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Neil Ch. 01

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Cyber lovers meet after many months.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 11/01/2006
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Special thanks to a friend who helped edit this story. Everything he touches is beautiful....

If you've ever developed a close relationship of any kind online, you will understand this story.


Until I became a member of a bulletin board, I never thought it was possible to meet wonderful people and gain fun acquaintances and nice friendships over the Internet. But there is someone special for me with whom I have developed an amazing bond and who blows many of my past relationships completely out of the water. Someone who I have grown to trust almost completely. Someone who fills my dreary days with rays of sunshine just from one phone call or email. This is my story about Neil and I.

Feeling a bit lonely, sexually, for reasons I won't get into now, I had turned to erotic Internet fun. At first I searched for sexy photos to drool over, trying different web sites. You know how it is; one site is better than another. And then I came across one site that hooked me. It was an amateur picture forum connected to a large bulletin board. I started by just lurking and checking things out without posting. But then I felt the need to share some of myself, and finally got up the courage to post.

I had never in my life taken a picture of myself nude. But I wanted to post a picture on a thread for 'Big Beautiful Women'. I don't always feel beautiful, but I'm definitely big and definitely a woman. So I took a digital image of me in my bra, no face showing, of course.

I debated for days whether to post the picture or not, but I finally did. Wow! The feedback was very generous and so complimentary. It made me feel incredibly good inside that others actually thought I looked sexy. This was very good for my low self-esteem.

I had thought for sure I would either be simply ignored or made fun of. I was prepared for that and made sure that my face wasn't showing and that nobody would know who I was. Just a faceless body floating in cyberspace.

After the exhilarating thrill of receiving positive feedback, I decided to post another picture. This time I took off my bra. And that post gave me even more feedback, really positive feedback. I was hooked now; this was so freeing and so good for my ego. I decided to do another, then another...and soon I started my own picture thread.

One of my first admirers was Neil hiding under his user name. He built up my confidence along with some other posters, but his comments always stood out to me. It was amazing and as time went on, Neil sent me private messages and they really made me feel very good about myself.

Oh, there were many others that sent me private messages. Some actually scared me or made me laugh out loud with their off the wall comments.

But with Neil it was always different. I knew Neil was one of the few gentlemen right from the start. He knew how to treat a lady.

I was leery of giving out my messenger address at first, even if it was anonymous, but that's how I was. I was a bit scared of the 'what ifs'.

Neil was one of the few people that I had given it to. He just had honesty about him that I couldn't help but notice. He was amazing and always made me feel good about myself. It was unreal. I enjoyed the time we shared and we ended up emailing each other and developing a friendship.

I admit I had other online friendships that filled the void while I felt my married relationship slipping through the cracks, but Neil's friendship was different. It stuck while others faded in and out like the weather or simply ended.

After a couple months of erotic emails, chats and getting to know Neil, I realized I could trust him with my phone number. He called me and our relationship spiked in a very pleasurable way. I felt so connected with this man. He seemed to really get it. He clearly knew how to treat women and his personality and mine meshed so well together. During our love making chat sessions, he often turned my body to jello.

Our relationship was growing and flourishing into something so beautiful. We cared about each other. Really cared. He showed me he cared by our phone conversations and our chat sessions. It was not just about the pleasures of sex but rather the pleasure of the entire relationship, the friendship that we both nourished like a fragile kitten on the mend. It's hard to explain how someone can enter your mind, body and soul this way without ever meeting.

There were times when Neil was busy with work and life and I missed having contact with him for days at a time. During those times I really felt the void and missed him very much. But that is just something one must learn to deal with when having a long distance relationship such as ours.

We were both married and we couldn't have our spouses find out about this. We didn't want each other's marriage and family life to suffer because of our intimate online relationship. This is how you know someone really cares for you when they are concerned about your whole well-being.

Our friendship kept growing and growing and I trusted Neil with my work number, home number and cell phone number. Frankly, I trusted him with very private information that I had never shared with anyone. I knew he would never let me down. Neil, I had come to know, was an honorable man and would never hurt me in any way.

I must explain how Neil made me feel one of the first times we 'made love' over the Internet. At this point, we were not talking on the phone but rather instant messaging one another.

I remember sitting on my bed after having a terrible day and feeling so down. I felt so alone and needy. But Neil was there for me and made love to my mind. That is something I hadn't felt in years. I actually had tears running down my face while reading his beautiful words that were just for me.

It was fun getting to know each other's needs and desires, both romantic and sometimes darker fantasies. And we learned that we had so much in common. We both enjoyed sweet romantic times, like young lovers, kissing, holding, swaying, and playing. But there were also the darker desires that we acted out, always careful to make sure that we respected each other's boundaries. I opened up with Neil during those darker sessions, sharing things that I had never before shared with anyone. No matter what we did Neil would always make sure to end the sessions with plenty of snuggling, kissing and caressing.

This may sound silly if you've never experienced it, but I was pleasured more by Neil, who was many many miles away, than I was with having actual sex with my own husband. I say having sex because we hadn't 'made love' in years, maybe not ever.

Often times, Neil and I expressed our fantasy of meeting in real life one day. We talked about this often and pretty soon it became less fantasy and more reality. Every time I thought it was actually possible, I had a rush of beautiful feelings up and down my body. It was a feeling that was better than most orgasms. Really, it was. Oh the chance to meet Neil, to touch him, to make love to him. Oh God, I thought, yes!

Then Neil e mailed me gave me a date that he would be traveling on business. He thought this would be the best way to meet and he could spend the evenings with me and the entire weekend together. I was thrilled!!

After I made my airline reservations and emailed the confirmations to Neil, I had a moment of reality kick in. Mostly nerves and wonderful feelings all rolled up into one huge emotional frenzy. The best part was that we didn't have to wait long—only a week! Things just happened so fast! But we decided that was the best time of the year both of us.

It was a long week, believe me, but it was also very quick having to plan everything just right. I was mad at myself for not losing those many pounds that I'd been trying to lose for years. Surely, I couldn't lose very much in a week. I was so very scared that I would disappoint my sweet and sexy Neil. But I needed to get that out of my mind. He had seen me so many times in pictures and on web cam that he knew what he was getting. I just had to have faith that he would still want me when we met.

And then the wait was over and there I was at the airport waiting in line to check in my bags. I was absolutely giddy and actually giggled out loud. I felt so young again and so wanted and needed.

I sat on the plane and it seemed to take forever. Everything seeming to move in slow motion. I was so impatient. I wanted to be with Neil more than anyone else in the world right then.

The plane finally arrived at its destination. As I prepared to deplane, I looked in my compact mirror and cussed my face for looking so tired and worn out. I put on some lip-gloss and made sure my hair wasn't too messy. I grabbed my carry-on and tried to remain calm as I stepped into the airport and made my way to the baggage claim area.

My heart was pounding and I had to make myself take deep slow breaths in and and out. I looked around frantically, where was he? This is where he had said he would meet me, at the baggage claim! I was almost in panic. Maybe he had changed his mind. Maybe he didn't trust me after all. Maybe he didn't think I was worth meeting.

And then I saw him. He was wearing a navy shirt and khaki pants as I had asked, but what struck me immediately was his beautiful aura. I could see it, there was no doubt. His smile and presence made the room beautiful and bright. I could not take my eyes off him.

He began walking towards me and I wanted to run to him. I didn't though; I did not want to cause a scene. I knew that we had to be so careful. If there was a chance that we ran into someone we knew, it could ruin both of us. As much as I wanted to kiss him and ask him to hold me right there, I just stared at him, the whole world pausing just for us. And then he spoke, and his voice, which I was so accustomed to, helped me through this anxious awkward moment.

"Welcome to my neck of the woods, Liz," he said.

He escorted me, like the gentleman I knew, over to the baggage claim and helped me with my luggage. We exited the building into the parking lot where he had parked his rental car. We talked about my flight and the weather, just small talk really.

I was shaking inside! What was I doing here? I knew we had to be so careful but his business-like attitude felt cold and things were just not what I had imagined. My heart sank a bit. I honestly believed for a moment that I had made a mistake.

After walking a bit, and a little frustrated, my phone rang. I needed to stop and answer it so I stopped walking and fumbled for it in my purse. Neil put my luggage down and asked if I needed privacy. I shook my head. "Wrong number."

I closed the cell phone and as I was putting it back in my purse, Neil took a step toward me. Then another step. And as we were standing there, our eyes instantly locked and we smiled. I looked around, a bit nervous. We can't let on that we were 'together' I thought. I looked away as if to be watching for someone. Neil took one more step closer to me and gently lifted the shoulder strap from my carry-on off my shoulder and placed it slowly on the ground freeing me from the heavy load. He then took my purse and placed it next to my feet. His eyes fixed on mine and mine on his. He reached his left hand around my waist gently, and ever so slowly, stepping in even closer so that our clothes had the pleasure of barely touching, he pulled me to him. His other hand lifted and brushed my cheek and he whispered, "My beautiful girl". I smiled. I knew I had made the right decision.

"Neil" I said softly, "Remember, we have to be careful."

His fingers touched my bottom lip to silence me. He smiled, never taking his eyes from mine; he pulled me even closer and put his cheek to mine for just a moment. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and felt my hair rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. His hands were now on either side of my hips. His fingertips explored the contour of my waist and hips. Normally this would make me very uncomfortable and self-conscious but I kept remembering I was Neil's good girl and I reveled at his touch.

There were very few people around but I still worried. We had planned this so carefully and we don't want to blow it now. I didn't want anything to ruin this for us. He must've had the same thoughts and he brushed his lips softly against my cheek and said, "Let's go, Beautiful".

We had a 90-minute drive to the beach house. Neil apologized, as he had to make a business call that ended up taking most of the time in the car. But I didn't mind, I was finally with him and the scenery was gorgeous. I had never seen such a beautiful place.

The early morning and long flight and the nervous anticipation caught up with me, and as the midday sun warmed my face, I nodded off to sleep. I awoke when I felt the car moving over some bumpy terrain and heard the car keys jingle against the console. I could not believe that I had dozed off!

As I turned to Neil, he said, "Sorry honey, the driveway up to the cottage is a bit bumpy. I didn't mean to wake you".

Looking ahead I saw a quaint cottage that looked like it had been newly renovated. It was a gorgeous light blue structure with brilliant white trim. The yellow and red flowers planted by the door made it look so inviting.

Neil turned the ignition off and said, "Want to take a look around?"

I smiled and stepped out of the car. Before I even shut the door, I could hear the sound of the ocean! "You didn't tell me we'd be right on the water!" I wailed like a child opening her Christmas present.

I took my sandals off and ran about 100 feet up the steep incline and stopped dead as I crested the knoll and and saw the beautiful ocean. Knowing that nobody could hear me, I called out to the wind, "Someone pinch me. I am in Heaven with my angel."

I turned around and saw Neil walking up to meet me. I started walking towards him.

Let me just say that right here and right now, I had not felt this happy in so very very long. I felt so free, knowing the next three days were all ours to enjoy and to make unforgettable memories.

"This place is perfect." I said but he couldn't hear me. My words muffled by the sound of the wind and surf.

I didn't repeat what I said. I had suddenly realized we were alone, finally alone, just the two of us. This was not cyberspace, this was for real and my heart soared.

Neil was carrying a thick blanket under his arm and he snapped it out in front of him and let the wind spread it as he laid it down on the grass. He sat on the blanket, patted it with his hand and said, "Come here beautiful girl"

I spread his legs apart one by one very gently and sat down right in front of him, facing him with my legs wrapped around him. I could do this because he felt so familiar to me, almost as if we'd been life-long lovers. And yet the zing of newness tickled my senses.

My eyes moved to his face and I studied every single inch of it. I wanted to kiss everywhere I looked. I promised myself that I would kiss him everywhere...multiple times as we had all weekend to enjoy one another. Neil's hand touched the back of my neck and he gently guided my lips to his. My arms instinctively wrapped around him and I could feel the intense passion between us. Our relationship had moved to another level.

His tongue entered my mouth and I sucked on it and offered mine to him. We needed each other right then and there.

"Oh Neil, you are so gorgeous. I want you. No, need you!" I blurted out.

He did not make me wait. He put his chest to mine and pushed me gently backward so that I lay on the blanket. His body felt heavy and pressed on mine. It felt amazing. And then he took charge. He knew I wanted him to.

He unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off. I had taken my underwear off in the bathroom on the plane just before landing. They would just slow things down I had thought, smiling as I threw them in the garbage.

He lifted my shirt up over my head but left it around the back my head and arms. It was a bit restrictive, but felt very good. He wanted control over me and it felt wonderful. He was able to slip his pants off quickly and his cock pressed against my mound through his briefs. As he slipped them off I thought, "God, feels so good!" He put his hands on my arms that were above my head and put his weight on them. I surrendered to him right then and there. We kissed passionately and I felt his hard cock on my freshly-shaven soft pussy. As his cock slowly slid down my slit, I realized I was soaking wet and wanted him to make love to me.

He whispered in my ear," Liz, this is better than I ever imagined. You are so beautiful!"

I could only moan as his wet tongue entered my mouth and as it did I felt his cock enter me. "Oh God Neil, Yes! Yes!" I cried.

He slowly pushed his hips toward me and his cock slowly pushed deep and I cried out with pleasure. "Oh yes Neil! Make love to me"

He released the shirt so I was free to roam his body with my hands. My hands moved over his chest, slid down to his waist and around the back and up toward his neck. All the while he is thrusting me hard and deep. I could sense his urgency. He started moving faster, his weight on me harder, and I could tell he wanted to cum inside me.

He pushed even deeper and deeper inside me. God, it felt so good. My hips moved up to him meeting each beautiful thrust. Both of us were moaning, each movement bringing us pleasure.

It was amazing how well I knew him. We had never been physically together, yet from the sound of his voice, his eagerness, and the way his tongue pushed deeper into my yielding mouth, I knew he was close to cumming.

I smiled because I wanted it so bad and I said "Neil, please cum inside me."

He responded by saying, "Yes girl, are you ready?"

I moaned "uh huh" against his lips.

He came then, his cries of pleasure so familiar to me from our many phone encounters. I could feel him spasm and flood me with his beautiful cum. He gave me what I had craved for so very very long..his sweet loving. This was all that I had hoped and more. And this was just the beginning of our weekend.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Neil's wife killed herself

Just FYI.

CanadianMCanadianMabout 10 years ago

I am sure Neil felt the same way! Lovely story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Loved your first chapter

looking forward to more-- still devastated that your hero's name is Neil, and not "Frank"

SamaelSamaelalmost 18 years ago

Very well written and edited. An awesome story. Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I loved your story it described almost perfectly how I met the love of my life on the internet. I cried through reading the entire story!!!

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