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My Neighbour's Daughter Pt. 02

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Love and some drama.
5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/26/2024
Created 09/21/2024
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Having developed into a new couple, the story continues. Please read 'My Neighbours Daughter' first. Thanks. And now everyone is still 18 or over. No relation to anyone alive or dead.

The last story ended Sunday after the couple's first tryst.

Monday morning. A school day. The alarm broke a near wet dream I was having inspired by yesterday. I was sleeping like the damned, having a fanciful scene of flying over a field about to mate with an actual angel, when it all came to an abrupt end, leaving me spinning, as the cobwebs slowly broke free.

Opening my eyes in disappointment, as normality crept back into my consciousness. Memories of yesterday spun daydreams trying to pull me back into dreamland, though I knew I had to get moving or be late.

Reluctantly I sat up and got my legs over the edge of the bed. I need a shower. I was covered in sweat from having such a deep sleep. This doesn't happen often. Hit the shower and adjusted the spray. We are lucky we have great water pressure here and the hot water tore at my skin purging any sweat or dead skin cells. I lathered up, and as I got to my groin, my cock was at full attention. I gave it some loving and was rewarded with an intense purge of finishing fluid, and the accompanying elation.

I dried off and had a fast shave with my electric, now I was prepped. The weather here in Texas was pretty nice this time of year. I grabbed a polo and my jeans then headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning parental units," I smiled.

"Always a smart ass," dad said with a grin.

I got a pretend frown from mom. 'Here," she said ... "Made a sandwich for your lunch."

"Thanks mom," I gave her a quick hug, and waved at dad as I picked up my bag with my report and school stuff on the way out.

Was it just me, or was the sky bluer than usual? I hear birds singing and my step feels lighter as I hiked to school. Or could just be an effect of all the recent endorphins I've been making.

I paused to text Aud, "Morning beautiful, I don't think I ever slept so well as last night. Have a great day. Might run into you."

She gets a ride every day with her dad on his way to work, so we didn't get an opportunity to meet up. I like the time in the morning anyway to reflect on whatever is on my mind currently. Needless to say, recent developments had the wheels turning right now, and it gave me time to sort out thoughts and feelings"

Just got a text back, "Soccer after school, and homework tonight. Hope to see you at lunch. I've got a treat for you if we meet in the caf. xo"

Replied, "I'll look for ya for sure" and a couple emojis for good luck.

Classes weren't too bad. Knowing the grind was up mid-May, and a summer to prep for the next phase in my life, I was actually upbeat and paying attention. In a couple weeks we'd be starting review work and was looking forward to that.

Lunch came quick today. I entered the cafeteria looking around, and spotted her at a table with her posse. I groaned inwardly, dreading approaching the table of 'mean girls'. Half way they noticed me, and I was taken by the smirks and looks I was getting. Usually, they wouldn't know I was alive if I walked past. Audrey picked up on the jury looking my way and turned to see me.

"Russ!" she squeaked and jumped up to trot over.

Well, that was a slight surprise. I'd thought she'd acknowledge me, but in an aloof professional manner in front of her crew. We hugged, now generating even more interest from the rest of the diners. We kissed, though kept it PG, and she grabbed my hand, "let's go," pulling me towards the exit.

"Did you just get even MORE beautiful?" I said with a smile.

She gave me a light punch to the shoulder. "I've always been this beautiful! You trying to tell me I wasn't yesterday?" Then she laughed.

Of course, as a guy I thought I'd stepped in it big time. I'm sure my eyes gave it away that she got one in on me. I relaxed instantly and smiled at her quick comeback.

"No, I was too busy lost in the view of your tits to really notice." She thought that was funny and we had a quick hug.

"I missed you in my bed this morning," I joked, only I really meant it. "What's up with the posse, they never even knew I existed till today."

"Well, I might have mentioned I wasn't a virgin anymore."

"OMG Audrey, I wasn't planning to say anything about you, and certainly never mention details. I mean, the guys will figure it out sooner than later I'm seeing you, and inside I'll be beaming with pride. Though after our hug in the caf, I guess it's out now anyway."

She looked down at her feet and said "I'm sorry if you took it badly, I'm just so happy we are a couple and I'm now a woman. Your woman. Kinda a girl thing too, sharing that milestone."

"No, don't be sorry. I'm not upset. It was just a surprise you opened up to them publicly. You surprise me you are so open, especially with those girls. I guess I'm making judgments not really knowing them, but I never got a good vibe from that group."

"So, we're good?" she asked.

"More than good! Holy cow, I'd tell the world myself, but had this inhibition not to out you because I just, well it doesn't matter. All that matters Audrey is you are the one for me, and I still can't believe you have the same feelings for me.

"I know we didn't discuss yesterday, after, you know. I was still floating on a high from our sex. "How are you feeling today lover? "

"I'm still floating down from Heaven myself, and you S.O.B., my pussy bones are bruised. Everything down there hurts like hell. I'm not sure when I'll let that python back inside me," she grinned. Masterful stroke lover, you did your job well."

"Oh, so it was a good thing lol. For a minute I was picturing my name going on a list," I joked.

"It may well be, but it'll be on some other girls list of who she wants in her bed," she smirked.

"Aud, after my past relations, I know how it feels to be disrespected. You are my only lover, and always will be."

I pulled her into an embrace and kissed her warmly.

The bell rang to indicate lunch was over.

"I'll call you this eve. If you are still into work then don't feel badly saying so. Its not long till we both have lots of free time."

We parted looking back and laughed when we noted we did the same thing.

I had no class last period so headed to the gym. I try to maintain my routine 1 on, and 1 day off to recover. The workouts over the last couple years have started to show visible gains. With the addition of stretching in martial arts sessions, my body was pretty fit. Got home and showered. Showers at the gym are pretty tired looking, and I don't feel clean using 'em. Not much homework tonight so hoped to get some gaming in after.

I called Aud after dinner to see how soccer was. Coach said she was more on point in practise today, but with the semis coming up they were going to have an extra practise in a couple days.

She chatted about her day after lunch, and the posse wanting more intel.

Four of my buds were online this evening and we roasted the opposition tonight. We had lots of fun and good chat catching up. Word had been out now Audrey and I were seen swapping spit at school. Tyler ribbed me about punching above my class and wanted deets how I snagged her. The others echoed the same interest.

"Well, she lives close by and our parents are friends. She was always off with her crew, or at soccer when her fam was over at my place, so just never connected till a few days ago. Most I ever saw her, was she sometimes stays at our place when her parents have to be away overnight. Even then we'd just watch TV with my folks. "

"Ya ... AND?" They said.

"And it just happened we bumped into each other and got to talk."

"Lame" a couple echoed.

"Sorry guys, a gentleman can't dish on his girl ya know."

That got a few guffaws, but they let it go. We were starting to get fragged anyway, and had to focus on the battle. If I mentioned how we really got familiar, they wouldn't believe it anyway.

The next couple days went similarly. Thursday Aud had her extra practice. She was staying over again because her folks went to a funeral out of town. She was planning to walk home after practice. I was doing homework when I got her text.

"Russ, I seem to be the last one finishing up, since it was my turn to help coach putting the equipment away. Peter Ansen and his creepy brother are hanging outside. Could you come walk me back?"

Peter was at the center of pretty much every problem around school. It wouldn't be good if she had to get past them leering and harassing her as their reputation preceded them. Even if nothing happened, I know she'd feel uncomfortable being by herself near them.

I texted back "Mom's home, I'll get her to drive me over and run us back. Let you know when I'm there."

"You're a lifesaver, thanks xo".

Gave mom the 411. She was concerned and more than happy to help. We got there in about 10 min, and I texted Aud we were in the front lot.

She replied, "OK looks clear, I'll head out the side entrance and see you in a sec."

I was waiting a few minutes and didn't see her. Gave her a quick text, "all good"? No reply.

Hmm, maybe she forgot something.

"Mom, I'm going to walk over and meet her on the way."

As I rounded the corner I heard a girl scream. That didn't sound good. I picked up the pace and came to the door alcove. Peter and his scrub of a brother had her cornered outside the door.

"Hey princess, just give us a peek at those titties. That's all we want." His sidekick was leering like caveman.

"Hey, fuck off you assholes!" I shouted.

Peter grabbed for her, but caught her shirt and it ripped.

I didn't even think. I was close now and stepped in and drove a vicious jab to his left kidney. His eyes popped wide, and his mouth opened but no sound came out. He crumpled on the spot.

His brother grabbed a stone and swung toward me. I stepped back away from his swing, and back in as the stone passed me, with a spin kick to the side of his closest knee. There was a sickening snap, and a garbled scream came out of his shocked face.

Peter recovered quicker than I expected and was on his knees now. I gave his face a snap kick throwing him on his back. Blood was pouring from his shattered nose.

"Want more?" I asked.

He hadn't expected anyone to oppose him and had a pained look of incredulity in his eyes. Audrey ran to me and held me tight. Mom, having heard the commotion had come to investigate. Her shocked expression rattled me. I've never seen that look on her face.

She was quick to recover and dialed 911 on her cell. The two guys stayed down. Peter's brother was in no shape to walk, his lower leg was at an awkward angle.

The fire rescue arrived first noting Audrey's torn shirt. She advised she was OK and they moved on to prepping the guys for transport. The police got there not long after and took all our statements. We had to show them our text conversations, and they understood what went on. These boys were known to them for mischief and theft, but this was the first time it got serious.

The officer asked me to sign my statement.

I was reaching for his pen, when mom said, "Let me see that first."

She scanned it and said, "this doesn't sound like your words, it this what you said?"

"Well not exactly."

The officer spoke up and said "Ma'am, we note the testimony from the witnesses, but have our own way of paraphrasing it for consistency."

Mom leveled a stare at the officer and stated, "Officer what you do is your or your department's business. This is not my son's exact words, so he won't be signing it. Is your body cam on?"

"Yes ma'am."

"OK, well there is a record of what he said to you, and that's all you need for now, right?"

"Yes," he stated, "but we do ask for a signature."

"Well, its not happening until we get a legal opinion if one's ever needed"

"Understood ma'am".

The officer interviewing Audrey was just finishing, and mom advised her not to sign anything either. Mom confirmed that officer also had an active bodycam, and led us off. The officer didn't ask for a statement from mom as she wasn't present during the altercation.

We all got back home, and talked about what happened. Mom was surprised I didn't have a scratch on me.

"Russ, you could have been hurt - two on one, and one used a weapon. What were you thinking?"

"Mom, I didn't have time to think. Once Peter tore Audrey's top, probably trying to use her as a shield or hostage, my training kicked in and I reacted to make it stop. Best outcome is I didn't do anything lethal, but I wasn't even in the presence of mind to consider my moves. I saw an opening and moved."

Audrey wasn't an emotional mess fortunately. I'd arrived in the nick of time to prevent the worst outcome.

"Russ, I'm so glad you stopped those two, and you are a hero to me, but I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"Audrey, if I hadn't stopped them, I'd never forgive myself if they had hurt you. I just did what I felt was right."

She got up and moved to sit in my lap holding me tight. Dad hadn't said a thing as he watched the conversation.

Finally, he gave me a serious look, and said "You did the right thing and I'm proud of you. If there is any fallout at school, or the police want to talk to you again, tell them you won't be discussing anything without a parent and lawyer present. Then absolutely clam up. Hoping there won't be, but some schools get funny ideas about fights. The perps will be needing a lawyer, and likely have a different story than you. So, you got what I said?"

"Yes dad, thanks for your support, and mum's the word," I winked.

He smiled then and that was it. Mom and dad went off leaving us alone.

"Russ baby, since your mom seems cool about it, I'm staying with you tonight."

"Well then my girl, let's say we turn in early." That got me a very hot kiss.

Unbeknownst to me, mom and dad had a chat later.

"Joan, am I right thinking the two plan to stay in Russ's room tonight?"

"Yes dear. I've already had a chat with them and gave my blessing. Besides I talked to Ruby a couple days ago and ventured this may happen. Ruby said Russ is a good guy and Audrey's on the pill. She'd rather they had a safe place to do what older teens do than be exposed to who knows what, and so do I".

Dad, not one to cave asked "How does her dad feel?"

"I asked the same of Ruby and she said, he doesn't need an opinion and we had a chuckle. And by the way, neither do you."

Dad knew what battles to fight, and he agreed with mom (of course) that made perfect sense. Mom proceeded to do what we hope to never see our parents do in private, and dad was perfectly fine after.

Aud and I started getting ready for bed. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. Audrey came in in just a tee shirt and sat for a pee. I had a surprised look on my face I'm sure.

She was, "What? Nothing you haven't seen already." grinning.

She did her business and I had to comment, "I thought girls tinkled like princesses? That sounded like a fire hose."

"Guess we are learning new things about the other genders, eh?". "Move please, I need to wash my hands and brush my teeth too, handsome."

"Yeah," I replied. I need to pee as well, but not with you here."

"OMG Russ, you've had that thing in my mouth and pussy, and you are shy about me seeing it again?" she smirked.

"Well, if you put it that way I guess."

I got in position and pulled it out getting ready.

Her face lit up and she went, "Can I hold it while you go?"

"I can see life isn't going to be the same with you around, is it," I laughed. "Go ahead."

She reached out and took it in her hand and I started to go. She was wide-eyed playing the stream around the toilet having too much fun.

"That was so cool! Wish I had one of those I'd never have to hover over the seat in public washrooms again."

"What," I said, "why not sit?"

"Well you've never used the women's I guess. Some women are pigs. Nobody can sit on public toilets". Another new insight I never needed to know. "You go ahead. After I clean off my makeup and stuff, I'll be right in."

I straightened the bed, folded the sheets back, and picked up some used laundry for the hamper. I laid back and waited for her to come in. When she came through the door, I saw she had spent some time fixing her hair. I loved how she had it swept over one shoulder stopping just above her breasts. I wonder if women go to classes to know how to look appealing or if it's just genetic.

She slinked to the bed and curled up next to me.

"Audrey, this is something I've only dreamed of. You and I together like this, sharing a bed. The other night was great, but it was about comforting each other in the storm. Tonight, I'm hoping to make love to you and hold you until daylight."

"Yes Russ, my parts feel heeled up, except the bruises down there. Let's take it slow and sensual tonight lover."

"My thoughts exactly beautiful."

I pulled her to me and we started kissing. I decided to experiment a bit and kissed just her lower lip. I received an appreciative moan, so softly sucked it into my mouth biting it gently. I did the same to each side of her upper lip, then went in for a natural full-on kiss and teased her tongue with mine. She responded teasing mine back with hers, and we kept that up for a while. The feel of her tongue moving in and out of my mouth made me hard in seconds.

I traced her sides and back with my fingers taking in the sensation of having this gorgeous body to explore. Every place I felt was warm and firm, yet soft. A strong desire was building, and she too was giving signs of being aroused. I moved my hands to the bottom of her shirt and slid it up, then over her head and off. She sat up straight and moved back a bit letting me see her nude form, smiling with her eyes as she watched me soaking in the view.

"I can tell you like what you see."

She turned a bit to each side to show me her profile with those breasts high and firm, no sag, and waiting to be squeezed.

"You are so beautiful; how did I manage to capture your heart?"

She took my right hand and placed it on a breast, "These are all yours, anywhere, anytime. I'll never deny you anything you can imagine. I want to explore all there is to try with my lover, and wont judge you for anything kinky you can imagine."

"So I can play with these like a puppy with a new squeak toy?" I chuckled.

"Yes, anywhere anytime. But I hope you'll give the rest of me some attention too," she laughed.

"Speaking of, Audrey. How would you like a massage? I promise to give all of you some attention."

"Oh baby, that sounds freaking awesome!"

"Let's start with you face down. Get comfy while I grab the oil."

I came back from the bathroom and poured some into my hand to warm it. I lightly applied it to her back and bare ass.

Starting at her shoulders I tried to remember the techniques the RMT used on me last time. I slowly worked her shoulder muscles, neck, then shoulder blades; moving down her spine. I went over it all again going deeper and spending more time on any hard muscles. I used my elbow to glide up and down her glutes eliciting even more moans of pleasure from my goddess.

I added some more warmed oil from her toes to her thighs. Beginning at her feet, I did each little piggy, the pads, ball of her foot, and in between. Next were her arch and plantar muscles, moving up to her ankles and calves. I gave each calf some light attention and then dug in deeper.

I was surprised she never flinched in pain, but soaked up every movement moaning often and inspiring me to do more.

Her thigh muscles were rigid and toned from sports. It was easy to isolate each one. Did the outside, backs, and started softly on the insides. As my hands glided slowly to her buttocks, she parted her legs for me to have better access.


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