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Nameless Pt. 02

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She surrenders to her need.
2.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/30/2016
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In all he left her standing on that corner for nearly half an hour. With each passing car she felt a little more shamed and exposed. True, it was a sundress not some slutty miniskirt but hey, how many honest women stand under streetlamp at midnight on a Friday? During the wait she tried to talk herself out of the whole thing several times, but try as she might, her feet never moved - even when one car stopped with two guys hoping for some action.

"C'mon baby! $50 each!"

Her face blushed red as she stammered out a "No, thank you...I'm waiting for my date..." They called her a fucking cunt as they drove off.

Finally she saw a car stop half a block away. She watched him get out. He beckoned her. Again on rubbery legs she approached this man whose name she still did not know. She might be making the worst decision of her life. In truth she knew nothing about him...except that she wanted him to be her Master. She desperately needed to submit to him completely. She didn't understand it, but the wetness seeping from her lower lips told her all she really needed to know.

She got to his car and waited for him to do something - open the door, say hello, order her into the seat...something!

After two or three minutes he said, "You did well, slut. You just might make a slave yet." Another long pause followed. If possible her blush deepened.

"Remove your dress."

Her head shot up and she stared at him incredulously.

"One chance. I told you: obey all commands instantly, unquestioningly and completely. Now or never"

She started to look around. He slapped her - hard and then turned away heading for the driver's door.

"Wait!" she cried, tearing off the dress. "I'm sorry! I'll be good!"

He turned back and held out his hand. Tears streaking her reddening cheek, she handed him the dress.

"Turn around, hands behind your back."

She complied. With practiced but unhurried movements he strapped cuffs on her each of her wrists and clipped them together. She was dying of humiliation praying to be under cover and he acted as if he had all the time in the world. He turned her around, softly caressed her breasts and the kissed her. "Good slut."

Just then a car drove by honking its horn at the sight of the naked woman on the sidewalk. Only then did he open the door and guide her to the seat, carefully fastening the belt around her caressing her belly and breasts with lingering hands.

In the driver's seat he threw the car in gear. "Spread your legs." She complied, mortified at the sight she must be. She prayed he would quickly take her to his home, but no. Instead he drove slowly through the college bar district letting anyone who cared to observe her charms. She couldn't stop the tears shame, but neither could she deny the stiffness in her nipples. Whenever he stopped at a red light, he slipped his fingers into her wet messy pussy, making her squirm and moan for the passing audience.

At last he headed off into quieter streets heading towards his home. He paused briefly to slip a blindfold over her eyes. "In case you have second thoughts on Monday and try to claim rape, girlie. Of course much of your weekend will be filmed, especially your begging. No one will believe you anyway, but it's always wise to be careful with strangers. Oh wait, you've already fucked that up, haven't you? You haven't been careful with this stranger at all."

"Yes, Sir." she murmured barely above a whisper. He twisted a nipple fiercely. She yelped. "Clear answers, bitch!"

"Ow! Yes, SIR!"

The car slowed, she heard a garage door opening. He moved the car in and shut down the engine. He came around and opened her door hauling her out.

"Kneel, slut," he growled.

She obeyed.

She heard a zipper and soon smelled the cock in front of her face. She at least knew enough to wait for an order.


He slid his cock into her mouth. She marvelled at the size. He did not ask for technique or style but grabbing her head, began to fuck her face. This was less about pleasure and much more about exerting dominance. Maybe some other time there would be tenderness and eroticism, but not now. This was claiming ownership, pure and simple.

After a moment or two he ripped away the blindfold allowing her to realize he had not closed the garage door. Anyone could see!

But what did it matter now? She had already been photographed by a stranger with his cock in her mouth. And then she had given herself to this dominant stranger, cuffed, slapped, naked and whoring her mouth. Fuck, she could be doing it in the middle of the street for all she cared. Right now she needed to be claimed, used, abused, owned and please, please, please allowed to come sometime tonight.

She felt him swell, stiffen and with a grunt empty himself into her mouth. After a moment of recovery he withdrew.

"Not bad, slut. You just might do."

Crazy as it was, her heart leapt at those words and a smile crossed her make-up smeared face.

He turned away and went to a garage workbench returning with something in his hands. He went behind her. Again her sense of smell kicked in first as she caught the scent of leather. A whip? she wondered. Then she felt his hands near her neck.

"No, not a whip...a collar!"

Again with practiced hands he slipped the simple collar around her neck and coming around front clipped a leash to the d-ring.

"Just a training collar to start, cunt. You will have to earn a real one. Anything to say?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." And after a pause, "I will do everything you command in order to earn it ...and the privilege of calling you Master. Will you punish me for being so slow stripping for you?" She was so eager to get his approval now. "I certainly deserve it."

"Have you ever been whipped before, little one?"

"No, Sir."

"Then you know not what you ask."

"No, Sir, but I do know slaves get punished for their mistakes. If I aim to earn the right to be your slave..."

"Slut, you are bordering on insolent in your eagerness. You are mine to do with as I will until Monday morning. You agreed to that by meeting me tonight. I will decide your fate, not you. You cannot end this, but I can, at anytime, so mind your manners."

"Yes, Sir!" she said desperately afraid that he might throw her out.

Instead he tugged on her leash bringing her to her feet. Hitting the button for the garage door he led her up the steps and into his house.

The house was darkened. He didn't bother with lights, but simply pulled the cuffed and collared woman behind him. He opened the door to the basement and led her down the stairs, heels clicking on the wood. The darkness made her nervous. She had no sense of the size of the house or the layout. It was disconcerting, like a blindfold of a different sort.

Unerringly he led her to the centre of a largish room and stopped her in what felt like the middle. Dropping the leash he went behind her and unclipped the links that held the cuffs together. He stretched the right hand up in the air and clipped her to a chain that was dangling unseen. Then the other arm was connected. Her arms spread at an angle leaving her feeling even more helpless than had they been tied together.

Kneeling now he strapped a cuff to her left leg and pulled it outwards to a waiting chain clip. He repeated the act on the other side. Now she was bound helpless in the darkness, spread eagled, more available than she had ever been. She shook with fear.

"Now, now, little one," he cooed in her ear, "No need to be frightened. This is what you wanted, what you have dreamed about in dreams you didn't even admit to yourself."

He stepped to the wall and soft lights illuminated the room from hidden sconces. She looked around seeing fittings and various bondage devices here and there around the room. In one corner there was an ornate cabinet, but most shocking was the full wall of mirror in front of her. She gazed at her shadowy form transfixed.

Noticing he said, "Hmm, not really a good view, eh?" He hit another switch and she was suddenly bathed on spotlights, some white, come coloured. The effect was that of an elaborate stage setting.

"Much better," he said, "and it makes it so much easier for the cameras." He touched another button and in a far corner she could see herself appearing on a giant flatscreen. "I do so love home movies, especially of willing slutty girls!" She could feel the wetness escaping down her thigh.

Stripping off his jacket and shirt he made for the cabinet opening it wide and revealing all manner of whips, crops, cuffs, clamps, vides and other bondage devices.

Selecting a simple flogger he held it before her face. "You were right, you know, you do have to be punished for fucking up a simple order to strip."

Caressing her pussy and breasts with the tool he continued, "I had thought I should go easy on you this first time, but you have been trying my patience. What you want and need is so very clear. Just look at the juices you have left on this flogger. Yet, despite your need to submit you fight every step, even the simplest order.

"No, no leniency for you, slut. By the end of this weekend you will be a willing slave or you will run for your desperately empty vanilla world and probably into the waiting arms of some therapist who you will hope will take away these dark desires."

He stepped back and began using the flogger - lightly at first - but quickly. In her stretched nakedness no part of her was spared. He wandered around her striking ass and thighs, sides and breasts, back and arms and finally several upswing smacks on her pussy. How long" A minute? Five? Ten? She didn't know. It wasn't that it hurt so very much. In fact it didn't hurt. No it was the humiliation of her...availability. It was the nakedness of her need, her longing. Every stroke reminded her that she was his, out of control, left with no choices. She was sobbing, not in pain, but with release, and she knew that he understood.

Finally he stopped and for long minutes he simply caressed her, hands softly stroking her sides, her armpits, her ass, her breasts and finally her pussy. "Yes, slut," he whispered, "Just let it go. And when you are ready, the real punishment will begin. In your pain you will find pleasure and your greatest release ever."

As she began to quiet he went again to the cabinet and brought out a butterfly vibrator attached to a set of straps. Kneeling in front of her he adjusted it so it was snug against her pussy.

"In a moment I will begin to whip you in earnest, slut. I will hurt you. I will keep whipping you until you beg me to come, until you promise me every sexual favour you can imagine. It will all only stop when I allow you to come."

He stepped back and selected a nasty looking crop. With no warning he snapped it down on her stiff nipple. She screamed in shock and pain unlike anything she had ever felt. As the burning sting subsided he switched on the vibe. It sent a different kind of jolt through her pussy. The next swats took her square on her ass cheeks, first one and then the other. Each strike was separated by several seconds. As the waves of pain receded, the waves of pleasure from her pussy took over. Again and again she went between one extreme and another as breasts, thighs, arms and belly were attacked. How much time passed? Perhaps she could count the welts later and get a sense of that. But in the moment she disappeared into some place her mind had never been, moaning, not screaming. Each sensation fed into the next. At last she gasped out, "Please may I come, Sir!"

No answer. Her need grew. She repeated the phrase louder this time. Again and again until she was screaming it as loud as her first cries of pain.

"Come now!" he thundered. And she did, long and hard finally falling limp in her restraints. He made her come again and again until she slipped into blackness and all went quiet.

Later, she regained consciousness slowly, now lying on a soft fur stretched across a bed she had not seen. She felt coolness and realized he was sponging her sweat streaked face with a damp cloth.

He smiled back at her. "Welcome back, my Slave. Your name is now Lise."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well written, exciting, erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Terrific story, loved the pain-pleasure punishment. Wish there was more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
It makes great fantasy

I’m sure there must be women who would go ahead and do this and for a story it is definitely erotic.

To go ahead in real life? Fuck no, not without talking about limits and safe words, it sounds like a fast track to becoming a statistic. I’ve done a lot of things in my life but nothing that crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please continue this series!!!!

Mimi21Mimi21almost 8 years ago

This is a crazy story but i love it

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