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Neighbors Ch. 26


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I stood there awkwardly. There were several seconds of silence as Jen stood there with her arms crossed in front of her chest, regarding me silently.

"Do you like it?" She asked, glancing down again at my crotch.

"Uh..." I thought for a second. "That's...a really hard question to answer."

She laughed, breaking the awkwardness of the situation. I found myself smiling in response.

"I imagine so. Such an...interesting device."

That I could agree with.

She stared at my crotch again.

"I wish I was the one handling those patent claims. From what I can tell, Dr. Latham is going to be a very rich woman, if she isn't one already. The rumor is she has an estate somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Her husband is actually the one that designs and builds the devices. He was apparently some young prodigy professor at MIT. Specializing in battery tech and some sort of material science."

She glanced up at me. I realized I still knew nothing about this mysterious Dr. Latham. Except that Amber seemed to know her somehow. I wondered idly how they had managed to cross paths. Something tugged at my memory but I couldn't quite grasp it.

"The weird thing is...or maybe not so strange now that I think about it," Jen continued, brushing her short hair over one ear "Is that all of the patents are in the wife's name. So every dollar that comes into the business goes to her directly. Not a company. Certainly not her husband."

I gulped. It wasn't that strange to me, based on my past experience with Amber. And Sarah. And, I amended, Claire. That's exactly how Amber would set up the finances if we were in some sort of business together. I felt a small twinge of pity - or was it empathy - for her husband, whoever and wherever he was.

Claire returned, brandishing her phone.

"Here it is. The app is so cool! I've barely had any time to play with it but I've liked what I've seen so far."

I grimaced. Claire's favorite thing to do was to enable statue mode, holding me in place while she prodded and touched me while I was unable to do anything about it.

Jen crowded next to Claire, peering at her phone as she flicked through some screens that I couldn't see. I shuffled my feet and looked around the store. At least the other customers seemed to be ignoring us for the moment.

Jen glanced up at me.

"And it actually works? Like, it's actually hooked up to his dick?"

"Yup," Claire nodded. "Wanna see?"

"Sure!" Jen said, her face brightening. She blew a strand of light brown hair out of her eyes and looked excitedly at me.

"Uh, Claire..." I said, "Do you think it's a good idea to OWWW!"

I gasped as a painful shock spiked through my balls.

Jen let out a low whistle.

"Wow...can I try?"

Claire shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"

She handed her phone over to the smartly dressed lawyer, who took it eagerly.

"Now what did you press to make that...oh, right here."

She looked up at me, with a slight smile on her lips. A second later I fell to my knees as an even more painful jolt tore through my testicles, making my legs weaken. It went on for a full second or two, and I found myself gritting my teeth to stop from shouting out. My carefully gathered bundle of underwear spilled from my arms again, littering the soft thick carpet around me with a riot of colors and fabrics.

Jen let out another low whistle, and reluctantly handed the phone back to Claire.


She shook her head.

"How did you convince him to wear this for you?"

Claire laughed, and I sighed with relief as she took possession of the phone again. It was absolutely terrifying to have that app in the hands of a total stranger, knowing the absolute power it had over me. I had grown somewhat used to the trio of women having that control, but a stranger was unpredictable.

"Oh, I didn't. It's actually a friend of mine, Amber. She more or less owns him, I guess."

Jen looked down at me with an appraising stare. She had her arms crossed across her chest, and lightly drummed her fingers on she sleeve of her dark blazer.

Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.

Claire cleared her throat.

"Ahem. You can get up now, Chris."

I let out a breath. It seemed so natural to be kneeling in front of these women that I had temporarily forgotten I was in the middle of a store. I glanced around - luckily I was quite hidden by the elaborate wooden dressers and tables that displayed the expensive lingerie in the store.

I started to awkwardly gather my panties one more time.

"But I don't understand," Jen said. I was fumbling around her feet, having to reach behind her to get some of the panties that had flown several feet away. She didn't move an inch to get out of my way. "Why the women's underwear?"

Claire shrugged.

"Well, I think they look good on him. Maybe it's my job," She gave a little slivery laugh "But I just think panties are inherently sexy. His owner though..I'm not sure."

She frowned and looked at me thoughtfully.

"I think to her they represent something more. Like power or something. She likes the fact that she can make him do whatever she wants."

Jen nodded.

"I see that. And like he has them on all the time. So they're a constant reminder of her power."

"Exactly," Claire shrugged. "But to me they just look cute. He has a nice butt and frankly I'd kill for his legs."

Jen laughed.

I slowly got to my feet, having gathered all of the panties.

Claire gave my bundle an appraising glance.

"I think that's enough for now. Let's go try those on to see what works."

My face reddened. I pictured trying these on in some small changing room in front of Claire.

Jen spoke quietly.

"I would very much like to see those on him."

I froze.

Claire let out another laugh.

"Sure, why not?"

I moaned.

"No, please Claire. I...I can't..."

I trailed off. The women were ignoring me, continuing a conversation.

"I've always thought that men's underwear left...something to be desired," Jen said. She reached out and felt the fabric of one of the silky panties I had clutched to my chest.

"I know, right?" Claire said, shaking her head. "It's like they're not even trying. I see women come in here and blow a significant part of their paycheck to look sexy for their men or to feel sexy at work, or whatever. And guys buy their underwear in a ten pack at a hardware store, or something."

Jen laughed.

"Yeah, exactly. We need to hold them to higher standards."

I screwed up my courage and tried to make my voice as authoritative as possible.

"No, Claire. I'm not comfortable with this. Jen seems very nice..." I trailed off. Both of the women were looking at me with an amused look in their eyes. I glanced down at the pile of women's underwear I was holding. I suddenly felt ridiculous, trying to assert myself in front of them.

Jen brushed a strand of her short auburn hair over her ear.

"Nice? I wouldn't say that, exactly," She smiled sweetly at me.

Claire brushed off my protests with a small wave of her hand.

"Oh don't be silly, Chris. It's not like you've got something she hasn't seen before." She took hold of my right elbow possessively, and turned me to face the back of the store.

"True," Jen said from my left side. She clutched my left arm. "I've seen a dick or two in my time."

Both women laughed. I realized they were steering me towards the changing rooms. My legs were moving on their own accord, propelling me forward without my brain's participation.

"But I haven't seen a chastity cage before. At least, not for real. Just schematics and technical drawings."

Claire nodded.

"True...I suppose you haven't seen that."

"And I haven't seen a guy in panties either. At least, not in person."

Claire brightened. We were nearly to the doorway that separated the storefront from the back.

"Also true. Ok, so two new things you haven't seen before."

I glanced around. Several of the customers had stopped what they were doing and were watching our odd group make its way to the back. I saw the couple from earlier. The woman was poking her boyfriend and pointing at us with the other hand. Both were laughing and whispering to each other.

Claire leaned in front of me to speak directly to Jen in a dramatic stage whisper.

"And to be honest it's not much of a dick."

Jen burst into laughter as they propelled me through the doorway.

A soft chime sounded as we entered the back room. Must be some way for the employees to keep track of who was in the changing rooms, I thought.

The room was divided up into 4 small changing stalls, two on each side of the room. The dividers only came down to a foot off of the floor, and Claire quickly ducked down to look.

"No one here."

They both propelled me to the nearest stall. Claire unlocked the door and they practically pushed me in.

It was a tiny space. Maybe six feet by six feet, with a low bench against the back wall and a full length mirror on the door. I was acutely aware of how close Jen and Claire were in the confines of the stall.

Claire took charge.

"Put your panties on that bench, Chris, and let's get those clothes off of you."

Jen hid a smile behind her hand. I sighed and heaved the enormous pile of underwear on the bench. Claire leaned back against the door comfortably. Jen stood with her arms crossed again, drumming her fingers on her sleeve again. Must be one of her habits, I thought idly to myself. It made me feel like a specimen in a glass jar though.

Jen cleared her throat and glanced down my body. I blushed even deeper, if that was possible. I gave one more imploring look to Claire. She was just grinning at me, her small features and petite build making her look like a cute pixie. An evil cute pixie, I amended.

I sighed and shrugged my shirt off. The women looked on as I kicked off my shoes and bent over to pull off my socks.

Claire reached out her hand.

"I'll take those."

I stuffed my socks into my shoes and handed my shirt and sneakers to her.

"Good boy. Now the pants."

I closed my eyes as I undid my pants and pulled them down to my feet. I heard Jen laugh and opened my eyes, looking down. I had somehow forgotten I was wearing the black panties Claire had given me.

"Oh those look lovely," Jen said. "I like the little bow in the front. Oh wait..." She gasped. "Is he totally shaved? Like, everywhere?"

She reached out and ran a hand up my thigh. I shivered involuntarily at her touch.

"Yes," Claire confirmed. I remembered the humiliating shaving the three women gave me in Amber's shower and turned even deeper red.

"So smooth," Jen said in appreciation, giving my thigh a final pat before she straightened and crossed her arms again.

"The rest, Chris" Claire said impatiently, gesturing at my panties.

I groaned aloud as I pulled down my panties. I stood on one leg to pull my jeans and underwear off, then the other. I lost my balance and had to lean against the flimsy divider of the stall, but a second later I was naked.

Claire reached out for my clothes again and I wordlessly handed them to her. It took all of my willpower to not cover myself with my hands. Sarah and Amber had somewhat ruthlessly trained that reaction out of me.

Jen let out another low whistle.

"And there it is. Wow. Looks so different that I thought it would. More solid somehow."

They were both staring at the cage.

"But I don't understand. It's so small...the ones I saw diagrams for were more like..."

Jen held her hands out three or four inches apart.

Claire nodded.

"Yeah...I think Chris has a really small dick. I mean, I haven't seen it. But Amber makes fun of him all the time - that's his owner. And I mean...he wouldn't fit in that if it wasn't, right?"

Jen nodded, giving me a pitying look before glancing down again.

"It's amazing. All of that technology in such a tiny device. I don't even see the batteries or whatever. I see now why it's all the buzz of the tech world at the moment."

"Be back in a sec," Claire said. She slid the door open behind her and slipped out before I could say anything.

"Wait! Claire!" I called out, realizing she had all of my clothes. Even my shoes.

I heard her silvery laugh float over the divider.

"I'm just going to put your things in my employee locker. It's so cramped in that stall, don't you think?"

"Claire!!" I called out, increasingly desperate.

I stood on my tip toes and peeked over the top of the divider. Claire opened a door against the opposite wall. I caught a brief glimpse of a break room before she closed the door behind her. I dimly heard Jen laughing behind me. Groaning, I turned to face her.

"Claire was right. You do have a nice butt."

She was standing with her hands on her hips now. She seemed totally at ease and in control of the situation. I felt absolutely helpless. I knew that I couldn't leave this stall until Claire came back with my clothes.

Jen was staring at me with her appraising look that made me feel like I was on an examination table.

"Just you and me now, Chris."

I nodded.

"It's too bad Claire didn't leave her phone. Or else we could have had some real fun."

I winced unconsciously. Jen laughed and patted my arm.

"Relax. I'm joking with you. "

I remembered the powerful shock she had given me a few minutes ago. I wasn't totally convinced.

Jen reached out her hand and gently tapped the cage with a manicured nail. I moaned softly as the reverberations flowed through my penis. I felt my dick start to swell.

"The papers I read were all technical. Drawings, charts, equations. They were missing the...human element." Jen glanced up at me. I grimaced slightly at the familiar ache of an attempted erection.

"That's what makes this so...potentially fun, I think."

She gave my cage one more tap before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, are you going to stand around naked all day or are you going to try on some panties?"

I started as the door suddenly swung open. Claire slipped through and closed the stall behind her.

"Good thinking, Jen. Let's get on with it."

She plucked a pair of gray cotton thongs from the top of the pile.

"Let's start with these."

For the next thirty of forty minutes, I tried on dozens of pairs of panties. Everything from basic cotton panties to practically transparent, sheer mesh. The women had me turn for them, and discussed the fit as if I wasn't there. Claire or Jen occasionally tugged on the hem or slid their fingers under the fabric to check the fit. Panties that didn't meet their standards were put on a pile on the floor. The panties that made the cut were stacked on the bench.

"Oh I think those are my favorite," Jen said, standing back as far as the small stall would allow her to get a better look.

I looked down. They were the red lacy thongs that Claire had picked out for me last. The slender waistband sat fairly low on my hips. I could feel the thin fabric run down my butt, widening just enough between my legs to cover my cage.

Claire tugged on the front of the panties, checking that they were in place.

"I agree. I knew I could make thongs work with that cage."

Jen frowned thoughtfully.

"Wait. Wasn't that the pair with the matching garter belt?"

"Yes! Where is it...."

Claire looked through the pile of underwear I hadn't tried on yet, eventually lifting up a pretty band of red fabric. Four small straps dangled down from the belt. She handed it to me with a smile.

"Go ahead Chris - let's see if it fits."

I fumbled with the unfamiliar lingerie. I saw how it hooked together, but it looked like it was supposed to be in the back. I wrapped the lace around my waist and tried awkwardly to hook it behind me in the small of my back.

Both of the women laughed.

"No no," Jen said. "It's not a bra. Hook it in front of you, then slide it behind you."

Of course. I reddened slightly. It was much easier to hook it together in front of me where I could see.

Once I had it in place, I turned for the women. It was automatic at this point.

"Well, the fit is perfect," Jen said admiringly. "You have a good eye Claire."

Claire nodded in satisfaction.

"Thanks Jen. Yes, I'm happy with them."

It felt really odd. I had never had something encircling my waist like that right next to my skin. There were also the four straps that dangled down to mid thigh.

"He has such nice legs, I think they'll really look great in stockings," Jen added. "I mean, it's sexy to wear a garter belt by itself. But with stockings..."

"I agree," Claire nodded. "Let's see if those stockings are going to work."

I feebly protested.

"I don't know I really need stockings? I mean, I understand how I need to wear underwear, but that just seems...I don't know..."

"Excessive?" Jen filled in for me.

"Yes," I breathed, happy to have made someone understand finally.

"I see," Jen said, taking in my mostly naked body. "You think wearing a garter belt is excessive."

I nodded.

Jen and Claire looked at each other. Claire sighed.

"Haven't we gone over this, Chris?" Claire said, shaking her head.

"Women have been wearing them for centuries. Mostly out of necessity. But now no woman needs to wear stockings. So they're totally impractical. Why do you think we still sell so many garter belts?"

I thought quickly.

"Uh..because they're...they're sexy I guess."

Claire nodded. Jen just raised her eyebrows.

"Exactly. Don't you think it's sexist to expect women to do something you're not willing to do?"

That wasn't exactly what I meant, I thought. Claire had some weird way to twist my words and use them against me.

"Typical male," Jen sighed. "Even standing here in lingerie he still thinks he's superior to women."

I shook my head quickly.

" that's not it at all. It's just..."

Jen held her finger up to my lips.

"Hush, Chris. Your friend here has worked really hard to pick out lingerie for you. It sounds almost as if you're being ungrateful for her effort."

I continued to shake my head.

"No I'm not...I'm very grateful."

Claire held up the pair of black stockings.

"Good. Then you'll try these on."

I slumped. It was useless to try to argue with them.

"Yes Claire."

Jen cleared some space for me on the bench, and I sat down reluctantly.

"You have to ball them up like this," Claire said, pushing the stockings down into a small bundle. She knelt and the ground in front of me. "Give me your you start like this...and them roll them up...." I shivered as her hands slid up my leg, rolling the sheer stockings up my shaved legs. The feeling was different. The stockings were light and seemed to caress my legs. It was undeniably sexy.

"Other foot please."

Claire finished rolling both stockings up my leg.

"Hop up Chris."

I got to my feet.

"It's easiest to connect the garters if you're standing. Jen if you wound't mind..."

I stood there as both women bent down to connect the tops of the stockings to the dangling red garters. The stockings came up to mid thigh, and the garters connect perfectly.

The women stood back to admire their work. Jen gave one of her low whistles.

"Why don't you look in the mirror, Chris," she said.

I turned to the door where the full length mirror hung. I almost did a double take. I was still not used to seeing myself in panties. But with stockings and a garter belt I looked incredibly feminine from the waist down. Sexy even, I admitted to myself. My legs had shaped up under Sarah's difficult workouts. Without being asked, I turned slightly so I could see my butt. My shaved legs looked extremely sexy in the red thong.

"That's just...amazing" Claire said. She tugged on the garters quickly.

"Everything just fits you so great. I think they're perfect."

"I agree," Jen said, admiring me from behind. "I love the seams up the back." She gave a small laugh. "If he was my property this would be what he wore all the time."

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