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My Son the Gigolo Pt. 02


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"Drake, you know we were only thinking about your welfare," Idin said, seeing that look in his eyes when they flickered over to her, telling her he didn't believe a word.

"Keep plotting against my family; you'll see a side of me you don't want to see, we clear?" Drake stated, his gaze boring into the two of them before reading the text from his Madam.

"Drake, you wouldn't; you're not that kind of person," Idin uttered, arching an eyebrow at his 'Hmpf.'

"People change a lot in three years when you two turn tail and flee to China of all places," Drake spoke, walking around them and the pool table towards the rows of seats that lined the wall. Arching an eyebrow when the blonde beside him released a soft moan when he sat down beside her.

"I'm Janet," she introduced herself as her hand shook as she held it out to him.

"Drake," he greeted. "Relax, I don't bite much," Drake stated in a friendly flirt. Watching how rapidly the teenager's face lit up.

"Drake, their high school girls, don't you think that's..."

"We're eighteen, Mr. Lucian," Mikaela interrupted, seeing him raising his hands in surrender. "So, what's your favorite thing to do?"

"Umm... now that would be inappropriate to answer," Drake said, arching an eyebrow at how the three of them were reacting.

"At least you have some manners in that head of yours," Mario mumbled before taking his shot.

"Did you hear about the party they're holding on the twentieth?" Amina asked, peering around her friends. Wondering if he would be attending, if so, with who, and if she could somehow sneak him off somewhere to get a taste of the goods.

"Umm... this month?" Drake uttered, confused; his schedule has been so hectic since he returned near the end of April. He couldn't remember if he had a 'date' on that day or not. Hence why his calendar was always full of appointments so he could keep them straight. Seeing Amina nod when he pulled his phone out. Nearly smacking himself in the forehead for not thinking of it. It had completely slipped his mind. How could he have forgotten, he's gone to it for the past two years, and this year it seemed to be no different when he noted who had hired his services on that day. "Seems so," he admitted.

"Maybe, I'll see you there?" Amina said she was going to make sure she caught his eye.

"You might," Drake nodded.

"What's this party you're talking about?" Mario asked, at a loss of what they were speaking about and why his son would be going to it.

"Oh, it's just this little thing that's been going on here ever since I've lived here," Mikaela stated with a warm smile.

"But what's Drake doing going to it?" Idin asked in an accusing tone.

"That's my business," Drake said coldly. Looking oddly at Janet when she whispered into his ear. Arching an eyebrow when she placed her hand on his thigh. If he had to guess, the girl nearly came right then. If it wasn't for his father sinking his shot, he had no idea what Janet would have done the longer she sat there beside him.

"Let's see what you got, son," Mario shot Drake a taunting smirk as he and Idin pulled out the balls for a game of 9-ball. Watching Drake pick up the cue ball when he won the coin flip. "I think I just got hustled," Mario whispered to his wife when Drake sank the nine ball on the break. Seeing Idin nodding in agreement, also noticing how she peered at his son like he was doing, not seeing the boy they once knew. Watching how Drake pulled out his phone when his alarm went off as the hour reached seven-fifty.

"Mind if I use your shower?" Drake asked, peering at his father.

"Ask Becky; it's her bathroom," Mario said, waving to his daughter.

"No, I don't mind, Drake. This is your home too; you don't have to ask me," Becky said, trying to build a rapport with him. "There's shampoo in the shower if you need it."

"Thanks, but brought my own," Drake uttered as he walked out of the room.

"Well, this is going to be harder than I thought," Mario stated, blowing out a breath. Feeling his wife's hand on his back as she rubbed it.

"All we can do is take it one day at a time," Idin cooed in a loving tone. Arching an eyebrow when she watched how Becky's friends dragged her out of the room. "I think Drake's got some trouble on the horizon," she giggled lightly.

"Got to say, that's not what I remember of my boy. Who knew he'd become such a player," Mario said, laying his cue onto the pool table.

"Well, he got his looks from his father, so it's only natural," Idin purred as she snuggled up to her husband. Smiling at Mario, who was doing the same when Regan wanted her own cuddles as she stood in her playpen with her arms outstretched towards them.


Drake was staring at himself in the mirror as his razor ran through his shaving cream. While he had shaved that morning, his client always insisted on the man she hired to be freshly shaven. As his Madam had always told him, unless it was truly out there, then he was to adhere to their quirks. Humming along with the 69 eyes 'Rosary Blue' as his YouTube channel played. Water dripped off his chin as his face filled the mirror's reflection once again. Recounting the day he had arrived back home from his stay in Italy. Remembering how he had thought he had pushed his mother too far as she left on her date. The image of his mother standing in that red silk slip dress as she stood on their porch with Emma beside her caused his cock to awaken. What could he say? His mother was breathtaking in that dress, and she knew it!

His toothbrush moved through his mouth as he shook his hips to the music. He always had a to-go bag packed and ready to go if the need arose if he would be staying the night with one of his clients. Sliding his toothbrush back into its container, wiping down his small shampoo and conditioner bottles before he placed them back into his toiletry bag. Pulling out his hair gel jar, noting the time, he had a little less than twenty minutes to finish getting ready. Styling his hair how he normally did when he went out with one of his 'dates.'

Frowning when he noted how low he was on his small can of dry cologne he uses. Smelling the citrus and cedar as he rubbed it into his arms, neck, chest, and his groin area. Wiping his hands clean, zipping up his toiletry bag, and refastening his towel to his waist before he headed towards the door. Keeping his interest hidden when all three teenagers were leaning against the wall in front of the door.

"Ladies," Drake nodded to them as he moved past them. Not seeing the hungry looks they levied at him -- namely, his towel-covered ass.

"You three done ogling my brother?" Becky hissed low from her bedroom doorway. Rolling her eyes when they shook their heads that they so weren't. "Well, come on; we'll be late if we don't leave now for that movie." Stopping at Drake's closed door, while he might be upset with the news that their father had dropped on him, he was still her brother. She wanted to say goodbye before they took off, knowing he wouldn't be there when they got back. "Drake?" she uttered softly as she lightly knocked on his door.


"Can I come in for a minute?" Becky asked, feeling her friends pressing in on her back.

"One sec... alright, you can come in," Drake called out once he had slid his pants on.

"I know tonight was rough; I'm sorry about that. I know you're probably upset, and you have every right to be, but I really do hope we can be brother and sister," Becky said, keeping her eyes on his face and not his bare chest. Noticing how his cologne filled the air. "I know you want me to answer the question you asked earlier, but I fear you'd hate me if I do. I'm sorry, I just can't; I don't want to lose my brother when you just learned you have a sister," she uttered, dropping her chin to her chest. Rushing up to him, hugging him tightly, whispering 'I'm sorry' before running out of the room.

"Bye, Drake, have fun tonight," Janet and Mikaela said in a dreamy voice as they waved at him from the doorway before following after Becky.

Drake watched Amina saunter into the room. Swaying her hips as she did, "I'm a little jealous you let my mother fuck this hard body of yours," Amina cooed as she ran her finger up Drake's hard chest. Taking Drake by surprise as she kissed him out of the blue. Her light moan filled his mouth as he palmed her ass. Seeing how aroused she was as she pulled away. Noting how her nipples pressed against her t-shirt.

"Amina!" Noting how Amina scowled when she turned her head when Becky called out to her.

"Here's my number; call me sometime, we'll see how that fat cock can handle my tight pussy," Amina said, holding out a slip of paper with her cell number on it. "Don't leave me hanging, Dante," she purred before slipping out of the room.

"Drake... sorry, saw the door open thought you were dressed," Idin said, turning away when his baby blue dress shirt hung open as he attached his onyx cufflinks, noting how the diamonds that encircled the onyx glinted in the overhead light. Wondering why he appeared so dressed up if he was just going to work.

"What is it?" Drake asked in a deadpan voice as he buttoned his shirt.

"Just that you come to say goodbye to your father and Regan before you leave. I know you might not like me all that well; I get that; I am sorry how this all played out. You're right; we should have divorced our spouses. That was my doing, so if you need someone to hate on, you give me all of it. I can handle it."

"It takes two to fuck Aunt Idin, no matter how much you want to take the blame for it all. Dad is just as guilty as you are," Drake said in a monotone voice. "Maybe you should learn something from this if he can skip out on his payments that the court told him he had to pay. What makes you think he won't do the same to you?"

"Because your father loves me..." Arching an eyebrow at the snort that got out of Drake.

"Yeah, Dad told Mom the same damn thing all those years he was fucking you behind her back. Does that really sound like love?"

"I understand where you're coming from, Drake, I really do, and I know you're upset right now. You have every right to be; this has to have been very hard on you. We can't make up for that, but maybe we can work on it. Make this place feel like a home to you, so whenever you're home from college, you won't feel obligated to visit us. I know that will take time, and I know your father, and I will work hard to correct the errors that we have caused." Her eyes flickered over to the dresser they had placed in the room in hopes that Drake would come live with them as his screen lit up and a ding resounded in the air. Seeing how his thumbs moved over the screen as he typed out a response. "Who was that?" Idin asked as Drake stuffed his shirt into his pants before tightening his belt.

"My ride."

"Oh, I'll get out of your hair; I don't want you going in to work upset. I would hate to be the cause of a poor performance at your job. Have a good night, Drake, and do be careful going home," Idin said, watching how his suit jacket settled onto his shoulders. Wondering how Drake could afford such a high-dollar suit, she's seen enough of them to know one just from the look of it. His dress shoes that he slipped into weren't off the rack either. Pondering how he got such wealth to afford such high dollar items when he was nothing more than a college student. Hearing the sounds of zippers as she walked down the hall to their den, which they had turned into Regan's de facto playroom.

"So what fast food joint is he working at?" Mario asked in a smug tone.

"He's not, not if there's one I don't know of that requires wearing an Italian suit," Idin said, assuming that was what her step-son was wearing.

"What?!" Mario stammered.

"He was wearing diamond-encrusted, onyx cufflinks too," Idin stated, seeing her husband's jaw dropping as she nodded at his befuddled look. Smiling down at her daughter as Regan held out her arms to her when she neared. "It's almost your bedtime, you little bug," she cooed as she rocked her daughter in her arms.

"Alright, I'm leaving," Drake said, appearing in the doorway. Noticing the 'I told you so' look, his aunt shot his father.

"Drake, you look..."

"What?" Drake intoned with an arched eyebrow as his father got to his feet.

"Very good in that suit; where did you get it?" Mario asked, approaching his son.


"I got to say, it suits you," Mario said, rubbing the material of his lapel between his thumb and forefinger. "You best be careful with those cufflinks. Wouldn't want you to lose one; they look rather expensive," he said in a fatherly tone, wondering where Drake was shopping for such things. "You be safe out there; if it's too late for you to drive home, you're more than welcome to stay here until the morning," Mario whispered into his son's ear as he hugged him goodbye. Stroking his chin as he watched his son leaving.

"I'm worried about him; a young man like him couldn't afford such things. He must be into some kind of trouble," Idin said from behind Mario.

"I know," Mario muttered, moving towards the front door just to see who his ride was. "Idin, come see this!" he called out to her as he stared at the limo that pulled up beside his son's car.

"What in the world?!" Idin muttered in surprise as Drake slid into the back of the limo before watching it pull away.


Drake blew out a tired breath as he entered his home fifteen past the hour of one. Knowing he had to be up in less than seven hours to head over to Samantha's place to tutor her before he and his mother went to Knoxville early Monday morning. Hearing movement from the living room, also the TV shutting off, seeing his brothers' forms approaching.

"So, what happened?" Franklin asked in that big brother voice of his.

"They lied; their affair started way earlier than ten years ago," Drake answered, his jaw muscles flexed in his anger.

"How early?" Aydin asked, fighting back his anger.

"Becky's our half-sister."

"That fucking bitch?!" Iliana hissed as she descended the stairs in her white silk nightgown she had bought a few days ago. "Hey, baby," she cooed in a loving voice as she leaned against the corner. Her green eyes gazed dreamily at her son, seeing that smile banishing away his mood. "What else? I know there's something else you aren't telling us."

"They had another daughter."

"Well, I guess we'll never see them, so it doesn't matter to me. You okay, Mom?" Franklin asked, looking over at her.

"I don't care what that slut and ass does anymore. I got three of the most caring boys in the world. That's all that really matters in my view," Iliana said, smiling at her sons. "Come on, honey, let's head to bed; you must be tired," she said, holding her hands out to Drake. "You two don't stay up too late," Iliana spoke in a motherly tone from over Drake's shoulder when his hands filled hers. "Night, boys."

"Night, Mom," the twins said in unison.

"How was your night, baby?" Iliana asked, feeling how good the silk felt against her ass as her hips swayed as they climbed the stairs.

"Oh, you know, rich people bitching about problems that aren't really problems," Drake said, escorting his mother into his room. Seeing her face heat as his hand trailed along her ass. Watching how she hung up his suit jacket on a wooden hanger while he took off his cufflinks and set them in their velvet-lined box. Noting how the others glimmered in the overhead light before he closed the lid. His hands lingered on her hips as his mother unbuttoned his shirt. Seeing how red her cheeks were heating when he gave her a look when he knew she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Did you sleep with this woman?" Iliana asked in a shy tone as she pushed her son's shirt off his shoulders.

"No, she just wanted arm candy for tonight," Drake stated truthfully. Opening up his YouTube channel and hitting the cover song of The Cure's 'Lovesong' by Canen as his mother hung up his pants with his jacket after placing his shoes in the closet. Wiggling his eyebrows at his mother's blushing face.

"You're being sweet today," Iliana cooed as her arms wrapped around her son's neck as her hips swayed to the music.

"Well, you're worth being sweet to," Drake said in a charming voice.

"Mmm," Iliana hummed as her breasts brushed along Drake's chest. Her heavy exhale filled Drake's ears as her tongue rolled within her son's mouth. Loving the taste of the man she was in love with upon her tongue. "Come, time for bed; you have an early morning tomorrow."

Chapter Four

Drake was yawning like mad as he approached the Carter's front door early that Saturday morning. Wondering how long she was going to need him to tutor her. Taking a sip of his coffee as he walked up the steps of her small front brick porch.

"Morning, Drake," Samantha greeted as she opened the door before he could even knock.

"Morning got you a coffee," Drake said, holding hers out to her.

"Thank you?!" Samantha stated with a moan. "So needed this; seems like you do too," she said with a coy smile on her lips.

"Yeah, kind of do," Drake nodded.

"Well, come in," Samantha said, gesturing him into her home. "We just have to keep it down; my parents are still asleep."

"Right," Drake said with a nod.

"I really appreciate it that you came here on a Saturday when we both know how weekends are just to be lazy," Samantha said with a coy smile on her lips.

"No problem, Sam," Drake replied, calling her by the nickname she had told him to on their third day of tutoring. "Sorry I can't be here Monday to help prepare you for that test."

"It's okay; you can't help that you're going out of town; I just hope I pass this test," Samantha said worryingly as they sank into the chairs of her kitchen table they've been using ever since Drake has been tutoring her.

"Hey, you'll do fine; believe in yourself; as long as you take your time, you'll ace this test," Drake said in a supportive tone.

"You really think so?" Samantha asked bashfully as she opened her textbook to the chapter her test would be on in her summer school course.

"Oh yeah, as long as you don't rush, you got this," Drake nodded.

"Thanks, I needed the confidence boost," Samantha uttered in a shy tone as she brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Making small talk as they went over every problem Drake would think would be on the test up to the point she was at. Dancing in her seat when she was getting the hang of it. Seeing that smile of his on his lips as she did, wondering if he noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Who's this?" Samantha's father asked in a hard tone as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen, wondering why there was a young man in his house so early in the morning.

"Morning Dad, Mom, this is Drake; he's tutoring me in math," Samantha said, lightly laying her hand on Drake's left bicep.

"That so," her father mused, not believing a word. He knew men like him; he knew he was after something.

"It is," Samantha nodded vehemently. Wondering why the sight of Drake shocked her mother.

"Sorry to be here so early in the morning, but your daughter asked for my help, yet mornings are the only free time I have since I work nights," Drake said, getting up from his seat. "Drake Lucian, a pleasure to meet you."

"Joe Carter and this is my wife, Nancy," he greeted, shaking the man's hand. Feeling the strength in it, nodding approvingly in his mind at it.

"Hello," Nancy said, her eyes telling Drake not to bring up that they knew each other.

"So, how do you think she's doing?" Joe asked as he opened the fridge.

"Oh, she understands the work; it's just getting her to slow down, so she doesn't overlook a mistake," Drake said truthfully.

"Do you think she'll be able to pass her summer school?" Nancy asked in a motherly tone.


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