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Mystery of the Friendly Prostitute

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Late Night Constables.
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The Case of the Late Night

Constable: Trafficker

It is late at night. The male constable pulled up next to a sidewalk a woman was walking down. She looked fascinating. She wore a tight short dress, and a skimpy top. He could see the outline of her panties. The constable talks to woman innocuously, and she reasons he is not revealing why he is patrolling this street. She lets him know without saying it that she is a prostitute, and a very good one. She has a sexy walk, and leans over into his window. While he is looking at her breasts, she is taking inventory of his patrol car.

He bids goodbye, and she analyses his haste and looks around.

"Bye," she says.

Constable John stops a speeder nearby. The dark SUV really wasn't going that fast but he tells the driver, "I stopped you for suspicion," declaring there are a lot of drug runners.

The driver tells him, "I am not a damn drug runner," with those specific words. These are the words Constable John wants to hear, and lets the man go with a warning.

At the direction of the Cartel Prison Gang, the driver continues on from the check point with 400 pounds of meth to his rendezvous point. He was diverted by command to a small dark dirt road. A dark SUV is waiting for him, flashes a light, and he stops next to the SUV not knowing if he is in the last few minutes of his life or not.

Two very serious men in dark suits with bad looking fully automatic machine guns get out and come over to his window. Get out, they say.

Back in town Constable John fiddles with a lot of menial duties, checking windows, doors, lights, and flashing a light up alleys and stairwells.

Constable John is sexually frustrated. He sees sexy looking prostitutes, and stops women drivers with really short dresses sometimes getting upskirt shots with exposed panties, and occasionally he gets a down blouse shot good enough to see the areola. He gets so sexually pent up that sometimes he has difficulty concentrating on his job.

The prison gang needs a woman cop on the beat, and gets another constable, a woman. She turns out to be a nice looking and fit lady with brown eyes, and dark hair. Constable John becomes infatuated with why she is there, and with her nice figure and smile.

The friendly prostitute on the sidewalk notices a dark SUV quietly moving through town. She thinks on a money trail developing. It is an existing money trail.

A car stops and asks for 'directions.' The friendly prostitute plays her role, but gives directions and nothing else. About this time she notices a new constable, a female. She detects this is a new player, and starts to calculate motives.

Through an unofficial secret communication, Constable John is asked to find a stay awake pill for the female Constable as she is not used to this shift. Constable John drives around and spots the friendly prostitute. She is looking really fine tonight. He asks her, "Off the record do you know how I can get a stay awake pill for my counter part?"

The friendly prostitute had been prepared for such an event like this. She said, "wait right here for a few minutes." She disappeared in the shadows of an alley to look like she has a stash, then comes back out, and delivers a pill to him.

Constable John asks, "How much?"

She says, "Nothing for the first time, but if you like it, come back tomorrow night." Now she is stitching together a time line.

Constable Extortion

In a matter of days the female constable becomes addicted. She stops a cruiser, frisks him rubbing his cock hard, then offers to let him go for money. She extorts enough to get some more dope. The next night she stops one and goes through his wallet, removing enough money to get her another hit for the night. She is constantly trying to find a source for the pills, and starts to get desperate. She sees a cruiser that stops and talks to the friendly prostitute. She thinks there is a John, and pulls him over. Sure enough he has a hard on. She gets him to pull into a dark parking area, and frisks him. She unsnaps his pants and lets them fall. She demands that he tell her he was looking for a prostitute, and how much he was going to pay. She leans him up against the car with his pants down, takes hers down, cocks a leg up, and fucks him face to face until he cums. She takes his money, and leaves him with his pants around the ankles.

She realizes she can't do this too often or she will get caught. She pulled along side of Constable John, and they get out and just a little way from the cars so they can talk in private. She stands close to him and reassuringly she places a hand on his side. She convinces him to help her get some more of those pills. Without directly saying so she expresses she will give him sex if he helps her.

With nothing else on his mind except sex Constable John embarks to find a street dealer. When he finds one he begs for a buy.

The dealer states, "No way, especially not to a uniformed officer, what is this, a trap?"

Constable John said, "No, this is for real. How can I prove it to you?"

The dealer said rhetorically, "You can start by sucking my dick."

This was meant to be an insult, but Constable John immediately dropped to his knees, and placed his face in the man's crotch. He unzipped him and pulled out the hardening cock, licked the top, tasted precum for the first time, and put the cock in his mouth. He starts sucking the cock. This is his first time sucking a cock. He thinks in the fog of his mind he is already getting some sex for this deal. Constable John got a new sensation when cum shot into his mouth and his head was held in place long enough that he tasted the cum thoroughly and had no choice but to swallow it.

She is addicted, and Constable John sucks and swallows night after night. She does have sex with him when she wants. The dealer is more and more suspicious. One night he demands from Constable John, "You need to suck my balls and rim my asshole."

Constable John complied, to the astonishment of the dealer. One night the dealer said, "The cost has gone up. For us to do business, you need to drop your pants, and lean over the car."

Constable Prostitution and Humiliation

Right there in public Constable John dropped his pants to his ankles, and the dealer then pushed his cock up the Constables ass, and fucked him good, thinking he saw a female constable recently that will get the same treatment. He cuffed Constable John with his own cuffs, and spanked his ass until he confessed to being a dealer for the female constable. This gave the dealer all the ammunition he needed. He touched the officer's gun for a moment, but then decided against it. Another dealer video taped the whole thing. With a sore ass, humiliated Constable John is released from the cuffs, pulled up his pants and got in his car.

The female constable started to run out of Johns to fuck. But she convinced one with a dog to pay her to fuck his homeless friend. It is worth the money, and the duty for money is done to completion. The dog is a happy mutt. After she sucks the homeless man's cock clean, the first man leaves as his dog prances down the sidewalk.

Constable John stumbled on another way to earn drug money, he finds gay men cruising and offers to suck them for cash. They are as reluctant as the dealer was, but he gets a couple of them, sucked down the cum and got the cash. The next night all he saw was a transvestite, so he made the offer to the transvestite and sucked another load of cum down his throat.

The guy with a happy mutt comes along. When approached, the guy said well not me, but how about the utility man over there. Constable John sucked off the utility man, kissing, licking, and sucking his balls. The guy paid and he left. The utility man saw the happy mutt trotting off down the sidewalk with his owner.

The Case dominos into court with arrests and legal documents

In court the Judge asks the friendly prostitute where she was and what was she doing in the period in question. She answers that she is a witness. Over objections from the other side, the Judge encourages her to go on. She says she witnessed drug dealing and prostitution. The Judge asks do you see the prostitute in this court room. She says yes, two of them. All the jurors are looking around.

She points to two uniformed Constables, a male and a female. There are numerous objections and they are overruled.

The Judge asks, "Do you have evidence."

The friendly prostitute says, "Yes, I have exhibits one through ten showing the exchanges of sex for money and drugs."

The Judge looks at the cock sucking, cum swallowing pictures, the standing sex, fucking, and sucking in front of a happy mutt. The Judge said, "book the evidence."

The Judge asked, "Who are the other defendants?"

She replied, "There is one who loads the Constables cars with tracking equipment, and drugs. He is with a cartel, and drives a dark SUV."

The Judge said, "and who else?"

She says, "There is a prison gang associated with the cartel, driving all the activities."

The friendly prostitute says, "I rest my case," and suddenly a man with an automatic gun jumped up and started to shoot. But very quickly the FBI agent with the happy mutt, drew and put a bullet through the man's heart, and one in the head, unloading his magazine, then quickly reloaded with another magazine, and looked around.

The bailiff established an area around the body for evidence. The body belonged to a Mexican Mafia, and had many tattoos.

The bailiff then took the two constables into custody, removing their weapons, and frisking them both.

Her client a man who had been stopped for speeding, and framed by the constable was set free, the Judge saying, "You are free to go."

It was a difficult case requiring a lot of hands-on with on the scene investigation and with the use of a hard to find trustworthy detective, but the attorney, aka friendly prostitute, closed the books on this one, and pulled out the folder for the next case.


People of authority are not what they seem.

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