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Neighbors Ch. 02

Story Info
Chris and Amber start to play an interesting game.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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Several days had gone by and I hadn't seen much of Amber except for quick trips in and out of her house. I was starting to get a bit concerned with the state of her yard. The old guy that used to live there never took care of it, and as a result he'd been fined by the city over the years. It was in bad shape when Amber moved in and as far as I could tell she didn't have any way to take care of it - I didn't move any yard maintenance gear at all for her. After breakfast one morning I happened to be leaving my house at the same time as her and caught her attention.

"Hey neighbor!" I said with a friendly wave. Amber smiled back and set her coffee on the top of her car before walking over to me.

"Hey I really wanted to thank you again for all your help with the move!" She said, fixing a beautiful smile at me. "Charles, right? You're the best!"

I tried to hide my disappointment that she didn't remember my name.

"Um, it's Chris actually...but I wanted to warn you that the previous homeowner really let his lawn go, and um, ended up paying quite a bit of fines to the city." Her smile faded immediately. "Um...no..no it's ok" I stammered. I couldn't bear to see her look unhappy at this news. "Look, I know you don't have a lawnmower...I can bring mine over and take care of it right away!"

Amber looked relieved but apprehensive.

"No Charl...er, Chris. I couldn't ask you to do that. Really. After you've done so much for me. I can hire a local kid or something to take care of it. It's just..."

Her eyes started to mist over a bit and she looked down at her feet, embarrassed.

"It's just...I spent all of my money for this month on the move and...setting up utilities..and my gym membership..." She looked obviously in distress and embarrassed to admit this to me. I felt I had to do something.

"Oh, yeah, I mean I totally understand" I said. "Moving wiped me out too! Please let me just mow it for you! I'd be happy to do it!"

"No...again, I can't take advantage of you like that again" she said, sadly. "I'll come up with something - as long as they don't fine me in the next few days I'll be ok I suppose."

I was anxious about her plight and desperate to help her avoid that city fine. I'm not sure what came over me but I blurted out

"Please let me do it for you - Please. I'll... I'll even pay you to do it if you let me!"

I have no idea where I got that idea from - I'm not even sure if I was thinking at all - I was just eager to solve this problem for her and I'd do anything to help this beautiful woman. As soon as I spoke the words, a strange feeling came over me - kind of a shiver, deep down.

She looked up at me shyly "What did you say?"

"Um. I'll...I'll pay you if you'd let me mow it for you!"

She brightened immediately.

"When can you do it?"

The question caught me off guard. I was sure she would say no - that she'd realize I just wanted to help and let me mow it for her for free. Or at least pay someone else to do it. But again I found that trying to back out of her new expectation seemed impossibly distasteful to me. And what the hell - I was getting what I wanted anyways, right? I was able to help my beautiful young neighbor out of a jamb. So what if cost me a few bucks - I could afford it. Something about this objectively ridiculous situation also just felt...somehow right. Completely unfair to me, but part of me WANTED life to be unfair to the benefit of this incredibly gorgeous woman.

"Well, I was about to run some errands so, maybe this afternoon?"

"Perfect!" Amber clapped her hands and spun around. My eyes were drawn yet again to her perfect ass, this time covered in skin tight jeans that hugged her curves and strong legs. She jumped in her car and started the engine, giving me another one of her little waves as she pulled out of the driveway.

What had I gotten myself into? I thought as I got in my car.

Several hours later I was wheeling my lawnmower into Amber's backyard. I froze - she was sprawled out on her back deck on a towel, sunbathing! She had on a seriously skimpy bikini that barely covered anything and was lying face down. I could see right between her legs from my vantage point, which were slightly spread apart. Her skin was glowing with suntan oil and perspiration. A small speaker was playing some pop music and she was clearly settled in for a long rest. I felt my cock harden as I stared, and it started to rise annoyingly, popping out the front of my sweat shorts.

"Um...Hi..Amber? It's Chris" I said awkwardly. "I just didn't want to scare you or anything. I'm here to mow the lawn...I can come back if there's another time that's better.."

She turned over and sat up. She had sunglasses on so I couldn't see her eyes but I was sure she was starting right at my crotch. I shuffled a bit and tried to turn to a less obvious angle but there wasn't much I could do about the obvious tent in my shorts. Her breasts were incredible - they looked incredibly firm and yet somehow soft and smooth, and were bursting out of her tiny bikini top. I could her nipples clearly outlined in the taut white triangles of fabric that struggled to contain her. I was by no means an expert, but she had to be at least a D cup, which looked particularly amazing given her slender waist.

"Don't be silly! It won't bother me at all!"

With that she rolled back over and settled into her towel, taking a sip from her water bottle. Trying not to stare and walking a bit awkwardly because of my erection, I started the mower. Her lawn was a disaster and I knew it would take me several hours just to mow. Not from the size of the property but because I'd have to go over each portion several times - the lawn was just too tall and thick to go down easy. As I mowed, I surreptitiously spied on Amber. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She turned over to her back and I could see almost all of her beautiful breasts . Her g string was just a strip between her legs and a tiny triangle covering her pussy and I could see that she was either waxed or shaved bare. I found it hard to concentrate and walk with a constant erection from the view.

"Hey Chris could you help me for a sec?" Amber called out to me. I shut the mower off and walked over.

"Yeah sure...um what can I do to you? I mean for you" I stammered out my correction as I tried to stop staring at her ass just feet away from me. I couldn't believe I was this close to a basically naked woman. I'm not a virgin or anything but my work keeps me very busy and I don't have much time to date. It had been a couple of years since my last so-called relationship ended and I hadn't been this close to a woman in this state since. And never with anyone as stunning as Amber!

She reached out and fumbled with her hand until she found her suntan oil.

"Could you do my back? I've been out here a while and I need to reapply or I'll burn."

I couldn't believe it. It was like something out of a porn video I would watch while jerking off alone in bed. I sunk to his knees immediately and took the bottle from her. Squirting a bit on my hands I gingerly rubbed her shoulder blades. Amber moaned slightly.

"Oh that feels really good. You can rub harder you know - I'm not going to break" She giggled a bit at this and I started rubbing harder up and down her entire back.

"Legs too if you don't mind" she said. I didn't mind at all - I turned around awkwardly on my knees to face her lower half. As I did my erect cock brushed against her side. I froze, terrified at what I had done. It was an accidental touch - not that I had a large cock or anything. Again I wasn't an expert on this, and I knew that porn was deceptive, but it also seemed my previous girlfriends weren't very impressed with what I was packing. Nevertheless, the few inches I had were sticking straight out from seeing and touching Amber's naked body. She'd be well within her rights to be pissed or even call the cops on me. I looked down at her but her face was inscrutable - her eyes hidden behind those dark lenses. Maybe she didn't feel it or thought I had something in my pocket...

I added more lotion and and carefully and gingerly rubbed my hands on her calves, unsure what I should be touching. Her ass was right under me and looked even more perfect close up - the tiny g string hiding basically nothing. Amber laughed underneath me.

"My whole leg, silly - do you want me to get sunburned?"

"Um no..of course not!" I said, again stammering like a teenage boy. I slowly slid my hands up her thighs, all the way until I was cupping her ass with both hands. I couldn't believe how firm and perfect her ass was. I rubbed her cheeks a bit, spreading lotion all over as best I could.

"That's great - thanks. Now just a little bit between my legs please?"

She spread her legs slightly apart. From my vantage point behind her I could clearly see the outline of her pussy lips against the thin fabric of her bikini. I got more lotion and slowly and carefully ran my hands up the insides of her legs, from her calves all the way up to between her thighs. My fingers were literally an inch away from her pussy. My cock had never been harder in my entire life, and it was sticking straight out from my body in an incredibly obvious tent.

"Perfect, thanks Chris" Amber said just as I was seriously considering "accidently" brushing against her pussy. I stood up hurriedly, hoping she wouldn't see the obvious erection. I started to rush down the stairs to block her line of sight with my crotch.

"Oh one more thing" I stopped and looked over my shoulder. Amber had sat up and was facing me, holding out her water bottle.

"Could you get me some more of that lemonade you gave me the other day?"

I froze. If I turned around now she'd get a full look at my shorts and probably be disgusted. But I couldn't very well walk backwards up the steps - that would have been even worse and she'd know for sure anyways. I slowly turned around to face her, trying nonchalantly to cover myself with my hands as I took the few steps to approach her. Her face was inscrutable as always behind those giant dark sunglass, but I thought I saw a hint of a smirk on her lips. She didn't hold the bottle out to me, making me lean down and reach way out with one hand to get it. I saw to my horror that there was a small precum stain on my shorts! Amber surely must see it - my crotch was about 2 feet in front of her face from her seated position. She made no reaction to it that I could see except possibly her lips twitched a bit in amusement.

"Yess...um right away" I said, grabbing at the water bottle and literally scurrying away down the stairs to hide my shameful boner.

Once I got to my house I realized my problem. I didn't have any more lemonade or lemons. Shit. I could just get her some water but she specifically wanted lemonade. I sheepishly crossed over to her back yard where she was still sunning herself.

"Um Amber? I'm so sorry but I think I'm out of lemons."

She rolled over onto her back, fanning herself from the heat of the sun. Again I was struck by her incredibly sexy body - her breasts sitting tall and firm on her chest.

"That's ok - I don't mind waiting a bit."

I was dumbstruck. Waiting for what? Oh...I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. She meant for me to go to the store and get more lemons. WTF? Again I felt that swirl of emotions I was starting to associate with being around Amber. I was mowing her lawn, and in fact I would be PAYING her for the privilege (theoretically - I didn't think she'd actually follow through with that, but I got a chill thinking of the possibility of her holding me to our deal) and in the middle of doing that she expected me to run to the store to make her some lemonade? I knew I should be angry but I was incredibly aroused from running my hands over her body. It made it difficult to think rationally. All I could think of was when I brought her her lemonade maybe it would be time for me to rub lotion on her front...

I practically ran to my car.

An hour later I was carrying her bottle filled with lemonade back to her. She was no longer sunning herself on the back deck. Unsure what to do, I knocked on her back door.

She answered a few minutes later, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt but still looking stunning.

"Hi Amber, I brought you your..." I looked down as I said this and noticed she was holding a can of coke.

"Oh! Sorry Chris you were gone so long I figured you forgot - and I was thirsty so I grabbed this. Anyways, I'm getting ready to go out with some friends." Reaching to her right she grabbed a wooden bowl off the kitchen counter. She stepped past me out on the deck placing the wooden bowl on her patio table.

"Since I'm headed out, when you're finished up with the yard and all the raking and pruning and stuff you can put the money here. Thanks Chris - you're really really sweet" And then she gave me another one of her quick "friend zone" hugs. She closed the door behind her as she walked back into her house.

Yet again I was left standing with my mouth hanging open. I couldn't believe what was happening and yet it all seemed to be natural - like a game of inches where I offered (I had to admit everything that was happening was because I volunteered) a tiny bit and she took me up on it and somehow got me offering more. I slowly walked over to the mower, shaking my head. Then something else she said hit me. Raking and pruning? I looked with dismay at the abysmal state of the landscaping. I'd be at this all day - likely until well after dark!

Night had fallen and I was just finishing up the raking in the front yard when a car pulled up and two beautiful women stepped out. They were probably in their mid 20s just like Amber and were clearly dressed for a night out on the town - short mini skirts, heels, makeup and dangly earrings. One was quite tall and thin with red waves of hair that fell around her shoulders. The other was a bit shorter, probably 5'2 or so (more with her 4 inch heels!) and had raven colored black hair in a short style. I felt self conscious standing there in my ratty sweat-soaked clothes with a rake, but they barely gave me a glance as they went up to Amber's door and walked right in. The interior of her house was well lit, and I got a quick glimpse of her living room when the door opened. Amber was walking across the room on her way to the hall and she was dressed only in her underwear! She had a matching set of very expensive looking bra and panty, black lace and incredibly sexy. Then the door closed and my quick glimpse was cut off - I heard laughter and mock wolf whistles from the new women and then loud conversation and more laughs.

A few minutes later all three of them came out laughing and giggling.

"Amber honey when is the Uber getting here?"

"Any minute now..let me track it...ok yeah it's a few blocks away."

It was clear they were going out on the town. I felt incredibly awkward working just a few feet away, getting the last of some stubborn leaves out from under one of her bushes. I was watching them out of the corner of my eye. One of them - the taller thin red-head glanced at me and poked Amber in the ribs with a questioning look in her eye. Amber pulled all of their heads together and whispered something I couldn't catch. After a few seconds all three of them were trying unsuccessfully to stifle laughter, and then eventually gave up and all three of them were giggling and looking over at me. I had no idea what she said but I wished I could disappear - I felt 2 inches tall with these beautiful women obviously finding something about me terribly funny. Before I could react a car pulled up and and the women piled in. Amber was the last one, and before she did she ran over to me and gave me another quick hug.

"The place looks amazing Chris. Thanks so much for what you're doing. My friends were just commenting on how nice my new place is! Oh can I get your phone number? One sec- write it down for me."

She rummaged around in her tiny handbag and produced a scrap of paper and a pen. I wrote it out for her, squinting in the dim light, and handed it back to her.

"Thanks - in case I need a right back home. You're the best!"

She was back at the car in a flash, and climbed into the back seat with her other friends. I caught a glimpse of her black panties as she clambered into the tight back seat. Blowing me a kiss, she waved as the car pulled away, suddenly blasting with thumping techno music as the girls all laughed and screamed, clearly ready for a good time.

Around 10 PM I had finally finished all of the yard work. The yard was mowed, edged, raked, and all of the shrubs were properly pruned and trimmed. Admiring my own work, I had to admit I did a good job - it was now easily the best-kept house on the block. I found myself looking forward to seeing Amber's face when she saw it and then I realized how she had twisted me so far around her finger that I was actually enjoying doing all of this for her. It was another day of being around Amber (sort of) and yet again I was exhausted, soaked, tired and hungry. I went around to the back yard to start putting away all of my tools. Then I saw the wooden bowl on the back porch and stopped.

She really didn't expect me to, did she? I mean, maybe she was joking. She didn't seem like she was joking but it's hard to tell with Amber - normally very animated, at times she had an absolute poker face when it seemed to suit her. I had no idea what to do. If I didn't pay anything maybe she would think I wasn't a man of my word and wouldn't trust me to be around her, and I REALLY didn't want that. But what should I pay? $10 seemed like nothing - chump change really. But how much SHOULD I pay? She never said anything and I certainly didn't. I slowly went to my house and got my wallet, thinking. Well, she was quite a bit younger than me - maybe 10 years - and I knew she didn't have a lot of money. At least she said that the move made her totally broke. Maybe this was my chance to help her out - she was surely too proud to ask for money if she really was broke, so if I just leave her a good amount now it wouldn't injure her pride, since this was all sort of a joke, right? Also, part of me couldn't help thinking that I could show her that I was quite well off. I started my own company right out of college, and after a few lean years it had really turned into a money-making machine. I still lived in the smallish house I bought out of college because frankly moving sucks and I didn't really find the time to house hunt. I could show her that I had money and maybe she'd want to have me around more. I know it sounded materialistic but maybe that's how she thinks. Approaching the wooden bowl I emptied the contents of my wallet into it and walked back home, two hundred and sixty three dollars lighter.

I startled awake hours later.

"Whatttt..." I mumbled, confused.

I realized my phone was going off - probably already on it's third or fourth ring. No one ever really calls me except solicitors, and even they have the decency to stop after 9 at night or so. I glanced at the clock. It was 4:30 AM.

"..Hello.." I mumbled, my voice soft from sleep.

"Oh...hey...Chris?" It was Amber.

Immediately I sat up, shaking off the cobwebs of sleep.

"Yes - is there something wrong?" I said, concerned. Visions of everything that could happen to a young lady out on the town went through my head.

"No...silly..." her voice was funny - sleepy and she sounded very drunk.

"Everything's fine. Could you just...could you pick me up? I'm not with my friends and I don't really have enough for an Uber. I'm at..." here I heard her cover up the phone and have a quick conversation with someone "I'm at 32 State Street apartment 5. See you in 10 minutes? Thanks!"

She hung up. I looked at my phone in disbelief. I'd happily call her an Uber myself...but now she was expecting me. I got out of bed and pulled on some pants, running my fingers through my hair sleepily. I had a meeting in 4 hours and had to be on top of my game, and now I was running around town picking up my neighbor who I barely knew.


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