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Naive Teacher in Winston Ch. 06

Story Info
Pool bet, public groping and art class nude model.
14.8k words

Part 6 of the 17 part series

Updated 05/30/2023
Created 12/16/2021
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(This is an edit to Chapter 6)

It was pointed out to me that I used "double or nothing" wrongly, causing the scene to be a bit incoherent. This is a fix for that with a couple sentences changed on that scene.

Thanks for the support and feedback!



Everyone in this story involved in any sexual activities is at least 18 years old. This story is not real and probably could never be real in 2022, so any correlations with real-life are mere coincidence.

This story is a slooooow burn. And no editor also, so bear with me :)

This is the sixth chapter of the misadventures of a Naive Teacher. It is strongly suggested that you read Chapters 1-5 first.

This chapter contains the following days schedule:

* Day 7 -- Sunday -- Public Pool -- Walk in town;

* Day 8 -- Monday -- Morning: Staff Room; Afternoon: Homeroom; Clubs: Art Club;

Enjoy the read,

~ Potato Head


Day 7 -- Sunday

Early Morning

Lana wakes up with a massive headache from the previous night.

"Ugh... I can barely remember anything..." - she mutters, her head pounding.

Next to her, Dennis stirs and turns, opening his eyes.

"Argh, kill me now." - he mumbles to her. "Why did we drink so much..." - he says in pain.

"I know... I feel head is pounding..." - she says back.

They lay in bed for a while, trying to recover and gather enough energy to get up. Mustering all her strength, Lana goes to the bathroom and brings back a couple acetaminophen pills for each.

The pretty fiancee makes them some coffee. They sit down at the kitchen table, the combination of coffee and drugs helping them defog their minds and relief the head pressure.

"I feel a bit better now." - says Dennis. "Thanks, dear. Remind me to never drink this much again." - he winces, feeling a pang of pain on his forehead.

"Never again." - she agrees, holding her head. "The memories from yesterday are all in fragments... ugh." - she complains.

"I know..." - he agrees. "Sorry about yesterday, things got out of hand." - he says sadly.

"Tell me about it... all your coworkers saw my cooch." - she says embarrassed.

"Don't worry babe, nobody will remember." - he says empathetically. "Besides, it was an accident."

"The first time..." - she mumbles, pressing her temples. "I think I remember our talk yesterday."

"Me too, but argh! This headache will end me." - he complains, sipping his coffee.

Dennis gets another pill and hands it to her. He takes one too.

"Let's not care about these things anymore." - she says, swallowing the capsule.

"Good idea." - he agrees, wincing. "We need to recover, not worry."

"Want to go to the pool like we talked about? It will be good for us." - she proposes.

"It will, after yesterday we need a chill day." - he agrees.

"The heated water will do wonders to help us relax." - she says getting up.

They slowly get ready to leave, both dressing casually. Dennis packs a small bag with the necessary belongings for their outing.

Lana is packing her swimsuit, opting for a conservative one-piece Speedo. Dennis sees it and interjects.

"Babe, can you pack something more fun?" - he asks hopeful, not realizing the implications.

"Why do you say that? The other swimsuits might not be proper to show off in front of the town." - she says bashfully. "Everyone will see!"

"Please? I want to impress the villagers with my beautiful wife. Besides, I don't want people calling us prudes anymore." - he explains naively.

"Are you sure? I have this blue bikini that is not so bad." - she says showing it.

"Yeah, I think so. Looks safe to me." - he says. "You wore this to the beach a couple of times."

"I did." - she agrees. "Oh, right! We agreed yesterday that looking and showing are normal here after all." - she says, trying to convince herself.

"Heck, it's encouraged by some." - he says. "So, I don't want the Winston-Philips Co people to think badly of us. I want to fit in." - he admits.

"Fine, Mr. Laywood, you win. But don't complain if accidents happen." - she says teasingly.

"Thanks babe, you are the best." - he says paying no mind to the 'accident' implication.

"Don't I know it!" - she smiles warmly at her loving future husband.

She packs up a navy-blue two-piece bikini, which ties behind her neck and covers the important areas well, only being a bit smaller than her normal underwear.

When they leave their house, they see their neighbor Lilly watering the plants. She waves at them. Remembering the day before and the lewd shenanigans they got into with her, they shyly wave back.


Morning -- Pool

The young couple walks towards the indoor Public Pool facility, very close to the school. The complex seems way bigger than necessary for a simple pool, so they are both awed by its sheer size.

Upon entering there is a big wide-open area with some water fountains, vending machines and couches. Right in front of the entrance, there is a large set of double doors leading inside.

They make their way in, and both are surprised when they realize that it is a huge locker room.

"Oh wow, a locker room right away." - admires Lana.

"No reception or fees to enter, I guess the whole facility is open to the public." - says Dennis amused.

"Let me find the women's area and we can meet back in a second, Dens." - says Lana.

Someone close by interjects in their conversation.

"Oh, Miss Cox!" - says an older woman that Lana recognizes as Stella, the principal's secretary.

"Hi Stella, nice to see you again." - says Lana courteously. "This is Dennis, my fiancee."

"Good to see you both" -- she says. "Listen, I overheard your conversation, and there is no women's area. It's a communal locker room." - Stella explains.

"Oh." - says Lana, visibly shocked. "Where are we supposed to change and shower?" - she questions.

"There are some shower rooms, changing stalls and bathroom cubicles. Everything else is out in the open." - she says nonchalantly.

"So, everyone walks around in the buff?" - asks Dennis, astonished.

"Gods no. We walk around in bathing suits and towels. We can change and shower in private." - she says giggling.

"Ah! Makes sense." - says Lana. "Thanks for the explanation, we will see you later then!" - she smiles.

"Of course, have fun!" - says Stella warmly as she walks towards another area.

Lana and Dennis enter the private changing stalls and change into their swimsuits. Lana wraps a towel around her before leaving her stall. They meet and Lana can't help but compare Dennis to some of the other men she has seen recently.

'Ah, he is so out of shape. I wish he would take care of himself more so he could look sexier, it is a shame. No Lana, you love Dennis, don't compare him to the other perverts.' - she reflects.

The couple chooses a more isolated section of the locker area, depositing some of their belongings in a random locker. They make their way to the other side of the locker room and enter the pool area.

They are faced with a big lap pool, with lots of lanes. There are a few people swimming around, and they look very serious, with full swimming gear. To the left, there is a sign saying, 'Adult Area' and to the right it says, 'Family Area'.

Dennis points to the left and Lana nods. They walk over.

Upon entering there seems to be quite a few more people here. There are two medium-sized pools with nets, hoops, goals and balls for playing and swimming. Also, there is a separate door with a sign saying 'Saunas', and three more small, heated pools, with different temperatures, approximately the sizes of big hot tubs, where adults can relax and chat.

They see a lot of familiar faces, but nobody they really know.

Lana gasps upon realizing that a lot of people in the heated pools are hugging, snogging or kissing. There seems to be a lot of couples in this section. She points it out to Dennis, and he seems shocked too.

Suddenly they are approached by two young guys.

"Hey teach! Glad you came!" - greets Lukas, her naughty student, son of Mary and Lucius.

"Hi! The pool on Sundays is the best!" - says Benjamin, BJ for short, also her student and a major prankster.

"Oh, hi boys!" - says Lana, visibly surprised. "This is Dennis, my fiancee. And these too are Lukas and BJ, my students." - she introduces, regaining her composure.

"Sup dude, cool to meet Miss Lana's boyfriend." - says BJ shaking his hand.

"Thanks, you too. And it's fiancee." - Dennis says politely.

"Hi Dennis, my dad says good things about you." - says Lukas, "You are lucky to have her." - he smiles nodding at Lana.

"Indeed I am." - he agrees. "Pleased to meet you. You both."

Dennis remembers the stories Lana has told him about these two. Lukas was the one who exposed her panties in the cafeteria, BJ was the one who provoked the whole bra incident and then she blew and touched Lukas' peepee in front of the whole class. He decided right there that he didn't like them, but he needed to be cool since he was Lucius' son.

"Boys, we will go to the heated pool for a bit. See you later, okay?" - says the teacher endearingly.

"For sure, we heard that last night got wild." - laughs Lukas. BJ joins in the laughter as they leave to the medium-sized pool.

The fiancees approach the only empty heated pool and Dennis enters right away. Lana drops their belongings in a lounge chair, and she takes off her towel.

Dennis admires his betrothed's sexy figure. The navy-blue bikini showcases her curves nicely. Her heavy boobies accentuated by the bathing suit, with some tit flesh hanging out at the top and at the sides. Probably the same as a bra would have shown. The bottoms were high cut and stretched tight over her privates, with the waistband dipping down a little in the front. The back of her swimsuit covered most of her plump booty. Overall, it covered everything well, but it was still sexy as hell.

Any man (or woman) looking at her, wouldn't need too much of an imagination to understand her body was dynamite. Pure sex.

She joins him in the hot tub, quickly ending the show.

"You look good, babe." - says Dennis.

"Thanks, I feel a little self-conscious wearing this." - she admits.

"Don't worry, you look drop dead gorgeous." - he compliments and kisses her on the cheek.

They spend some time relaxing. Their headaches subsiding with the hot water.

"I don't like them." - states her husband-to-be out of nowhere.

"Who?" - asks Lana, confused.

"Lucius' son and his friend." - he says frowning. "They keep doing perverted things to you."

"Ah, don't worry, honey. They are good kids." - she says, trying to appease his mood. "They are just boys playing pranks, you know how it is." - she says dismissively.

"I guess, 'boys will be boys' and all. Still, I don't like them abusing my future wife." - he says moody.

"Remember what we talked about. Don't worry anymore. Everything is fine." - she says kissing him.

"Okay babe, I won't." - he says. He looks at the boy's pool and notices they are playing a ball game. "Maybe I can teach them a lesson?" - he says devilishly.

"Dennis! What do you have in mind?" - asks Lana, looking at the boys.

"We can challenge them to a game and school them." - he says excitedly.

"Hmm, I don't know, they actively play sports." - she says unsure.

"Ah, nonsense, we are adults, they are still in school. We'll destroy them." - he says confidently.

"Okay, if you really want." - she says, shrugging.


They get out of the heated pool and approach the medium pool where the two students are in. Nobody else seems to be using that pool.

"Looking good, teach!" - compliments Lukas, sending her a kiss.

"Thank you." - she says blushing. Dennis frowns.

"What do we owe the pleasure?" - asks BJ to the couple.

"Ah, we thought we could play a game, you know?" - says Dennis. "Have some fun."

"Fun? I didn't think you knew that." - laughs Lukas. "Joking, joking."

"Maybe you boys can play against us?" - Lana asks innocently.

"Doesn't seem like a fair competition. Your hubby appears to be out of shape." - mocks BJ.

"He's not my hubby yet..." - Lana interjects quietly.

"We will crush you both." - Dennis laughs, getting into the competitive spirit.

"Doubt it, old man. What do you have in mind?" - asks Lukas.

"I am not even thirty!" - growls Dennis. "How about some mini basketball?"

"Prepare to be dunked!" - yells BJ, splashing water everywhere. Lana yelps and laughs.

"That sounds all right." - says Lukas. "But why would we play?" - he provokes.

BJ starts to splash Lana and she splashes him back. They stop paying attention to the conversation.

"Why? So, I can beat you both." - states Dennis smirking.

"That is not enough. We need some incentive to try to win." - explains Lukas.

"Fine, what do you suggest?" - he agrees reluctantly.

"Let's make a bet." - Lukas proposes. Dennis nods. "If you win, we will mow and clean your lawn every weekend for a month!"

BJ stops playing with Lana and looks at his friend shocked.

"What?" - he exclaims. "Are you crazy, dude!?!"

"Don't worry, I got this." - whispers Lukas to his close friend.

"And if we lose?" - questions Dennis.

"Lana does us a small favor, 30 seconds tops." - he says dismissively.

"I don't thi..." - Lana starts to object.

"Deal!" - says Dennis. His betrothed looks at him aghast. "Don't fret, we won't lose."

Lana sighs deeply. She hates when men must do a penis measuring contest. Such insecure babies.

They position themselves close to the small hoop on one side of the pool. Lukas gives the ball to Dennis.

"One point per ball in the hoop. First to 10 points, wins." - he suggests. They all agree.

The game starts and Dennis is surprisingly good at it. Even Lana is surprised. He is commanding play and making all the right moves. It helps too that the naive teacher is in tip top shape, having no difficulty moving quickly, receiving and making passes. The young couple quickly gets to 7 points.

"Ha, 7-0. So confident, huh?" - mocks Dennis.

BJ gets the ball and Lana goes to block him. Dennis turns to cover the passing lane. Taking advantage of the situation, BJ bumps into Lana, pulling her bikini top to the side, making her left tip pop out.

"Eeeek!" - she yelps. Dennis turns quickly, but she manages to cover herself before he sees.

"What happened babe?" - he asks, pausing the game.

"Ah, my breast spilled out by accident." - she admits. "Glad I put it away before you saw." - she says.

"Did you see it BJ?" - asks Dennis to BJ suspiciously.

"Sorry dude, it was an accident, and it was right there." - he admits, shrugging. Dennis lets out a frustrated noise.

The game progresses and while the students manage to get back 6 points, the newbie couple wins by 10-6.

"Nice babe! We did it!" - he says, hugging Lana and celebrating.

"Ah, that was bullshit!" - complains BJ.

"Yeah! Rematch!" - requests Lukas.

"Why would we do that?" - questions Dennis with a stupid grin on his face.

"My dad wouldn't want to know you didn't give us a second chance." - says the young Hunter. Dennis makes a worried expression. "We'll give you three months of yard work if we lose!" - Lukas proposes.

"Fine. Prepare to have your butts handed to you!" - Dennis laughs. Lana opens her mouth to say something, but Dennis dismisses it, saying it was going to be okay.

They play for another few minutes, and this time, Lukas and BJ seem to be playing the match of their lives. They score every throw and block every shot from Dennis. The match ends 10-2 for the students.

"Ha, we win!" - celebrates BJ. Jumping up and down holding Lana's hands.

"In your face, old man!" - dances Lukas.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't beat them." - says Dennis sadly to his fiancee.

"It's okay, I am tired, let's go shower." - suggests Lana, getting out of the pool.

"Yes please, my headache returned after all this." - he says, touching his temples and following her.

"Aren't you both forgetting something?" - inquires Lukas, getting out too.

"What do you mean?" - asks Dennis. "What do you both want?"

"The bet, you lost. Time to pay up." - smirks Lukas. BJ stands next to him and hi-five his friend.

"Ugh, right. A quick 30 second favor, was it?" - Dennis asks. The boys nod. "What can I do?"

"Not you, we agreed on a favor from Miss Lana." - points out BJ. She frowns.

"I forgot." - he admits. "Sorry babe." - he says.

"It's okay, I am sure it's harmless." - she says. "What favor do you want?" - she asks Lukas.

"Well, I want you to show us your tits for 30 seconds." - states the naughty Hunter.

"What?!?" - exclaims Dennis. "How dare you ask that!" - getting upset.

"Calm down, Mr. Laywood. You were the one who bet it. We didn't come up with this game." - says Lukas seriously.

"He is right Dens, why did you bet with them?!" - Lana says upset.

"Sorry babe, I did bet it, but I won't let them see your boobies." - Dennis says.

"I am sure my dad will be sad once he knows his star employee refuses to pay his debts." - provokes Lukas.

"You little..." - says Dennis. "Argh. Fine. Get on with it." - agrees Dennis angrily.

"Nice!" - celebrates BJ, hi-fiving his friend again.

"Are you sure Dens? You want me to willingly open my bikini top and show my bare breasts to my students?" - she asks, unnecessarily describing the situation.

"I guess so..." - he says, slightly humiliated.

"Take them out. Right here." - says BJ quickly. Lana's mouth falls open, shocked.

"Not here please, let's go to the locker room." - pleads Dennis. "We need to protect our reputation."

"You lost the bet, Dennis. The bet you made was for ANY favor from Lana. The favor we want is that she shows us her slutty tits. Right here, right now." - explains Lukas patronizingly.

"Can we at least go to the corner so other people can't see?" - appeals Dennis.

They agree and move closer to the corner of the pool room. They position themselves with their backs to the wall, with Lana looking straight at them, that way nobody else should see much skin of the exposed teacher.


"I don't think I can do this." - she says nervously.

"I know it's hard babe, I regret this dumb bet. I'll owe you one." - he says to his wife-to-be.

"That is not it..." - she says, getting red. Lukas notices her nipples are hardening.

"What is wrong, Miss Lana?" - asks BJ. "You owe us this favor."

"Yes, but I am not ready for Dennis to see my big breasts yet." - she says shyly, putting her head down.

"Easy! Dennis, move over there." - says Lukas, pointing behind the teacher.

"What, no! That is going too far." - Dennis says disagreeably.

"Sorry Dens, but you were the one who caused this." - she says slightly upset. "If you want me to pay this stupid bet to protect your standing with your boss, you better move over there."

"I never saw them before! And you are going to show it to them first?" - he says incredulous. She looks back at him upset.

"You heard her dude. Move over please." - says BJ smirking.

Begrudgingly, Dennis moves a few feet behind Lana. He knew he messed up and was in the wrong.

"Can he see anything? My breasts?" - asks Lana to her students.

"No, he can't. You are safe." - says Lukas smiling.

"Sorry again dear. I will show my students my naked boobies now." - says Lana teasingly.

'Oh, my. I am about to do this. I enjoyed teasing Dennis too, it's his fault I am in this mess. It's not like I will enjoy it. Exposing my slutty tits to my students in public is not what I want. Right? Hmm, my nipples are hard, and I can feel my wetness. It's just a normal reaction, of course.' - she debates in her head.

Lukas and BJ smile wildly, not believing their luck. Behind Dennis, a few people are observing the situation. Some are even taking photos of the event.

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