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My Uncle is a Mad Scientist

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I become my uncle's experiment and get fucked by monsters.
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As I drove down a winding dirt road towards the middle of nowhere, USA, I wondered if this was a horrible idea. The endless fields on either side of the road concealed my view of the horizon, and for a good thirty minutes I had convinced myself I was lost. At last, the cornstalks parted, the gray clouds lifted, and I came upon a mansion that was the only residence for miles. I had half a mind to turn my car around and drive somewhere else. The problem was, I didn't have anywhere else to go.

The crumbling, four-story mansion had definitely seen better days. I spotted cracked windows, missing shingles, and a crispy-looking front lawn. The roof seemed to be on the verge of caving in at any moment, while leaves and debris overflowed the long-forgotten gutters. Smoke billowed from the crooked chimney in black puffs, spooking a family of crows from their perch at the edge of the roof. It was a haunted mansion if I ever saw one.

This was the home of my Uncle Cornelius.

I'd kept up correspondence with my uncle over the years, primarily because he was the only family I had left, but also because I felt as though someone needed to keep tabs on him. He used to teach at a university but was removed from his position after it was discovered he had been experimenting on students in secret. After that little incident, he'd promptly found a house in the middle of nowhere, the perfect place to conduct his work -- far from the eyes of the university and the authorities.

A few weeks ago, I wrote to him asking if I could stay at the mansion for a couple of weeks. I'd been laid off from my job, so I turned to the only family I had left. Uncle Cornelius had written back, "Of course, you may come and stay with me, sweet niece! We're family, so don't worry about rent or anything. However, I do need some help around the lab -- would you act as my assistant until I can find someone to fill the position?"

I kept myself busy on the drive over trying to imagine what kinds of things my crazy uncle needed assisting with.

I walked up the creaking steps and rang the ancient brass doorbell, which emitted a deep sound that rattled my bones and shook the house. The door flew open and there my uncle stood, a middle-aged man in a white lab coat, complete with crooked glasses and a head of uncombed hair. "What are you trying to do, wake the dead? Just kidding! They're already awake!"

I laughed nervously as he opened his arms for a hug. He gave me a tour of the house. I kept my eyes peeled for any sign of his 'experiments' roaming around, but the dusty halls were eerily quiet.

We sat in the kitchen for a dinner of spaghetti and forced conversation. "Tonight, I want you to get a good night's rest," said Uncle Cornelius. "Tomorrow, we're in the lab bright and early."

"What kinds of the things do you need me to do?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"It's better that we wait until tomorrow to go over your responsibilities," he answered, evading my question. "While we're in the lab, you will need to do exactly as I say, understand? My work can be dangerous at times, but as long as you listen to my instructions, you will be very safe."

As I lay in bed that evening, gathered in a mountain of blankets to keep the freezing cold at bay, I could have sworn I heard growling sounds from somewhere in the distance. I strained my ears to listen closer, confident the sounds were coming from inside the house. I struggled to fall asleep after that, but eventually the weight of the day finally pulled me under.

I didn't know what to wear the next morning, but I figured an outfit I didn't mind getting dirty was probably best. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a faded T-shirt and hurried downstairs, eager to get this over with.

Uncle Cornelius had built himself quite the impressive laboratory. The massive space was cluttered with industrial freezers, crystal vials, medical devices, and a vast collection of contraptions I couldn't put a name to. My uncle sat behind a cluttered workspace off to the side, nose-deep in a thick stack of notes. In the center of the lab was a twelve-foot-tall glass container dotted with air holes from top to bottom. It was clearly a cage, which, at the moment, appeared to be empty.

Uncle Cornelius finally noticed me and stood from his desk. "Welcome to my lab! Are you ready to get started?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said, eyeing the glass cage nervously. I desperately hoped he wasn't going to put me in there.

My uncle clapped his hands together. "Alright then. If you'll please remove your clothes," he instructed.

"I'm sorry?" I sputtered.

He was not joking in the slightest. "You will not need your clothes for this part. Please remove them."

I stood there, taken off guard. I was beginning to see why he was removed from the university. "Don't you think that's kind of inappropriate?"

My uncle rolled his eyes, brushing off my concerns. "I am a professional. The naked body does not distract me. Do not forget that I am allowing you to stay in my home free of charge." His eyes bored into me with pure threat, a far cry from my quirky, happy-go-lucky Uncle Cornelius.

I considered for a moment and came to the conclusion that he was right. He had taken me into his home, and the least I could do was help him out. "Alright," I agreed, and began to remove my clothes. The cold chill of the lab prickled my bare skin. My uncle barely spared my naked body a glance.

A look of determination washed over his expression. "Over the next few days, I am going to introduce you to a range of creatures I have acquired over the course of my research, so that I may study how they respond to a human outsider. They are quite familiar with me, of course, so this works best with someone they've never met before." He gestured towards a chair that was situated to the left of his workspace. It had the vague look of a gynecological chair, complete with armrests and stirrups for my legs.

I was afraid that if I refused to sit in the chair my uncle would kick me out of his house. So, after taking a deep breath, I forced myself to take a seat on the cold slab of metal. I hesitantly lifted my legs into the stirrups. It felt strange to open my legs like this, exposing my most private area to a distant relative I barely knew.

Once I was seated in the chair, my uncle stepped on a lever which prompted the back to recline. From this angle, I had a nice view of the arched wooden ceiling and the beams that threatened to collapse on us all. Before I could object, my uncle secured straps around my calves so that I couldn't move them. "What are you doing?" I demanded, panicking.

"Keep still," he ordered, without answering me. He pressed another button and the stirrups widened, stretching my legs as far as they would go until it became rather uncomfortable. Then, the stirrups began to restrict inward, so that my thighs pressed against my stomach, and the end result was my body folded in half like a piece of paper. I wanted very badly to close my legs, but I could barely move an inch while restrained in this position. I felt a cold breeze hit my bare lips and I deeply regretted ever agreeing to this.

My uncle stepped back and assessed his view of my widely displayed nether region. As if things couldn't get any stranger, he ran his fingers through my course, black pubic hair and frowned. "First things first, let's gid rid of this, shall we?"

Uncle Cornelius brought forth a can of shaving cream, a razor, and a bowl of water. He pulled up a stool right in between my spread legs, and I flushed a deep shade of red as he stared closely into my most private area. He sprayed shaving cream right on top of my mound and rubbed it in thoroughly with his hands. I ignored the jolt that went through me as his hands made contact with my outer lips. He dipped the razor into the bowl of water and went to work. If felt wrong, my uncle shaving my pussy, but out of pure shock I couldn't find the words to stop him. Every so often, his thumb absently brushed my clit, fueling a sense of heat between my legs that was becoming difficult to ignore.

Finally, Uncle Cornelius brought out a hand towel to pat me dry. Every nerve ending in my body stood on edge when he said, "That's better. Now we'll have an unobstructed view of today's events. I think you're ready to meet him."

"Meet who?" I asked, a bit breathlessly.

"Him," he answered, pointing a finger to the empty glass cage.

I stared at my uncle blankly. "But there's no one in the cage?"

"There is, but you cannot see him. He is a ghost."

A ghost? Uh-oh.

My uncle did not need any further encouragement to continue monologuing. "Thanks to me, this ghost can now interact with humans on the mortal plane. Whereas a typical ghost is unable to experience human sensation, this ghost can both give and receive physical touch. I am now going to monitor his response during a sexual interaction -- to see if he is capable of reaching orgasm. You will act as his conduit, little niece."

Horror struck me as the full weight of his words sank in. "You're going to let a ghost fuck me?"

"Yes, that's correct." He spoke as if this were a completely normal experiment. To Uncle Cornelius, this was just another day at the office.

My uncle placed a pair of goggles over his eyes, which I assumed allowed him to track his invisible subject. He then pressed a button on his desk and the door to the cage slowly opened.

I scanned my eyes around the lab, searching desperately for some sign of the ghost and his proximity to me. For a few agonizing minutes, I felt nothing but the anticipation rising inside of me.

Finally, a pair of invisible hands landed on my breasts. I would have jumped in surprise had I not been restrained to the chair. The hands firmly caressed my chest, squeezing my soft flesh in the same manner as any human man would. My uncle and I both watched as my breasts seemed to jiggle back and forth of their own accord thanks to the ghost's fondling of me. I gasped as I felt a mouth close around my left nipple and suck hard, before moving to do the same to my right. He continued to suckle me for several minutes while I watched, fascinated. It was a wild sensation, to feel pleasure without being able to see who was giving it.

"He has not felt a human woman in centuries," my uncle informed me.

The hands suddenly disappeared from my breasts. I hissed as an invisible tongue landed softly on my clit, kissing my tiny swollen nub and lapping up the juices that had begun to leak from my cunt. This ghost, to his credit, was exceptionally good at pleasing the female body despite not having touched a woman in centuries.

I felt something long and hard rub up against my thigh. The ghost's cock was fully erect and cold to the touch.

I didn't have any warning before the ghost pushed himself inside of me, barred by almost no resistance thanks to my natural juices. My hot cunt welcomed his frozen rod, taking all eight inches of him in one thrust. I felt the tip of his cock stroke my g-spot and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. He withdrew, slowly, and let the tip of his cock tease the entrance of my eager hole. I found myself wanting more, wanting this ghost to fill me up and fuck me, despite the strangeness of this whole situation.

He did.

Invisible hands gripped my thighs hard before an invisible cock filled my empty hole in a single stroke. The ghost must have decided I'd had enough teasing, for he proceeded to pump in and out of me with great force. I stopped trying to contain my moans, to pretend I wasn't enjoying this, and gave myself over to the pleasure. I wanted more, more, more.

"The simulation works best if you both reach orgasm," said Uncle Cornelius, before reaching in between me and the ghost and pressing his thumb down on my clit. He stroked me in steady circles, forcing waves of pleasure throughout my body.

My uncle touched me in a very clinical way, like I was an object, merely an instrument in his experiment. Nothing had ever turned me on more in my life.

"I believe the ghost is nearing climax," observed my uncle. "Are you close, little niece?" He rubbed my clit harder, driving me closer and closer to the edge until --

The ghost came first, and I felt exactly when it happened, for a strong spurt of liquid splattered my cervix and flooded my inner walls. The force of the ghost's ejaculation against my g-spot was what pushed me over the edge, wringing out of me the strongest orgasm of my life. I convulsed on the table, writhing against my restraints, while Uncle Cornelius continued to rub my clit through my orgasm.

"Very good," stated my uncle when it was over, giving my belly a pat.

The invisible cock withdrew from my cunt, prompting a flood of ghostly cum to gush out of me and spill onto the floor.

Though I'd just had the best orgasm of my life, there was a lingering feeling of not being fully satisfied. The muscles in my belly ached for more.

"Can we do it one more time?" I asked shyly.

The ghost heard me, and he didn't waste any time before thrusting back into me in one swift push. I cried out at being filled so suddenly, considering that I was still sensitive from my prior orgasm. My sopping wet cunt welcomed his cock while he pounded into me over and over and over again. Uncle Cornelius resumed stroking my clit while I was continuously impaled by an invisible cock.

Uncle Cornelius seemed to be pleased with his experiment. "You're doing so good, little niece. The ghost is quite taken with you." I watched my uncle stroke my clit harder and faster, driving me closer to the edge. "And it seems that you are quite taken with him as well, if your abundant wetness is any indication. Can you give me one more good orgasm?"

I spasmed around an invisible cock as my body crashed over the edge once more. The ghost continued to pump me, chasing his own climax. This time, the ghost pulled out right before he came -- and unleashed a torrent of slimy green cum all over my body. He sprayed his liquid across my breasts, over my stomach, down my thighs, and everywhere else until I was positively drenched with the stuff.

Uncle Cornelius was over the moon. "That was excellent! Well done! I'll be right back with the hose."

. . .

I had a long night to think about my experience with the ghost. And my conclusion: I liked it far more than I should. There was something disturbing about my uncle using me for his experiments, and it made me feel dirty and horny. Curiosity drew me from my bedroom and downstairs, towards the secret lab where crazy things happened. I wondered which monster I would get to meet today.

In the cage was an actual monster that I could see with my own two eyes. I attempted to conceal my surprise as I beheld the massive beast -- an eight-foot tall wolfman standing upright on its hind legs, baring at mouthful of jagged teeth in my direction. His fur stood on end as he braced his paws against the glass, eager to escape his holding cell. I swallowed nervously as my gaze landed on the engorged cock swinging between the wolfman's hind legs.

Uncle Cornelius was nearly bouncing with excitement. "Neice, I'd like you to meet Howard, the werewolf. Howard appears to be stuck in his wolf form, having succumbed to his predator side, as many werewolves do. Contrary to popular myth, werewolves are not bound by a full moon. In fact, the strong ones are capable of shifting back and forth by sheer will. I have been aiding Howard in his journey to become strong enough to do so himself. I am hoping a sexual experience with a human girl will make him feel more human, and perhaps allow him to walk as a man again."

I met eyes with the towering beast behind the glass. "Why does he look angry?"

"Oh, he's just horny. We'll remedy that soon enough. Please, if you will disrobe."

I shed my clothes and left them in a pile on the floor. My skin hummed with excitement but also fear, as I wondered how this beast's massive cock would ever fit inside of me. The challenge was part of what excited me.

This time, Uncle Cornelius instructed me to lay on my stomach atop a flat, metal table. He secured my wrists and ankles to the corners of the table, so that I was lying face-down and spread-eagled. I understood why I needed to be restrained -- so my uncle could observe his experiments without my interference.

I gasped as I felt a drop of lubricant against my asshole. I glanced over my shoulder to find my uncle holding a bottle of gel, pointing it right at my backdoor.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Howard prefers the anal cavity. There's more room for him in there."

I couldn't think of any further objections before my uncle stuck his index finger up my butt. He pushed his finger in and out, swirling the lubricant around my tight ring. After a few minutes he added a second finger.

I'd only ever tried anal a few times, by myself and with small toys, but never with another person and certainly never with a werewolf. I had to admit, the pressure against my darkest hole felt good in a strange kind of way.

My uncle removed his finger and went to grab something from his desk. I heard the sounds of rummaging and two minutes later he was holding a dildo in front of my face, about six inches in length and two inches thick. "I'm going to have to stretch you out, little niece, to prepare you for Howard."

My cheeks clenched together instinctually, evidence of my nerves. I told myself that this wouldn't be the largest thing I would take up my butt today, not by a mile. Uncle Cornelius smothered the dildo in lube before inserting it into my hole. The dildo met some resistance, and my uncle instructed me, "You have to relax. Take a deep breath and push out for me."

I did, and I moaned loudly as the dildo sank into me several inches.

"Good girl." My uncle continued to fuck me with the dildo for several minutes, stretching me out as best he could. I only hoped it would be enough for me to take Howard.

I felt a pat on my left ass cheek. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you, little niece?"

I blushed a deep shade of red. Considering that my uncle had an unobstructed view of my dripping wet pussy, there was no point in lying. "Yes," I admitted.

"Do not be embarrassed. You're just what I need in a lab assistant. The human body is meant to be manipulated, to be pushed to its limits. The girls at the university enjoyed my experiments, too, though they wouldn't admit it." I couldn't see my uncle's expression, but I felt that he was rolling his eyes. "In any case, I think you need a little bit more preparation before we introduce you to Howard. I'll be right back."

He left the dildo inside of me while he went to fetch some other device to insert up my anal cavity. Left to fend for myself, I attempted to grind my hips against the table to gain enough friction to orgasm, but I fell short.

This time, my uncle didn't show me what he'd brought back from his desk. He yanked out the dildo and tossed it aside, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness. Soon after, I felt the cool metal prongs of a speculum being inserted into my ass. I cried out as he squeezed the handles together and forced my rectum to stretch wider than it was designed to, but my uncle simply patted my ass and told me, "You're doing so good, little niece. You're going to thank me for this later."

I felt a gust of wind hit my gaping hole, and I knew I must be at least four to five inches dilated. I imagined my uncle had quite a nice view of my lower intestine, a part of my body no one had ever seen before, including me. He left me like that for a while, stretched to the max, my hole utterly exposed to the universe.

I once again tried to grind my hips in a manner that would allow me to orgasm, but ultimately failed to gain enough friction. Uncle Cornelius said to me with a chuckle, "It looks like you're eager to cum, little niece. Are you ready for Howard?"

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