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My New Trainer


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"Fuck... ya like that don't ya," she panted out, "You've been a bad boy and you deserve this big, hard cock in your ass don't you?" Again I was unable to respond, but apparently this was unacceptable to her this time. She slammed her cock all the way into me and stopped there. "I asked you a question Lance. What do you deserve?" she barked at me.

"Guh... ahh... uh... a cock..." I managed to gasp out. I felt the wave beginning to subside and wanted it back badly. She slapped my ass again.

"Tell me what you deserve Lance?" she yelled at me. I could actually feel her physically making her cock throb inside of me.

"Uhn... your big cock..." I continued. Another slap. I really wanted her to keep pounding me now. The wave of pleasure kept ebbing away further and further. I tried to bump or grind against her but she held me tight against her.

"What do you deserve Lance?" she yelled again.

"Your big, hard cock in my ass!" I pleaded, "Please fuck me! Please pound me with your huge cock." Part of me couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth, but at that point I'd have said anything to get her to continue fucking me.

"Please fuck me...?" she paused clearly looking for another response.

"Mistress!" I yelped. "Please fuck me mistress! Please, mistress pound me with your huge cock!"

"Oh Lance! You learn so fast! I'm so proud of my new playtoy!" she cooed to me. Then she reared back and slapped my ass one last time before laying both hands on my hips and plowed my ass with renewed vigor. The ebbing wave of pleasure surged forward again as she plumbed new depths inside of my newly explored love canal. I could hear and feel myself panting harder as the wave crept closer. I began rocking back into Lydia as she crashed into me with ever more powerful strokes. I wanted this. I needed this! Harder and harder she slammed into me pushing me forward on the bed. Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard what sounded like someone knocking at the door, then realized it was my head banging against the headboard. I dropped my head and buried my face into a pillow as I placed my hands on the headboard to give myself leverage to thrust back against Lydia. The closer the wave came it felt like her cock was growing ever larger inside of me. Then her panting became ragged, as she slammed into me so hard my braced arms couldn't stop my head from hitting the headboard again. By then the wave was at its crest and concussion or no it crashed down on top of me with a suffocating force. My body tensed up and began convulsing as stream after stream of cum came pouring out of my erect cock.

As I was dumping my load onto the bed, Lydia was dumping her second load into me. She grasped my hips and held them tight as I could feel her cock pulse and throb as it painted my insides with her seed. When she was done, it again felt like she had pumped a quart of jizz inside of me. We were a sweaty, panting mess and neither of us moved for at least a minute after we had both cum. Eventually I felt her cock begin to soften (finally, thank god!), and she withdrew and flopped onto the bed next to me. Once she had extracted herself from me my legs gave out and I lay down on my stomach directly into my own sticky mess I had planted there. I was so exhausted I didn't care. We both fell fast asleep.

We woke together as the sun rose the next morning, lighting her bedroom. I propped myself up off the bed and felt the sticky covers peel off my chest. Lydia looked at me as it happened and I gave her a sheepish grin.

"Uh, sorry about that." I said.

"Hmmm... well worth it Lance. Don't even think twice about it. In fact I'm glad you did. I was so wrapped up in my own little world that I didn't even realize whether you had cum or not. Were you masturbating while I was fucking you last night?" she asked.

"Not at all," I told her. "I never even touched my cock the whole night."

"Oh wow!" she exclaimed as her eyes widened. "I've never been able to get a guy to do that before."

"That's a new one for me too," I said. "Actually a lot of new ones for me last night."

"Well you preformed like a thoroughbred Lance," she said looking into my eyes. "You were a champ right up to the end. I'm sorry if I got a little rough on you... ok well I'm not sorry really. You are one of the best fucks I've ever had in my life. I plan on fucking you a whole lot more on a regular basis. I guess you could consider me your new trainer."

My workouts have never been more fulfilling.

Authors Note: I've had this story about 80% done for months and sat on it trying to get past my depression and writers block in order to finally get it finished. Well the day finally arrived when the planets aligned and the words returned to me. I don't know how long it will last but at least I've managed to finish something. If you've made it this far I hope you enjoyed it. If you did enjoy it then please leave a comment to let me know. High ratings are great, but I feel a rating can be a little misleading. I absolutely adore feedback as it gives me an idea as to how people truly feel about my writing. Even negative comments are welcomed, within reason of course, but abusive comments will be deleted. As always I'd like to thank my editor the ever fabulous Joscelyn.



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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Very well written and believable. Certainly continue with writing and we will keep enjoying the output

vsloverbicdvsloverbicdabout 1 month ago

Excellent writing and SO erotic! I've fantasized about being seduced by a special girl like Lydia.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Amazing I can’t wait for more, your writers block is over, this is a truly captivating read. I couldn’t stop reading as it was so exciting. I love the build up to the romantic encounter the passion the suspense the teasing!

Passion is the opposite to depression you can’t experience one with out knowing the other!!!

I can’t wait for more on this story where will it go what will happen! Wow!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nice story. It would be the best conditionig workout imaginable for cardio and muscle tension relief.

Definitely a membership I would sign up for. ;^-)

smoothed273smoothed2732 months ago


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