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My Son the Gigolo Pt. 02


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"Mmmhmm," Drake hummed, seeing how Samantha buried her face into her textbook.

"You care to stay for breakfast?" Joe asked, pleased that his daughter was getting something out of this tutoring.

"I couldn't impose on the three of you. I was about to leave once Sam here answers these thirty questions," Drake said, sliding the sheets of paper he had borrowed over to her. Keeping his evil grin from his face at Samantha's shocked face.

"It's the least we can do for helping our daughter," Joe stated in a friendly voice.

"Please, won't you stay?" Samantha asked; she's been dying to spend some time with him.

"As long as I'm not imposing," Drake said, looking around the room.

"Nah, you aren't, so what do you do for work?" Joe asked as he sat down across from Drake.


"Huh, like on TV?" Joe asked with a pointed look.

"No, more like plays, that sort of thing," Drake corrected as he noted how Nancy was tight-lipped as she pulled out the eggs and the pack of sausage patties.

"And where do you go to college, with my daughter?"

"No, I attend Cornell, that's in New York; I'm home for the summer." Wondering why Samantha's father was interrogating him.

"And what are you studying..."

"Joe, leave him alone," Nancy chided lightly, slapping her husband's shoulder.


"Sam, shouldn't you be doing those problems?" Joe stated, pointing at the paper as he sipped on his orange juice. He had to admit the young man seemed more put together than the other boys his daughter had brought home before. Seeing his daughter's shock when Drake took her book from her.

"You won't be able to use it during the test. You got this; believe in yourself," Drake encouraged. "Don't worry about us; just forget we're here."

"Easy for you to say," Samantha uttered beneath her breath.

"How do you like your eggs, Drake?" Nancy asked as she waited for the pan to heat up.

"Over easy will be fine with me," Drake answered.

"Is that your car I saw out there?" Joe asked, wondering if Drake came from money.

"It is," Drake nodded.

"Did your parents..."

"No, I bought that myself."

"Oh? Work must have been good to you."

"It has been a little hectic as of late, but I can't complain," Drake said with a warm smile.

"See, Sam, this is the kind of man you need," Joe said, pointing at Drake, chuckling at how red his daughter's face was becoming. Holding up his hands when his wife playfully slapped his arm with a dishtowel. "So, how are you handling work and going to college?"

"Like anyone who does the same," Drake uttered with a shrug. "Burning the candle at both ends."

"Yeah, I can relate," Joe nodded.

"Thank you," Drake said when Nancy placed his plate before him, then her husband's, Samantha's, and then finally joining them at the table.

"You're very welcome," Nancy replied with a smile on her lips.

"We have orange juice if you need something to drink?" Samantha stated when Drake shook his now empty coffee cup.

"Wouldn't mind a glass," Drake said with a nod. Checking her math as he was enjoying his bite of egg. "No wonder Mr. Carter married you; this is delicious." Seeing how Nancy beamed at his praise.

"One of the reasons," Joe agreed.

"Here you go, Drake," Samantha said, placing his glass down before him, trying not to look as his pen moved along the paper.

"Thanks," Drake muttered, nibbling on his toast. The only sound that filled the Carter's kitchen was the sound of the pen moving. Noting how her parents' eyes were on him as he flipped the page. Noticing how Joe's lips were lifting when he wrote down Samantha had scored ninety percent on his practice test. "Told you, you had the work down," he said, handing the papers back to her. Watching how she squealed and danced in her seat as she noted the score she had gotten out of a thirty-question test. The same amount that would be on her test Monday.

"Thank you so much!" Samantha said excitedly, throwing her arms around Drake's neck and pressing her chest into his.

"You're welcome," Drake spoke, lightly patting Samantha on her back. "You just need some more practice on the ones you missed. Then if you do that, you shouldn't have a problem getting an 'A' on Monday."

"Can we work on those tomorrow when you come over?" Samantha asked, eager to show her parents she wasn't a screw-up, not anymore. She might have ignored their advice in high school. She was determined to show them they hadn't sunk their money into the wrong thing.

"Knew you could do it, honey," Nancy praised with Joe nodding along.

"Sure, I was already planning on it," Drake nodded as he gathered up his dirty dishes.

"You don't have to clean up, son," Joe said in a warm tone.

"Your wife cooked this wholesome breakfast; it'll be wrong of me to let her clean up after me," Drake said, returning the man's warmness. Seeing that approving nod as he rose from his seat.

"I'll walk him out," Joe said, getting up from his seat. "I don't know what you've done, but I thank you for your help. I was a little worried she wouldn't pass these summer classes," he spoke with a warm smile on his lips as he shook Drake's hand.

"Not a problem; glad I could help out."

"I'll make sure we're out of the house tomorrow so there aren't any distractions for the two of you. Now you drive safe."

"I will; you all enjoy your day," Drake said, turning and starting out the door.

"Drake, wait!" Samantha called out as she ran down the walkway. "Thank you so much, I never thought I would ever get the hang of it, but you believed in me. I can't thank you enough for that," she whispered into his ear as she hugged him. "My parents normally go to church early tomorrow, so if you want to, I want to," Samantha purred, allowing her innuendo to hang in the air.


"Turn over, baby; you're getting a little red," Emma purred, watching the sun shining on Drake's naked ass as they sunbathed in her backyard. Enjoying the prize she had bartered for, for giving Franklin and Aydin what they always wanted; her. While the experience of being tag teamed by two men was new for her, it was enjoyable, although they didn't stretch her out like Drake did. Licking her lips as his soft manhood swayed when Drake settled back onto the lounger.

"Penso solo che tu volessi vedermi nudo (I just think you wanted to see me naked)," Drake said in Italian as he peered over at Emma. Watching how she bit on her nail as her eyes ran down his body. Noting how hard her nipples were pressing against her bikini top.

"Certo, Drake, perché non dovrei? (Of course, Drake, why wouldn't I?)" Emma responded in kind. How she was so ecstatic to know she could finally speak to someone in the language she grew up with. When she first heard Drake speak it to her. While yes, he was very lewd and very blunt in his words, yet how she loved hearing those words leave his lips. What he did to her hot pussy after it was just icing on the cake.

"Sono io o hai notato la sua amante che si insinua nelle cime?(Is it me or have you noticed his mistress sneaking peaks?)" Drake asked, glancing over at her, watching her 40C breasts jiggle in her top.

"Cosa ti aspetti Drake? Ha coperto la sua scommessa su un uomo di mezza et�, grasso e blading. Mentre mi prendo un po 'di caramelle per gli occhi, (What do you expect Drake? She hedged her bet on a middle-aged, fat, balding man. While I get me some eye candy)," Emma purred, watching that smile spreading along his lips. "Devo dire, Drake, prenderti come mio amante è stata la decisione migliore della mia vita, (I have to say, Drake, taking you as my lover has been the best decision in my life)," she cooed, reaching over, her fingers interweaved with his as their hands hung in the space that separated the two.

"Che così? (That so?)"

"Mmmhmm," Emma hummed, "Drake, voglio essere cattivo, vieni qui e mangiami, (Drake, I want to be naughty, come over here and eat me)," she uttered in a wanton purr. "Mostriamogli come un vero uomo mangia la figa di una donna, (Let's show him how a real man eats a woman's pussy)" Biting her lower lip as she watched those muscles of his moving beneath his skin as Drake eased himself down onto her own lounger. Resting her feet on the grass, moving her bikini bottom to the left, displaying how wet her mound was just thinking of this moment. "Slow, Drake, I want to make the neighbors jealous as they listen to my moans," Emma stated, sticking to English. "Yes, Drake, taste me," she said breathlessly as his tongue moved along her aching labia. Whimpering in bliss as the minutes wore on, smiling wickedly at her cheating husband as he stared hatefully at her and Drake. Not that she cared. He had his chance to prove to her that he wanted to remain her husband. However, he showed her he cared not if their marriage went down in flames. If he didn't like seeing her with another man, he should have kept his dick in his pants. Yet he was intent on humiliating her whenever he took his whore out.

"Drake, fuck me," Emma pleaded, needing to feel his cock in her molten depths. Smiling wickedly up at Drake as he gently pulled her down towards him. "Yeah, give me that fat cock. You want this in me, don't you?" she asked in a growl as she slapped his cock against her cunt.

"Damn right I do," Drake spoke with a coy smile on his lips.

"Good answer," Emma replied, matching his smile. Gasping as Drake's girth began to spread her out. Her hands moved along his sides before coming to a rest on his back. Madly kissing him to keep her squeals from filling her backyard. "God, Drake, you feel so fucking good," she moaned out as her nectar ran down her ass crack.

"No more than you do; only an idiot would willingly give you up when you feel this good wrapped around their cock," Drake grunted.

"Only because you got that fat cock fucking me to sweet oblivion."

"Emma, get the fuck off of him now!" Baran cursed.

"Fuck... you, Baran, go take your cheating ass back into that house. This doesn't concern you," Emma spat. "You gave up the right to who I fuck when you stepped out of this marriage. Now fuck off and watch how a real man fucks me. Trust me, you could never make me cum like I do for my lover," she purred as she caressed Drake's face. "Or get the fuck out of my house, and I'll divorce your ass."

"I said..."

"Yeah, we aren't letting you get near Emma," Franklin stated, moving quickly from his and Aydin's hiding spot where they had been watching Emma sunbathe to block Baran's path.

"Why don't you just head back inside before you get hurt, old man," Aydin said, crossing his arms, displaying his muscles to intimidate Emma's husband.

"Don't you find it weird how quickly they showed up?"

"Drake?!" Emma yelped as he plucked her off the lounger. "Oh, fuck me, that's right fuck me like this," she panted as Drake held her aloft. "See, Baran, this is how a man fucks a woman," Emma taunted, losing herself to her bliss.

"I'm warning you, Emma?!"

"You'll what?!" Emma growled hatefully. "I gave you a chance to still be my husband, but you'd rather fuck that bitch! Aw, did she have second thoughts when she got a look at my man, huh? Oh, Drake, you're going to make me... cum!" she howled for all the neighborhood to hear. "Oh, God, I so needed that," Emma panted once she came down from her euphoric high. "Now piss off; you're ruining the mood, you piece of shit," she hissed, seeing how Baran was genuinely taken aback by her venom. "Put me down, baby; I want to clean that cock," Emma purred, seeing how that too took her former husband aback when she never did such for him. If he had put in half the effort Drake has done, she would. "You're the one that threw away this marriage for some strange pussy. If you don't like the consequences of your actions, tough shit, now get out of my sight," she stated dismissively, waving him off. "Oh, and, Baran, this is what a cock looks like," Emma spoke, holding Drake's slick seven-and-a-half-inch cock in her hand. "You're never going to get to feel this ever again," she spoke before devouring Drake's manhood. "God, I taste good on this cock," Emma stated when Drake's manhood left her lips in an audible pop. "Now cum on my tits," she stated, working him to his climax.

"Thanks, boys," Emma said as Drake's cum soaked into her top. Once, she fixed her top as she slid back to her resting spot on the lounger. Seeing them nod, yet their eyes couldn't look away from her chest.

"Kind of weird you spying on me," Drake teased as he retook his own seat.

"We weren't looking at you; that's just..." Aydin involuntarily shuddered at the thought, getting a laugh out of his brothers.

"You know peeping is against the law, right?" Emma spoke, joining in on the hazing. Emma burst out in wicked laughter when Franklin spoke in Italian; she was under the assumption that he thought it meant something else, something sexy to get her aroused. Not what he said that loosely translated that he wanted to stick a dildo up his butt. Peering over at Drake, who appeared to be losing a battle of wills not to roll around in laughter.

"I can't believe you actually said it and practiced it enough to get it right," Drake spoke, his mirth lacing his words.

"What? Huh?!" Franklin uttered, very embarrassed and very red faced at that moment.

"Come here," Emma said, beckoning him over to her, taking pity on him for the practical joke Drake played on him.

"What?!" Franklin roared once Emma had whispered what he had said into his ear. "Fuck, I hate you, Drake?!" he growled, stomping towards his home.

"That wasn't very nice of you, Drake," Emma chided, waving to Aydin as he followed after his brother.

"He needed to feel some humility," Drake said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Don't do it again; it was sweet of him that he stepped out of his comfort zone for me," Emma said, lightly slapping Drake's forearm.

"So, they're growing on you, huh?"

"Somewhat, I can't deny they aren't trying, but old habits are hard to break," Emma sighed.

"Drake, lunch!" Iliana called out as she stuck her head out the back door.

"Want to join us?" Drake offered as he sat up in his seat.

"Let me go change; I'll be right over," Emma said, quickly getting to her feet. Winking at him as she moved past him towards her own back door. "Mmm... just look at that ass," she sighed as she watched Drake walking through the open split door that she and Iliana had installed in the fence that separated their two yards.

"Go, put on some clothes, young man," Iliana chided playfully; the smack she landed on Drake's bare ass resounded loudly in her kitchen.

"Emma's coming over for lunch," Drake said as he neared the stairs.

"I'll set a plate for her," Iliana said with a warm smile on her lips. "What's got you in a foul mood, Franklin?" she asked as her eldest son had a pissed-off look on his face.

"Oh, Drake played a joke on him, and he embarrassed himself in front of Emma," Aydin answered as he sat down at the table. "Dude, that was the last beer?!"

"So," Franklin snapped.

"Boys, not at the table," Iliana intoned.

"Sorry, Mom."

"Emma, come on in," Iliana greeted once she opened the back door when Emma lightly knocked on it.

"Thank you, Baran's a little cagna right now," Emma stated, lightly kissing both of Iliana's cheeks.

"Drake, what does cagna mean?" Aydin asked when Drake reentered the kitchen as his t-shirt slid down his chest.

"Bitch," Drake answered as he got himself a wine glass. "Mom, Emma, do either of you want a glass of wine with lunch?"

"Oh yes, please, very much so; I haven't had a good glass of wine since our date," Emma said sweetly.

"You know I'd never pass up a chance to have a glass with you, sweetheart," Iliana uttered in a loving tone.

"Drake?" Aydin turned in his seat as he heard the cork of the wine bottle popping.


"Would you mind if I gave it a try?" Aydin asked, a little nervous. "Thanks," he said when Drake handed him the first glass he filled.

"When did you start drinking wine?" Iliana asked with a knowing smile on her lips.

"Can't let Drake hog all the glory," Aydin said, slyly glancing at Emma.

"Be careful of what you wish for, big boy," Emma cooed, winking at Aydin as she took a sip of her wine as Drake took his seat at the table.

Drake's back hit the wall hard when Franklin cornered him after lunch. "That shit wasn't funny, Drake," Franklin growled, towering over his brother.

"To whom?" Drake taunted.

"Don't start with me, Drake; I can still whoop your ass," Franklin stated, poking his brother in the chest. He could only be this loud since their mother and Emma had gone shopping.

"Give it your best shot."

"I don't think those women will like seeing this pretty face all bruised and swollen," Franklin spoke, lightly smacking Drake's left cheek.

"Alright, alright," Aydin said, stepping in, breaking the two of them up. "Come on, Frank, you had to know Drake would have fucked with you, and Drake, you have to know how we feel about Emma. Would you want us doing that if she spoke Spanish and you didn't? Okay, bad example," he spoke, a little amazed at how rapid and clear Drake's Spanish was. "Just how many languages do you fucking know?"

"Just three," Drake answered smugly.

"You ruined my chance, man?!" Franklin said he was very hurt by his brother's joke.

"No, I didn't," Drake replied, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You showed her you were willing to learn another language to speak to her. That showed her you're willing to change, to grow, to stop being that little kid that constantly spied and hit on her when you knew she didn't like it. Showed her you've matured... somewhat," he said, chuckling as his brother lightly shoved his shoulder as he called him an ass.

"So teach me the words so I can say the words that I feel when I look at her."

"Alright, Frank, think I got a few minutes before I have to take a nap before I leave tonight."

"Drake, before you do, can we..." Aydin's eyes lit up when Drake held out two-hundred-dollar bills to him.

"Two bottles of wine," Drake stated, seeing Aydin nodding in understanding. "Keep the change for when you need another beer run."

"Thanks, bro, you're the best," Aydin said, grabbing the keys for his mother's old car and bounding out the door.

"Come on," Drake nodded to the living room.

"How do I know what you said is what I spoke?" Franklin asked, eyeing his brother warily. Arching an eyebrow when he listened to his brother speaking into his phone.

"See," Drake said when he spoke into the translator. Turning his head when he heard something slam from outside. He and Franklin moved towards the front window seeing Aydin cursing in frustration. Both of them quickly scurried out the front door to see what the problem was.

"Aydin, what's the matter?" Franklin asked in that big brotherly tone.

"Car won't start," Aydin grumbled.

"What do you mean it won't start?" Drake asked, wondering if they drove it until the engine blew up. "When's the last time you had the car serviced?"

"Last month," Aydin snapped.

"Okay, take a breath, Aydin; tell us what happened?" Franklin asked, trying to cool his brother's temper.

"Lights come on, the starter wants to turn the car over, but it doesn't."

"Hmm, that could be a lot of things," Franklin mused as he stroked his chin.

"What are you doing?" Aydin asked.

"Calling Uncle Jake; he's the mechanic," Drake said, bringing his phone to his ear.


"Hey, Uncle Jake, it's Drake; sorry to bother you, but we got a problem, and we have no idea what it is," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, hey! Drake! What seems to be the problem?"

"Aydin says the lights come on; the car wants to turn over but doesn't."

"Oh, that sounds like the fuel pump or the computer. Want me to get it towed over to the shop, and I'll take a look at it?"


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