of town for the weekend a couple weeks from now. Penelope asked if you and Bill might like to join us. Probably head down to the Keys or something."

"Why would they invite us?" Bonnie asked. "We don't know them."

"Well, they know I'm kind of helping you and Bill patch things up, and that I like both of you. I know Pen and Robert are hoping I'll join them when I'm divorced, and I think they're trying to make me happy by including my friends. They invited Becky too."

"Are they expecting you to sleep with Becky, with them, all together, or what?"

"I'm not sure. Pen also asked if Becky would like a job as nanny/teacher for Emma and their kids. She knows that they're asking a lot of me to join them in an unconventional relationship, one in which I couldn't marry either of them, and I think that she's hoping that having someone else of my own around, might make the whole living together thing more palatable. Maybe they're testing the jealousy factor to see if it's even feasible. Both women admitted to being jealous when I kissed the other one in front of them, so it would be something we'd need to work out."

"It sounds like a soap opera, and kind of fun to watch," Bonnie said, laughing. "I'll ask Bill what he thinks, and if he can get the time off. What would we do with the kids?"

"I think they're coming with us. Plan on it being more of a family cruise than a love boat thing. Billy and Emma can bunk in the same room, so you and Bill can have a little privacy."

"How many rooms does it have?"

"Four, plus crew quarters."

"It sounds like fun. Can Bill go fishing? He loves to fish."

"I imagine so."

"I'll check with him and give you an answer. Might be kind of fun to see if there are any fireworks."

"I think the Tafts are too well bred to think fireworks would occur."


We were almost finished grocery shopping, when some woman who'd been eyeing me for awhile, asked me, "Is this your girlfriend?"

"What kind of a rude ass question is that for you to ask anyone?" I said. "You don't know me. Does anyone just walk up to you and ask who you're fucking? Why would you think you can ask me that; because you saw me on TV? What a stupid bitch you are. Leave me the fuck alone."

She puffed up a little. "Well, I never!"

"Never what? Never got laid? I'm not your friend. What makes you think you can ask a stranger that kind of question? How would you like it if some total stranger asked you about your sex life? How fucking rude you'd think it was. As if it was any of their business."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be. This is my friend, my neighbor, the mother of my child's best friend, and a workout partner. She's not a girlfriend. I do know people other than sex partners. Don't assume anything."

She walked away, and I apologized to Bonnie. "I have a feeling there's going to be quite a bit of that sort of shit after my news conference."

Bonnie laughed. "You certainly had no problem handling it with kid gloves."

I grinned. "What can I say. Rudeness pisses me off."


That night, I told Emma that I was going to talk to Pen and Robert, and asked her if she wanted to chat with them for a bit before she went to bed.


"After you're all ready for bed," I said, "I'll make the call."

Emma chatted happily with them for fifteen minutes before I tucked her in and took the phone to my bedroom.

"I wanted to ask you both what you were expecting on the boat trip? Do you expect me to sleep with you, or with Becky?"

"I kind of questioned the whole inviting others along with us thing. I wanted to sleep with you, because it's been a few weeks," Robert said, "but Pen thought we should give you the choice of whose bed you end up in."

"So you're willing to abide by whatever my decision is?"

"Of course. We have no real claim on you except you're having our child," Robert said. "We're keeping our fingers crossed."

"And what was the whole point of inviting the Smiths?" I asked.

"I knew you were helping them out," Pen said. "I thought it might be a romantic break for them, a chance to reconnect."

"That's very thoughtful, Pen," I said. "Bonnie's asking Bill tonight if he'd like to go. She was wondering if Bill could fish."

"Fishing is one of the activities that regularly goes on when we're out," Robert said. "We can't do it on the trip down or back because we're cruising too fast, but it can definitely happen when we've reached our destination."

"Where is our destination?"

"Dry Tortugas National Park, where Fort Jefferson is located. There's some great diving and snorkeling," Bill said. "Fishing too, for that matter. We've got a treat planned for Emma."

"Are we going to share cooking duties?" I asked.

"For that many people, the cook is coming along," Pen laughed. "Is Becky coming?"

"She hasn't said yes or no yet, but she's definitely thinking about it. I also asked about the nanny thing, and she said her degree is in elementary education, so she'd be good for it. She's thinking about that as well, wondering what the pay would be like for one thing. She'd like to get more details, but we have some time. If she does come on the trip, perhaps you could discuss it then."

"That's fine," Robert said. "Perhaps I could keep her occupied while Pen has some fun with you."

I laughed. "So, ulterior motives then."

"Every chance we can get," Pen said.

"Bonnie wondered if there'd be fireworks between you, Pen, and Becky," I said.

"A hair pulling, cat fight?" Pen asked.

"Something like that," I laughed. "She knows you're both having sex with me."

"I hope not," Pen said. "I'd like to think we can get along."

"Me, too. It would be a lot easier if you could."

"For you, I'll be the Angel of Decorum."

"I had some strange woman walk up to me in the grocery store today, asking if Bonnie was my girlfriend. Have you had any incidents like that?"

"Yes," Pen said. "I had some woman call me a whore today while I was out at lunch."

"Did you smack her?"

Pen laughed. "I wanted to, but no, I didn't. I guess it's something I'll have to put up with."

"I told mine off. The fucking gall some people have."

"I know."

"The bitch is probably a Trump supporter, the hypocrite."

"She did have a MAGA button. What made you think that?" Pen asked.

"Because the religious right supports Trump, and it sounds like something a conservative Christian butthead would say, and yet Trump is the biggest whore around, and they love him. Nobody has had more sex outside of his marriages than he has. Like I say, a hypocrite."

Penelope laughed. "Are you a Christian?"

"Yeah, but I'm a more Christ-like Christian than a lot of others."

"What do you mean?" Robert asked.

"I'm more of a 'Let he who's without sin, cast the first stone,' 'Love thy neighbor as thyself,' Christ kind of Christian, not one who'd go up to someone in a restaurant and tell some woman they don't even know, that they're a whore. That's not a Christian to me. I don't know what you'd call that person, but a self-righteous ass comes to mind, more than Christian."

"Are you a Democrat?" Robert asked.

"I hate all politicians at the moment. They're all self-important wind bags who don't have a clue about real life. I hate voting. The only reason I vote is to vote for the least offensive wind bag, no matter what their party is. Most of them don't deserve a single vote, let alone get elected, yet I end up having to pick one. I almost wretch when I'm faced with the choice."

Robert chuckled. "We'd like to leave on Friday night to get the max amount of time in the Keys in. Do you know if that would be a problem for Bill?"

"I'll ask. I know he puts in way more time than he should at work. It's kind of what screwed the pooch with Bonnie. She was tired of being alone fairly frequently. It's what allowed Ransom to get his hooks into her."

"Robert was the same way after he lost his first wife. Work, work, work. He finally realized that life is fragile and you'll miss a lot with your loved ones if you were working all the time. He cut back when he married me. It's been good. I enjoy his taking the time to be with me, and to do fun things together."

"Well, thank you for the information," I said. "This is good. We can discuss things rationally with one another."


Becky tended to spend every night with me before Bonnie and I went to the gym, as she was right there for the babysitting, so, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday she spent the night. I told her that Robert and Pen were leaving it up to me as to who I slept with.

"You want to sleep with them, don't you?"

"I do. I haven't seen them for a while."

"I understand."

"But I also want to sleep with you. If I sleep with them, you'll be all alone. I don't want to do that to you."

"I've gotten to be with you at least a dozen times since you were with Robert and Pen. If we're going to share you, I feel like it's their turn."

"You're so sweet," I said.

"I want to kill them in their sleep, but I'll behave," Becky said.

I kissed her.


Every time Bonnie went to the Y, she did better and better. After the first two weeks of training, Bonnie was ready to move up ten pounds in the weights she was lifting. I told her I was proud of her. She got hit on three more times that next week while she was working out, a couple of times right in front of me. While the attention made her preen a little bit, she didn't flirt, and turned everyone down.

"Thanks for asking. I'm quite flattered, but I'm happily married," she'd say.

After the last one left, she asked me why I never got hit on. I was much prettier than she was.

"All these guys tried multiple times when I first started coming here. I had to bruise a few egos to start out with, and they finally realized I was serious about it. The only ones who still try are the new guys, like Joe that first time. I would have to agree that you're starting to look pretty hot. How much weight have you lost?"

"Five pounds."

"Not bad. Maybe you should reward yourself with a sexy new bikini for the boat trip?"

"That does sound fun. Care to go shopping with me?"

"I could be convinced," I laughed. "But let's not go until the Thursday before, so you've lost the maximum weight, gotten maximum tone, and it's a surprise to Bill the first time you put it on. I think I'll ask Becky to go and she can get a new suit too. Has Bill said whether he can leave early on Friday?"

"He's leaving work at two, so he can be home by three, and down to Naples by four."

"Excellent. Should we ride together?"

"Six is a tight squeeze for us. I think your sedan is good for five as well. Best if we take two cars."

"Seems a waste, but you're right. Six would be a tight squeeze."

"Look at the bright side, after spending a couple days in close quarters, we might not want to come back with each other," Bonnie laughed. "We'll be ready to kill each other."

"There is that," I laughed. "Good point."


When I got home, I texted Pen that Bill should be home by three and we could leave on Friday. She immediately called.

"I'll have Grant there with the limo at three."

"Thank you, Pen. That's sweet. I was hoping we didn't have to take two cars down. Neither of ours fit six, especially with two child seats."

"No problem. What do you want for dinner on Friday night? We have to prepare it beforehand if we want to eat at a decent hour."

"I think everyone would like spaghetti. I know Billy and Emma would."

"Spaghetti it is. I'm very excited about seeing you again."

"Me, too. Emma's bursting. She can't wait."

"I think she'll be really surprised to see what we have planned for her. Billy should like it too."

"Please tell me you didn't spend a lot of money."

"I can't tell you that, but it's not a thing, it's an experience, and one she'll remember forever."

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Is licking my pussy out of the question?"

"Probably not," I laughed. "I'm anxious to see what it is. You've got me curious now."

"Good. I'll see you on Friday."


I got Edith from across the street to look after our two kids while we went swimsuit shopping. Despite her propensity for gossip, she was a good neighbor. When I asked her to sit for a few hours, she asked about Ransom.

"Still locked up," I said. "I'm supposed to be warned if he gets out."

"Why can't your regular baby sitter look after them?"

"Going out shopping for clothes with her. Bonnie is going too. Kind of a girl's day out."

"I see that she spends the night fairly frequently." Fishing for information.

"At least three times a week," I replied. "It's more convenient than running over to pick her up before I leave early to go to the gym."

"About that, aren't you pissed that Bonnie slept with your husband?"

"I told you that I didn't care who Ransom screwed. Bill cared, but I didn't."

"You're not really pregnant from a black baseball player, are you?"

"No, I'm afraid not. I'm sorry about saying that, but I had signed a non-disclosure agreement, not to talk about who the real father was. I had to say something, because I made it clear to everyone I wasn't having sex with Ransom, and when I started to show, people would want to know. I felt it would be more embarrassing for Ransom if I said that. I wanted him to be embarrassed, because of what he did to me. I'm sure you understand."

Edith chuckled. "It was pretty funny. Was he a cocksucker?"

"I don't know if he ever sucked cocks before, but I hear the pretty boys get fucked often by big men named Bubba in jail, so he might be by now."

Edith laughed again. "Sure, just drop the kids off when you're ready to go."

"Can I pick up anything for you while we're out?"

"Would a well endowed gentleman named Bubba be out of the question?"

I laughed. "I don't know if there are any gentlemen named Bubba, but if I meet a gentleman by any name, I'll tell him you're interested. Anything else?"

"If I can't have a man, chocolate will have to do."

"You got it. Thanks, Edith."

"You're welcome, neighbor. At least I get to live life vicariously through you."


On Wednesday morning, Becky asked if she could spend the night with me that night, since she wanted to get some time in with me before we went on the boat trip, as she expected me to be with the Tafts on the cruise.

"That way, we can go directly to the store when we're ready."

I was feeling a little guilty about it, especially leaving her alone on the trip, so I readily agreed. She was a good friend.

Wednesday night, we made love for hours, entwined in each other's arms. When we woke up, we made Emma breakfast and cleaned up before Bonnie arrived with Billy. We dropped the kids off with Edith at ten, and I drove to the Edison Mall, where they had several stores where we could buy swimsuits, and a food court to eat after we'd shopped.

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