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Click hereThe new model nods, and her friend helps her get into position.
"Does this look right?" - asks an uncertain Lana.
"A little bit more erect." - pokes Mary at her back. "This will emphasize the delicate lines of your arms and armpits, the volume of your buxom chest and the intricate details of your curvaceous waist."
Lana blushes red. She didn't expect her friend to describe her body like that. It seemed oddly professional. She nods.
"Please hold this pose for a few minutes until we move onto the next one. If you need a break, let me know." - explains Mary.
"Okay, it seems easy enough." - Lana agrees and gets ready to stay in position.
"Students, the human anatomy art class is now in session. We'll move through a couple poses with Miss Lana and then Mr. Walters will join us for the final 2." - Mary instructs. "You can begin drawing now. 15 minutes on the clock."
Everyone starts to draw the teacher. She didn't realize that the students would have to ogle her body the whole time. She was feeling a little antsy at first, but as time passes her body slowly starts to betray her, let's just say her temperature is going up a few degrees.
'I must look like a wanton tramp with this pose, offering myself to be ravaged by my students. I hope Mary knows what she is doing.' - ponders Lana, already a bit excited due to the improper exposure.
Her bare arms, her exposed armpits, the explicit shape and volume of her tits, and an indecent amount of cleavage. Her pupils were analyzing everything. At least her ass and sex were covered with this pose. Her mind kept wandering the whole 15 minutes.
Mary announces a pose change.
"Time's up, class!" - she declares. "Now Lana, for the next pose." - she says to her colleague.
"Phew, my knees were starting to hurt." - the young fiancee says relieved.
"Lay sideways on the cushions, use your left arm to prop your torso up." - she says. Lana performs the instructions. "Put your right hand on your hips, but lower, close to your bum."
"Like this?" - says Lana trying to do her best with the anatomy modeling.
"Right, just hike the bottom of your chemise up, until it reaches the bottom of your panties, but stay covered, still." - Mary orders. Lana blushes but obediently follows.
Everyone had an amazing view of her voluptuous legs and her plump booty, perfectly outlined like a mountain range on the horizon. Propping up her torso only emphasized her heavy breasts even more, with her right breast almost slipping out of the flimsy excuse for a dress.
In this pose, Lana was the embodiment of a goddess.
She starts to feel even hotter, as the students continue to ogle and analyze her body. Her nipples start to visibly harden on her thin silky sleepwear.
'A teacher shouldn't do this in front of her students... or should her? I am just helping Mary out. It's for their own good, they need to learn about bodies and get better at art.' - she justifies.
Mary interrupts her thoughts, announcing another pose change.
"Time is up again." - she says out loud. "Let's heat things up." - she says, smirking. "Lana, darling, can you hike the bottom up until all your panties are visible?"
"Erm... is it necessary?" - she asks timidly while her coochie twinges at the thought of exposing her panties to the class.
"Yes, they need to see it better. You can stay in the same position otherwise." - informs Mary. "Never mind, let me do it for you."
"Okay..." - Lana replies sheepishly.
Mary approaches her friend and slides the bottom of her nightgown up. Her purple panties come into full view of the students. She continues sliding the hem until her flat tummy is fully exposed.
'Oh, my. All my students are directly staring at my panties. No, Lana, don't worry. Dennis didn't seem to mind when it was his coworkers, so this is probably okay too. It is for the Art.' - she justifies to herself.
"There ya go." - Mary says. "Mr. Walters, are you ready to join us?" - she asks towards the back of the room.
"Yes, Mrs. Hunter!" - he says out loud.
"Perfect, come on stage and pose just like how we discussed." - Mary announces.
Wyatt walks towards the stage in a gray robe. He sits down behind his teacher, positioning himself around her hip area.
"Please, remove your robe now." - Mary commands.
Lana looks at him, and he smiles at her while removing the robe. She lets out a surprised expression, as Wyatt is fully nude underneath. She is once again staring at his dark, sexy, young and toned body.
Her eyes drift towards his member, thick, dark and smooth. Even soft it seemed to be the same size as her future husband's erect peepee. Her coochie twinges and gushes a little.
She turns back aghast and looks at Mary, who shoots daggers at her with her eyes. Lana decides not to say anything or make a big deal out of it. She has seen plenty of penises by now.
"Okay, now adopt the same pose that Lana was at first." - Mary instructs.
Wyatt stays on his knees, straightens his back and lifts his arms behind his head.
"Mrs. Hunter, what do I do with him?" - asks Wyatt nodding towards his member.
"Ah... right. Hmmm..." - the art teacher ponders. "I have an idea! Lana, remove your hand from your hip." - she orders. Lana obeys. "Now, Mr. Walters, put your soft and fat penis where Lana's hand just was."
"No!" - protests Lana. "He shouldn't touch me with his thick penis." - her sex twitching at the idea, once again betraying her.
"Quiet Lana." - Mary commands. "Darling, it's not a big deal. You agreed to all of this. For the 'Art'." - explains her simply.
"It's not like you haven't seen and touched it before..." - winks Wyatt at her.
'He is right, this is the same as last time. It's for the purpose of the class. Dennis didn't mind then; he won't mind now.' - she convinces herself.
The naive teacher blushes and nods her head.
Not wasting a single second, Wyatt puts his hot meaty member on her hip, partially contacting her panties and her skin.
"Good, good." - says Mary. "Now hold this pose for 15 minutes. Feel free to quietly chat among yourselves, but please, avoid moving too much."
Lana doesn't say anything, she just stares at the penis touching her skin. She feels like it is burning a spot on her leg, almost like he is marking her. Her nipples are rock hard.
"Miss Lana, why did you agree to this?" - whispers Wyatt after a bit.
"Evie asked me for a favor last week. I couldn't say no to her." - whispers the teacher back.
"Oh, very naughty." - he giggles softly.
"No! I didn't know that it would involve your naked penis." - she says, trying to control her voice.
Wyatt's penis twitches upon hearing the teacher say these words. It seems to have grown a little bit.
"What is happening to him?" - asks Lana wide-eyed.
"You are getting me hard." - he smiles. "Well, just a little bit."
"Does it grow too much?" - she says not able to contain herself.
"A bit more, yes, you'll see." - he laughs at her.
Mary clears her throat and looks at the couple of models. They lower their voices and quiet down.
"And you, why did you agree to this?" - whispers Lana after some more minutes.
"Oh, it was Evie. She was very... let's say... convincing." -- says her student with a smirk.
"What did she say?" - asks the teacher curiously.
"More what she did... a blowjob." - he says quietly. His cock twitches again at the memory.
Lana makes a shocked expression at her student. She can't believe it. As far as she knew, Evie was a virgin girl.
'Wow, Evie is so courageous. I can only imagine her pretty, little mouth wrapping around that thick dark penis... mmm... stop. What are you saying Lana, they are your students. But I must admit... I would have liked to see that, maybe I can ask her for some tips.' - debates Lana in her head.
Upon seeing the teacher space out due to the topic, Wyatt decides to push his luck a little bit. He subtly grabs the top of her thin pink chemise and pulls slightly. It has the desired effect, as the pull is enough to release the teacher's right DD breast from the confines of the small outfit.
Everyone has a great view of her magnificent orb, with a large rosy areola, topped with a hard pink and small nipple.
"Eeeek!" - she yelps, feeling her boob pop free.
"Lana! Stop. Hold the pose!" - barks Mary at her friend who freezes in place.
"But my boob slipped out!" - she cries dismayed.
"Leave it, they have already seen it by now." - orders Mary. "Only a couple minutes left, make the most out of it!" - she says to everyone in places.
Lana closes her eyes, trying to get over the shame. Now, she is not only wearing a tiny skimpy sleepwear in front of everyone but is also exposing her panties and her tit. All at the same time as her naked student rests his hot and thick dick on her hips, too close to her sex for comfort.
'What is happening! I am exposing myself to everyone... they can see my slutty tit... oh my... what... Wyatt's penis is growing... it's getting so hard and thick... oh my...' - she thinks.
She can see his member growing. It grows until it is about 7'' and it looks fully erect. The big difference is that his dark penis is thick, way thicker than the others she saw.
'He might be as thick as Jack... wow...' - she reflects
"Sorry, Miss Lana, can't help it. Your boob is so fucking sexy and hot." - he explains to her.
"It's o-okay... it h-happens... c-can't be h-helped..." - she stammers, her eyes glued to the hard cock. Her coochie is as damp as it could be.
A couple more minutes go by, and Mary announces the end of the current pose.
"Well done models! Time's up, class." - she yells. "Okay, for your final pose... yes Lana?"
"May I put my boobie away now?" - she asks, embarrassed.
"You may." - Mary smiles at her friend. "Lana, sit up and spread eagle your legs, opening them wide and making an 'M' shape." - she orders
"But everyone will see my panties and my cooch!" - Lana protests.
"It's nothing they haven't seen, besides you will be fully covered." - explains Mary patronizingly. "And you, Mr. Walters, stay behind her like you are holding her."
"Mary..." - Lana calls her friend.
"Chop-chop! We don't have all day!" - barks Mary.
They take their positions. The young teacher spreads her legs wide, with her knees up. The result is a very pornographic pose, with her panty-covered slit perfectly framed in view of everyone. Her panties stretch tightly across her mounds, outlining them naughtily. Every single eye in the room could spot the distinguished wet excitement spot on the teacher's underwear.
'Oh, my... now I am essentially showing my students my coochie... I am so lewd... this is so hot... I am just shamefully exposing myself in a tiny little dress that barely covers me. They can see the wetness between my legs... ung... such an obscene display from their teacher...' - she thinks.
"Now, Mr. Walters, put your heavy member on Lana's shoulder, as if using it to relieve the weight of it. Stand up only the necessary amount to do so." - Mary instructs.
Lana's mind is whirling, she just stands there waiting for Wyatt to lay his penis on her shoulder. When he does, a little jolt runs down her body, making her shake slightly. Once again, his fat cock was in contact with her, now obscenely close to her face and mouth.
"Very good. Models, please, stand still." - Mary says. "Lana, control yourself and try to pretend the fat dick is not there." - says Mary stifling a giggle.
About 5 minutes pass when a student puts their hand up.
"Mrs. Mary, something is not quite working here." - the student says pointing to the models.
"You are right. Hmmm... an element is missing from the pose." - Mary ponders.
"How about if Miss Lana holds Wyatt's member in her hand?" - suggests the same student, who Lana vaguely remembers as Chloe's friend from Gym class.
"Oh! Excellent idea, Jen." - exclaims Mary. "Lana, please take a hold of the penis. Wrap your hand around the shaft." - she tells Lana, like it was the most common thing in the whole world.
"What... hold the penis?... I shouldn't..." - Lana weakly says.
"Please, Miss Lana, you promised to help the class. To help me." - pleads Evie from her seat.
Lana looks at her student, who is looking at her doe eyed. She sighs with resignation.
"Okay... if everyone needs me to do it. I guess it's for 'Art'." - says Lana, her will breaking.
'Oh, my goodness, oh, my goodness, oh, my goodness.' - she repeats in her head.
Lana holds her breath while she wraps her hand around the shaft of Wyatt's thick cock. His penis immediately responds to her touch, twitching wildly. Her hands are not big enough to wrap it all the way around, but she takes a hold of as much as she can.
She keeps holding it, almost hypnotized by her slutty actions. Her mind whirls uncontrollably.
'I can't believe I wrapped my hands around a thick penis, in front of my students. Wait... I am holding my student's cock... oops, I said cock. Everyone is watching. Including my colleague. Oh my... this is so hot... it feels so big and manly in my hands... it's so warm... it burns... ah... I am so wet... holding a penis, wearing almost nothing and showing my wet panties in front of class. What is happening... I love it... I need it...'
The scene is quite a contrast, the teacher's soft and fair hands holding a throbbing dark meaty cock, just inches from her face. The sexual tension in the room is palpable.
Time passes, and Lana is still just staring at her hand, which is holding her student's erect cock. Mary is walking and giving some instructions, but Lana doesn't hear it, her mind is completely elsewhere, filled with shameful and lewd thoughts.
"5 minutes left, final touches everyone!" - announces Mary, but the young teacher doesn't hear it.
Wyatt can't take it anymore, he has an amazing view down his teacher's cleavage and of her panties, and to top it off she is firmly holding his boner! Deciding to go for broke, he starts to slowly rock his waist back and forth, essentially jerking himself off into her hands.
Lana notices this, her eyes widen even more, but her mind tells her to let it happen. She moans with each movement.
'What is happening... I am basically masturbating my student now... this is wrong... but it's so hot... nnnggg... this big hard penis sliding in my hands... is he going to come? Oh my, am I going to make my student ejaculate in front of everyone? Noo... mmm... maybe I should let him... is not like I am doing it, he is doing it on his own. Right, nobody can blame me. He is just using my hand as a toy to masturbate. That is right... he just needs some relief... do it Wyatt... jerk your thick cock for your teacher...'
Knowing he doesn't have long before the time is up, he picks up the pace and starts to move his hips quickly. Everyone in class gave up on painting and are just staring at the scene, including Mary, who has an amused expression on her face.
"Hnng... Miss Lana... I am going to come... you are making me comeeeeee..." - he says out loud.
His cock twitches and rope after rope of thick white cum releases in the air.
It mostly lands on the floor in front of the stage, but as his orgasm continues, the intensity of his cum jets diminish. The last drops dribble down Lana's hand, some ending on the top of her breasts and some onto her sexy thighs.
On the verge of her own climax, Lana loses it once the hot sperm contacts her skin. The teacher shrieks and convulses into a massive orgasm. It was too much stimulation for her to handle.
Everyone applauds loudly when Wyatt and Lana climax. Even Mary gets into it.
"Time's up! Good job everyone!" - she announces after the applause dies down. "We will look at the paintings at the start of the next class, followed by some more poses from our sexy model."
"Woop, woop! Go Miss Lana!" - Evie cheers her on.
"Right, another round of applause for Miss Cox and Mr. Walters for being great models." - says Mary.
Everyone applauds, hoots and hollers at them. Wyatt bows slightly and smiles.
The students start to pack their things, and Wyatt gets up and goes get dressed. Lana is still sitting on the stage, riding her post-orgasmic bliss. Mary approaches her friend.
"Hey Lana. Are you okay?" - she asks her friend. "Seems like you enjoyed the experience."
Lana nods her head and Mary helps her stand and get dressed. Everyone already left the class, trying to give the two teachers some privacy.
Mary gives Lana some water and sits with her friend for a couple minutes, until she regains her composure.
"Oh, no. Mary, what have I done?" - she asks worriedly.
"Nothing bad, darling. You were outstanding tonight! Best model we ever had!" - she says and hugs her friend.
"Thank you... are you sure it's okay?" - Lana asks, still unsure.
"Yes, perfectly fine. Everyone learned a ton. You are a great teacher." - says Mary, patting her in the head.
Lana smiles and hugs her friend again.
"Thank you... I quite enjoyed it actually." - Lana admits quietly to her friend.
"I know. We should go now." - Mary says, getting up.
Both teachers organize the classroom and turn off the lights, leaving the school.
"Thanks again Lana, I owe you one for today." - says Mary before going her own way.
"No problem, glad I could help." - says Lana automatically.
"Great! See you next week for round 2. Ta-ta!" - she says, leaving the young teacher behind.
During her walk home, her mind races about the events of the day: being flashed by Roger; Principal Bill groping her ass; her agreeing to allow her students to grab and slap her bum; and finally, her exposing herself to the Art club, in basically only her underwear.
She showed one of her breasts, exposed her damp panties, posed next to her naked student, held his hard penis in her hands, made him ejaculate and then had an orgasm of her own. All in front of the whole club and her friend.
What would Dennis say? What would Dennis say...
Maybe she didn't need to tell him this time. After all, he said that accidents didn't matter, and as long as she wasn't attracted to them, she didn't have to say anything.
'Yes, Dens doesn't need to know everything, too many penises... I mean, accidents.' - she decides.
Lana tidies up the house and starts to prepare dinner for Dennis. During dinner, the loving couple talks about their respective days at work.
"How was your day babe?" - asks Dennis.
"It was okay, a bit uneventful." - she answers between bites.
"Oh, really? What classes did you have?" - asks the fiancee curiously.
"Just stayed in the Staff Room in the morning, then Homeroom, very boring. After the classes I helped Mary with the Art Club." - she says halfheartedly.
"Ah, sounds boring." - he admits. "My day was okay, lots of work as usual. Also..." - he says embarrassed.
"What happened? Don't tell me Cynthia did something?" - asks his wife-to-be.
"No, I barely even saw her." - he says to her relief. "It was Justin and Paul. They kept teasing me about the weekend." - he says.
"What did they say?" - asks Lana, getting a little bit excited.
"Oh, they kept complimenting how hot you were and how big your boobies are." - says her betrothed.
"Anything else? Any specific events?" - she questions, too interested in the topic for his liking.
"They kept saying how cool it was for you to show them your vajayjay, and if you could show them again next weekend." - Dennis says embarrassed.
"Did they say vajayjay?" - asks the fiancee.
"No... they said pussy... they want you to show them your snatch." - he says exasperated.
"What? Really? What did you say?" - she says hopefully.
"I laughed and said your vajayjay is only mine. Haha." - he laughs, but she notices he didn't say 'no'.