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My Naked Life at the Stables

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How I got to work bottomless, then naked, at the stables.
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My second story. Again this is based on my own experiences, but names and some locations are changed to protect IDs and privacy. There is no graphic sex here. I'm 25 and there are no key players, described or inferred, under the age of 18. I'm new to this so please be kind to my mistakes.

Following up on my first story 'Naked Wild Camping with Katya' here's a little bit more about me and my life here in southern Spain. As I write this it's late Sunday lunchtime and I'm sat on the couch at my parents' house with my girlfriend Katya. I'm naked, as I have been 24/7 since the weather started to warm up again about six weeks ago. Katya won't go naked here when my parents are at home so she's in a pair of plain white knickers and a short baby blue t shirt which exposes her lovely trim tummy. She is cuddled in to me with her right arm round my waist. Her left hand is resting on the top of my thigh right next to my pubic mound while I write this on my iPad. Dad is in the armchair watching TV, I keep catching him glancing across at Katya, I think he has a thing for her, she's gorgeous and has a fabulous figure with big bra-less boobs.

Mum and Dad are fine with Katya and me, and with my clothes-free life. They have had plenty of time to get used to it. The only rules are that Mum insists that if I sit on an upholstered chair I must sit on a towel, and there must be no sexual activity in front of her or Dad, which we take to mean no fingers in pussies when they are in the same room. The couch we are sitting on now has a huge beach towel permanently on it because wet pussies leave marks.

Now Dad has just left the room and Katya and me are alone. The moment he left, Katya's left hand, which was on the top of my thigh moved towards my pussy, and her fingers with their long bright glossy pink painted nails started stroking my smooth mound and then moved on down to touch my clit hood. She eased my hood up a little and my pink clit, which had just been peeking out, was fully revealed. It looks just like the pink eraser on the end of a pencil. She brushed her finger on the pink nub which sends a tingly jolt right inside me, but then moved further down into the cleft between my outer labia, to where my inner labia start to protrude. All this is visible and in reach with my legs clamped together and feet flat on the floor, as my pussy extends way up my mound.

As it looked like Dad wasn't coming back soon and Mum was in the garden, I raised my legs up, putting my heels on the edge of the couch. My legs are probably my best feature, they're long and slim, but well-toned from my horse riding and trail walking. As I have fine and slow growing body hair they are easy to keep perfectly smooth with the occasional scrape of a razor, as is everything else below my head. I splayed my legs wide open giving Katya access to the madness which is between them.

As I explained in my first story, my body is freakish in a couple of ways. My inner labia just grew and grew and are completely insane. Luckily Katya loves them, and immediately moved her hand lower as her fingers explored the acres of folded flesh between my legs. She worked through the labyrinth of my labia and pulled each lip out separately, about 3 inches at natural resting position but up to 6 inches if she stretches them. She let them rest against my inner thighs exposing my open pink chasm which extends way down between my legs and is clearly visible from behind when I am walking. I'm gushing wet already and thankful for the towel, as Katya slowly put her four fingers inside me and started to softly circle my clit with her thumb. Throwing my iPad to one side I clutched my flat chest with one hand and started pinching my little pink nipples which were standing proud by about half an inch. Apart from my permanently pokie nipples I have almost no boobs, not even any areola, another freaky feature I have to live with. With my other hand I squeeze Katya's big firm breasts through her t shirt. I'm in ecstasy already and throw my head back against the couch.

Just then my Dad came back into the room, and within a fraction of a second Katya's hand was out of my pussy, my hand off her breasts and my legs firmly back on the floor. It's obvious he saw what we were up to, plus it's a further second before I remembered to put my legs together, so he'll have seen my wet, open vagina which will have left no doubt. But he's seen it all before over the years so doesn't say anything except to remind us that it's almost time we left to get down to the stables for our afternoon shift.

Katya usually comes over on a Sunday morning to have lunch with us before we head off to the stables where we both work and ride. Katya put her jodhpurs and yard boots on, which she had arrived in, and, after popping into the kitchen to dry my pussy on some kitchen paper towel, I followed her out to her little yellow car, just in my boots. I'm so very lucky to be able to ride and work at the stables clothes free.

When I first went to the stables for riding lessons when my parents first moved to Spain, many years ago, I was of course fully clothed. But then one weekday, when it's normally very quiet, a group of about ten people turned up and suddenly started taking all their clothes off! The stable owner explained that she'd been asked by a film company if they could film nudists riding horses, and being very liberal minded- a bit of an old hippy, she said yes. The stables are in a fairly remote area of the foothills of mountains in southern Spain so the only people they would be likely to encounter would have been other riders from the stables, but the owner had cancelled all other bookings for the afternoon. They looked to be initially slightly embarrassed and reticent to strip off- after all there were about 5 of us clothed stable hands plus the stable owner, and a couple of camera crew guys, but once they were undressed they seemed to be comfortable in their skins.

Up until this point I was usually naked at home and sometimes at friends' houses, especially if there was a pool, etc, but never nude outdoors with other clothed people around. Seeing the nudist group- people of all shapes sizes and ages- sparked something within me. It was at once exciting, erotic, uplifting and liberating. I helped to kit them out with riding gear and got them on their horses and watched them ride off, led by the (clothed) stable owner. I watched them climb up on the high mountain trail until they were out of sight. I was there when they returned and helped them off their horses. I remember holding the reins of a girl's horse- she must have been about 18 or 19- as she unashamedly and un-self-consciously swung her legs open to dismount. I got a view right up her momentarily open vagina. This gave me a huge pussy tingle, like an electric shock right up inside me, and I could feel a gush of wetness and my legs were trembling. I knew that I wanted to do this myself and that the 'real' inner me was a naked me.

I started slowly creating naked time at work. My job sometimes involved being the last one there in the evening, so I'd strip off my clothes as soon as the last person left and was nude for maybe the last hour or so. When I was out riding I would sometimes stop and take everything off, and I absolutely loved being at one with nature without any textile barrier. To this day riding naked in the wilderness is simply the best thing in the world for me. By this point my labia had grown to their current monster proportions and were causing me problems when I rode- they simply got mashed and squashed against the hard leather saddle, and became swollen and bruised, and even bled a little at their paper-thin crinkled edges. My Mum saw this one day when she came home when I was lounging on the couch with my legs wide open, lips pulled apart and a fan set up on a chair in front of me blowing cool air up my vagina. She gave me some aloe vera gel to work in to soothe it and suggested I sit on a folded-up towel on top of the saddle. It helped enormously and I do that to this day.

My crazy flaps caused me other issues as well. I struggle to fit them in any kind of fashionable knickers / panties without them spilling out of the gusset or making a bulge which I then become self-conscious about, worrying that along with my flat chest people will think I am an effeminate guy with long hair. And I'm not prepared to wear boy shorts / boxers etc as I'm very firmly female. Same issue with bikini bottoms and high-cut swimsuits. I look ridiculous in a bikini top- nothing to fill the cups and I'm not into the dishonesty of padding them out. By the time I was 18 and in my last year at school I went naked in school swimming lessons and competitions for these reasons, it was a very bohemian girls-only private school, but that's a whole other story for another time.

I was reaching a point where any clothes at all were becoming a problem for me, both physically, and mentally. I tried trousers / jodhpurs without underwear but they were uncomfortable and rubbed my lips and clit, the resulting wetness and wet patch made it look like I had bladder control issues. In the end I had a long conversation with the stable owner and laid out my situation and asked if she minded if I just wore a long t shirt during the day, and nothing at all once all the horse owners, riding school pupils and guided tour customers had gone. As I said earlier when the nudists visited she was unfazed, and to my delighted surprise she agreed to my request. She said I was a great worker and she didn't care what I did or didn't wear as long as I was happy to keep working there.

And so I was on my path to being clothes free 24/7. Being bottomless at work was a huge buzz. I started with a couple of long t shirts which were really nightshirts, but needing a fresh one each day I was soon getting through all my shirts, and with the longer ones getting ripped and snagged on stable doors and walls etc within a few weeks all I had left were regular t shirts, just down to my waist, so full pussy and bottom out for all to see. The first time I turned up in the morning naked from the waist down I was a conflicting mess of nervousness and embarrassment- butterflies in tummy feeling- along with a huge sexual charge and thrill. I checked in the full length mirror in my parents' room and was a bit scared at how much I was showing- not only 3 inches of protruding labia between the wide gap at the top of my thighs but the deep slit leading up to my pink clit which was well out of its fleshy hood. Compared with most girls' neat little vaginas it was simply obscene. I almost chickened out but it was also making me tingly and wet- I had to dry my pussy before I even left the house and again when I got out of my car, just at the thought of it.

We always start the day with a 10 minute staff meeting with the owner where she allocates tasks etc. I think that day there were 4 girls (including Katya) and one guy. Before she spoke I stepped forward, facing everyone, and asked if she, or anyone else minded if I was naked below the waist that day as I had a 'laundry crisis'. The main reaction was laughter! Then the guy said "Look Zandra" (my nickname at the stables), "We've already seen it all already!" I must have looked puzzled. Then one of the girls spoke up; "since you've just worn long shirts, whenever you bend down to pick out a horse's hooves, or lift a feed bowl or water container, or getting on or off a horse, we can see everything you've got! Try bending down in front of a mirror and see for yourself!" I just said "oh". I then thought of all the times I'd done that in front of customers and riders over the past few weeks. The owner then said "look, it's OK. No-one has complained, in fact we've had a lot more repeat bookings from male riders recently so maybe you're the reason why". So that was that, I was officially a bottomless stable girl.

A few weeks later I was out riding with Katya up in the hills. She was there when I first discovered the stables and we were soon close friends. She is a lot different to me, polar opposite in some ways. She's from Ukraine but speaks good English and Spanish. She is very forthright and direct, blunt even, but is a lovely kind person underneath the hard façade. But you cross her at your peril and she usually gets what she wants, and I was about to discover that included me. It was a lovely day and we could see for miles and miles of wonderful mountains and distant lakes. We stopped to take in the view and I pulled my t shirt off, leaving me naked except for my riding boots and hat. With a bit of persuasion I got Katya to take her top off. I'd seen her boobs a couple of times before when she had stripped to the waist when we were working late and alone at the end of a hot day, but the sight of her large, firm breasts sitting high up on her chest in the sunshine made my pussy start to swell and gush, I was glad I was sitting with a towel between me and the saddle. Topless in jodhpurs is a look which certainly does it for me.

As it was getting late we stayed as we were all the way back to the stables, as we knew there would be no-one there by the time we got back. It was then that Katya made her move. Still naked, I'd put my horse back in his stable and was just putting a hay net in the next stable ready for Katya to bring her horse in. Topless Katya strode in purposefully , and without a word pinned me back against the wall by my shoulders, and kissed me full on the lips, hard and passionate, thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth. She pulled me up against her, one arm round my back pulling her bare breasts hard against my chest, and her other hand on my bottom, squeezing and kneading each cheek and then gently running her fingers along the wet edge of my protruding pussy lips. This went on for maybe half an hour but I can't say exactly as I was swept away by it all. We separated and I almost collapsed onto the floor, my legs were like jelly. We gathered ourselves and put Katya's horse back in the stable, tidied up, and then did some more kissing and caressing, this time she got a handful of my labia and I had my hand inside the front of her jodhpurs and felt her stubbly pubic mound.

We separated again and looked at each other in awe at what had just happened. She said "back to mine", so we got in her car and drove back to her house. I have no idea what happened to my t shirt that day. It felt almost surreal being at her house that evening with the wonderfully liberating feeling of being miles away from my clothes. I called my Mum and said I wouldn't be coming home that night, and had the most wonderful time of my life, getting into each other's bodies.

We turned up at the stables the next morning, after having had little sleep, very tired but happy. I could have borrowed a shirt from Katya's but somehow it didn't occur to me to ask, and she didn't offer. So that day I worked naked, and have done every day since, except in the winter months when I have to wear a padded jacket or gilet to keep warm.

And that's how it is now, in many ways I'm living my dream with the most gorgeously attractive woman. How could I improve it? Well, the pay's not great. Katya does other jobs too but job opportunities in this remote area are limited and I'd almost certainly have to wear clothes which I'd like to avoid if I can! I've thought of setting up an equine and agricultural supplies store, my Dad would invest, so I'm improving my Spanish so I can research the market a bit more.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about me. I plan to write more when I have a moment.

Alessandra xxx

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AlessandraCAlessandraC4 months agoAuthor

Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments. To 'Cyberweasel89'- that's just the way I am! Nothing deeper to read into it than that!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

wish it had more chapters

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89about 2 years ago

Why are all the female in ENF/exhibitionism stories C-cup or smaller on this site? It's just strange to me that three breast sizes are so ubiquitous to one genre. The anthropologist in me is fascinated about what it might mean about the demographics who use this site!

SilkySoapySilkySoapyover 2 years ago

¡Muy bien! Espero que escribas más sobre tus experiencias nudistas :)

fitntrimfitntrimalmost 3 years ago

It was great to read this again after a few months. Admire the talented writing. Above all I admire the author for living her life the way she dreams and is right for her, and finding a place and people where that can work! And it’s very exciting to read, especially since it’s nonfiction!

zorro4lzorro4labout 3 years ago

I really appreciate the honesty in your text, your love for enjoying your body in its natural state is palpable. It is very stimulating your horseback riding and especially the fact that you can work naked without any objection.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Love the detail in your stories. Would love to collaborate on one someday

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very nice

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