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My Neighbor Pt. 06

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Louise continues on John's birthday present.
20.1k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/22/2024
Created 01/21/2024
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Thank you for all your help to Anora / MorbidOrb and Roxy


The week that followed my trip to Alaska was quite uneventful. At work, that is. Our firm managed to score well with the projects and fend off competitors, so all was good in the hood. Louise and Tony still continued with their tutoring sessions, and I tried my hardest not to snoop or pry. Louise was doing her thing, and I would try to do my thing.

However, on more than one occasion, I had found her quite flustered and heaving when I got back home. My imagination went straight to the gutter, but I knew better than to think Louise was up to anything. Still, it was a huge turn-on to imagine my wife cheating on me, and I masturbated more than once to the thought of her and Tony, doing unspeakable things behind my back.

"So Winter break," I started. I got a scoff from Louise. She hated the winter, and it was right around the corner.

"Yeah?" Louise muttered.

"The firm is kinda doing alright lately, so I was thinking we might do a small trip. What do you say? Wanna go skiing in the Alps for two weeks?" I asked. Louise lit up at that.

"Europe?!" she asked enthusiastically. "Of course!"

"Alright! I'll set it up then," I smiled.

Louise came over and gave me a kiss. I'd never seen her so excited about snow before, but it seemed to brighten her day. She was such a precious person, and I could hardly wait until we'd get our time off. Just the two of us, even if it was months away. And when the tutoring session came, I went for a jog. It was almost a routine by now. I'd leave for a run and come back to Louise and Tony finishing up.

This week, and this jog, I was kinda making some leeway with myself. Some discoveries of my own mind, I guess. Why did this fantasy turn me on so much? Like, I knew why, but how had it become so enthralling knowing it was Tony? At first, I thought it was because he was punk and kind of a dick, but honestly, sure he was coarse, but he wasn't that bad actually. Maybe the resentment of his character had been the initial reason for him being a good candidate. But I wanted to dislike him. He was a teenage kid, and he was fucking my wife. And much better than me. So much better. This punk high schooler was reaching places inside of my Louise it was simply impossible for me to reach, no matter how much I tried.

But, perhaps that was why. It was an actual competition, or at least a comparison, between a man and a boy. Someone who hadn't really hit his prime yet and someone who had already started to lose his. Not that I was an old man. And perhaps that was a faulty analogy. All I knew, was that he was someone who was a decade younger than me, and he had given my wife more pleasure than I ever could.

So when I came back this time, I felt pretty good. My feet were aching a little, but nothing serious. I opened the door and called out, but got no reply. That was weird. I walked to the living room and saw Louise lying on the sofa, covered by a blanket.

"Hey, Louise. Where's Tony?" I asked.

She turned and looked at me with an exhausted face. "He left like ten minutes ago," she said.

"What happened?" I asked, suddenly worried.

"I'm just feeling a bit under the weather," she sighed.

"Anything I can do?" I asked. She just shrugged. "Did he get everything done?"

"Yeah," she sighed, turning on the TV. "He got it done alright. Mind I just nap a bit?"

"Of course," I said.

So I made her dinner, made sure she was okay and all, but once she was asleep, and I was sitting on the computer... I embarrassingly found myself at my laptop in our bedroom. Louise was still on the couch, while I was playing some Solitaire. Then my mind trailed back to that dangerous fantasy of mine. The one that had become a reality then got put a lid on.

Fuck it. I still had the videos. We might indulge anymore, but I could probably live long on the few tapes Louise was able to put together.

I found one of the videos and got to town.


Louise had been so exhausted from the week. Perhaps having Tony so close by, just across the street, was becoming more of a challenge than she anticipated. At least she got all of what they did on tape for later. Already Monday, in that little hour before John came home, did Tony walk on over and bang the shit out of her. And Tuesday. Wednesday. And Thursday was their tutoring session, so you better believe Louise was left with several buckets of cum inside of her. Every day she obediently spread her legs, bent over, rode, and sucked his cock. And to think, this was just the beginning.

John seemed a bit suspicious, but she managed to play her exhaustion off with a minuscule white lie. She did feel under the weather. Sore and exhausted, she slept most of the evening. Tony was just so unbelievably big. It was hard to fathom she took all of that and enjoyed it. So resting she did, until she had to go get showered, which was when she came upon John in their bedroom. He sat with his back towards her, but Louise could easily see what he was watching, and the source of the fidgeting in his lap.

On the screen of his laptop, she could see herself in action with Tony. Hating seeing herself on camera, she didn't take the time to make out which scene it was, but it looked like it was in their own kitchen.

Seeing John lost in his lust for her to act like a nasty slut affirmed that her course of action was the right one. However, it made her feel bad for Johnny, that he had to resort to jerking off while she was out getting banged away by Tony.

She had to find some way of making it up to him, of helping him out. She wanted to make him feel good like she felt good. Even if it meant giving him something she despised. This tape would be that. Hopefully. Sex was supposed to be something precious between two loving partners, yet she was getting that notion pounded out of her each time Tony pushed his magnificent cock into her. It wasn't about love, it was about pleasure. And it was a whole lot easier to get her head around that concept. She was fulfilling her husband's deepest and vilest fantasies while having some good sex. What was so wrong about that?

"What you watching there, bud?" Louise asked, startling her husband. He looked embarrassed, and a bit guilty. But the poor man didn't have to. She wasn't here to scold or ridicule.

"Oh, just... just some stuff I found on my computer," John said, as Louise moved closer to him.

"Really now?" Louise asked, smiling at him. "And what kinda stuff is that? Watching your naughty wife getting it on with another man?"

"... Yeah, I guess," John said. Louise sympathetically cupped his face with her hand.

"It's okay," Louise said. "Tell me, what do you think about when you're watching me?"

"How hot it looks," John said. "How he, erh, how he does stuff with you that you'd never let me do. Or that I even could."

"Oh, yeah, that is pretty hot, I guess," Louise said, rolling John's office chair around so she could kneel before him. "And what sort of stuff would that be? Tell me."

Louise smacked his dormant hands away and took over the ministrations of her husband's groin. John hesitated a bit, as it was probably quite embarrassing and dangerous territory for him as a man to go down.

"Uhm. You know. Like, with your ass. And, erh... like, with your mouth," he stammered.

Louise could feel him swell under her fingers. She was honestly quite surprised.

"Why does that turn you on?" Louise asked. "Isn't it enough that he got to fuck my pussy?"

John throbbed hard at how brash his wife was acting. Previously, she'd never talk like this. Not much, anyway.

"I mean, it would be such a submission. Just giving in and letting him slide it between my lips..." Louise pondered, sounding strangely enticed. "Like, that is something I'd never do for you, so would you enjoy it if I did it for him? Even if I didn't like it? Let's assume I hated it, even, and just did it because he demanded it, would it still make you want to jerk off?"

John shuddered as her fingers wrapped around his girth, fully pulling down his briefs. His cock, which was hard but average looking, grew with the treatment.

"Well... yes," John sighed.

"And my ass?" Louise asked. They had never even talked about anal. The possibility of her letting John pound that tight asshole was something Louise wouldn't do even in her wildest dream, except for perhaps today. Today she had had her little revelation. Perhaps she wasn't as opposed to anal as she first thought. "This big ole thing I keep in shape for you, you want him to bend me over and break it open? You know I'll never let you inside my ass, right?"

"Aah... Uh-huh," John sighed, reaching down to gently cup her hair and head, letting him move her where he wanted her. So that he could look into those precious eyes of his wife.

"Well then, Johnny, if it's really that important to you, I'll save my ass for Tony," Louise offered, taking a deep breath. "Do you want me to blow him and have him fill me with cum? Would you like him to make me your filthy, cheap whore?" She then got an even wilder idea. "Would you like for him to fuck me unprotected and knock me up, as I tease you with all the time?"

That did the trick. John ripped her off the floor, threw her on the bed, and mounted her immediately. Pounding into her with abandon, not even pondering how she was under the weather moments ago, but was now all breedable for him.

"Yes! Oh God, yes!" John cried, humping his hips forward with gusto, claiming the land he believed to be his. She couldn't blame his enthusiasm, this was his kinky fantasy brought to life. Louise had just said those words to tease him, so none of it was true. Except for the part where Louise had actually blown Tony, but never mind that.

"Breed me, John! Knock me up! Quick, before Tony does it!" Louise moaned in his ears.

With her hot words, she heard his breath hitch. Her hips arched, her legs tensed, her toes flexed, and with an undignified roar, her husband flooded her womb. Her body responded immediately as if triggered, her climax cresting before him, and she cried out in shared bliss, but there was just that tiny trace of disappointment. There wasn't enough of a dick in her for her to really explode, to achieve full and deep satisfaction. She was close but wasn't brought over the edge.

Her husband collapsed in a panting, sweating, sorry state.

"So hot," John muttered. "You're on the pill still, right?" he asked.

"Yeah. I was just riling you up," Louise said, smiling at her husband.

"I figured as much," he admitted. "Still, fuck that was fun, hah. I... I shouldn't have done that, I don't know where that came from. That was just crazy, so out of nowhere."

"But you did, and I enjoyed it," Louise grinned. "Did you?"

"Oh, I loved it," John admitted. He pulled himself up and rolled off of his wife, and promptly fell asleep.

Sex with John was just so different. Sure, he was able to go full gorilla it was just... Tony treated her like a piece of meat that was supposed to give him pleasure like she was some object that didn't even matter, and while that was so objectively demeaning to her person, as a woman and a teacher, Louise loved it. It was so primal.

John was so loving and caring. He'd never treat her like a slut. She'd hate for him to do it, even. Gosh, here she was. Comparing Tony to John. It was perhaps inevitable, but also incredibly unfair to the two. She wasn't about to compare her husband to a teenage punk. They were two different people, and both were amazing in their own way.

However, as she lay there with her husband, she could only think about Tony's huge cock. John had given her pleasure, but left her unsatisfied... could she possibly make a small request to their neighbor? Maybe shoot him a little text... no. No, for real: no. She was way too sore and way too exhausted. She couldn't very well become some sex addict, especially not to the detriment of her health.

Louise had even found her phone and almost on instinct, she opened it to see if there were any messages from Tony. There was, but she stopped herself midway in what she was doing. He had sent her a dick pic, of course, but that wasn't why she paused. Not the only reason, anyway.

"The weekend is off. For real," she texted her pupil.

"k," was all that he wrote back. Really? Not a single protest? Oh well.

She put the phone away and rolled over to kiss her husband on the cheek. John muttered something in his sleep and continued snoring. Louise tried her best to fall asleep too, but for some reason, her mind wouldn't let her. What was wrong with her?


The next day, after work, Louise got nothing but a wave from Tony. Was he really going to respect their boundaries like that? But she had no room to contemplate why that even bothered her at all. Her phone was buzzing with a call. At first, she was a bit confused, as it was a Canadian number. Then she remembered, she recently had to wipe her phone due to a malfunction. It was probably John's parents, calling from Montreal. Luckily, they were among the bilinguals up there, so they spoke perfect English.

It wasn't much of a conversation. They wondered if John's present had arrived. It hadn't. Then some pleasantries and a bit of nagging as to when they'd get some grandkids visiting. Yup, they were getting the obligatory in-law pestering of getting kids. But all in due time. Louise had gotten around to thinking that might be in the near future, but also, they couldn't very well get started as long as Tony was in the picture. That was fucked and wrong for all the right reasons, of course. Maybe after their trip to the Alps? But that was months away anyway, so no point in spending any more time contemplating that for now.

Lo and behold, after the conversation was over, Emily appeared. She was social enough, but Louise suspected the French girl had problems adapting to the adolescent behavior of the high schoolers over here. It was perhaps not that bad compared to Europe surely, but Emily was perhaps a bit more... mature in her attitude. Was that the right wording?

"Bon vendredi!" she said cheerfully as she approached, wearing a tight dark gray cotton crop top that showed off her trim mid-section along with some waist-high jeans that let her navel peak up just a bit. It certainly fitted her slender frame, being a small cute blue-eyed brunette. Emily honestly reminded Louise of the teenage version of Sophia, her best friend. Perhaps that was why she drew a liking to Emily so well.

"Hi Emily," Louise replied, smiling.

"Ça va?" she asked, putting her bag down next to the bench Louise sat on.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks," Louise smiled. French was a convoluted language, but Louise was able to recognize some very basic phrases. "Et toi?"

"Moi aussi, merci," Emily replied, smiling broadly. "It's nice to hear some real-life French, even if it's just a sentence or two. I mean, English is fine, and I talk to my parents."

"Aren't you cold?" Louise asked. It was a sunny day indeed, but it was mid-to-late fall in Indiana, not exactly the moderate temperatures of the French Riviera.

"Not really. I'm from Normandy, so the English Channel is right there," Emily explained. Louise looked at her with some confusion. "That means it can get cold there also. Not as much as here in the winter, but some I can endure."

Louise was actually not planning on lingering on the bench much longer, but she felt like she should keep Emily company instead of just getting up immediately after the girl had taken a seat beside her.

"So you live with a host family, right?" Louise asked.

"That I do. They are quite nice, but also a bit too religious for my taste. They say grace, which I have never done before. But I like them. But I need to, you know, be away a bit too."

"Well, you can come over to our house, any time," Louise offered. Emily did seem somewhat lonely, being the only exchange student. Sure, she was sociable, but she still more than once was caught hanging on her phone, or like now, talking to one of the teachers. "John, my husband, knows French even. He's bilingual. Grew up in Montreal, actually."

"Really?" Emily asked, equally surprised as she was enthusiastic.

"Erh, just remember to call first, y'know," Louise said, realizing what Emily might stumble upon if she came barging. If her fucking a student came out... that would mean her career, and possibly jail. Most likely jail.

"Of course. Are you at home this weekend?" Emily asked. She was rather enthusiastic about meeting John it seemed. Should Louise be worried? Nah, she was probably just eager to speak her native language with someone.

"Sure am," Louise said. "And yes, you can come over tomorrow if you'd like."

"I'd like that very much," Emily answered.

"Come for dinner then. Around 7? Or 19 as you say over in Europe? We usually eat in the evening on Saturdays, and we don't usually say grace," Louise said with a smile.

"It's a date. But I won't bother you any longer. You no doubt want to get back to your husband! So see you then!" Emily said and leaned over to give Louise a peck on the cheek. Was this some French custom? Surely so.

"See you then," Louise said with a bit of a laugh.

With a hop and a skip, the petite exchange student walked across the parking lot to leave, waving a small goodbye to Louise. That was a surprisingly pleasant exchange. She felt good she could make the exchange student a bit more welcome here in America. It was nice to show some hospitality.

John was pretty surprised by it but was happy to hear the news. While he spoke French fluently, he didn't miss it as much as Emily did. For one, this was the first time Emily was this far and this long from her country, and secondly, John preferred English anyway.

As she woke up the following morning, on Saturday, Louise couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She couldn't tell why. It was something about having a foreigner in their home that made her want even more to try to show the best side of her. Louise always wanted to exert a certain amount of pride and professionalism, but it was more than that this time. It was like she had to impress Emily, which was odd, but she really liked the kid and hoped they could be genuine friends. Maybe Emily reminded her a bit too much of her friend Sophia indeed.

So the Saturday afternoon, they spent most of their time setting up the house. Not too much, but at least make it look somewhat presentable. While Louise realized she hadn't put any dress code, so she went with casual-nice. A black wool turtleneck that stretched across her voluptuous features and a pair of blue jeans. Smart, but not too up or too down. John was his usual self, not bothered at all, but in a positive way. He was just laid back and chill, going with a regular blue shirt and some slacks.

Finally, a minute before 7, the doorbell rang and Louise ran over to open it.

"Hi there!" Louise said. "Come in."

"Merci," Emily said. She was also dressed casually, but nicely, like Louise had, with a long red blouse that reached below her hips, and a pair of jeans with just a tiny bit of navel peaking out. Emily had a trim stomach and didn't seem to mind showing it off.

"So this is John," Louise said as John came up behind her. He offered his hand to Emily.

"Bonsoir, Mademoiselle," John said with a thick French accent.

"Bonsoir," Emily replied, shaking his hand. "Je suis Emily."

"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer," John continued. Louise knew John was fluent, but this was a sudden reminder of just what that meant. Speaking no other language, it amazed her how John could so easily just switch like that.

"Enchanté," Emily beamed.

Louise was left in the dust, as the two continued talking in French. She could pick out a few words here and there, but that was it. She couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, in some weird way. That they had this secret language between them that she wasn't privy to.

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