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My Neighbor Pt. 07


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But when the door swung open, none other than Emily smiled up at me. Dressed in a white crop top, and a red leather jacket and tight jeans, offering a view of her slender tummy. Which is where I looked almost immediately before I caught myself.

"Emily!" I said, giving her a hug, and exchanging kisses on each cheek. "Bon après-midi! What a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in."

"Good afternoon, John," she laughed, accepting my invitation.

I closed the door behind her, and I couldn't help but sneak a glance at her cute ass as she walked in. It wasn't my fault. Those tight jeans left little to the imagination. Or maybe it left just enough...

"So, what brings you here?" I asked, trying to refocus.

Emily turned and gave me a big smile.

"Louise a dit que je pouvais te rendre visite, donc je m'ennyuais un peu alors... me voila!"

** Yo. Antarctica77 here. Just pretend their talking French from here on out. **

"Oh, that's nice. That's so nice of her," I said, nodding towards the kitchen. "Bien sur, bien sur! Are you hungry? I just finished making a fruit salad."

"Oh, I am not intruding, am I? I could come back later, or-"

"Oh, no, no, not at all. Just doing some yard work," I smiled, giving her shoulder a friendly pat.

"I can help with that!" Emily answered eagerly.

Before I knew it, the eager teen hooked her arm into mine and we were on our way back outside again. There was a bunch already raked, but as we had not only one but two beeches, in addition to a hedge that shredded like a bastard, there was still plenty both in the back and upfront. And the wind didn't do us any favors either.

Emily took one of the rakes and got straight to work. While I'm no raking expert, I could immediately tell she hadn't done a whole lot of yard work back in France.

"Erh, Emily?" I started.

"Yes?" Emily said, turning to me. Not gonna lie, those freckles made her look so cute, especially as she looked over at me so expectantly.

"You might want to move your hands to not just hold the top of the rake," I said. "Like this," I added trying to show her.

Emily awkwardly tried to move her hand in the 'correct' position, mimicking me, but her motions was still not all there.

"Pull with your backhand, instead," I said, taking a step closer. I wasn't sure if it was proper to show her up close, as she was an adult after all. It's just raking. Still, I took her hand in mine and moved her fingers. "So, you don't have to move your hands much, but let the rake do the work, okay?"

"Okay," Emily nodded, with a sheepish smile. She then sort of... turned into me, looking up at me to see if this was okay. It was okay. Holding her like this she was so... inviting. Or willing was a better term. Or both. Inviting and willing for what? Nothing in particular, I guess, but the look was there regardless.

I probably didn't read the situation right away, standing there more or less with my arms around Emily, but was able to quickly regain myself, letting go of her hand.

"So just pull with your backhand and then let... the rake do the work," I said, rubbing my neck as I moved away. Emily just smiled shyly. Fuck. Way too cute.

"Okay, I'll try," she smiled.

I nodded. "Good. Good."

We returned to our work, raking leaves and twigs, and occasionally making some small talk. Emily talked more about Switzerland, which was nice due to Louise and I's plans to go there for the winter break. She even brought up the possibility of Louise and I borrowing her dad's facilities, a higher standard cabin. I chalked it up to mostly talk, as we didn't even know the guy. But I enjoyed Emily's enthusiasm.

"Finally!" I called out as we heaped up the last remnants, now having a giant heap of leaves on the front lawn.

"Only one thing left to do!" Emily cheered.

"And what's that?" I said.

Emily smiled, before turning to the heap. She spread her arms like on the cross, then let herself fall forward, collapsing into the pile of leaves with a big splash.

"Aaaaah!" she squealed with joy. "C'mon, John! Join me!"

I laughed, shaking my head, but her contagious joy was too strong. I took a good fist and tossed the brown and yellow leaves in the air, making it rain gold and reds. Emily spread her arms wide to let the leaves fall on her, grinning from ear to ear, the girlish giggle only adding to her charm.

Catching me by surprise, Emily suddenly took my hand and yanked me towards the pile. Losing my balance, I crashed forward, and the sudden shift of momentum sent Emily back on her ass, me landing on my shoulder right next to her. And next to the pile.

"UMPH!" I grunted.

"Ugh," Emily whimpered. She sat rubbing the outside of her hip, wincing as she did.

I quickly sat up scooting a bit closer. "You okay?" I asked, touching her thigh before I caught myself. I immediately withdrew my hand.

Emily just smiled, nodding. "I am good, John," she said, looking over at me. "Sorry about pulling you, but you were taking too long," she giggled. She started getting up but winced more.

"Hey, let's get you inside. And you got dirt all over you!" I said.

"Oh no, I'm a dirty girl!" Emily exclaimed, looking down at herself. Was she teasing me? No. I was just a bit riled up from my imagination earlier.

I got up first, and offered my hand to her, helping her up. She smiled gratefully as she took my hand. Once she was up on her feet, I put my arm around her shoulder and led her into the house. I'd at least let her have a shower to get cleaned up, and perhaps some fruits and a decent meal as thanks for helping me out. Sure we had fun, but we actually got stuff done too.

"Fruit or shower first?" I asked, letting her decide.

"I don't have any spear clothes," she complained.

"I have a wife and she has clothes," I said, joking as if it was a sudden realization, getting a laugh out of Emily. "She won't mind."

"Okay, thanks," Emily smiled, taking a grape from the bowl before throwing it down the hatch. Completely without chewing. "No gag reflex," she explained when I stared. Was that smile... hinting at something?

"Cool. A nice little party trick there," I chuckled, distracting myself.

Emily just smiled, heading to the bathroom.


Not long after Emily had entered John and Louise's home Louise saw them both come outside again. Nothing conspicuous. They just got some rakes and chatted. Louise thought they looked cute together. Until...

John got up close to Emily. Louise was never the jealous type, and while she loved teasing John, she had no inkling of a 'sharing' fantasy such as John did. So seeing them this close... Louise brushed it off. John was just moving Emily's hand a bit. Didn't the poor girl know how to wield a rake?

Louise knew better than to distrust her husband, but her own actions kinda mulled her senses a bit. It was probably best not to let herself get caught up in something that was nothing, so she turned away to watch some TV. She was still quite sore from the day and a half of brutal fucking from Tony, so relaxing was much welcomed.

Curiosity got the better of her though, and soon she went to the window again. Louise's eyes went wide as she saw them both on the ground, Emily rubbing the outside of her hip while John was propped on his elbow with a hand on her thigh.

Louise was livid! She was about to storm out when she had to almost physically stop herself. Louise wasn't even supposed to be in town. She couldn't come out now. The ruse would be up.

Of course, Louise was very aware of how hypocritical it was for her to get angry like this, just from something that might not even be what it seemed. Looking at how dirty Emily had gotten, she'd probably slipped or something. Having debased herself so much, she was perhaps extra paranoid. Louise brushed it off.

Or at least she tried to.

She knew from how dirty Emily had gotten that her kind husband would offer the feisty little Frenchie a shower. Which meant that the little slut was going to be naked in Louise's home alone with her husband.

No. It was wrong to have such thoughts about Emily. She was a sweet kid alone in a foreign country. Sure she was a bit taken by John, but that was merely from the lack of a parental figure and the fact that John had been so nice to her. It was a natural thing. But to call her a slut for it? Louise was the slut. The cheating slut. She was the one who fucked her own student, and she was the one who enjoyed cucking her husband, even if it was his fetish.

But still, Louise couldn't shake away the image of John's hand on Emily's thigh, propped on his elbow next to the little brunette. To think the very same girl was now either naked or getting naked in her own home...

Against better judgment, Louise took her coat, slipped into her shoes, and tried to sneak out the front door without causing any suspicion. None of the neighbors could know, but yet Louise acted reckless by just hurrying across the street. She wanted a peek at what Emily and John were doing.

Rounding the house, and finding the kitchen window, Louise peered inside. Emily wasn't there, probably showering, but John looked like he always did. He just stood there and cut fruits, tossing the cut pieces into a bowl. Relief washed over her.

Louise shook her head, disappointed in herself. She should've known better than to get jealous over nothing. And yet here she was, having snuck out of Tony's home to spy on her own husband as if he was a cheater.

It was time to go back. Louise was about to do so when the bathroom door opened and out came Emily. The petite French girl had a towel wrapped around herself, her brown hair wet and clinging to her face. She smiled at John, said something in French, and then headed down the hallway towards the stairs up to the bedroom.

John was following her with his gaze, his eyes fixated on the shapely rear of the young woman, hidden only by the white towel. His eyes followed her all the way to the stairs and up, disappearing out of sight. Louise saw it all and felt her stomach twist.

How could he not? Emily was a young petite French girl, enthusiastic and cute. And sexy in her own exotic way. Perhaps Emily had strategically chosen the shower downstairs too, knowing she'd be alone with John? What else would she want, being alone in a man's home, wearing a towel, looking like that?

And John... was just a man. Louise clenched her fists seeing her man ogle Emily. And it didn't get better when Emily came down in one of her own pants looking too adorable wearing one of John's button-up shirts.

Louise then heard them start to talk in French. She didn't understand a word, but it sounded pretty flirty according to herself. The way Emily gallivanted around the kitchen toward John, looking adoringly up at him as he replied to whatever she said... John apparently said something that was amusing, as Emily smiled wide, biting her bottom lip.

That was enough.

Louise stormed off, fuming like never before as one alluding action led to the next. Suspicion and paranoia laced her mind. Perhaps she was reading signs that wasn't there, perhaps her own actions made her more susceptible even, but Louise thought fuck all that. She was too pissed to let reason come in the way of a good rage induced rampage.

As soon as she was back at Tony's she found her phone and deleted one video after the other. Within minutes the whole Saturday was gone to naught but her and Tony's memories. She was halfway through Friday when her anger started to calm down and she realized what she was doing. Ruining her husband present. Over petty jealousy. She stopped herself from deleting the rest.

No. Fuck it. If John wanted to ogle... the things Louise had done to herself, to her morals, all in servitude of John's fetish and for Tony's pleasure. With a mix of some sort of rationale still left, Louise tossed her phone aside and marched off toward Tony's room. She needed to blow of steam, and she needed it now.

No more videos. No more John. She needed this for herself.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 hours ago

looking forward to more. good story

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Hyocritial of wife getting jealous of her husband when she have become of her own admission cheating and loving it. Maybe he takes the french girl to swizterland whule she stays behind with her student.

SpoiledDogSpoiledDog4 days ago

I like the story a lot but the repetition is creeping in. From a writing talent perspective I think you're exceptional. You know not only the fundamentals of good writing, but you have some unique delivery arc's of your own. I think most good writers do.

I'm obviously not a writer but would kill to be even a mildly passable one. So my criticism is only based on having read a thousand or more erotic stories and knowing what i like and don't like.

About the repetition. I imagine even the best of writers (Don Silver for example), will eventually fall victim to it, if extending the story becomes more important than the story.

But this is just from a fan of erotica, who couldn't write a story to save my life.

Keep up the good work. Not everyone will like it, and most couldn't write it themselves.

LiteroticaReader88LiteroticaReader884 days ago

I often wonder why people that think this is a "crap story" after being here 7 chapters ???

toobytooby5 days ago

I hate to say this, cos I really liked your writing style. You took the best parts of AvidReaderNoviceWriter's style for Neighbor Chronicles and made it your own. Your New Tenant story almost fell off the tracks, though, but is now headed in a good direction with A Young Couple's Journey. When you veer into total lust of the wife for her ugly lover with a big dick, it gets a little disgusting and unbelievable after a while. And the knowing/unknowing husband/cuck is downright sad. VZB is doing the same thing with his Geek Goddess story. I thought you two were trying to pave new avenues to be different than ARNW was, since he got so deep down his rabbit hole he couldn't even finish! Maybe you can still redeem yourself, like you did with Cassandra's story, and remove the bad guy completely. This Tony kid is a real evil POS, and that's hard for me to say that, since we share our name. I know it's just a story, but I hope the real couple (John and Louise) can come out of this mistake as a healthy married pair in the end. Right now, I don't see how that's possible. Good luck man, and even better writing.


There was almost, dare I say, too much sex in this chapter. I suspect there will be anal in the next chapter but the pacing is wrong. By pushing it back so far you've robbed it of its impact. It should have been in this chapter and it should be something Louise is seduced into doing rather than doing because she's pissed off. The jealousy subplot is not a good direction for the story, imo.

I still love your work, though!

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